Chapter 783 Circulation Plan

After a brief chat with Ashin and the others, Yu Dong got up and said goodbye to them, while Cheng Yanqiu stayed in the lounge because she would bring Shakira to the stage after the performance.

Yu Dong was going back to the office to catch up on the manuscript of "Wall-E". There were more things in the past two days than he expected, and he even encountered a robber yesterday, which wasted most of his time.

Regarding the gang of thieves, the police meant that some information could be released to the outside world. After discussing with Shenkong, the police planned to wait until the year when Shenkong officially started to work before releasing it. Uncertainty, to be safe, I chose to postpone.


Most of Steven Case's attention has been focused on the acquisition of Time Warner recently. They must persuade several relevant departments to approve their acquisition, otherwise everything will be in vain.

He hopes to solve it quickly, it is not a good thing to delay this kind of thing for too long.

After the approval of the relevant departments, the two companies will have to run in, and there are still many problems that need to be solved by them.If it is a merger and acquisition of other companies, Steven Case doesn't need to think too much. The other party must follow the rhythm of America Online.

But Time Warner is different. Time Warner is also a behemoth. It is impossible for the other party to fully adapt to the rhythm of AOL. America Online also needs to adapt to the rhythm of Time Warner.

One is a traditional media company and the other is an Internet company. Needless to say, the styles of the two companies must be very different.

AOL's internal working atmosphere is very free, while Time Warner's side is more serious. If the two parties are together, collisions are easy to occur. These are things that Steven Case needs to solve.

But even at such a busy time, Steven Case still devoted part of his attention to the Deep Space Annual Meeting.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Steven Case did slowly regard Deep Space Corporation as their opponent.

It wasn't because of the defeat in the tribal management confrontation that he began to pay attention to deep space, but because of the series of operations in deep space in the past few years, he had to pay attention to it.

During this period of time, when Steven Case was sleeping at night, he had a bad feeling when he thought of the recent commercial activities of Deep Space Corporation.

One thing everyone in the industry knows is that Deep Space has been slowly selling off the stocks of Internet companies in its hands this year.

It was also when Deep Space Corporation began to sell these stocks that people discovered that Deep Space Corporation has held the stocks of so many companies since they do not know when.

The most important thing is that more than 80.00% of the stocks held by Deep Space are profitable, and less than 20.00% of the stocks are in a loss state, and these loss-making stocks have not lost much, and they are worthless compared with the profits. Mention.

Let’s talk about the stocks that make Deep Space Corporation profitable. Amazon, which they hold, has already made a lot of money by selling only a small part of the stock. Cash out should be able to exceed 20 billion US dollars, and it is not yet known whether Deep Space will continue to cash out.

When he heard for the first time that Deep Space Corporation was cashing out, Steven Case was still wondering why Deep Space Corporation didn’t wait for Amazon’s stock split before cashing out. Obviously, Amazon’s stock will increase after the stock split. More money comes out.

Now it seems that it is because the deep space company needs to cash out too much money and can't wait.

But why can't wait?

Because Deep Space Corporation has money problems?

how can that be?No company in the world has as much cash as Deep Space Corporation, and if Deep Space Corporation wants cash, there are plenty of ways, and there is no need to cash it out, and it is so urgent.

It is risky to cash out in such a hurry. Investors may lack confidence in the company when major shareholders see this level of cashing out.Fortunately, the Internet industry is very popular now, and the stocks sold by Shenkong have been taken over by others, which has not affected the stock price. Even after Shenkong cashed out, the stock price has risen a wave.

Some people joked about Deep Space, thinking that they were too eager to cash out this time, did not grasp the situation, and might have lost hundreds of millions of dollars.

But Steven Case didn't think so, because in his opinion, it was impossible for an investment company like Deep Space to make such a low-level mistake.

Let’s talk about another transaction of Deep Space Corporation. They have been slowly buying Apple’s stock since 98, and Apple’s stock has also risen very well. The stock sold by Deep Space has earned them at least [-] million U.S. dollars. .

Such a shrewd deep space company, will it make a mistake?

Although people make mistakes, Steven Case believes that this series of actions in deep space should have its own calculations.

Although he has never met YU, he has dealt with Jimmy many times. I have to say that Jimmy is very powerful and can be called a business genius.It is impossible for such a business genius to make such a low-level mistake.

Is Deep Space Corporation no longer optimistic about the Internet industry?

This is not right either, Deep Space Corporation is still operating Deep Space Tribe and Dongdong, and is still increasing investment.

In addition, Deep Space also spent 800 million US dollars to buy [-]% of Google's shares.

What do they want?
Some time ago, Steven Case has been waiting for Deep Space Corporation to spend money to see what they are going to do with so much money, and whether they have any amazing plans.

At the beginning, Deep Space Company did not do anything special, but increased investment in film production, and launched many projects at the same time, such as "Pirates of the Caribbean", "Spiderman", "The Martian", "Shrek", "Golden Dreamland" and so on, each of these films of Deep Space Company has higher investment than the other, and tens of millions are thrown into it.

They also spent a lot of money on the Deep Space Tribe Dongdong, especially in technical research and development.

But at the end of the year, Deep Space Company made a sudden effort again, and suddenly bought their game business department from Vivendi, and then spent money to hold a game competition.

Although Deep Space Corporation has made several popular games before, except for the "Resident Evil" series, Deep Space Corporation's games are basically casual, and none of them are pure PC games, so Steven Case does not I think that Deep Space Company will put too much energy into the game. Making games is just for playing tickets, and it is also for the service of film and television dramas.

Who knew that Deep Space Company would suddenly make such a move, as if they were going to make a big splash in the PC game industry.

Sitting on the sofa and thinking about it, Steven Case still called his assistant.

