What Yu Dong wants to do is the Steam of V Society. What he thinks is that since he has decided to make games well, he should just do it well and complete the entire industry chain.

Deep Space also thought about completing the industry chain of the book industry before, but in a traditional industry like books, it is very difficult to share a piece of the pie with those oligarchic publishing houses and booksellers, and the investment is high and the risk is high. Gao, the most important thing is that once Deep Space wants to enter the market, it will inevitably be squeezed out by publishers and booksellers, which will not benefit Deep Space's own book business.

But the video game industry is different. This industry is young, and the professionalization of e-sports has just begun. Deep Space can completely form an advantage by virtue of its early deployment.

This WCG is over, and when Battle.net is up and a steam is added, the rest of the road can be followed exactly as Yu Dong envisioned.


"I am very optimistic about Ma Tianyuan in "StarCraft", what do you think?"

After the first day's competition, Liu Qing rubbed his bleary eyes and said to Ren Hongfei.

Ren Hongfei nodded. He agreed with Liu Qing. Ma Tianyuan was obviously stronger than the others. In the first half of the match, only Story gave him a little obstacle. The competition with others was basically cutting melons and vegetables.

In fact, in most of the first half of the competition, the level gap between the two players was not small.

"StarCraft" has more than 100 players, and the competition system is very cruel. The first half adopts a BO3 elimination system, and if you lose a game, you have no chance.It is not until the top twelve that they will be divided into three groups, and then a single-round round-robin match within the group. After the group stage, No.1 in each group and No.2 with the best score will enter the semi-finals for the semi-finals. The winners determine the champion and runner-up, and the losers determine the third and fourth places.

If players want to win the championship, they need to play seven or eight rounds. If each round is full, they need to play 21 or 24 games.

Of course, under normal circumstances, it is not necessary to use so many games. Take Ma Tianyuan as an example. Before entering the top twelve, he played a total of three rounds, and he only played seven games in these three rounds. In addition, the first two rounds were won [-]-[-], and the time of each round was very short.

This situation was normal in the first half of the game, and there were many one-sided situations, so the timing was actually good.

"Ah." Liu Qing twisted his neck again, and sighed: "The game is good, but the key is that the other three games are held at the same time, so there is no way to watch them. Besides, our tickets are limited to venues, so go to No other venues."

"The other three games, only "Thor's Hammer" is better, "Runaway" and "Fifa" are nothing to watch." Ren Hongfei said.

Liu Qing retorted, "How come, for this competition, "Runaway" specially made a new map, which is very difficult, and all the players play blindly, so it won't last long at all."

In order to increase the competitive nature of the game, Deep Space specially made a new map for "Escape", adding some special levels on the basis of the original Great Wall map.

And the game is not about who runs the farthest, it is a point race, the player who gets more points in the same time period wins, in order to get more points, the player needs to eat as many props as possible, which increases the difficulty of the game. …

"There is also "fifa", you don't play football so you don't know how fun football games are."

Ren Hongfei shrugged, "Actually, I've seen a few players who play "Fifa" and don't usually play football."

"It's impossible to play this game if you don't play football... Hey, look at that foreigner, is it the one with you in the morning?"

Ren Hongfei looked in the direction of Liu Qing's finger, and Michael Mohan was standing in a daze in front of the WCG display poster in the lobby on the first floor.

The two walked over, Ren Hongfei said, "Mr. Mohan?"

Michael Mohan turned his head to see Ren Hongfei, and smiled in surprise, "Ren, you are still there."

Ren Hongfei looked surprised, "Are you waiting for me?"

"Almost." Michael Mohan nodded with a smile.

After chatting with Yu in the auditorium today, Yu Dong's "it's a pity" made him feel that he should show Ren Hongfei to Yu, so he stood in the hall for a while at the end of the game.

He didn't look at the crowd who came out of the show because he thought it was too difficult to find a Chinese who had only met once among a bunch of Chinese faces, so he simply stood in front of the poster and waited for Ren Hongfei to "claim it" "he.

Facts have proved that his strategy is correct.

"Mr. Mohan, what do you want from me?" Ren Hongfei had a puzzled expression on his face. He didn't understand why Michael Mohan was waiting for him here.

