Chapter 780 Back to the Carbine

Soon, the electronic file of the latest issue of "Forbes" was uploaded to Jimmy's computer.

What the gangster mentioned was a list titled "China's 1999 Richest List in 50", and "Forbes" directly put this title on the cover of their new magazine, and also designed a special cover for it : A character with a Chinese face, two sides of the body have different styles, one side is wearing an old Chinese tunic suit, and the other side is holding a mobile phone and a gold watch.

What does the cover of "Forbes" specifically want to express? Is it the contrast between the new era and the old era in China, or the contrast between the rich class and the poor class in China today?

Maybe both.

Jimmy controlled the mouse and turned directly to the list page. No.1 was Yu Dong (YU), and Yu Dong's wealth was displayed after his name: more than 300 billion yuan.

It is not a specific number, but described as "above".

Behind the number is "Deep Space Group Corporation".

Perhaps it is because the business development of Shenkong is too extensive to be summarized, so the industry annotation of "Shenkong Group Company" on the list is "diversification".

Regarding Yu Dong's worth, there have been constant discussions. There was a TV program on Taiwan Island before, and a commentator opened his mouth to set Yu Dong's worth at one billion U.S. dollars, which attracted the attention of many people at that time.

Many people don't think that Yu Dong's net worth can be so high, because Jimmy has always been the boss of Deep Space America on the stage, so ordinary people think that Yu Dong's main source of wealth should be his royalties and copyright income.

Because the official website of Deep Space has always released the specific data of the sales of each book of its authors, so as long as you are willing to put in a little thought, it is not difficult to count Yu Dong's royalties.

Someone has calculated before that Yu Dong's royalty income is indeed very high, but the income after subtracting seven and eight is only [-] billion yuan.

The copyright income, which can be found over the years, adds up to only [-] million U.S. dollars. As for Yu Dong's shareholding in Deep Space, no one knows, and it is impossible to estimate it.

However, since the establishment of the Deep Space Tribe, the outside world has valued the Deep Space Company at more than 70 billion U.S. dollars. That is to say, as long as Yu Dong's total shares in the Deep Space Group can exceed [-]%, then his worth can be reached billions of dollars.

No matter what everyone discussed before, one billion US dollars is just a figure made up by TV commentators after all, and many people are skeptical.

But "Forbes" is different. "Forbes" is regarded as an authority by many people on the statistics of the rich. Since it is the list published by their magazine, people are naturally willing to believe it, even if the number this time is much higher than one billion US dollars. .

In this list, Yu Dong became the richest man in China.

This is actually not unusual, because no matter how low-key Yu Dong is, there have been too many news about him these years, and everyone knows that he is rich.If people want to name a rich man in China, many people will think of Yu Dong.

But the key point is that in this list, Yu Dong is completely in a state of being the best. Behind him is Rong Yiren of International Trust and Investment, whose wealth shows that it is more than 10 billion yuan.

There are notes at the bottom of the list. Due to the difficulty of data collection, the list does not display specific numbers. A total of seven grades of ss, s, a, b, c, d, and e are specially set up, representing 300 billion to 400 billion , 200 billion to 300 billion, 100 billion to 200 billion, 100 billion to 5000 billion, [-] million to [-] billion, [-] million to [-] million, [-] million to [-] million.

Yu Dong is the only s file, and the s file and a file behind him are both vacant.In addition, he is also the youngest in this list, but he is not the best in terms of age. Lu Junxiong, who started as a postage stamp, was born in [-], only one year older than Yu Dong.

After reading the list, Yu Dong twitched his lips and asked Jimmy, "Is this list accurate?"

Jimmy nodded, "At least the statement 'more than 300 billion yuan' is accurate, but you are definitely not in this ss file, you need to add a few more s."

Yu Dong himself doesn't know how much Yu Dong is worth, but Jimmy should be the one who knows the most. He is thinking about the little money in Yu Dong's pocket every day.

Jimmy looked at Yu Dong again, and said with great interest, "Your performance this time is somewhat beyond my expectation, aren't you afraid of being too high-profile?"