"Mills, go check out the companies that have sold stocks in Deep Space."

"But it has been checked once before."

"I know I've checked it once, but I want to get more information, not just superficial ones, I want to know the specific development of these companies."

"okay, I get it."

Mills on the other end of the phone curled his lips. In fact, he didn’t think he could find out more. According to the information they found, the companies that Deep Space sold their shares had great potential for development, especially Apple and Motorola. , are the focus of investors' attention.

After the phone call, Steven Case relaxed a little.


When Steven Case was thinking about deep space, Yu Dong was concentrating on writing a new book. Maybe the note on the office door played a role. From morning to evening, there was no one else except Cheng Yanqiu. bother him.

The note he pasted on the door said: Go downstairs for small things, go to the opposite side for big things, come to me after five in the evening if you have nothing to do.

Downstairs refers to Margin, opposite refers to Jimmy.

At five o'clock, the alarm clock on Yu Dong's desk rang. He reached out to press the alarm clock, and wrote a few sentences in the notebook before putting down the pen.

Seeing that Yu Dong had rested, Cheng Yanqiu, who was lying on the sofa, put down the book in his hand with a smile and said, "Today's work status is not bad."

Yu Dong stretched his waist, "If I can do this every day, I can finish writing the new book in a few days."

Cheng Yanqiu pouted, "If it's like this every day, I won't do it."

Yu Dong smiled, got up and looked downstairs. From his direction, he could see the whole square in front of the music hall.

At this time, the front of the music hall is already crowded with people, the lights are shining, and the show will start soon.

"What time does it start?" Yu Dong asked.

"07:30, didn't you decide that you would let tourists have time to eat in the canteen." Cheng Yanqiu also walked to the French window and looked in the direction of the stage, "But let me see, I'm afraid no one wants to go Eat. Many people have been guarding their positions in the stands since two or three o'clock, and the stands are already full after four o'clock, and no one wants to go to eat at this time."

Yu Dong patted his head, "Mistake, mistake, I forgot that our temporary stands don't have seat numbers and don't need tickets, they are all free to occupy."

Since it is free to occupy seats, everyone must come to occupy seats in advance. Those who have already occupied seats are not willing to give up their seats and go to the cafeteria to eat at this time.

"You may make mistakes sometimes." Cheng Yanqiu grinned, "At noon, Yu Yu told me that he wanted to renovate the location in front of the music hall and make it into a theater. He also calculated that this open-air theater If it is done, it should be able to set up at least [-] seats. I think his idea is very good, do you remember when we were at the Hollywood Bowl?"

"Of course I remember, that was the first time I showed my singing voice in public."

"It's also the only time... I think that place is pretty good. The place in front of the music hall is big enough to make something similar."

Yu Dong nodded, "No problem, just let the rest go and do it later. It's just a theater, and it doesn't cost much. After it's done, you can usually hold some concerts, but these concerts can no longer be free, or Charge more or less."

"Well, you can also exchange points for tickets." Cheng Yanqiu said.

"Haha, indeed, you can collect their deep space points, and you have thought of another thing for them to spend points."

I have to say that things like concerts and music festivals are really good projects to consume deep space points.

The points consumed for holding a concert or music energy saving are definitely not a small amount.

If the points for redeeming tickets are set at 1, a single game can accommodate 500 people, and 1 million points can be consumed at one time.And if a concert is really going to be held, the ticket price must be more than [-] points, and the number of people in a single show must be more than [-].

In addition, this incident also gave Yu Dong a little inspiration.

The performance of deep space points in other cities is relatively weak now because it is not so convenient to use deep space points in other cities except Jinling.

And now the Deep Space Company is also facing a problem, that is, the paths for the public to obtain points are increasing faster and faster, while the paths for the public to consume points have not increased much.

Compared with increasing the way to consume points, increasing the way to earn points is very simple, as long as you cooperate with the local bookstore and set up a point entry system for the bookstore.

But the method of concerts can help Deep Space Company solve some of the problems. Deep Space only needs to set up a separate performing arts company to contract various concerts, concerts and music festivals.

After the contract is contracted, the Deep Space Company is responsible for buying tickets from the outside world, so it can naturally be set up to allow the audience to choose points to redeem tickets.

Different from general business cooperation, this kind of concerts and concerts can be held in many cities, and the mobility is very strong.

In this way, every time you arrive in a city, you can consume the deep space points of the local and surrounding cities, so that the deep space points of each city can remain in circulation.

The "purchasing power" of deep space points can only be guaranteed if the circulation is guaranteed.

They also talked about this a few days ago. Jimmy wants to promote the starry sky card to Europe and the United States to expand its influence, but the domestic cities have not yet been fully rolled out. If it is pushed to foreign countries now, it may face the same problem. question.

But now it seems that this problem is not very difficult to solve. It is entirely possible to set up a separate planning company abroad to contract various activities.

Thinking of this, Yu Dong turned around, picked up the phone on the table and dialed it.

The phone rang twice, and the other party hung up suddenly. After more than 20 seconds, Jimmy ran over cursing, "Why are you looking for me, can't you go to my place."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Didn't you say last time that you wanted to promote the Star Card to Europe and the United States, but you were just worried that it would not be available in places where points are used like in China."

"Ang, what's wrong?"

"Teacher Cheng thought of a solution for us just now."

Jimmy looked at Cheng Yanqiu, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "The proprietress is starting to listen to politics behind the curtain?"

Cheng Yanqiu rolled his eyes, "I don't even know what he's talking about."

Yu Dong smiled and said the idea of ​​the concert, and Jimmy slapped his thigh straight after hearing it, "I'll go, we didn't think of such a simple idea before."

(End of this chapter)

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