Chapter 777
"I heard Mohan say something about your views on "Runaway", which is actually correct."

Yu Dong put down the pen in his hand, got up and walked in front of Ren Hongfei, and shook hands with him, "Mr. Ren, hello, I'm Yu Dong."

Ren Hongfei has heard many people's self-introductions, but Yu Dong's self-introduction made him feel special the most. Who wouldn't know Yu Dong?It’s not on stage, it’s always special when someone who everyone knows introduces himself.

"Hi Teacher Yu, I'm Ren Hongfei."

Yu Dong sat down in front of the two of them, and first took a look at Ren Hongfei. This young man, who was highly praised by Michael Mohan, was of medium build and thin. He wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses and looked unattractive.

"I heard you haven't graduated yet?" Yu Dong asked.

Ren Hongfei nodded and said, "Well, there is still half a year to graduate."

"Which school is in Shaanxi?"

"Chang'an University of Electronic Science and Technology."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows. Chang'an Electronic Science and Technology University is still very good. Although the university has expanded its enrollment this year, the students of Ren Hongfei's class are still very popular. It is not difficult for them to find a job.

Even if Ren Hongfei's specialty is quite special, there must be a lot of units that want him.

"Mohan told me that you talked a lot about games."

"Actually, I don't know much about games, and I'm just chatting with Michael." Ren Hongfei wasn't being modest, he really didn't think what he said was anything.

Yu Dong didn't care whether he was modest or not, and said straight to the point: "I'm very interested in what you said. If you want, you can work in the game department of our company. The game department is quite special and has just undergone reorganization , is still in its infancy, if you come, your initial work should be to connect with other colleagues to the newly acquired companies."

Ren Hongfei raised his eyebrows, the game business department... He didn't expect Yu Dong to be so direct, let alone send him to the game business department. Say it.

Don't look at him chatting with Mohan about the game well, but he really doesn't have much interest in the game. Those words are all based on some judgments he made based on data analysis.

If he had to choose by himself, he would definitely not choose the game department, but a computer company or a data service center under deep space.

After pondering for a while, Ren Hongfei plucked up his courage and said, "Teacher Yu, do I have any other choice?"

Yu Dong smiled, and his perception of Ren Hongfei has increased again. No matter how talented this person is, at least he is calm and rational in dealing with things, and he didn't get angry just because he threw an olive branch at him.This point is stronger than most young people of Ren Hongfei's age.

"You don't like the game department?" Yu Dong asked with a smile.

"It's not that I don't like it. I just don't know much about games, and I don't have much enthusiasm for games. Teacher Yu, I think so. Enthusiasm is very important for a job. It’s hard to make big progress.”

"Enthusiasm." Yu Dong leaned on the sofa and said with a smile, "Enthusiasm is indeed a good thing, and it can often push us to achieve some great achievements. But in daily work, enthusiasm cannot last long, maybe You don't agree with me, but there is a time when enthusiasm fades or fades temporarily, so what do we rely on to get our work done at that point?"

Ren Hongfei opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything to refute, and he didn't dare to say that the enthusiasm would not disappear.

But to be honest, Ren Hongfei was a little disappointed when he heard Yu Dong say such words, because in Ren Hongfei's mind, Yu Dong was a high-ranking literati floating on the clouds, but now he talks like a company boss ...Although he is indeed a company owner.

Yu Dong continued: "Since working, it is nothing more than two points, one is to make money, and the other is to realize self-worth. Most people can't even do the first point, let alone realize self-worth. Maybe you can think about it. What kind of work can give full play to your talents and allow you to realize your self-worth while making money, instead of thinking about illusory enthusiasm. Besides, you only know that you are not interested in games, but you have thought about it seriously. Are you not interested in related work?"

Ren Hongfei was about to shake his head, but Yu Dong said again: "Have you ever thought about why you chatted with Mohan so much about games? Do you think it was because Mohan took the initiative to guide you? I don't think so, right?" , you have at least paid attention to the development of video games and studied them, otherwise Mohan would not be able to say those words if he guided you."

As soon as Yu Dong's combo came out, Ren Hongfei was really shaken, and he began to seriously think about what Yu Dong said.

Mohan couldn't understand the conversation between the two, he only saw Ren Hongfei's expression changed several times in just a few minutes, and he scratched his head anxiously.

"Think about it carefully. As long as you are willing, the game business department will wait for you. As for other departments, I can also ask the HR department to arrange an interview for you, but whether you can get in depends on your own ability. In this way, you go back first , give me an answer within two days."

Ren Hongfei nodded, "Thank you, Teacher Yu, I will definitely think about it."

"Well, after thinking about it, you can tell Mohan. If you really work in the game department, you will definitely deal with Mohan often in the future." Then Yu Dong said to Mohan in English, "Mohan, help me Send it off to Mr. Ren."

Hearing this, Ren Hongfei looked at Mo Han in surprise, but he didn't ask out the doubts in his heart on the spot. It wasn't until he and Mo Han left the office that Ren Hongfei couldn't help asking, "Michael, is there any reason why?" The teacher said that if I go to the game business department, I will often deal with you, why is that? Are you also in the game business department?"

Mohan smiled and shook his head, "Do you think I work here?"

"It's really not like that. The employees of Deep Space should be very busy these two days. Since you are not an employee of the game department, why did Teacher Yu say that?"

"I think it's because the work of the game business department needs to be connected with the acquired subsidiaries, and our Blizzard is one of them."

Ren Hongfei's eyes widened, "Are you from Blizzard?"

Ren Hongfei knew about Deep Space's acquisition of Blizzard, but he didn't know much about Blizzard, he only knew that it was the company that produced "StarCraft".

"It may also be from Xuele Mountain... Haha, just kidding, I am indeed from Blizzard."