Yu Dong smiled and shook his head, "Now I have figured it out, I will face it sooner or later, and this kind of list is useless if you care too much about it, even if it is inaccurate, we can't sue them, it's not worth it. But the security does To strengthen, especially my family."

"Well, it's a blessing in disguise, but this incident at least made you understand the importance of security." Jimmy smiled, and suddenly turned to look at Zhang Qianli, "Old Zhang, you can tell us What's the matter?"

Lao Zhang smiled and asked, "I know what the two bosses want to know, but I can't tell them. I can only guarantee that our task is to protect the two...mainly Teacher Yu."

Jimmy pouted, he felt that Lao Zhang's mission didn't include protecting him at all, to be honest, he was a little unbalanced about it, who wouldn't want an umbrella over his head?

Although Lao Zhang didn't give a clear answer, his words confirmed Yu Dong's thoughts.In fact, Lao Zhang and the others did not send him to the police station the first time they caught him, but arrested him and interrogated him himself, which is already very clear.

"In order to catch these seven people, how many people did you dispatch? Including you." Jimmy asked again.

Lao Zhang said with a smile, "I can tell you this. In order to escort Mr. Yu and Mr. Cheng to the park this morning, our company dispatched two teams, including me, a total of eight people. Do the two bosses have anything else to do? There is nothing else, I need to report the situation to the company now. As for the gangsters, we are going to hand them over to the local police in the next step."

"Okay, it's okay, you can go back."

After Lao Zhang left, Jimmy said, "Looking at Lao Zhang now, I always feel that he has a gun on his waist, and his temperament has changed a lot. By the way, how are you going to deal with this matter?"

"Let's leave it alone and see how they deal with it."

"They? Are you referring to Zhongxiang security or the police?"


Jimmy nodded, looked at the "China's Rich List" on the computer again, and laughed, "The author said that this list was made after several months of investigation, but I guess it's better than closing my eyes." The data he got is accurate, and it’s a joke that even those who are worth less than [-] million can make the list.”

Although Yu Dong didn't know much about these things, he also knew that this list would not be too accurate. China is not very rich now, but there are definitely not so few rich people. Just some of the billionaires he knew who were worth over [-] million did not make it into the list. in this list.

To give the simplest example, China Film and Deep Space cooperated to get investment from those native bosses to make movies, and the native bosses flocked to send money to China Film and Deep Space Company desperately.

The amount of money given by these people is not small, as little as 200 to 3000 million, and as many as [-] to [-] million.

These are all real cash, regardless of installment, and the money was sent directly before the project started.

The owner who took out two or 3000 million in cash at a time is not even worth 5000 million. Isn't that a joke?It is estimated that after this list spreads, many rich bosses will not be convinced, and they will feel that they can also be on this list.


The "Forbes" list of rich people spread to the country faster than Yu Dong and the others expected. Before Yu Dong's signing session in the afternoon was over, the translation of the article was uploaded to the Deep Space Chinese website by netizens, and that Netizens also made an extremely exaggerated title.

"Shocked, this writer became the richest man in the country by writing books!" "

Although Yu Dong's name was not written in the title, Yu Dong was the first name that popped up in any netizen's mind when they saw the title, because apart from Yu Dong, they couldn't think of any writer who could become the richest man in a country.

The title of the richest man is still relatively new in China. There has never been a list of this kind in the country before, but now a list suddenly appeared, and everyone is willing to join in the fun.

[People from Hequan: I knew I was talking about Yu Da before I clicked in to see it, but then again, Yu Da didn't make all his money from writing books. 】

[Princess Yuezhi: Indeed, I saw someone analyze before that Mr. Yu's royalties were less than 10 billion yuan. 】

[No. [-] in the world: It’s not easy to divide. For example, many movies adapted from Mr. Yu’s novels have to continue to give him money. This part should also be counted as the book’s income. 】

[Sleeping Wolf today: Didn't you say that Mr. Yu can earn millions of dollars writing a script? 】

[On paper, I finally feel shallow: This kind of one-time payment for the script is not high, and that kind of movie pays more dividends. 】

[Nalan Juyi: Let me tell you a piece of gossip, those hit games under the name of Deep Space are all designed by Mr. Yu, and he can get a dividend for every copy of these games sold. 】