Michael Mohan said with a smile: "It's nothing, I just don't understand what I talked about this morning. I want to talk to you. Is it convenient for you?"

"I..." Ren Hongfei turned to look at Liu Qing.

Liu Qing smiled and said: "Let's talk, I went to the music hall, and my mother asked me to bring him a tape of "It's Always Raining". I was so busy watching the game that I almost forgot about it. Mohan Sir, let's talk, I'll go first."

The last sentence was in English, with an awkward accent, but Mohan could hear it.

"Okay, bye."

After Liu Qing left, Mo Han and Ren Hongfei walked side by side in the direction of the game theme pavilion. As soon as they left the building, the two of them were shivered by the cold wind and couldn't help shrinking their necks.

"I heard you said this morning that you are about to graduate, do you want to find a job?" After only one sentence, Mohan felt his mouth was filled with cold wind, and his teeth chattered continuously.

Ren Hongfei didn't feel much better either, he walked towards the game-themed building while speeding up his pace, while answering Mo Han's question, "Well, I have such an idea when I come to Jinling this time."

Mohan raised his eyebrows, "Where can you work in Jinling with your major?"

"I don't know." Ren Hongfei shook his head, "Our majors are very complicated, and there are many places that need them, but those companies themselves don't know."

"Then do you consider coming to Deep Space Company? Your major is very special. I think only Deep Space Company is the most suitable for you. Deep Space has been developing computer business in recent years."

"Of course I've considered it, but because of the game competition and the annual meeting, Deep Space Company is busy with even the human resources department, so they haven't been recruiting recently. I want to send a resume to their company, but I have to wait until next year."

"It turned out to be like this. I know the management staff of Deep Space Corporation. Would you like me to introduce you to you? Maybe they can arrange an interview for you."…

Ren Hongfei looked at Mo Han, and was a little moved by his proposal, but on the one hand, Ren Hongfei was not sure if Mo Han was bragging. Although Ren Hongfei had a good impression of Mo Han, it was the first time the two met. He was not sure what kind of person Mohan was; on the other hand, he felt that it was a bit wrong to ask the other party to help him through the back door when they met for the first time.

Seeing Ren Hongfei hesitate, Mo Han said with a smile: "I can only help you get an interview opportunity, I can't guarantee that you will be hired."

These words dispelled Ren Hongfei's doubts, and he said with a smile, "Then thank you very much."

"Well, then you give me a contact information, and I will contact you when I make arrangements."

Ren Hongfei nodded, copied Liu Qing's family number on a piece of paper and handed it to Mo Han.

After talking about work, the two almost arrived at the game theme area. Mohan kept bringing the topic to the game, and Ren Hongfei didn't think much about it, so he chatted with Mohan casually. The more they chatted, the more Mohan felt Ren Hongfei is talented in games.

After watching the game for only one day, Ren Hongfei raised a lot of opinions for WCG, such as the competition system, such as the selection mechanism, and also talked about some things related to professional clubs.

"E-sports and video games should be two different things. It should gradually move towards sports. Just like what we see today, the competition will be the same as other sports competitions. Since it is going to be sports, it must be standardized. I think this The deep space company needs to take the lead, or the state will intervene. While standardization, marketization will inevitably occur...or it can be said that marketization has already begun before standardization. After the end of this WCG, various places will inevitably A large number of e-sports clubs will emerge, but most of them must be very unprofessional. After a period of chaos, the remaining e-sports clubs will start the market..."

Ren Hongfei spoke very carefully, and even predicted the development trend of e-sports clubs in the next ten years. The reason why he has such a cognition is actually based on the research on the development data of video games and other sports clubs. in conclusion.

Although the projects are different, Ren Hongfei believes that the essence of e-sports and other sports is actually the same, and the differences can also be resolved through data analysis. As long as you master the data, you can grasp the essence of the world.


After separating from Mohan, Ren Hongfei has been thinking about Mohan's identity. Although Mohan has been guiding him to speak and he rarely expresses his opinions, it can be heard that Mohan should be engaged in a game-related industry.

