Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 778 Movie Advertisement

Chapter 778 Movie Advertisement
Speaking of broadband, since the middle of this year, ADSL broadband has been commercialized in China, and other places have not yet realized it. Jinling has already rolled out ADSL services on a large scale.

It can be said that Jinling is definitely the city with the highest ADSL usage rate in China.

There are many reasons why it is so high.

First, because of the user training of Deep Space Company over the years, people in Jinling generally have a higher awareness of the Internet than people in other cities, and the frequency of using the Internet is also higher than that of other cities. Since there is awareness and demand, ADSL broadband is naturally well promoted in Jinling.

On the other hand, it is also related to the policy of deep space.

In order to promote ADSL, operators are also advertising everywhere, and the initial broadband installation fee can also be discounted in half during the event period. The initial installation fee that originally cost 3000 yuan only needs [-] yuan.

Now it costs more than 1000 yuan to install a phone in many places, so compared with the initial installation fee of 1500 for ADSL broadband, it can't be considered expensive.

And at this time, Deep Space Corporation did something and directly let ADSL take off in Jinling.

Deep Space directly proposed cooperation with the telecom operator, expressing its willingness to contribute funds to help Telecom replace some of the local equipment in Jinling. What the telecom operator needs to do is to reduce the initial installation fee by another 1000 yuan on the basis of the original [-] yuan, and directly replace the initial installation fee. The cost has been reduced to [-] yuan, which is cheaper than installing a phone in many places.

Telecom operators are of course willing to do this kind of buying and selling, because Deep Space has solved a big problem for them.

The advantages of ADSL broadband are obvious to all, but it has not developed in many places, even in super first-tier cities such as Yanjing and Shanghai. One of the important reasons is that telecom operators are obsessed with equipment updates Make large-scale investments.

There are various technologies about Internet access, such as isdn, ddn and adsl, etc. These various technologies make operators at a loss.

In particular, the ISDN technology, which is based on copper wire transmission like ADSL, almost overlaps in business, and China Telecom has determined the strategy of vigorously developing ISDN as early as a few years ago, and spent a lot of manpower, 2 material resources, and Financial resources, hardware replacement and software upgrade for program-controlled switches.

Now that so much money has been spent, the telecom operators are of course reluctant to turn to ADSL suddenly. Therefore, the telecom department's attitude towards ADSL is not firm enough. Before investing in huge cities.

At this time, Deep Space suddenly found Telecom and offered to replace part of the equipment for them, but their price was only to adjust the initial installation fee from [-] to [-]. Telecommunications are definitely cost-effective.

In this case, it took only half a year for Jinling to install more than 5000 lines of ADSL, 90.00% of which are Internet access, and other services such as vod and vpn account for a small proportion.

Shanghai, whose economic level is higher than that of Jinling, has only installed more than 1000 lines of ADSL until now, which is far lower than that of Jinling.

Because of this, some netizens in Shanghai even appealed on the Internet, hoping that Yu Dong could give back to his hometown and upgrade Shanghai's Internet speed.

Yu Dong also saw the appeal of these fellow villagers, but he just laughed it off and didn't have any thoughts.

Improving the Internet environment in Jinling is mainly for the convenience of Shenkong Company’s office work and the promotion of Shenkong’s products. As long as Jinling is built well, other cities will definitely follow suit. At that time, there will be no need for Shenkong Company to spend any more effort. Naturally, there will be people Help them put up a shelf.

Deep Space launched not only products, but also a good system ecology.

When people are in Jinling, when they turn on their computers, they will open Dongdong, Deep Space Tribe, and play games such as "Escape", "Lianliankan" and other games under the name of Deep Space, and now also include "StarCraft", "Warcraft" and so on. .

They can also use deep space points to redeem online memberships, go to bookstores to buy physical books, and go to movie theaters to redeem movie tickets.

To achieve these better, the speed of the network is of course the top priority, so Deep Space will spend a lot of money to help Jinling update its telecommunications equipment.

Michael Mohan didn't know this. He had thought that Jinling's Internet environment would be higher than the average level in China. After all, there is a deep space company here, but he didn't expect that Jinling's Internet environment would be the only one in the country. .

