Chapter 784 2015 Studio

Ideas are easy when you think of them, but difficult if you don’t think of them.

Of course, the main reason is that Yu Dong and Jimmy didn't pay enough attention to the starry sky card. Otherwise, if we held a few more meetings and brainstormed, the problem would have been solved long ago.

It is said that three cobblers are better than one Zhuge Liang, but there are not a group of cobblers in deep space, but a group of Zhuge Liang.

With so many Zhuge Liang together, it is not difficult to come up with an idea.

"In a while, I will call the surplus and Porter together for a small meeting, and tell them about this matter. We are planning to hold concerts for Jay Chou and Shakira in the United States and Europe in the second half of next year. At that time, we will be able to Come in handy," Jimmy said.

Yu Dong nodded: "It happened to be about the star card, let's talk a little more, I told you last time, you can let Xueleshan build a game sales platform, what I think is, wait until the game sales platform is done. After that, link the star card with this platform and Blizzard’s business, and our company’s users can use points to exchange for games or game props.”

"Actually, I've thought about this too, but the game sales platform hasn't been set up yet, so it's too early to talk about it now."

"Let's plan ahead." Yu Dong said with a smile.

"Okay, then plan ahead." Jimmy also laughed, and then suddenly remembered something, "Oh, by the way, Steven came to look for you in the afternoon, but after seeing the note on your door, turn to Dao went to find me and heard that you should be writing a new book, so he didn’t come to you.”

Just to prevent foreigners like Spielberg and the others, Yu Dong specially wrote Chinese and English on the note.But what Yu Dong didn't expect was that Spielberg came to him halfway, and this guy was so peaceful that he didn't break in directly.

"What is Steven looking for me at this time? Is he alone, or with Lucas?" Yu Dong asked curiously.

"He came alone. George has returned to the United States and will come back in a few days. He asked me if our company is interested in buying a game studio."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, not knowing what Spielberg meant.

"What game studio?" Yu Dong asked.

Jimmy laughed and said, "Since "Saving Private Ryan" came out, Steven has always wanted to make a game set in World War II."

"Well, I know this, but hasn't DreamWorks already made this game? I remember that it was available on PS some time ago."

"Yeah, this game is very popular, and the ratings are very good."

"Then what does he mean? It can't be that we want to buy DreamWorks' game department?" Yu Dong laughed.

Jimmy shook his head and said: "Actually, the sequel of this game is already in production and will be launched next year. But Spielberg is not satisfied. He hopes to make a PC game to enrich the gameplay. He believes that ps It can’t show what his story wants to express very well. DreamWorks obviously doesn’t have this ability, so Spielberg has been looking for a suitable company during this time. Just two days ago, Spielberg’s assistant told He found a studio, although the studio has not been established for a long time, and there are no works, but the technology is good, and it has a lot of ideas."

"So, he just needs to hand over the game to this studio? Why did he tell us this?" Yu Dong asked a little strangely.

Although they had a good relationship, Yu Dong didn't think that Spielberg was so kind and went around looking for a powerful studio for their company. The reason why Spielberg told them this was obviously for a purpose.

Jimmy smiled and said, "Spielberg didn't just want to make the game so simple. Since he saw that we acquired Blizzard and Sierra, he also thought about it and wanted to get involved. We acquired Blizzard and Sierra The formation of a new game business department is a foregone conclusion, he will definitely not be able to get in, but he naturally has other ways, such as this studio, he hopes to acquire it with us.”

"Sure enough." Yu Dong nodded.

Spielberg probably took a fancy to the strength of this studio, but if he buys it alone, there is no way to ensure that the studio can be run well. He does not have the energy and ability, so he wants to pull deep empty together.

Binding Shenkong, on the one hand, can share the risk with him, on the other hand, he can also hand over the management of the studio to Shenkong, and he only needs to wait for the dividend.

In fact, this kind of cooperation is beneficial to both parties. Although Spielberg did not work hard to run the company, he paid for his story script.

The reason why "Medal of Honor" produced by DreamWorks has a high score is of course not because of the superb game production technology of DreamWorks, but because the game was written and directed by Spielberg, and the script played a big role in this.

"What's the name of the studio he mentioned?"

"I haven't heard of the 2015 game studio. Spielberg told us that if we are interested, he will send us a demo made by this company."

2015 game studio... Yu Dong searched in his mind, but he couldn't find the name, which is normal, after all, he only knows so much about the game industry, and he doesn't care about studios or companies with a little reputation. understood.

However, since Spielberg can take a fancy to it, the other party should have two brushes, at least he can touch it.

"Okay, I'll contact him later and ask him to show us the demo of the studio. If it's okay, we can talk about it... If this matter can be settled, let's quickly develop a game sales platform It’s time to let Sierra release the game written by Spielberg and sell it directly on our sales platform.”

"I think so too, but in this way, there are still a little less games on the platform. Except for "Half-Life" and this new game, the others are all casual, and these two are shooting games. Is the game too simple? The beginning is often very important. If users are left with the impression that there are few platform games at the beginning, it will be very detrimental to the subsequent development of the platform.”

"It's a bit small, but don't worry, we can contact those game developers during this period of time and persuade them to put their games on our platform for sale*** such as "FIFA". I remember that their distribution channels are not limited, and they should Wouldn't mind having one more sales channel."

"Okay, when the annual meeting is settled, I'll put the sales platform on the agenda, and try to let it meet with you as soon as possible." Then, Jimmy looked at his watch and asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

"not yet."

"Me neither, then let's go to dinner together, and go to the show directly after dinner."

"it is good."


When the three of Yu Dong and the others came to the front of the stage after eating, it was already early seven o'clock, and the audience was basically ready.

