Chapter 76 Ninety thousand dollars
Tan Kai watched "Closed Loop" twice in one afternoon. The first time was very fast, and he went through the story once. The second time he deliberately slowed down the speed, just to keep himself from letting go of those details.

For example, after Lu Tao returned to the past for the second time, he saw a sneaky person on the road. Before, some scientists said that some people did not return after the first mission.

Before Lu Tao entered this plan, an old man had contacted him and vaguely mentioned to him the plan to go back to the past.

It's just that Lu Tao didn't quite understand it at first, and then he associated the two things together.

These details have already hinted at the ending, and the closed loop of time has long been formed and cannot be changed.

"If Lu Tao went back and didn't tell Yuan Di the words about exterminating human beings, would the next thing still happen?"

Tan Kai muttered to himself.

Logically speaking, if there is no virus annihilation, Lu Tao will not participate in the plan to return to the past, then Yuan Di will not be affected, and there will be no virus. This logic is established...

But in a closed loop, nothing changes.

And the closed loop of time is not difficult to understand. It is assumed that a higher-dimensional existence created their world and arranged everything that happened. Then nothing can be changed, and there is no time before and after.

It's like Yu Dong created "Closed Loop", so the protagonist Lu Tao can't change history, because the thing that he changed history was originally created by Yu Dong.

Individuals of this dimension have no way to interfere with the operation of this dimension.

Sounds a bit fatalistic.

After reading the novel, Tan Kai thought of the American Jimmy James who visited the magazine two days ago, and he didn't know how he was talking with Yu Dong.

As the editor-in-chief of the magazine, Tan Kai naturally hopes that Yu Dong's works can be successfully adapted for film and television, although they did not win the film and television adaptation rights of "One Day" at that time, and could not obtain direct benefits.

But "One Day" can be made into a movie for more people to see, and it will definitely enhance the reputation of "Sci-Fi World". After all, "One Day" was first released in "Sci-Fi World".

But he doesn't have much thought about it now, after all, the pressure of receiving manuscripts is already great.

Although Yu Dong sent "Closed Loop", but with this short story, there is no way to solve the problem.There was no reply from Han Song, and Tan Kai was already thinking about adding some other columns, such as adding another column of interviews with writers.

Just recently, many readers have sent letters to ask about Yu Dong. Most of them are asking if Yu Dong is the vest of a well-known writer. There are also some people who pay attention to pure literature and have read "Zhong Shan", so they ask this Yu Dong and that Yu Dong. is not alone.

So Tan Kai thought about giving Yu Dong a written interview, which is also a layout.

In addition, their editorial department has some other things to do.

The magazine changed from a bimonthly to a monthly. It must not be done quietly. They need to let readers know about it as much as possible, otherwise readers will not know when the new issue of "Science Fiction World" comes out next month.

Now editors are working overtime to reply to readers, telling readers the news, and imploring readers to help them do some publicity and let more people know.


On December 27, the day after Christmas in the West, news of the Soviet Union's formal disintegration spread across the country.

Yu Dong could clearly feel that there was a depressing atmosphere everywhere. Because the topic was sensitive, the people in the office didn't have much discussion, and even He Yu didn't say anything this time.

Most people still think that the disintegration of the Soviet has a great impact on the country, and they have a more pessimistic attitude.

President Wu Changxin deliberately called all the counselors together for a meeting. He asked the counselors of all departments to stabilize the emotions of the students at this critical moment, and try to be as gentle as possible.

Regarding Wu Changxin's reminder, Yu Dong felt that it was necessary. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the West began to turn its attention to China, and the ideological battlefield also shifted.

Students are easily agitated, so be sure to keep them steady at this time.

Yu Dong saw some counselors and shouted loudly to the students not to worry, the disintegration of the Soviets would not have any impact on China.

This obviously did not take Wu Changxin's words into consideration.

When Yu Dong arrived in the classroom, the students of Gongmei were having a heated discussion.

Seeing him coming, some people are still curious, why didn't our teacher Yu have a loudspeaker?

Yu Dong tapped on the table, waited until it was quiet, and said, "The leader sent me here to do some comforting work for you, but I don't think you need to be comforted when you look like this. In fact, such a big event happens in the world. , everyone wants to talk about it, which is understandable. You can also make any guesses about the future, but what I want to tell you is that whether your guesses are optimistic or pessimistic, what you can do now is to study hard, Eat and drink well."

"Mr. Yu, you are negativity. If we are not optimistic about the future, can we do more things that we think are right, and throw our heads and blood for the country."

Unsurprisingly, Wang Kuo spoke first.

Hearing Wang Kuo's words, many students laughed, probably feeling that his tone was too childish.

Yu Dong did not laugh, but said to Wang Kuo seriously: "If the country really needs us to do this, I will go ahead of you. But now, we have to believe in the country. If we can't even unite, then destined to fail."

Wang Kuo didn't speak this time, he understood what Yu Dong said, and what they could do was exactly as Teacher Yu said, study hard, eat well and drink well.

Seeing that no one spoke, the leader Qu Aiguo appeared again. "Unity is strength, well said, everyone applauds."

However, Yu Dong pressed it down with his hands and stopped them from applauding, "Do whatever you need to do. After a while, you will have to take the exam for the theory course. If anyone fails to pass the exam, they will be punished."


As time passed, so did the discussion of the disintegration of the Soviets.

After the New Year's Day, the first snow in 1992 fell in Jinling. The snow came and went quickly. The snow stopped before people even started to build snowmen.

And Jimmy James came to Jinyi with a contract and stepped on the residual snow on the road.

The price he negotiated with Harold was 70.00 U.S. dollars. Calculated, Yu Dong took 6%, more than 34 U.S. dollars, which is [-] RMB at the current exchange rate.

Jimmy James didn't work in vain, he pumped nearly [-] US dollars, which was worth his salary for writing two or three episodes of TV series.

Yu Dong still has to pay a tax of 5 to 30 yuan, and the remaining amount is less than [-] yuan.

"I've put a lot of effort into selling your film and television adaptation rights even more." Jimmy said to Yu Dong slightly.

"I'm quite curious. How did you get Harold to spend 9 yuan to buy the film and television adaptation rights for five years?"

Jimmy sold the key, "Don't say it, don't say it."

In fact, Jimmy didn't use any tricks, he just bragged about Yu Dong, saying that Yu Dong is very appealing in China, maybe Harold's movie can open up the Chinese market with this.

The Chinese don't know much about America, and of course Americans don't know much about China.Harold was fooled by Jimmy and readily agreed, since $[-] was not much for him anyway.

It's really not that much. A few days ago, Spielberg spent 150 million US dollars for "Jurassic Park".Compared with that, the $[-] for "One Day" is nothing at all.

 Thank you [Wang Zijun] for your 1500 reward
  Thanks for the 1500 reward from the [Ticket·Summon] boss
  Thank you [*** Wei Xiao] for the 200 reward of the boss
  Thank you [Wen Dao Mu Yi Jie] for the 1500 reward
  Thank you [Xiao Jieyuan] for your 100 reward
  Thanks for the 100 reward of [Chi Bai Mo]
(End of this chapter)

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