Hearing what Yu Dong said, he didn't feel anything wrong, and said with a smile, "In fact, some software or games should be ahead of the hardware, and the upgrading of electronic equipment should follow these software or games. Electronic equipment The update of the game is far beyond our imagination. Most of the computers of Chinese netizens can’t play "StarCraft" online now, but it may be completely different in a few years. Blizzard’s games should be the kind that not all computers can play. It can be played, so that everyone will think about updating their devices to play our games.”

Hearing Mohan's words, Yu Dong couldn't help but nodded secretly. As one of the founders of Blizzard, Michael Mohan still had a vision.

What he said also makes sense, only hardware has always been chasing software.

"I will ask Jiang Jie to contact you about this matter. At that time, your company only needs to be responsible for the technology, and Jiang Jie will take care of the rest."

Mohan nodded, "Well, I know, I'll go find Jiang in a while."


After Mo Han left, Yu Dong breathed a sigh of relief, and then refocused on the manuscript in front of him.

The outline of the whole book is almost the same, he has already started to write the main text, and the rest is to write down step by step.If no one comes to bother him, he is confident that he can write the first draft of the book before the Chinese New Year this year.

Right now, Yu Dongzheng writes about "Wall-E" watching his favorite movie "Hello, Dolly", which is a comedy musical directed by Gene Kelly and starring Barbra Streisand.

This movie appeared in the original picture in "Robot Story", which was an innovation for Pixar: adding live-action pictures to animated movies.

The appearance of "Hello, Dolly" is actually for the sake of pointing out the topic. Perhaps Wal-E's love sprouted because of the movie "Hello, Dolly".

However, Yu Dong did not continue to use "Hello, Dolly" in "WALL-E", but switched to "Pounding Heartbeat". On the one hand, Yu Dong thought that "Pounding Heartbeat" was quite suitable for Wall-E. On the one hand, it is also to promote "Pounding Heartbeat".

When "Pounding Heartbeat" is released, with the original novel and this "Wall-E", it is impossible to expect a low box office.Although the movie hasn't come out yet, by the time "Wall-E" is made into an animation, the movie has already been released, and the screen will be available.

The reason why Yu Dong is so interested in "Pounding Heartbeat" is of course not because of its box office. In fact, the box office of this movie in the previous life did not make a big splash.

But this film is very important in Yu Dong's plan, because Yu Dong believes that this film is a powerful weapon to promote Chinese culture.

Although "Pounding Heart" was originally an American youth film, it is fundamentally different from mainstream American youth films. Some people say that this film is too small and fresh, not bloody enough, because everything is to the point.

However, it still retains some American cultural characteristics. Such a movie is easier to be accepted by American audiences than a completely Chinese movie. When American audiences are willing to accept such a movie, they will naturally be included in it. Some sense (xi) of things with Chinese cultural characteristics (nao).

It is like a wedge, which will be firmly embedded in the cultural barriers of Europeans and Americans.

When writing this plot, Yu Dong put a lot of thought into trying to let readers feel the beauty of "Pounding Heart", and then feel the emotional changes of Wall-E.

Yu Dong was lucky. No one came to bother him until the plot was finished.

When he put down his pen and was about to stretch, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Xiao Li from the secretary department came in in a panic, "Boss, I'm sorry, I forgot to arrange dinner for you."


Yu Dong looked at his watch, and it was already 07:30 in the evening. He remembered that it was just before six o'clock when Mohan left, how time flies.

Looking at Xiao Li with a nervous face again, Yu Dong smiled and said: "I'm such a big man, and it's not like I have no hands or feet. I will go to dinner by myself. If there is anything I need, I will let you know. Don't worry about it." arrange."

"Boss, do you want to eat now?"

"It's almost eight o'clock..." Yu Dong touched his stomach, and finally said, "Let the cafeteria make something simple for me."

"Okay, boss, I'll notify the back kitchen and ask them to send someone to the office after they're done."

But Yu Dong waved his hand and said, "No need to bring it up, I'll go down and eat by myself."

