Chapter 779
Deep Space is a private enterprise engaged in commercial activities, but not everything is considered from a commercial perspective.

In the matter of operating the Deep Space Park, Deep Space is thinking more about what the park brings to the public, rather than what it gets from the public.

Yu Dong didn't go back to the office after dinner, and asked the driver to take him back to Luoyuan. During this time, not only was the company holding the annual meeting, but Luoyuan was also busy with Chinese New Year. Yu Dong's parents were shopping around during this time.

This year is different from previous years, because there are more people in the family, the old people hope to live this year more lively.

When Yu Dong's car drove out of the park, he saw a group of young people holding signs outside and cheering, as if they were celebrating something.

He stretched out his head to take a closer look. Under the street lamps, several young people held up signs with words such as "Come on China" and "Tianyuan Great Emperor".

Seeing these signs, Yu Dong knew that they were celebrating Ma Tianyuan's victory.

Hurry up, the first WCG is finally over, the four competitions, Chinese players only got the ranking in "StarCraft", in addition to Ma Tianyuan's champion, another Chinese player Wang Yinxiong won the semi-final 1 They narrowly lost Korean player Rush by 2, and finally beat another Korean player Ilstar in the third and fourth finals to become the third runner-up.

Among the top four, there are two Chinese and two Koreans, so the topics are naturally very topical.

In the end, the Chinese won the championship and third place. Of course, these young Chinese audiences were happy.

The driver, Lao Zhang, glanced at the carnival young people on the side of the road, and said with a smile, "These young people are not afraid of the cold."

He actually wanted to say that these young people are so crazy for a game competition, which is really incomprehensible, but thinking that the competition was held by Yu Dong, he didn't say it, only said that young people are not afraid of the cold.

Yu Dong naturally heard that Lao Zhang didn't like the way these young people were so crazy for the game competition, but he also thought it was normal.

Although Lao Zhang is called Lao Zhang, he is not too old. He is only in his 40s. He is now Yu Dong's exclusive driver.Not to mention the elderly, many young people also think this way. Video games are just not doing their jobs.

This is a prejudice, but the origin of this prejudice is justified. There are indeed many students who waste their studies because of playing video games.

"Old Zhang, what do you usually do to pass the time when you are free?"

Lao Zhang said with a smile: "Teacher Yu, I usually don't have time to spare. If I don't see you off, I will go around the car. There are three cars under my management. As long as I am free every day, I will definitely take the car from the inside to the outside. Clean it. Every car has to be sent for maintenance after a period of time. This car is like a human being. If you don’t maintain it, it will break down quickly.”

Yu Dong knew that Lao Zhang was messing with him. Although Lao Zhang was in charge of three cars, he usually drove less and had a lot of free time.

"I remember you didn't read until the first day of junior high school."

"Yeah, Teacher Yu, I'm not like you and Teacher Cheng. I don't have the mind to study. In fact, I didn't want to study in the fourth grade of elementary school. If my dad didn't beat me with a belt, I wouldn't even be able to go to junior high school. "

Yu Dong smiled and asked, "Have you ever regretted it?"

"If you want to say regret, sometimes it is a little bit, but why not regret it? Maybe I continued to read at that time, and I will regret it now. After living for more than 40 years, I have also summed up my experience. People still have to look forward, otherwise I have to regret it every day. What is regret? Isn’t it just dissatisfaction? There is no time for people to be satisfied, since there is no time for satisfaction, then they must regret it, Teacher Yu, are you right?”

Yu Dong nodded in agreement, "Old Zhang, your summary is very wise, and most of us should learn from you."

Hearing Yu Dong's words, Lao Zhang smiled a little embarrassedly, "Why don't you spend more time with educated people like you, Teacher Yu? Recently, I feel that I am more educated and capable than before. My family members tell me every day that being able to drive Mr. Yu for you is really a blessing I have cultivated in several lifetimes. In the past, everyone in our team envied me..."

After flattering a few times, Lao Zhang saw Yu Dong was tired through the rearview mirror, and said with a smile, "Teacher Yu, it will take a while to get home, you can rest for a while."


The next day, Zhang Qianli got up early in the morning to wipe down the car, because Yu Dong still had to go to the Deep Space Park today.

When it was almost eight o'clock, Yu Dong came out with Cheng Yanqiu, and Zhang Qianli said with a smile, "Teacher Cheng is going too today."

