Chapter 782 A Newcomer

"Of course there are, and there are many more." Hakohn smiled heartily, "But if you really want to know more, I suggest you find a chance to check it out. There are so many Internet terms, I can't introduce you one by one."

Qin Fen nodded with a smile, put aside the hot words on the Internet for a while, and talked about the game again: "Are you guys going to play "StarCraft" now? Do you want me to find someone else, and let's have a two-on-two game."

"Okay, this time the wcg champion was taken by a Chinese player, we are not convinced." Hakoen said.

"Okay, then I'll find another teammate."

Qin Fen got up and walked around the Internet cafe. The other customers were either not playing games, or they had already opened them. He simply brought the boss over.

The owner of the Internet cafe didn't hire anyone at night, so he worked as a part-time network administrator. He heard that he was reluctant to play games. He was worried that there would be something for him to do in the Internet cafe.However, when they heard that the two foreigners were dissatisfied with their Chinese player winning the wcg championship, they immediately rolled up their sleeves. Anyway, there are relatively few things to do at night, so they can handle it.


The next morning, Huckon and Mars came to the Deep Space Park with four dark circles under their eyes. When they met Qin Fen and saw that he also had two dark circles, the three of them looked at each other and smiled.

Last night they were planning to win two out of three rounds. After the third round, the Chinese players narrowly won two to one.

But the bad thing is the narrow victory, because there are not many losses and the gap is not big, so Hakohn and Mars both feel that they are unlucky, or that they did not try their best. If they are lucky or try their best, they can win. up.

Therefore, the two discussed with Qin Fen to play two more rounds, changing from a best-of-three system to a best-of-five system.

Unlike Hakoen and the others, Qin Fen and the owner of the Internet cafe believed that their own victory was entirely a manifestation of their strength, and they had won without much effort, and they could win as many rounds later, so they agreed immediately.

In this way, they played until more than three o'clock in the morning. From the beginning to the end, Hackon and Mars both lost a game.Every time I almost win, but I just can't win.

Now that we met, Hakohn was still very unconvinced, and shouted, "Qin, don't leave after I get Jay's autographed CD. Let's go to the electronic reading room in Deep Space and compare."

Qin Fen wasn't shy at all, "Of course it's fine, I'll do as many rounds as you want...but there's a premise."

"What premise?" Hackon asked.

Qin Fen said with a smile, "The premise is that we can find the machine in the electronic reading room in the deep space, and there must be three machines."

There are many computers in the deep space electronic reading room, and the equipment and network speed are very good, but the problem is that it is too popular, so it is difficult to get a seat at ordinary times, and it usually takes a long time to wait for the machine.

Some time ago, someone launched a petition post on the Deep Space Chinese website, hoping that the Deep Space Company can expand the scale of the electronic reading room in the park, and try to satisfy as many tourists as possible surfing the Internet at the same time.

The deep space company attaches great importance to this opinion from netizens, and immediately took measures to issue a new rule that any visitor should not use the computer for more than four hours a day in the electronic reading room. Forced to disembark...

Although Deep Space did not increase the equipment, it also solved the problem of queuing in the electronic reading room. Now that everyone's usage time is controlled, doesn't it increase the probability of other people's usage?It's just that netizens didn't expect that the way that Deep Space Company solves the problem is so wicked.

"If it doesn't work, let's go to the Internet cafe last night." Hakoen suggested, "Then find the boss from last night to be your teammate."

"Good good."

Qin Fen smiled, saying that Hakoen and Mars are really energetic.

They finished after three o'clock, and it took at least ten minutes for Hakohn and Mars to return to the hotel, and it was four o'clock to tidy up.

Today's music-themed activities started at [-]:[-], they need to get up at [-]:[-] or [-]:[-], and it will take some time to get from the hotel to the deep space park.Calculated in this way, the two of them slept for more than two hours at most.

Qin Fen yawned and looked down at his watch. It was just past eight o'clock, and the entrance of the park was already full of people. Everyone was queuing up to enter the park.

They were probably in the middle of the line, and the angle was just right to see the entrance of the music hall, where a big stage had been set up, which looked even bigger than last year.

Qin Fen did not come to the event last year, but later saw the live video of the annual meeting on TV.

Compared with last year's stage, this year's stage is not only bigger, but also has more equipment beside it, and a temporary stand has been specially built.

This stand is built of wood and steel frames, about seven or eight floors, the whole stand is a huge arc around the side of the stage, it can seat about 2000 people, plus the open space in front, just the stage The front block can accommodate 4000 people.

One thing I have to say is that the deep space is very lucky. The weather of the annual meeting these years has been very good, and there has been almost no bad weather. Even if there is rain and snow, it is only when indoor activities are carried out, such as concerts and There is no rain or snow in the part of walking the red carpet.

Qin Fen pointed to the stage in front of the music hall, and said to Hakohn and Mars, "Today's performance will be held there."

Hakohn looked in the direction of the stage, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is there going to be a performance when the event starts?"

Qin Fen nodded, "Of course, didn't you guys read the activity manual?"

"Activity manual?" Mars looked puzzled.

"It's the process manual made by Deep Space Corporation, which has the location and time of different activities. Those manuals are scattered everywhere in the deep space park, and there is a shelf every other section on almost every floor. These manuals are available in several languages. , You didn’t see it?” Qin Fen couldn’t believe it, because these manuals are everywhere, and the staff of Deep Space often recommend them to tourists.

Hakohn smiled: "We generally don't pay attention to these things, Jay will appear in the show later, right?"

Qin Fen shook his head, "Unfortunately, your favorite Jay will not appear in the morning show. According to the brochure, he will appear in the after dark event. In the morning, the guest of the opening show is the king of rock and roll You· Nesper, the domestic rock group Mayday, and a Latin American female star, who seems to be called Shakira."

