The bleak end of the battle platform of the Asian Union does not mean that the battle platform has no future. In fact, the first profitable business model in domestic e-sports should be the battle platform. The organization of competitions to earn advertising fees was later. something happened.

Jimmy seems to have been thinking about the battle platform for a long time. He said with a smile: "I mean, let enter the country as soon as possible, but the current is not suitable for the domestic environment. If you want to enter, you must first be based on Domestic players need to make some technical adjustments."

The domestic game environment is fundamentally different from the foreign game environment. The reason is actually the difference in the network.

In the past few years, the domestic network environment has been greatly improved, but there is still a big gap with the United States. With the model, many Chinese players may only log in to chat with people on their computers and networks. There is simply no way to match opponents and play a full game.

If wants to enter the Chinese market, it needs to take these into consideration and meet the needs of China's network and players.

At the beginning, for, entering the Chinese market may be a loss, but as long as it survives the early stage, the later stage will have infinite benefits.

In the original time and space, entered China ten years after its establishment, which greatly affected Blizzard's layout in China.

"Let's talk about this matter with Michael Mohan some time later, and let them arrange to enter China as soon as possible," Yu Dong said.

"Yeah." Jimmy nodded, and then pondered again, "Actually, since we bought Blizzard, I've been thinking about a question."

"What's the problem?" Yu Dong asked.

Jimmy tapped the desktop with his fingers and said, "I'm wondering if we can bind Dongdong and, so that the user resources of both parties can be bound together."

Yu Dong narrowed his eyes and said, "What do you think, tell me in detail."

"It's not a special idea, it's just our company's consistent strategy. Now the network services of Deep Space, whether it is Deep Space, Deep Space Tribe, or Deep Space 163 mailbox, can be directly logged in with the Dongdong account. That being the case, why can’t not use the Dongdong account to log in? We don’t need to force players to bind the Dongdong account, but new players can log in directly using the Dongdong account. In this way, the majority of players will gradually develop I have the habit of using the Dongdong account to enter I think that even though uses cdkey now, it can be combined with the Dongdong account.”

"This idea is very good." Yu Dong affirmed, "But do you want to discuss this matter with Michael Mohan?"

"Of course we have to discuss it...but their opinions will not have any impact on the result. Blizzard is only equivalent to a department of our company, and the decision-making power is in our hands. But I don't think they will refuse, after all, players pass The direct entry of Dongdong into is more beneficial than disadvantages for their platform. Today’s urgently needs to expand. The ladder rankings and game filters that added last year are very interesting and make the battle more exciting. The reason for playing their minds.”…

Listening to Jimmy talking about the newly added functions of, Yu Dong said with a smile: "I think still has a lot to be developed. For example, they don't even have a friend list."

The reason why Blizzard established is to integrate all of their company’s products on one platform, and at the same time allow players to chat on the platform. However, the chat experience of is not good. At the beginning, had no accounts at all. Everyone can use any user name to say anything at will.

Players can use a certain account to say a word at any time, and then immediately change to another account to say something else, the whole platform is very chaotic.

After several years of development, the situation on has gotten a little better, but the situation is limited. Like Yu Dong said, they don't even have a friend list.

"It's true that it's very inconvenient not to have a friend list. Do you think should vigorously develop the chat business?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "That's not true. The chat business is for game services. There is no need to vigorously develop it. Otherwise, there will be no priority. As long as players can easily and quickly contact their friends after logging in to, that's enough. , As for the online chat business, let’s leave it to Dongdong. should focus more on game integration, and can’t just serve Blizzard’s own games.”

Jimmy clapped his palms and said, "Dong, you really spoke to my heart. really shouldn't only serve Blizzard's games. In the future, as long as it is our company's game, as long as the technology allows it, you can put it in You Tell me quickly, what other suggestions do you have for It's a pity that I don't have a small notebook in my hand, otherwise I must write down your words."

"There is also a player team mechanism. If there is a matching mechanism that allows players with similar levels to play together, this will definitely improve the player's gaming experience."

Hearing this, Jimmy raised his eyebrows: "You're right, I had this kind of problem when I played games on before, and I have a lot of experience."

"You must have been abused." Yu Dong laughed.

"I did encounter a little setbacks and ups and downs. I obviously created an account, but I feel that God is targeting me, and all I meet are those who are more powerful. I even suspect that there will be some The kind that loves participating in the competition this time.”

"Is there a possibility that you are so good that no matter who you meet, they are all masters to you?"

"Impossible, there is absolutely no such possibility." Jimmy waved his hand, "Anyway, the game experience is very bad."

"It's also possible that the other party's game experience is even worse? No one wants to spend 10 minutes playing games with a bad guy, right? Of course, it's also possible that the other party is also a bad guy, and just happened to meet a bad guy who is even better than him. It will make him feel a lot better."

Visible to the naked eye, the corners of Jimmy's mouth twitched a few times, "I just want to explain a problem, that is, what you said is very correct. Without a good team formation mechanism, it is not good for novices or veterans. I think this We should talk to Michael Mohan about the matter, by the way, what about others? I haven’t seen him for two days.”…

"It's possible to watch the game over there in the auditorium, and he sat next to me in the opening ceremony in the morning."