Perhaps, Mohan himself is an employee of Deep Space Corporation. After all, Deep Space is very big. It is normal to have a few foreign employees, but this kind of speculation is not reasonable. wander around.

The next morning, Ren Hongfei suddenly received a call from Mohan. Mohan told him that he had made arrangements for him and that it would be available this afternoon, and asked him to go directly to Deep Space Company.

Ren Hongfei didn't hesitate too much, changed into formal clothes, and went straight to the Deep Space Park with Liu Qing in the morning.

In the afternoon, Ren Hongfei walked out of the conference hall and went to meet Mo Han. …

After meeting, Mohan led Ren Hongfei to take the elevator.

Seeing that Mo Han pressed the 46th floor, Ren Hongfei was surprised: "Is the personnel department of Deep Space actually on the top floor?"

Mohan smiled: "The interviewer is a leader of the company, and his office is on this floor."

Hearing what Mo Han said, although Ren Hongfei was surprised, he didn't think too much about it. The area of ​​each floor of the Deep Space Building is very large, and there should be many offices on the 46th floor.

But after the elevator reached the top floor, Ren Hongfei felt something was wrong, because the layout of the top floor of the Shenkong Building was completely different from that of ordinary office buildings.

Coming out of the elevator, there is a large area, very empty, only some sofas and chairs, it looks like a leisure area, about two to three hundred square meters.

Seeing such a rest area, Ren Hongfei couldn't help feeling that there are many companies whose entire area is not as large as this rest area.

On the two sides of the rest area, there are two gates, and there are no gates. It is not clear what they are used for. Perhaps, they are two departments?But even if there are two departments, there is no need to use this kind of door, it feels like two separate spaces.

"Let's go."

Mo Han took Ren Hongfei to the east office.

Knocking on the door, Mohan pushed it open and went in.

After the door was pushed open, Ren Hongfei looked at the scene inside with a surprised expression. It doesn't look like an office at all, but more like a bookstore... No, it's not a bookstore, it should be called a book exhibition area. The books are all with the cover facing out, so that people who come in can see it at a glance.

There is still a large area behind the bookshelf, but it is not clear what it is for.

Walk in the door and look to the left, there is an office area, a man is writing something on the desk with his head bowed.

Without even looking up, the man simply said, "Wait a moment."

Mo Han took Ren Hongfei to sit down on the sofa, Ren Hongfei looked around, and then looked at the man behind the desk, his heart pounding.

He had a bold guess, but it was so outrageous that he couldn't believe it himself.

Swallowing, Ren Hongfei turned his head and asked Mohan in a low voice, "Michael, who is this?"

Seeing Ren Hongfei's nervous expression, Mo Han thought it was quite interesting. Ren Hongfei gave him the impression that he was a kind of person who was relatively calm and not prone to stage fright. He did not expect to be so nervous at this moment.

He smiled and said, "I forgot to tell you that it is Yu who wants to see you today."

"Really—" Ren Hongfei almost cried out, he tried his best to suppress his voice, "Aren't you hurting me, if I knew it was Yu Dong, I must have prepared well."

"No need, why are you so nervous?"

"Don't you see him not nervous?" Ren Hongfei asked back.

Mohan couldn't refute. In fact, when he met Yu for the first time, he was also a little nervous. After all, Yu's name is too big, and it is really difficult for ordinary people to behave normally when they see him.

After that, the two of them didn't talk anymore, Ren Hongfei kept rubbing his legs, and his brain was running fast.

He thought that since Yu Dong was interviewing him in person, he would probably talk about something related to literature. Fortunately, he usually likes to read books, and he has read almost all of Yu Dong's books, so he will definitely be able to catch up with the conversation.

He even recalled the plots in Yu Dong's mind in his mind, preventing Yu Dong from asking him for a while and not being able to answer.

After about 5 minutes, Ren Hongfei felt like a long time had passed. At this time, Yu Dong raised his head and looked at Ren Hongfei with a smile: "I heard that you have some opinions on "Runaway"?"

Just recalled that Ren Hongfei, who was sent by Da Dan to harass the elementary school students in "Xiang Xi", was stunned when he heard Yu Dong's words, and opened his mouth and said, "Huh?"

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