Chapter 78
Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu found a place with few people to sit down and chatted casually for a while. Bi Feiyu suddenly asked Yu Dong, "Do you mind if I smoke?"

"Don't mind, you can smoke."

Bi Feiyu nodded with a smile, then took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, Yu Dongchong glanced at the cigarette case, it was a red and white box of golden chrysanthemum, this cigarette is about one or two cents a pack, belonging to a relatively friendly brand .

Taking out the cigarette, Bi Feiyu first took out one and handed it to Yu Dong, which meant that after Dong refused, he lit one himself.

Smoking a cigarette, Bi Feiyu said with emotion: "Actually, I didn't dare to hand you a cigarette. You didn't pick it up, but I was relieved."

"How do you say this?" Yu Dong asked curiously.

Bi Feiyu smiled self-deprecatingly: "The first time I smoked was when a college classmate gave me a cigarette. At that time, I just went to college. There were eight classmates in the same dormitory, and two of them were old smokers. Smokers , If you don’t take a break when smoking, you can’t prove their generosity, so they let us smoke one by one. As for me, I was less than 20 years old at the time, and I just started living in a group, and I was still very fragile. Considering the future relationship, there is no rejection."

Yu Dong nodded: "Sometimes, people do compromise, but this is not a matter of principle, so later became addicted to smoking?"

In fact, what Bi Feiyu said also reminded Yu Dong of the past, he and Bi Feiyu had similar experiences.When I first went to college, in order to integrate into the circle faster, smoking became the most convenient way.

Later, cigarettes became a necessity in his daily life. He continued to smoke until he became ill, and his fear of death overcame his desire for cigarettes, and he finally stopped smoking.

Bi Feiyu smiled and did not continue the topic.

He didn't stir up other topics, just smoked a cigarette and looked at people not far away.

Yu Dong found out that he likes to look at women, but it's not that they don't watch women unless they are beautiful, and they don't watch unless they are young women. It seems that as long as it is a woman, he will carefully observe.

Sometimes Bi Feiyu would mutter a few words, but he couldn't hear what he said in detail.

Writers like to observe the world, which is the source of creation, because writers want to create all kinds of characters, but there is no way to play these characters once, only through observation.

However, each writer observes the world from different angles and focuses. Some people like to watch people, some people like to watch scenery, some people like to watch quarrels, and some people like to watch jokes.

Probably Bi Feiyu likes to see women.

Yu Dong is not too surprised by this. Bi Feiyu's works make people feel that he is very keen to shape the image of women. Yuyang, Yuxiu, Sanya, Xiaosu, Wu Manling, Leguo... just count, there are Lots of female characters.

After a while, after Bi Feiyu smoked three cigarettes, he looked at Yu Dong again and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I lost my mind."

Yu Dong waved his hand, "It's okay, I originally came here to bask in the sun."

"I have to go." Bi Feiyu stood up, "Next time I have the opportunity to invite you to dinner at Jin Yilai."

"Is something wrong with going back?"

"Well, there's still some work to do at hand."

"Unfortunately, I originally wanted to invite you to dinner tonight."

"Next time, next time I invite you." Bi Feiyu smiled and waved to Yu Dong, then walked towards the park exit.

Not long after Bi Feiyu left, Yu Dong also got up and left.The sun was almost shining, and he was going to go to a nearby newsstand to see if there was the latest issue of Science Fiction World.

After looking for five or six newsstands and bookstands, Yu Dong found a copy of "Science Fiction World".

Some are not in stock at all, and some are already sold out.Because these newsstands and bookstands are all next to Jinyi, Yu Dong guessed that they were probably bought by school students.

I met a boss in the middle and asked Yu Dong with a strange look: Is this "Sci-Fi World" very famous recently, why do people keep asking?
Yu Dong replied to him with an exaggerated expression: What?Boss, your news is so behind?This magazine is sold out everywhere else!You hurry up and enter more, otherwise the money will be earned by others.

After a flick, Yu Dongyang left, leaving behind the boss who was making up his mind.

After buying "Science Fiction World", Yu Dong roughly flipped through it, and indeed only "Second World" was serialized, "Closed Loop" was not on it, it should be in the next issue.

He criticized the efficiency of the magazine, and every time he sent a sample, he was like an old cow pulling a car, and he slowly swallowed.

The sample issue of the previous issue was not sent to him until a few days ago.

But this is not the fault of the "Science Fiction World" family. Now many magazines are like this. The speed of sending samples is very slow.

It's good to get it. Many people look forward to the stars and the moon, save money and don't go to the bookstore to buy them, just wait for the sample publication, but they can't wait for it in the end. It may be lost, or it may be sent to the wrong address. It's possible that it wasn't sent at all.

He was about to leave with the magazine in his hand, when the two young boys rushed to the bookstand and asked, "Boss, is "Sci-Fi World" out today?"

The boss looked at Yu Dong's direction, spread his hands and said, "It's not a coincidence that you guys came here, the last one was bought for someone."

The two youngsters also noticed the magazines in Yu Dong's hands, with longing in their eyes, after thinking for a while, they took the lead in waving the big hand and said, "Let's go, let's keep looking, I don't believe it anymore, we can't find a single one. "

Yu Dong looked at their rushing backs, smiled and walked towards the school.


"Brother Tao, why is this magazine so hard to buy today?" Zhu Fuxian followed Fang Tao to a dozen newsstands and bookstores, his legs were tired from running, and he couldn't help but get a little impatient.

Fang Tao was equally impatient: "Who knows, the magazines next to our school don't know why they suddenly sell so well. I thought it would be better here, but I didn't expect the same. It's my fault that we came late, if we came out in the morning to find out can have."

"Who knows that the new issue will be out in the morning, we come out to ask every day, and the boss doesn't know when it will be available."

"Okay, okay, don't complain, just find the magazine first. Next time I'll tell the boss across from the school and ask him to leave me a copy."

"That's fine." Zhu Fuxian's eyes lit up, and then he doubted: "Can people be willing?"

Fang Tao rolled his eyes, "I gave him the money in advance, can he still be willing?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Zhu Fu nodded again and again, and then asked Fang Tao, "Brother Tao, do you think there is still Yu Dong's work in this issue? Don't you keep talking about him?"

"Who knows."

Fang Tao was obviously an activist, he said a word to Zhu Fuxian, then walked forward on his own and rushed to the next bookstore.
Mysterious connection stamp recommendation ticket, monthly ticket, reward

 Thanks to [Doomsday Tu Xiao] for the 500 reward
  Thank you [Blacksmith Ayan] for the 100 reward
  Thanks for the 100 reward from the [Carving-Time] boss
  This week, I will add two or three updates on the weekend, but I have extremely high intraocular pressure in the past two days, and my head is also dizzy. I have used the archives for the updates in these two days, so I will add more updates when I am in a better state.

  I took a look at the reward and monthly pass, plus it should have accumulated to [-] chapters, I paid back [-] chapters, and owed [-] chapters
  There is some hope for this book to go to Sanjiang. If the station is short, I will tell you in advance, and then you can bet on it...

  Strong this week

(End of this chapter)

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