[Page loading: I have indeed heard this statement, but I also heard that his share ratio is not high. Most of the money is still earned by the Deep Space Group. It seems that Jimmy James is the big boss. 】

[Nalan Juyi: I don't know the proportion of the share. 】

[Northeast native products: Hehe, I don’t know if they included Teacher Yu’s salary at school when they calculated their worth. 】

[Liu Jinfa: What?Could it be that Yu Da's salary at school is also high? 】

[Northeast native products: As far as I know, there are more than 2000 yuan per month, and tens of thousands of yuan a year. 】

[Jin Kefan: Pfft, I thought Jin Yi's salary was exaggerated.However, Mr. Yu should be the richest people's teacher in the world. 】

[Sequoia Zhishui: Of course, they are already the richest man. Come on, Mr. Yu, and strive to become the world's richest man. 】

[Capital Scout: That's too difficult. This year, Forbes announced that the world's richest man is Bill Gates, with a net worth of more than 800 billion US dollars. The gap is too big.However, Mr. Yu's net worth can squeeze into the top [-] of the world's richest list. The previous Forbes rich list did not include Mr. Yu. I don't know why. 】

[Grandma: This Bill Gates is too strong, right? More than 800 billion US dollars, earning 100 million US dollars a day, it takes 200 days, that is, more than [-] years. 】

[Asuka: Let alone 100 million US dollars, I will be very satisfied when I can earn 100 yuan a day. 】

[Mandarin Duck in the Sea: According to the current speed of development, it is probably not difficult to make a hundred dollars a day. 】

[10 minutes on stage: It is recommended to come to Jinling, the salary in Shenkong is really high, one hundred a day is normal in Shenkong Company. 】

[Xifeng: Really?I major in electrical engineering, do I need Deep Space? 】

[10 minutes on stage: Uh... I really don't know... But what is certain is that they need more types of talents, such as literature and history, music, directing, art, computer, foreign trade, foreign languages, etc. Both, as long as you can enter, the starting monthly salary will be [-]. 】

[Return: Does the security guard have two thousand? 】

[Glass Man: You are just bragging, where is the security company that can exceed [-]. 】

[10 minutes on stage: There are not 1000 security guards, but there are more than [-], which is pretty good. Anyway, I think it’s good for Yu Da to be the richest man. Over the years, Shen Kong has done a lot of good things, and this is what I feel the most in Jinling. 】

[Woodpecker Paradise: Of course, Deep Space earns foreign exchange. It can actually transfer money from foreigners’ pockets to the pockets of our Chinese people, which is different from other companies. 】

[Red Bird: Really, I haven't thought about this problem before. 】

[Dancer in the book: I don’t know anything else. Anyway, there are several schools here that are donated by the Deep Space Corporation, and the deep space donated schools have their beginnings and ends, and they really consider the students. 】


Of course, not all of the voices on this rich list are positive, and there are many controversies both domestically and internationally.

That same day, the British "Financial Times" published an article commenting on this rich list-there are capitalists in socialist countries.

The "Wall Street Journal", Reuters and other media have also published comments. The "Wall Street Journal" said that it is worth mentioning that China is the first country where a writer becomes the richest man, which is unmatched by other countries.

According to Reuters, the Chinese have finally found a sense of honor to become rich, especially when their richest man is a great writer, this sense of honor should be irrefutable.

Of course, there are also some proud foreign commentators who joked: When I first saw this list, I was shocked, until I saw that the unit is yuan.


When Yu Dong saw these comments, he just laughed it off. Some people took this kind of list seriously, and compared the list of China's richest people with the world's richest.

In the past, they probably wouldn't have paid too much attention to this list.

As for the list of the world's richest people, Yu Dong also found it very interesting, because he knew that the list would definitely shrink a lot in a few days.

In the 1999 list of the world's richest people, one-third of them made their fortunes in the technology industry, and many of them were in the Internet industry.

Many people came here because of the dot-com bubble. When the dot-com bubble bursts, the assets of these people will shrink severely, but Deep Space Company will pull out of this turmoil perfectly and then kill a beautiful comeback.

(End of this chapter)

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