There are many versions of the song "The Roof", Chinese, English, French, Japanese, Korean... Earlier, in order to promote the TV series "Song of the Stars and the Moon", Deep Space Company asked singers to sing a version in most Asian countries. Because Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu came out and sang the song, it was completely popular. Singers from various countries began to cover it spontaneously, and there were more and more versions after that.

There are many cover songs by well-known singers. Mariah Carey once sang a section with a host on a show. Kelly performed very well in that section. Many listeners are calling for her to find a male singer partner. Produce a complete version of "The Roof".

Unexpectedly, Mariah Carey directly found the original singer Jay Chou.

This version of "The Roof" is very different from the original version, especially the part of the female voice. It should be to make this song more suitable for Kelly to sing, so many adaptations have been made, even the tempo has been changed.

At first glance, it seemed that the female voice was highlighted, but after the male voice came in, the audience realized that it would not work without the male voice.

If Mariah Carey's singing is a chemical reaction, then Jay Chou's voice is the catalyst. It seems nothing special, but it is indispensable.

I have to say that the adaptation of this version was very successful, giving the song a new flavor.

The original version of the roof is about a man who can't sleep in the middle of the night humming on the roof to attract the attention of a woman, and the two develop love through the exchange of singing.

But Jay Chou and Kelly's chorus is like two good friends who are bored meet on the rooftop, chatting with each other very excitedly.

This kind of playful rhythm makes the audience in the audience can't help but dance along with it.

The reason why Mariah Carey and Jay Chou sang together is mainly to promote Jay Chou.

With the two albums "Jay Chou" and "Fantasy", Jay Chou has gained some fame in the European and American music circles, but there is still no way to be called a first-line singer, or short-term fame is enough, but his status in the music world is not enough Didn't keep up, so Deep Space wanted to strike while the iron was hot, and quickly arranged for Mariah Carey to sing a chorus.

Mariah Carey is now an absolute first-line female singer in the United States, with her own traffic.

And Jay Chou is already writing a song for Mariah Carey, and if nothing else happens, listeners will be able to hear this song in a month or two.

The most important thing is that this is not an English song, but all in Chinese, which means that Mariah Carey needs to contact Chinese in the next period of time in order to better complete the song Jay Chou wrote for her. Song.

Yu Dong also heard the demo of the song written by Jay Chou. It is very similar to "If You Hear It Too" written by Jay Chou in his previous life for Zhang Huimei. The chorus is basically the same, but the main song is a little different.

In fact, Yu Dong was also quite curious about what it would be like for Mariah Carey to sing "If You Heard Too".

After Mariah Carey's new song comes out, Deep Space will definitely promote it. The next step is to get more and more European and American singers to sing songs written by Jay Chou, preferably in Chinese.

On the stage, after singing "The Roof", Mariah Carey ran to give Jay Chou a big hug amidst the cheers of the audience, and then said in Chinese with a microphone: "Hello everyone, I am Kelly. "


It was a late self-introduction, but the effect was amazing, and the Chinese audience cheered louder.

However, her Chinese proficiency stopped here, and then she said a few words in English, to the effect that she was very happy to come here to sing for everyone, and hoped to meet more Chinese fans in the future. Can do better and better.

After the chorus, Kelly sang another song "hero", and finally Jay Chou soloed two songs, namely "Nunchaku" and "Lovely Woman".

By the time "Lovely Woman" finished singing, all the performances had ended, but the audience at the scene were unwilling to leave, and were still waiting for the next show.

"One more, one more."

Some audience members took the lead, and soon the whole scene was filled with the sound of encore.In the encore, there were many names called out, basically all the guests who performed tonight were called out, of course, the names of singers such as Kelly, Jay Chou, and sting were more prominent.

But to the disappointment of the audience, their encore did not get a response, and the stage was still empty.

The sound of encore lasted for six or seven minutes before the audience reluctantly began to leave.