There are two rows of seats by the side of the stage, which are exclusive seats for VIPs, reserved for some important guests, and executives from companies such as Jiang Jie, Yu Yu, and Campo are also there.

It may be because the cold wind was blocked by the rows of stands at the back, so Yu Dong and the others didn't feel cold at all where they were sitting.

Of course, even if it is a little cold, it will be dispelled by the enthusiasm of the audience.

Spielberg was sitting in front of Yu Dong. When he saw Yu Dong approaching, he turned his head and talked to Yu Dong, "I'm looking for..."

Yu Dong only heard the two words "I'm looking for", but couldn't hear the rest clearly, because the sound at the scene was too noisy, and even though the performance hadn't started, the audience was already very excited.

On the contrary, the voices of several female audience not far from the back row could be heard clearly.

Yu Dong gestured to his ear with his hand, meaning that he couldn't hear what Spielberg said.

Spielberg understood, nodded, and pointed in the direction of the office. Yu Dong understood that he meant going to the office after the show ended, so he nodded in agreement.

Seeing Yu Dong nodding, Spielberg turned his head contentedly.

The performance was originally scheduled to start at 07:30, but at [-]:[-], the lights on the scene suddenly went dark, including the lights of several nearby buildings.

For a moment, the voices of the people also stopped. After about two or three seconds, the stage lights suddenly turned on again, and a figure appeared on the stage. The audience didn't even see who was standing on the stage. Already started screaming.

Yu Dong didn't see clearly either, but the music that sounded immediately let him know who was on stage.

A piece of "This Killer Will Not Be Cold" made the singer of "Shape Of My Heart" resound across the country, especially the prelude of this song, which sounds very emotional.

Hearing this song, the atmosphere at the scene became even more enthusiastic. Yu Dong could feel his eardrums buzzing from the screams of the girls in the back row.

Sting was not invited by Deep Space Company to perform the show. The invitation letter sent by Deep Space to the couple was only for them to attend the annual meeting. However, after receiving the invitation letter, Sting took the initiative to ask Ying to sing a song on the spot. .

Since Sting was so enthusiastic, Deep Space naturally did not refuse, and even arranged for him to sing.

The reason why "Shape Of My Heart" is sung is because the staff of Deep Space told sting that this song is the most popular in China.

Looking at the performance on the stage, Yu Dong couldn't help feeling that the money spent was still useful. Although it was an open-air stage, the live effect was not bad at all. Whether it was lighting or sound, it was far from the general open-air stage.

In order to build this stage, the company has spent a lot of thought and used the best equipment, even the temporary stands are made of the best materials, but they are worried that there will be safety hazards if there are too many people on the stands .

It was due to the good materials used, otherwise, even if the stands did not collapse due to the movement of the audience, it would not be so stable.

After writing a book for a whole day, it would be nice to join in the fun with Cheng Yanqiu in the audience.

Seeing the smile on his wife's face, Yu Dong couldn't help laughing. For a long time, the couple hadn't watched a performance with so many audiences in the audience like today.

After sting sang "Shape Of My Heart", he sang "All This Time" immediately after.

After the two songs ended, the scene was completely heated up, and most of the audience in the back row had already stood up.

Now that they have stood up, it is naturally difficult to sit down, and the rookie group Mayday is following sting.

Because it had already appeared in the morning, so in the evening Mayday only sang "Hug" before stepping down.

After Mayday, Zhang Yu, Li Wen, Xin, Shakira performed next on stage...

The entire performance lasted nearly two hours, and just when the enthusiasm of the audience was about to start to decline, the lights on the scene dimmed again.

Seeing the lights go down, there was a sudden burst of screams at the scene, and the screams were mixed with some names, including carey, Kelly, butterfly, jay, Jay Chou, Jay Lun... various names, But these titles only point to two people, Mariah Carey and Jay Chou.

Needless to say, Jay Chou, as the leading singer of deep space pop music nowadays, an occasion like today will definitely appear.

Jay Chou didn't play in the morning, many people waited until evening to watch him.

As for Mariah Carey, that is the most famous singer signed by Deep Space Company this year, and before the annual meeting, Deep Space Company has already announced that Mariah Carey will be on this year's music theme day. Appear on stage.

There are even a lot of Mariah Carey posters and stand cards in the music hall.

The audience had been listening to the song for nearly two hours, and they hadn't waited for these two people. Now that the lights were dimmed, they naturally knew that one of them was going to appear, but they didn't know who would come out first and who would come out later.

For five full seconds, the lights on the stage were not turned on.

At the sixth second, a piano sound came from the stage.

Just a few simple notes, the scene burst into cheers, "Kelly!"

That's right, this piano sound is the prelude to "withou you".

The prelude to this song is not long, and soon Mariah Carey's vocals with extremely strong pressure came out.

After the singing sounded, the lights came on, and Mariah Carey stood on the stage in a long black dress. In the cold wind, her voice was steady.

But at this moment, the cheers on the scene suddenly became louder again, and another name followed-Jay Chou.

Next to Mariah Carey, Jay Chou in a black suit was sitting next to a piano, and the sound of the piano just now came from his hand.

Just now, the audience were guessing who would come out first, Jay Chou or Mariah Carey, but they didn't expect them to be on stage together.

Most of the audience had never thought about what it would be like when Jay Chou and Mariah Carey collaborated on the stage. Now that they saw it, they didn’t feel that it was inconsistent at all. Jay Chou’s piano sound was similar to Mariah Carey’s The vocals were perfectly combined to present a perfect stage for the audience.

After the song "without you", the two of them didn't go down. Jay Chou held up the microphone and said with a smile, "Come on, I'll bring you—the roof."

(End of this chapter)

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