"Well, Master Zhang, I'm going to trouble you today. I'll go over now and come back in the afternoon. You'll have to see me off then."

Zhang Qianli smiled and said: "Isn't this what it should be? My exclusive driver can't drive a few times at ordinary times. I just point out that I can practice more during this period of time. I am afraid that my hands will be born. Teacher Yu, Teacher Cheng, let's go, the park It's sure to be waiting for you there."

Today is the writer's theme day, there will be many writers signing on the spot, Yu Dong is among them, his signing is arranged from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] in the afternoon, it is not urgent, but he is not only a writer, but also an event organizer Fang, you must arrive at the scene in advance.

The car came out of Luoyuan and walked about seven or eight miles. There was a black car that seemed to have broken down on the side of the road, and a young woman was standing on the side of the road with her neck curled up, waving at them.

Zhang Qianli squinted his eyes, turned his direction slightly, and stayed away from the side of the road instead.

Cheng Yanqiu also saw the woman on the side of the road, and said, "Their car seems to have broken down. It's winter, should we stop and see if we can help?"

Before Dong could speak, Zhang Qianli stepped on the accelerator suddenly, and the speed of the car immediately increased. Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu, who were sitting well, lost their center of gravity and leaned back.

"Old Zhang, this is..."

Before Yu Dong finished speaking, Zhang Qianli suddenly made a sharp turn and threw Yu Dong aside.

"Mr. Yu, Mr. Cheng, sit still."

Yu Dong quickly hugged Cheng Yanqiu tightly in his arms, then lowered his head to look at Zhang Qianli in front of him. Old Zhang kept turning the steering wheel and shifting gears. His operating speed was not like a full-time driver, but more like a racing car hand.

Who is Lao Zhang?

Yu Dong was full of doubts in his heart, but he didn't have time to think about this question at this time, because the car body was too shaking, and he couldn't stabilize his figure at all except squatting down.

About 2 minutes later, the car gradually stabilized. Lao Zhang said with a smile, "Mr. Yu, Mr. Cheng, it's all right, you can sit normally now."

Yu Dong pulled Cheng Yanqiu to sit down, and he looked at the back first, but he didn't see anything unusual.

"Old Zhang, what were you doing just now?" Yu Dong asked suspiciously.

Zhang Qianli explained with a flat face, "There are some suspicious situations. There are many people on the other side. I am worried that the other party has weapons, so I made the decision to get rid of them without asking for instructions."

Yu Dong was so dazed that he even used the words "without asking for instructions".

"You mean, someone was going to cheat on us just now?"

"It is still impossible to determine the identity and intentions of the other party, but I believe there will be investigation results soon."

Yu Dong leaned back and narrowed his eyes, "Old Zhang, who are you?"

Lao Zhang turned his head and smiled at Dong, "Teacher Yu, I am your exclusive driver."

Without getting the answer he wanted, Yu Dong guessed, "You were also invited by Jimmy?"

Lao Zhang smiled and said nothing.

When Yu Dong was at school, there were always bodyguards around, but during this time in Luoyuan, there were security guards in the garden, so Yu Dong asked the former bodyguards not to follow him.

Yu Dong was still wondering why Jimmy didn't bother him because of this matter, but now that he thinks about it, it's probably because Lao Zhang is also a member of the security company.

That being the case, Yu Dong didn't ask Lao Zhang again. He wanted to ask Jimmy about the situation after he went to the Deep Space Park.In addition, he also needs to know what happened just now.

However, 10 minutes later, before their car arrived at the park, Lao Zhang answered the phone and said a few words, and then said to Dong and the others, "Mr. Yu, Mr. Cheng, my colleagues told me just now, it is probably clear that the investigation has been done. Come out, the other party’s goal is to kidnap you and Teacher Cheng, a total of seven people, three cars, and a pistol. Their plan is to have people pretending that the car broke down on the side of the road to lure us down.”

The woman on the side of the road really had a problem.

But Yu Dong frowned again: "Is this plan too simple, and the success rate is too low? As long as we don't get out of the car, they can't help it."

"This is just the first step. They still have two cars. At the next intersection, their other two cars were stuck there. I made a temporary U-turn and walked on the small road in the middle of the road."

Hearing what Zhang Qianli said, Yu Dong was also afraid for a while. If Lao Zhang was just an ordinary driver, the gangsters would probably succeed today.

