Chapter 781 Kale
At this moment, the dot-com bubble is almost at its peak, and Yu Dong pays attention to the U.S. stock market when he has nothing to do. At that time, he knew that the day when the bubble burst was not far away.

Just a week ago on the No.30 Super Bowl No. 30, people saw the sponsorship of seventeen Internet companies, each paying more than $200 million for a [-]-second advertisement.

Such a crazy market situation makes most people think that the Internet industry is still thriving and has great potential.

But in fact, most Internet companies are not profitable, and even some Internet companies have never even had income, and they are just selling a concept from the beginning to the end.

But these companies are getting a lot of money, and in this case, extravagance becomes the norm.

Investors rushed into the market like crazy, handed over their wasted money to those companies, and then the operators of the companies took the money and squandered it.

Advertising is what they are most willing to pay for, because spending money on advertising will get them more investors.

In addition, after these operators get the money, they will also invest the money in other Internet companies, so the bubble is getting bigger and bigger.

Calm analysis shows that even if a company’s plan is very good and feasible, many companies have the same business opportunities in the same field. Even if these plans are good, there will only be one winner in each sector, so Most companies with the same plan will fail.

On the whole, the big waves are actually washing the sand. When the big waves pass, the ones that stay are the real good ones. This is the best time to enter the market.

Investors will definitely understand this truth if they think calmly, but the rapid development of the Internet in recent years has made some investors dizzy.

Jimmy has been keeping an eye on these Internet companies, not only with his eyes, but also trying his best to investigate the operating conditions of these companies, in order to verify whether his and Yu Dong's predictions are correct.

Just during these two months, Jimmy investigated some interesting things.The new year period is the time when companies use the most equipment, but the retail performance of the Internet industry during the Christmas period is not good.

It's just that the real performance of the Internet retailer will not be made public until the listed company's annual and quarterly reports in March. That is to say, most people still don't know the performance of the Internet retailer. Jimmy is also because he has been watching. Found some clues.

Once these not-so-good results are made public in March, it will definitely have a great impact on investor confidence.

It is worth mentioning that, just over a week ago, America Online announced that it would acquire Time Warner, involving an amount of more than 600 billion US dollars.

This acquisition has attracted worldwide attention, and all the media have set their sights on these two companies.

One is the world's largest Internet service provider, which controls 40.00% of the Internet users in the United States, and the other is the media giant, the second largest cable TV provider in the United States, which controls 20.00% of the TV users in the United States, as well as many radio and television organizations, Newspapers, magazines, own the fiber optic cables that carry cable television and are also carriers for Internet service providers.

Most people believe that if the two companies merge successfully, the prospects are limitless.

At that time, America Online will be able to completely solve the bottleneck of Internet access—broadband problem by relying on resources such as the second largest cable TV network in the United States owned by Time Warner, so as to provide high-speed access services.

While AOL's stock fell after the announcement, most believed it was just a blip that would recover soon.

In fact, America Online wanted to acquire Time Warner, and Lenovo had known about it long ago. That's why it reached a strategic cooperation with America Online, trying to encircle and suppress Deep Space Corporation in China.

In December, AOL disclosed its idea to the public. A member of the board of directors was interviewed by a reporter from Time Warner. When asked whether Disney might become an acquisition target of AOL, the member replied: Maybe Time Warner is more interesting.

Half a month later, when AOL CEO Steven Case was asked in an interview why he was interested in Time Warner, Steven Case said that AOL had no subscribers other than 700 million. Any real property, such as factories, cinemas, libraries, etc.

Steven Case took a rare pragmatic view. He believed that AOL had nothing more than a group of people who surfed the Internet and chatted about trivial matters all day long. People realized that AOL lacked material assets, knowledge and time.

So AOL wanted to fill the virtual space with something physical.

At this time, Time Warner is also trying to transform.

Time Warner is one of the largest media groups in the world. It owns TV stations such as CNN, TNT, and Cartoon, as well as many magazines, newspapers, and publishing houses. It covers a wide range of fields, but the vigorous development of the Internet has made everything for them Overshadowed.

In this way, when the two bastards looked at Mung Dou, they saw each other, and they both felt that the other party was destined.

However, this acquisition will not take effect immediately, and it still needs to be approved by the US Internet Communications Commission and the Federal Trade Commission. It is estimated that it will take some time, possibly at least several months.

When he saw this news, Yu Dong couldn't help feeling that AOL is really rich, more than 600 billion US dollars.

The place with the highest GDP in China last year was Shanghai, which just exceeded 4000 billion yuan, and the money spent by AOL to acquire Time Warner was several times the GDP of Shanghai. Although it is impossible to pay in cash, it is also very scary. In the pocket of AOL There must be a lot of cash to promote this acquisition, otherwise, the cost of the acquisition process alone would be enough for them to have a headache.

If AOL used money to compete with Deep Space Corporation in tribal management, Deep Space Corporation would definitely not be able to compete with AOL, but AOL did not do so because they thought it was too expensive and not cost-effective.

In addition, with the acquisition of Time Warner this time, Steven Case also wanted to use Time Warner's energy in the traditional media industry to do a wave of Deep Space. I think they suffer in terms of media power.

If they had Time Warner's support at that time, they could at least have a back and forth with Deep Space in the early stage of the star's entry.

Steven Case may hope that after the acquisition of Time Warner, he can easily crush Deep Space Company, but Yu Dong is relieved because he knows that after the acquisition of Time Warner, AOL will no longer be able to find Deep Space Company trouble.


"No way! It's stuck!"

In an Internet cafe near Jinling University, a loud voice rang out, and the accent did not sound like a Chinese.