Cheng Yanqiu pursed his lips and said, "Is it true that you didn't come back?"

Yu Dong rolled his eyes, "You are the general music consultant of the company, why don't you ask me if you don't know about this?"

"Aren't I busy these days, I don't have time... No, they haven't moved in the margin, and there must be an encore."

That's right, Yu Yu and Jiang Jie, the company's top executives, were sitting securely, and they didn't intend to get up at all. No matter how they looked at it, they should return.

Cheng Yanqiu was not the only one who observed this. Hu Ge, who was sitting in the middle, pointed to the people in the front row and said to the people next to him: "Look, the high-level people in the deep space haven't moved, there must be an encore."

Qin Fen, who was not far away from Hu Ge, nodded when he heard this, and said to Mars and Hakoen next to him, "The high-level people in the deep space have not moved, and there should be a return."

Hakohn's eyes lit up, "Really? Who will be on stage? It's better to be Jay, and he'd better sing "Dad, I'm Back". Although "Nunchaku" and "Lovely Woman" are good, but It’s not as good as “Dad, I’m Back.”

Qin Fen curled his lips and said, "Don't worry, if Jay Chou returns, he won't be able to sing "Dad, I'm Back". I can assure you of that."

Mars wondered: "Why? Is it because this song doesn't suit today's atmosphere? I think it's okay."

"I don't know if the atmosphere is not the atmosphere, the main thing is the title of the song." Qin Fen said.

"What's the name of the song..." Ma'er slapped his forehead halfway through the words, "Why didn't I think of that!"

Hakoen also reacted, and couldn't help laughing, "Qin, you are so humorous, I didn't think about it at all. Now that you say that, I want to hear Jay sing this song even more... "

Before he finished speaking, a drum sounded, and everyone looked up at the stage.

I saw a huge screen falling on the stage, and five seconds later, a picture appeared on the screen.

On the vast sea, there was a lone boat floating. At this time, a man with strange clothes and a mustache was scooping the water out of the boat with a wooden basin. Obviously, his boat had a hole and was about to die. Shen, at this time he is struggling to survive.It's just that the wooden barrel in his hand looks so small that people can't believe that he can escape with this small wooden barrel.


But as soon as he raised his head, he put down the wooden barrel in his hand, because he saw the coast, and there were three skeletons hanging on a crossbar on the shore, and beside the skeletons was a wooden sign with a sentence engraved on it: "Pirates take warning".

The man stood up on the boat and took off his hat to the corpse with a serious expression.

Everything in the picture, the busy people on the horse's head were attracted by a floating wooden barrel at this time, and then they saw a man standing on a mast with his head held high, and the sailboat to which the mast belonged was slowly silent.

Just when the man was about to sink, the mast finally approached the pier. He lifted his foot lightly, walked onto the pier, and walked forward gracefully.

At this point, the whole thing is over, and two lines of Chinese and English words appear on the screen.

"Pirates of the Caribbean, stay tuned."

The audience at the scene stared blankly at the big screen, all of them were surprised.

Although they didn't wait for Jay Chou and others to return, this was a surprise.

Everyone has heard that Deep Space and Disney have collaborated to make a movie about pirates, but neither company has released much information about the movie.

They only know that the script of this movie was written by Yu Dong himself, and the protagonist is Johnny Depp.

Huckon looked at Qin Fen and Mars next to him, "Is this really a pirate movie? Why... Although there are three drum towers in it, I always feel a little... funny."

Mars nodded, "I also find it funny, especially Depp's performance, which looks very strange and has a strange sense of humor."

"Oh my God! Is he Depp?"

It was only then that Hackon realized that the man with strange clothes, coquettish eye makeup and mustache just now seemed to be Johnny Depp.

Qin Fen was also surprised, "That was Depp just now?"

Mars nodded and said, "Are you all face-blind? You can't even recognize this? And Depp's makeup photos have already come out before, that's it."