Jimmy nodded: "Okay, I'll write down what you said first, and have a good chat with him next time. In order to buy Blizzard, we spent a total of 8000 million U.S. dollars, so much money, how much do we have to spend?" It takes a long time to earn back... This World Electronic Game Competition has attracted a lot of sponsorship, but it is only a few million dollars, not even a fraction."

"Don't talk nonsense, besides Blizzard, didn't we also buy Xuele Mountain?"

"Xue Leshan?" Jimmy couldn't help but shook his head, "Xue Leshan's current situation is very bad. Vivendi has made Xue Leshan fall apart from top to bottom. To be honest, such a company is very important to us. It can even be said to be cumbersome.”

"You have to think on the bright side. Vivendi laid off two or three hundred people in Xueleshan Company, at least helping us lose weight in advance. Otherwise, there is really no place for these two or three hundred people. The performance of the Xueleshan Development Department is not good. Not very good, they really should pay more attention to the release of the game."

"Of course I know this. The development studio of Xuele Mountain has laid off more than 130 people. Compared with their products, this number is indeed too many. Moreover, the game production team in our group is already quite large. If we really want to keep these 130 people, it is really difficult to arrange. As for the game distribution, I am not very optimistic about Xue Leshan's distribution ability, they..."

Yu Dong interrupted: "You don't believe in Xue Leshan's publishing ability, but you have to believe in yourself. The most important thing about game publishing is to look at games. As long as you have a good vision, releasing a few good games can make the company's business grow." Improvement. The current situation of Xueleshan, as long as we can release a few popular games, we can turn them around."

Like game manufacturers, game publishers are equally important. A good game publisher can definitely determine the fate of a game.

First of all, the game publisher can decide the promotion of the game, and the promotion is undoubtedly crucial to the development of the game. Many games lack a good promotion operation in the early stage, and lose the best development opportunity. , There are games that can replace them on the market.

Secondly, game publishers are not only responsible for discovering and promoting games, they will also give opinions to game makers, allowing game makers to modify the games according to their opinions, that is to say, game publishers can also participate in the design of games .

After all, Xuele Mountain has been established for 20 years, and the foundation is still there. What is lacking is a breath. As long as this breath can be continued, there will be absolutely no problems in the future development.

Jimmy is still not very optimistic about Sierra: "The "Half-Life" they released last year was already very popular, but it didn't stop the decline of their company. Does it mean that they need to release a few more movies that are worse than "Half-Life"?" Do you want a hot game?"

A year ago, the game produced by V agency and published by Xueleshan was officially launched. Once this game was released, it was highly praised by game lovers.

Although the popularity of "Half-Life" is not the highest, as Jimmy said, it is too difficult to release a few games that are more popular than "Half-Life". …

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Why not? I said, you have to believe in your own eyes?"

Jimmy held his chin and looked at Yu Dong, "Dong, you know I'm dull, so you might as well speak clearly."

"If you are stupid, there will be no smart people in the world. In fact, didn't you just say that? I hope that will not only be able to host Blizzard's own games, but also other games of our company."

"Well, but what does this have to do with Xueleshan?" Jimmy asked puzzled.

Yu Dong continued, "Since Blizzard can build a, why doesn't Xueleshan build something similar to"

Jimmy frowned.

Even though he was extremely smart, he couldn't understand what Yu Dong meant.

Make another
Isn't this a fight between yourself and yourself, fighting each other left and right?

In terms of business operations, it is not impossible to fight each other. Many companies under many large companies compete with each other.

But the question is, how can Xuele Mountain compete with Blizzard when it engages in two sides are not on the same level at all. Since they are not on the same level, there is no mutual promotion.

Besides, with the current situation in the deep space, there is absolutely no need to engage in these fancy things, and it should be down-to-earth.

Seeing Jimmy's puzzled expression, Yu Dong smiled and said: "I only said that it is similar to, not another one. Xueleshan can completely operate a that is similar to based on its own distribution business, but A very different platform. This platform can introduce games like a middleman, and then let users buy them.”

Jimmy raised his eyebrows, he finally understood what Yu Dong was saying.


"What you're talking about doesn't seem to be any different from game sales sites like pogo."

"So we need to make a special feature. This is different from the website. Xueleshan must create a client. In this way, it can cultivate users' login habits and let them log in to the client after the computer is turned on. On such a platform , buying games is the most basic, which is no different from those game websites, but the difference is that in addition to buying games, it can also provide functions such as community discussions, mods, achievements, or point systems... Needless to say, game classification , The evaluation of the game must be done well. Many game sales websites do not pay attention to the rating of the game, and there is no complete scoring mechanism and selection mechanism.”

Jimmy understood more and more, and couldn't help saying: "Yes, this is what many game sales websites lack. According to what you said, this platform has a certain social nature and can bring together like-minded people. However, No matter how well these things are done, they are just icing on the cake. Players will not be attracted to a game sales platform just because it has a good social experience. Because, no matter how you do it, the social experience of this platform will definitely not be comparable Go to Deep Space Tribe and Dongdong."

Yu Dong nodded: "That's right, if any game platform wants to become popular, the most basic thing is a game that can attract a large number of players, so I let you believe in your own vision."

Jimmy couldn't help curling his lips, "In terms of games, I'm still a little self-aware, but it's more reliable to follow your vision."

Yu Dong laughed: "You have proved your vision by saying that."

Hearing this, Jimmy was taken aback for a moment, and then rolled his eyes, "My Dong, if you want to praise yourself next time, please don't make such a big detour."

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