Qin Fen, who was listening to the song, curled his lips, turned his head to look in the direction of the voice, and then saw two blond foreigners, one of them with a rough face was raising his hand, he should have yelled that sentence just now.

Although the foreigner had a strong accent, the boss still understood that someone was calling him, and ran over quickly, "Brother, what's the matter?"

Seeing the boss coming, the foreigner murmured a lot, and finally pointed to the computer screen, "It's stuck, it's stuck."

It’s still not enough, the foreigner typed a few letters in the dialog box, and the boss raised his head to look, and it was: kale.

Seeing the stuck pinyin, the boss nodded again and again, "Understood, I understand, but the network is indeed not stable sometimes, you two will take it for a while."

The two foreigners babbled a lot to the boss again, which made the boss look confused.

Qin Fen couldn't bear to watch it, and said, "They said, what are some interesting stand-alone games, and they can't understand Chinese characters, so I ask you to recommend them."

The boss looked puzzled, "I can understand Chinese characters, but how can I tell them?"

Qin Fen curled his lips and said, "Let me tell them."

The boss was overjoyed, and hurriedly took out a cigarette from his pocket to give Qin Fen one. Qin Fen waved his hands repeatedly, "I don't smoke."

After pushing the cigarette away, Qin Fen said to the two foreigners, "Dude, I see you guys are playing StarCraft, do you want to find two people to play [-]v[-]? Let's find some people to play Half-Life."

Hakoen smiled when he heard Qin Fen's fluent English, "Hello, hello, we want to play "StarCraft" online, but it seems too laggy."

"It's not that hard. The main reason is that you can't understand Chinese characters and the settings are wrong, so it's relatively slow. You are tourists to Jinling? How did you come here to surf the Internet?"

Mars said helplessly: "We came to watch the WCG competition and the Deep Space Annual Conference. The Internet cafes around the hotel were all full. We wanted to go to the Deep Space Internet Cafe. There were more people. It took us a long time to find this place. .”

Qin Fen scratched his head. He actually didn't understand why these two people came to China to play. Why did they go to an Internet cafe in the middle of the night to surf the Internet? Isn't this a waste of time?
However, Qin Fen ignored one problem. He was also a tourist, and he also went to the Internet cafe in the middle of the night to surf the Internet.

"Ahem, where did you come from?" Qin Fen asked again.

"New York." Hackon laughed.

"Did you go to the writer's theme day today?"

"Of course." Mars nodded, "We queued for a long time and got signed books by several writers, but it's a pity that we didn't get YU, and we couldn't get in line if we were a little late. He only signed for a while. "

"That's a pity." Qin Fen felt sorry for them: "If you can get YU's autographed book, your trip will be worth it."

"Haha, I actually feel that it's worth it. The deep space park is more interesting than I imagined. I hope now that we can get a signed CD at Jay's signing event tomorrow."

Qin Fen raised his eyebrows and said, "You mean jaychou?"

"Of course, we're here for him."

Looking at the stars in Hakoen's eyes, Qin Fen couldn't help but shudder. The expression of a bearded man was too strong.

But Qin Fen could tell that this foreigner really liked Jay Chou.

Qin Fen was not particularly surprised by this, because he knew that Jay Chou was quite popular in Europe and America now, so it was normal for a few fans to come here to see Jay Chou.

"Hackon admires Jay very much, and he also listens to his songs to learn Chinese." Mars said with a smile.

"Uh..." Qin Fen couldn't help giving a thumbs up, "Excellent, but your academic performance is not very good. Have you learned the words 'Boss, I'm stuck' after such a long time?"

Hakoun laughed, "These two words have nothing to do with jay. We just learned the boss, and we learned it in the United States when it got stuck?"

Qin Fen became interested, "Who did you learn from? Do you have Chinese friends?"

Mars waved his hand and said, "No, no, stuck is a very popular word on the American Internet, and more than half of Internet users know how to use it."

The interest on Qin Fen's face turned into surprise, "Why?"

Hakohn smiled and explained: "It's because of a tribe that depp posted before. There are only two words on that tribe, shit, kale. Obviously, kale is definitely not kale. Some people speculate that it may be a person. Whoever it is Yes, everyone has found all the stars who may have grievances with Depp, but they haven't found any."

"and after?"

"Later." Hakohn curled his lips: "It was only later that I found out that Depp had a network card during the lottery draw, so I wrote this sentence. The reason why he used Chinese pinyin was because he happened to be learning Chinese at that time."

After that, netizens knew that being stuck meant that the network was stuck, and it felt very easy to use, so everyone usually used it.

When playing games, as long as the network card is stuck, players will type a "kale" to go up.

"It's amazing." Qin Fen nodded with emotion. He didn't expect the pinyin of "stuck" to be a popular word in the United States. Everyone used it, as if it suddenly brought their Chinese players closer to American players.

"It's nothing, it's actually very normal, we usually use a lot of pinyin, such as gun, when we learned that this pinyin has the meaning of get out, many netizens will often use it, because you know, this word is in English It means a gun." Mars laughed.

"Indeed, there are many such words, such as mm, gg, 886."

Hearing Hakoen's words, Qin Fen couldn't be more shocked, because they usually use online terms like mm, gg, and 886.

Take him for example, although mm and gg are not usually used, 886 is basically used every day. He chats with people with Dongdong, and the last sentence is definitely 886.

Interestingly, 886 is based on "bye bye", but "bye bye" comes from English, but now Americans use 886.

But one thing to say, these abbreviations are simple, definitely easier than spelling words.

Qin Fen was very interested in these things, and couldn't help asking, "Anything else?"

(End of this chapter)

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