Qin Fen and Hakoen shook their heads together, indicating that they did not recognize that the man just now was played by Depp.

Disney did release makeup photos of Depp and others before, but the publicity was mediocre, so many people didn’t see the makeup photos, and even if they saw the makeup photos, they probably wouldn’t remember them, after all, it’s been such a long time.

Like Qin Fen and Hakohn, there are many who did not recognize Depp. When they heard the people next to him mention Depp, they were very surprised.

At this time, another line of words appeared on the screen: Today's event is over, tomorrow is the movie theme day, welcome to come again.

Because they saw "Pirates of the Caribbean", the audience didn't keep calling Encore anymore, and started talking about the movie instead.


Yu Dong smiled, and pulled Cheng Yanqiu up, "I'll have a chat with Spielberg first, and we'll go back later."

"Well, you go to Spielberg first, and I'll go to Kelly and Jaylen."

Yu Dong nodded, "Alright, I should finish my work soon, and I'll look for you in a while."



After returning to the office, Yu Dong looked at Spielberg with a smile, "Do you want to tell me about the game studio?"

Spielberg nodded, "It seems that Jimmy has already told you."

"That's right, Jimmy has already told me. He said that you have taken a fancy to a game studio called 2015, and hope to hand over the game script in hand to them, and hope to acquire this studio with us."

"what do you think?"

"Let's talk about it after seeing their demo. The company needs to evaluate the studio, and then talk about the proportion of our two parties in this studio."

"It doesn't take much money. My idea is that my script will be exchanged for 30.00% of Wu's shares."

Yu Dong squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "It's too early to say this now, let's wait."

"No problem." Spielberg nodded, and said, "Besides this, there is one more thing that I have discussed with Scorsese. He is willing to remake "Infernal Affairs" and he is also willing to let me be the director. Producer. He will be in Jinling tomorrow morning, we can meet up."

"Actually, this matter can also wait until "Infernal Affairs" is released in the United States."

Spielberg said with a smile: "Do you think that "Infernal Affairs" can get a very good box office in the United States, and it will be beneficial to you to talk about it at that time? Actually, I don't think it is necessary, because we are very interested in this movie. Movies already have enough attention, we don't need more box office to increase our attention."

"That's not what I mean. I'm worried that if "Infernal Affairs" does well at the box office after it's released in the United States, you will lose interest."

Hearing this, Spielberg nodded slightly. Yu Dong was right. If "Infernal Affairs" got an unexpected box office after it was released in the United States, it might really reduce their interest.

After all, it is a remake. If the original film is already popular in the United States, the risk of going for a remake will increase. Are audiences willing to go to the cinema again to watch a similar story?

This question really needs to be considered.

Spielberg thought for a while and said, "Actually, I talked to Scorsese about his thoughts on the adaptation of the script. His story is very different from that of "Infernal Affairs", and the different backgrounds will definitely make the United States better." The audience accepts."

Yu Dong shrugged and said, "As long as you are willing, there is no problem on my side. "Infernal Affairs" will be released in the United States in more than a month, and the results should come out soon."

"I believe it will have a good result."

Although Spielberg said so in his mouth, he didn't think so in his heart.

I know that "Infernal Affairs" is a good movie, but this movie has a fatal flaw, it is a Chinese police and gangster movie without violent scenes.

If the film hadn't been produced and distributed by Deep Space, Spielberg doesn't even think it would have grossed more than $1000 million in the United States.

And now, Spielberg's box office forecast for this movie is about 4000 million US dollars, and the extra 3000 million US dollars are all brought by Deep Space.

Based on the current box office appeal of Deep Space Corporation, even a bad film will start with a box office of 2000 million US dollars.

"By the way, how is your novel writing? You have been writing all day long?"

Yu Dong said helplessly, "Steven, a novel can't be written in a few days."

Spielberg raised his eyebrows and said, "Isn't that the case for you? I heard that you finished a novel in a week at the fastest time?"

Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

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