Even if they didn't get out of the car when they met the woman whose car broke down in the first wave, at the next intersection, normal drivers would definitely stop to have a look when they encountered a traffic jam.

If Lao Zhang got out of the car to look at it, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Old Zhang, thank you very much." Yu Dong expressed his gratitude sincerely.

Lao Zhang smiled and said, "This is my job. My task is to protect you and Mr. Cheng."


After arriving at the park, Yu Dong went to Jimmy's office immediately.

Jimmy was resting his eyes with his eyes closed. Seeing Yu Dong rushing over, he raised his eyebrows in surprise and said, "Why are you in such a hurry? I didn't arrange for you to sign the sale this morning."

Yu Dong narrowed his eyes and said, "Don't you know why I was in such a hurry? Are you still acting with me at this time?"

"What did I play?" Jimmy looked puzzled: "Tell me, what should I know?"

Seeing Jimmy's expression, Yu Dong was also a little uncertain, "My driver, Lao Zhang, don't you know what's going on?"

As soon as Yu Dong mentioned Lao Zhang, Jimmy said with a smile, "I thought it was something, it turned out that you discovered this matter, yes, Lao Zhang specially arranged it, you think I really dare to let you Running around on the street without protection. This is entirely for your own good, if you blame me for this, then I will not accept it. "

Yu Dong asked suspiciously, "Old Zhang, did you arrange it?"

Jimmy raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you mean by that? Didn't you come to me just for this matter? Why don't you believe me when I admit it?"

Yu Dong frowned and shook his head, "No."

"What's wrong?"

"Old Zhang is wrong."

"What's wrong with Lao Zhang?"

"Where did you find Lao Zhang?"

"Zhongxiang Security, they sent people over there directly." Jimmy looked at Yu Dong with a puzzled expression, "What happened? What's wrong with Old Zhang? What did he do?"

"He saved me today."

"Saved..." Jimmy suddenly exclaimed, "Are you in danger? What's going on?"

"Oh, I'm still a little scared when I say it..."

After Esther East briefly talked about what happened on the road, Jimmy was also very surprised. Although he has always paid great attention to his own safety, he never thought that he would actually encounter such a thing as kidnapping, and it was on the street in broad daylight.

"They are also too courageous, they dared to rob your way in Jinling."

"I heard they still have guns."

Jimmy nodded, "It seems that we have to strengthen security in the future... But why didn't Lao Zhang tell me about this incident? The security company didn't notify me, after all, I'm the employer."

"So, it's unreasonable, Lao Zhang and the others have problems."

"Hearing what you said, there is indeed a problem." Jimmy pondered: "The background of Zhongxiang Security is very special..."

Jimmy didn't finish speaking, but Yu Dong understood, "You mean?"

"Well, this is a possibility. Why don't you call Lao Zhang up and ask him directly."

"What if he doesn't admit it?"

"If he doesn't admit it, there's nothing we can do, but there is also a possibility, that is, he admits it directly. No matter what, ask him. Even if he doesn't admit it, we can judge it based on his attitude." Jimmy laughed again Get up, "We don't have to worry too much, anyway, Lao Zhang is protecting you. In addition, I will also interview you. I have experienced this kind of thing, how do you feel now?"

Yu Dong sighed slightly, "It still feels a little unreal now, and I can't believe that I was almost kidnapped. Lao Zhang told me that a detailed report will come out soon, and then we will know exactly what happened."


The report came out after one o'clock in the afternoon. It was five pages long and introduced in detail the criminal gang's personnel information, organizational structure, and the whole process of committing the crime.

There are seven people in the gang, three of them are from Yangcheng, and the other four are from Xiangjiang.

These seven people had been eyeing Yu Dong a month ago, and they had been stepping on the spot. During this time, Yu Dong often traveled between the Deep Space Park and Luo Park by car, so they decided to attack on the road.

In fact, they planned to start after a while, because they still had some things that hadn't arrived, but because they heard a piece of news yesterday, they decided to start early.

"What news?"

Seeing the report, Yu Dong couldn't help being puzzled, Lao Zhang said with a smile, "It is said that they heard that "Forbes" announced a rich list, and Mr. Yu was at the top of the list. They are worried that if the news spreads, other people will steal the business, or we Increase security here."

(End of this chapter)

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