Chapter 77 Gulin Park
On the way Yu Dong sent Jimmy out of school, he met Li Huixiang and Wang Jin in the class. The two held a magazine in their hands. When they saw Yu Dong, they held up the magazine and said excitedly, "Mr. Yu, The latest issue also features your work."

"It's almost the exam, how are you preparing?"

"Very good, very good..."

The two ran away with the magazine in their hands.

Jimmy looked at the two who ran away, and asked Yu Dong curiously: "Mr. Yu, are these two your students? What they have in their hands seems to be "Science Fiction World"?"

Yu Dong nodded, "It should be the latest issue of "Science Fiction World". They changed it to a monthly issue. I guess they only arrived in Jinling today. I went to ask yesterday if they haven't."

"Have your novels in it?"

"Didn't you go to their editorial department before, they didn't tell you about it?"

Jimmy shook his head and said, "No, I mainly asked about One Day and your address at the time. They probably didn't think to tell me this. But it's not too late to hear it now. To read your masterpiece."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "You must have only seen Editor-in-Chief Tan, but not President Yang Xiao."

Jimmy looked at Yu Dong in surprise, "How did you know?"

"If you meet President Yang Xiao, she will definitely not miss this promotion opportunity. Maybe she can ask you to subscribe to their magazine on the spot." Yu Dong explained with a smile.

"You said that, I am very interested in this President Yang."

The two were talking, and several students passed by and greeted Yu Dong, who also responded with a smile.

This situation happened many times along the way. At first, Jimmy thought that these students were all from the East class, but after reading it a few times, he felt that it was not right. Bar.

So he couldn't help but ask Yu Dong again: "Mr. Yu, didn't you just come to Jinyi this year? Why do I think everyone seems to know you?"

"Maybe it's because I look better." After speaking, Yu Dong smiled and walked forward.

Jimmy was stunned for a moment before realizing that Yu Dong was probably joking with him.


After saying goodbye to Jimmy, Yu Dong did not go back to the dormitory, but walked along the main road in front of the school.It was either snowing or cloudy days a few days ago, and people were getting stuffy and moldy in the house.

The sun finally came out today, so naturally you can't miss it.The weather is still cold, but as long as you see the sun in your eyes, you can feel warm.

Only in this kind of weather, most people cherish the sun.

On the road, you can often see old people coming out with their children.

It seems that there are not a few people who have the same idea as Yu Dong, and everyone chooses to go out in such good weather.

When we arrived at Gulin Park, there were more and more people.

Gulin Park is next to Jinyi, named after the Gulin Temple.The area of ​​the park is not large, and it has not been renovated for a few years, and some flowers are mainly planted.

Today is winter, the wind is bleak, and the color of the park is much darker than other seasons.But it did not reduce the enthusiasm of people to come and play. Naturally, this season is not to see flowers, but to take a walk and bask in the sun.

Children of course like this kind of place the most, and they can play on their own without any play equipment.

The boys held various "guns" in groups and fought fiercely.Most of the children had store-bought rifles or pistols in their hands, and some of them were "shell guns" made of chopsticks and paper.

Girls are much simpler. One rubber band can get together and dance for a long time, shouting the secrets of slogans such as "28256". The more difficult it is, the louder the slogan sounds, as if the slogan Can give them infinite power.

There were also a group of troublemakers, holding a cannon in their hands, they walked up to others, threw the cannon at their feet, and ran away laughing when they saw others startled.

The old man in charge of the park seemed to have heard the complaints and came to catch these troublemakers, but he was slow and gave up after chasing after a few steps.

Yu Dong found a chair to sit down, leaned against the back of the chair comfortably, closed his eyes and felt this rare and lively winter day, even those trick-or-treaters became cute.

A cannon rang out at the foot of the east, followed by a second cannon.

Yu Dong was startled, he opened his eyes quickly, and saw the troublemakers standing not far away, making faces at him.

"You little street ruffians, see if I don't—"

Yu Dong looked around for the weapon he had in hand, and several troublemakers gave Dong a "squeak" and then ran away.

"Hey, Yu Dong."

When Yu Dong just found a dead tree branch and was about to teach these little street ruffians a lesson for Tianxingdao, he heard someone calling him from behind. He looked back, and Bi Feiyu was standing not far away and looked at him unexpectedly. .

"Oh, Teacher Bi." Yu Dong threw the branch back to the ground and greeted Bi Feiyu.

"It's really you, I thought I was mistaken." Bi Feiyu came over slowly, "Why are you here?"

"Me?" Yu Dong laughed, "I work at Jinyi, isn't it reasonable to be here?"

"You work at Jinyi. I didn't hear from Editor-in-Chief Su last time."

"Haha, Mr. Bi, what about you? Your work unit should not be near here." Yu Dong remembers that Bi Feiyu should now teach at the Jinling Special Education Normal School, which is over in Yanziji, a little distance from here. .

"I've never been to Gulin Park, so I wanted to come here today while the weather is good. After a while, I'll be able to visit all the parks in Jinling." He then looked at the wood on the ground again. Stick, curiously asked: "You just now?"

"Oh, I'm just looking at it casually." Yu Dong laughed and changed the subject: "You said just now that you almost finished the park in Jinling?"

Bi Feiyu nodded, "It's not just parks, I go to places with a little bit of landmarks. I've been here for several years, and when the time is right, I'll walk around, otherwise I always feel like I've come to a city for nothing. ."

Hearing what he said, Yu Dong said with sincere admiration, "I didn't expect you, Mr. Bi, to have such a leisurely and elegant attitude."

"It's not really leisurely and elegant, I just can't be idle." Bi Feiyu said with a hearty smile.

When he smiled, he gave off an even tougher look.Only then did Yu Dong realize that although the weather was very cold, Bi Feiyu didn't wear much. He was wearing an old coat with a sweater as the inner lining, and he didn't look cold at all.




For the mysterious connection, please poke the recommendation ticket, monthly ticket, and reward

 Thank you for the 100 reward of the boss [I can't wait for the dawn to say good night]
  Thank you for the 100 reward of [Feng Yichengsha]
  Thank you for the 0 reward of [Cross Five 500 Wang Xiaomei]
  Thank you [Zhuozhuo] for the 100 reward
  Thank you [Gesang Blossom] for the 100 reward
  Thank you [Duckweed, Cangsheng] for the 100 reward
(End of this chapter)

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