Xiao Li bit his lip, finally nodded and said, "Okay, boss."


After glancing at the dishes on the table, Yu Dong turned to look at the person in charge of the cafeteria standing beside him, with a puzzled expression on his face, "Did the Secretary's Office tell you that I ate alone?"

The person in charge explained with a smile, "Yes, but the back kitchen heard that the boss is coming to eat, and they all competed to cook for you. There are a total of ten dishes here, and each dish is from a different chef."

Yu Dong waved his hand, "It's too wasteful, I can't finish it all by myself. And I remember that the employees of the company have their own standards for meals. Different positions have different standards for catering. You usually implement this set of standards well. Is it?"

The person in charge quickly nodded and said: "Boss, don't worry, we usually come here strictly according to the standards, and we will never exceed the standards."

The benefits of Deep Space are very good. Employees who work overtime not only get overtime pay, but also meal allowances. The standards of meal allowances for employees of different positions are different. Of course, the difference in meal allowance standards between different positions is not too great big.

As the general manager of the company, the standard of each meal is [-] times the lowest rank. If a new employee who has just joined the company has a meal of [-] yuan, his meal allowance standard is [-] yuan, which is not too exaggerated. .

"In this case, then follow the standard and remove all the dishes outside the standard." Yu Dong frowned, and said: "Of course, there is another solution, that is, the dishes within the standard are served by the company. Subsidy, I will pay for the non-standard dishes myself.”

"Can't, can't."

The person in charge was taken aback, and waved his hands again and again, rather than letting Yu Dong pay for it himself, he would rather choose to remove the extra dishes.

"Then withdraw."

The execution of the cafeteria was quite strong. In less than 2 minutes, there were only three dishes left on the table, a plate of braised pork, a pot of tofu with vegetables, and a small bowl of soup.

"Boss, this is 15 yuan according to your standard. These three dishes do not exceed 15 yuan."

Yu Dong looked at the three remaining dishes in front of him and nodded, "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

"Okay, take your time, call me if you need anything."

Yu Dong didn't want to go online, but since the rules were set, he had to take the lead in obeying them.

He believed that even if other employees found out about his random big fish and meat today, everyone would not say anything, but the rules have been broken since then, and the price of breaking the rules is very high.

Yu Dong is not a person who only knows how to obey the rules, but he also only deeply understands the power of the rules.


The deep space cafeteria after [-] o'clock in the evening is still lively, and you can see the constant influx of new diners at the door.

Different from the dining in other scenic spots, tourists who come to the deep space park will basically choose to eat in the deep space canteen. The reason is very simple, the deep space canteen is not expensive.

And there are a variety of choices to meet the tastes of various customers.

Those who like to eat noodles can go to the east area on the second floor, noodles, steamed buns, dumplings...

If you have a strong taste, you can go to the north area on the first floor, barbecue, skewers, and even eat hot pot here.

Some people say that Shenkong Company can also enter the catering industry if it does not develop in the entertainment industry.

But they overlooked a problem, that is, the reason why the deep space canteen is so good is that the purpose of opening the canteen is not to make money.

Although the Deep Space Canteen is not losing money, its profit point is not high. The reason why it is not losing money is entirely because of the huge traffic brought by the Deep Space Park, and there are enough customers to dilute their costs.

In fact, because of this incident, the Jinling local government sent a representative to have a talk. The government hoped that the Deep Space canteen could reduce the size of the Deep Space Canteen, or simply not open it to the outside world.

The reason for such a request is that the government hopes to use the passenger flow of the Deep Space Park to develop the surrounding business circles.

Considering the cost-effectiveness, it is really not cost-effective to develop only one canteen for such a large passenger flow. If there is no such a canteen, then these passenger flows can at least support dozens of restaurants, and the market will rise at once, and tax revenue will follow.

It's just that in this way, the tourists are actually injured, and they have to travel longer distances to eat out, and they have to pay more money.

Shen Kong politely rejected the Jinling government's proposal. Of course, the government didn't say anything. After all, they also knew exactly who relied on Hexi's development. As long as Shen Kong was still here, Hexi's development would not have any problems.

(End of this chapter)

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