Mars shrugged. "No, we don't pay much attention to Latin American music."

"I don't know much about it either, but since Deep Space let her perform with You Nesbo and the others, it shouldn't be bad," Qin Fen murmured.

"It's a pity, I can't see Jay's performance in the morning, so I can only wait until the evening."

"Isn't it better at night? The atmosphere of watching the show at night is much better than in the morning. After dark, the live lighting of the music scene must be very beautiful. Look, there are a lot of lights on the stage, which must have been prepared by online shows. "


It is precisely because of the consideration of the presentation of the live effect that Deep Space puts the main performances of the music theme day at night. The opening music is only You Nesbo, Mayday and the Latin female singer Shakira who the company just signed this year.

In fact, Shakira is quite famous now. In 1991, at the age of 13, Shakira signed a contract with Sony Records and released her first album.

This album collected some of the works she created since she was eight years old, but it didn't arouse much response.

Until 1995, Shakira released the album "Pies Déscalzos", which caused a sensation in Latin America. Even in the United States, there was no response at all. It was not particularly popular, but it was definitely not bad. Shakira is only a teenager.

A year ago, Shakira released her fourth solo album, and the sales volume was also very good. So far, it has exceeded 400 million copies. At this time, Deep Space made a move to sign Shakira to the company.

Deep Space signed her, and the next step is to prepare an English album for her to help her develop the international market.

At this time, Shakira was chatting with Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu in not-so-fluent Mandarin in the lounge.

"Seeing so many audiences, I'm a little nervous."

Hearing Shakira's "啦" at the end, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu almost laughed out loud. They knew that what Shakira wanted to say should be "啦", but they would always say "啦", not Yanjing's "" Alright" kind of, with a bit of a Central Plains accent.

But I have to admire Shakira's language talent. She has only signed a contract with Deep Space for a few months, and she has only been learning Chinese for a few months. She can already communicate with people normally. Although the communication is a bit slow, she can make jokes. But it won't be a big problem.Moreover, Shakira is preparing her first English album. In addition to learning Chinese, she also needs to strengthen her English practice.

Shakira, who is in her early 20s, has long black hair, slightly curly, not tall, and exudes a youthful atmosphere all over her body.

In fact, she dyed her hair yellow some time ago, but it was probably for the performance in China this time, so she dyed her hair back to black on purpose.

Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile: "Shakira, you don't need to be modest, you have been on so many big stages, today's scene is a piece of cake for you."

The word "a piece of cake" is beyond Shakira's comprehension, she looked at Cheng Yanqiu with some doubts, "A piece of cake?"

Cheng Yanqiu explained with a smile, "There are very few dishes that can be eaten very easily, which means that it is easy to do."

Shakira said modestly, "You're too proud."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, he still couldn't figure out whether the Chinese teacher Shakira hired was from Yanjing or from the Central Plains.

The company's signing of Shakira actually has nothing to do with Yu Dong. The whole process was handled by Porter, the director of the Deep Space American Music Department. Saw this message.

The signing of Shakira was included in the signing materials of other stars, and it was not specifically marked. Although Shakira has developed very well in Latin America in recent years, her influence is not enough for Porter to report to Yu Dong. In this matter, after all, Deep Space Company is different today. Apart from some newcomers, it has also signed many big-name stars, such as a blockbuster operation some time ago: signing Mariah Carey.

Signing Shakira seemed like nothing compared to signing Mariah Carey.

After seeing this news, Yu Dong felt amazing, he didn't need to do such a thing by himself.

This also proves one thing, that is, the music department of Deep Space America is on the right track and has enough brand appeal.Although compared with established music companies, Deep Space Company has entered the music industry for a relatively short time, but Deep Space Company owns Deep Space Tribe, Dongdong, and Amazon. In such an Internet age, their publicity and distribution capabilities are very strong. strong.

In addition, as a film and television company that can challenge the Big Eight, Deep Space has an advantage in making music.

After Yu Dong learned that the company had signed Shakira, he told Porter that he must fully support her.

Especially for the first album Shakira is preparing, because of Yu Dong's words, she won the highest level of resource tilt from Deep Space Company, almost the same treatment as Jay Chou. She will ask a well-known director to help shoot the MV for each song.

Even to promote Shakira, Deep Space Company arranged for her to appear in the opening performance of this year's music theme day with You Nesbo and Mayday.

In addition, Cheng Yanqiu will also be the piano accompaniment for her solo.

You know, the last time Cheng Yanqiu assisted in the accompaniment was her student, Jay Chou, who is very popular in the pop music world.

I believe that after the performance at this annual meeting, Shakira will definitely attract the attention of all parties, after all, the proprietress has personally accompanied it.

Shakira also knew that the company valued her so much because of Yu Dong's words, so she was very grateful to Dong in her heart. Knowing that she was going to China this time, she dyed her hair black and studied Chinese desperately.

The three chatted for a while, and several members of Mayday had already changed their costumes in another lounge and came over.

After the event starts, their group will sing the first song of the day.

The faces of several young men are all red, and the red light on their faces is like the epitome of their careers this year.

This year, they released the group's first creative album "Crazy World". As of last month, the sales volume of this album has exceeded 80 copies. One seat.

Yu Dong also heard that after the release of the first album, the young men have been working hard and are already preparing for their next album. If there is no accident, their second album next summer will be able to share with the audience. Meet.

A few of them are young men in their early 20s, each of them is very energetic. Ashin nodded to Shakira next to him, and then greeted Yu Dong and the others with a smile: "Boss, Boss, hello!" .”

(End of this chapter)

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