Ren Hongfei covered his forehead in surprise, and exclaimed, "Oh, bad, I actually belittled "StarCraft" in front of Blizzard people, what a ridiculous thing it is."

Michael Mohan shrugged his shoulders: "You are just telling the truth, and it is very good, otherwise I would not recommend you to Deep Space Company. In fact, I also thought about inviting you to our company, but now In this case, it is better for you to go to deep space.”


Michael Mohan smiled and didn't explain much to Ren Hongfei. Although he admired Ren Hongfei very much, Ren Hongfei hadn't joined Deep Space Company yet, so he couldn't tell Ren Hongfei too much about the company.

After Blizzard was acquired, Deep Space basically did not care about Blizzard's normal operations, including the company's game development and the like.But Deep Space asked Blizzard to follow Deep Space's overall strategy. They didn't care what games Blizzard developed, but after the games came out, how these games should be released and how to promote them had to be decided by Deep Space.

Mohan is not dissatisfied with this. The current situation is at least better than being acquired by Vivendi before. There is no need to worry about a certain plan of their company being cut by Vivendi.And they don't need to worry about distribution and promotion, they just need to make the game well, which is what they thought before.

Since the release and promotion of the game are not under the control of Blizzard, there is no need to recruit Ren Hongfei. Blizzard only needs talents in game development.

Seeing that Mohan didn't explain, Ren Hongfei wisely didn't continue to ask this question, but instead asked, "Are you doing development in the company?"

"No, I'm mainly in charge... I'm in charge of more complicated things, more complicated than your major."

"Is the work you were sent by the company this time related to this game competition?"

"Part of it." Michael Mohan nodded, and then asked, "What did YU tell you just now?"

"He gave me some solid advice."

"What about the work?"

"I didn't agree immediately, Teacher Yu asked me to think about it."

Michael Mohan was stunned, "You didn't agree? You didn't even agree?!"

"Well, I just think I'm not very interested in games. I really want to work in the game business department, and I don't have enthusiasm."

"Enthusiasm?" Michael Mohan shook his head and sighed, "Come on, this is work, what kind of enthusiasm are you talking about? Even when I started a business with Allen, I was not enthusiastic about me. I started My dream wasn’t to make games at all. But it turns out, we’re doing pretty well, and I’m having fun doing it.”

Compared to Yudong, Mohan spoke more directly, but Ren Hongfei grasped the point of his words immediately: "You said you started a business with Allen? Are you the boss of Blizzard?"

Mohan smiled, "Although the identity of the founder of Blizzard is not so great, I still have the honor to introduce to you that I am indeed one of the founders of Blizzard. If you really go to work in the game department , I really need to deal with me often in the future. From a personal point of view, I really hope that you will work in deep space, so that at least I have friends at the head office."

Ren Hongfei was still a little dazed. He felt that his experience in the past two days was too dreamy. A passer-by who was stopped at random turned out to be the founder of Blizzard, and he was recommended to Yu Dong by the founder. a member.

He suddenly felt that he still has a lot of fate with games, and maybe it is indeed a good choice to enter the game department of Deep Space Corporation.


That evening, when Yu Dong was still writing "Wall-E", Mohan came over and told him that Ren Hongfei had already considered it and was willing to join the game business department.

Yu Dong was not surprised by this at all. Ren Hongfei is a smart person. Give him a little time to think about it, and he will definitely be able to figure it out.

It's hard to say whether Ren Hongfei can make a big difference in the game business department, but he didn't cherish the opportunity when it was in front of him, which is definitely a big mistake.

Don't say no to things you haven't tried, humans know a lot less about themselves than they think.Many things can only be known after they have been done. It may be more difficult than you imagine, or it may be easier than you imagined.

After talking about Ren Hongfei's situation, Mo Han didn't leave, and asked Yu Dong again: "I heard from Jimmy that you have some plans for the future of"

After this period of research, Mohan can confirm that even if Yu Dong is not dominant in the Deep Space Group, he is on an equal footing with Jimmy, so now that Yu Dong is talking, his attitude has changed.

Yu Dong actually didn't want to talk about this with Mohan at this time. He was catching up on the draft of "Wall-E", thinking about writing a rough sample a year ago.

But since Mohan took the initiative to ask, there was no reason for him not to talk to him.

"I have some ideas. Jimmy should tell you. We hope that can enter China. Just talking about this, I want to ask you, do you know anything about China's network environment and hardware conditions? If wants to To enter China, you must adapt to China's network environment and hardware, is this technically difficult?"

Mohan said very confidently, "There is absolutely no difficulty, it can be done, but after enters China, you can't play against foreign players. You should know this."

"It doesn't matter. If we start now, how long do you think it will take to enter China?"

"Three... No, it can be completed in two months at most."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows and said, "It's faster than I thought. Are you sure you understand China's network environment and hardware?"

"Although I was in the Deep Space Park during the day, I often went to Internet cafes at night. I visited all the big and small Internet cafes in Jinling. A small Internet cafe with three or five computers, and experienced Jinling’s Internet environment and hardware facilities.”

"In fact, the Internet environment in Jinling is better than most cities."

Yu Dong said that it is better than most cities, but he is actually a bit conservative. Jinling's network environment is definitely unique in China.

Jinling itself had a long history of network development. In 1995, the Chinese Academy of Sciences completed the remote connection of four city branches and started the first step of expanding the Internet to the whole country. Jinling is one of them.

In the same year, the first 128k international dedicated line connecting the United States to the China Educational and Scientific Research Network was opened, connecting eight cities, including Jinling.

Since then, Deep Space Corporation has developed rapidly, leaving several other cities behind.

 Thanks to [Floating Life Like a Dream 1975] Big Brother for the 1500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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