Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 786 Let's Play Games

"It's a complete rumour."

Yu Dong said this to Spielberg, and then said: "When Scorsese comes tomorrow, you can pick him up, I won't go, I will wait for you here in the office."

Spielberg shrugged with a smile, "I'm not going either, he will come directly to the Deep Space Park at that time, in fact he wanted to come here earlier, but his movie "You Can Rely on Me" will be released on the 21st. Although it was a low-budget film, he still cared about it."

"I know, he called me." Yu Dong nodded.

Spielberg smiled and stood up, "Okay, then I'll go back to the hotel first, see you tomorrow."


After Spielberg left, Yu Dong didn't stay in the office for too long. After sorting out the manuscript of "WALL-E", he got up and rushed to the lounge of the music theme pavilion.

When he arrived, the scene was quite lively.

Probably because Cheng Yanqiu came to see them, the singers were not in a hurry to leave. Cheng Yanqiu was not only their proprietress, but also a well-known musician. consultant.

Everyone's attention was on Cheng Yanqiu, so that when Yu Dong walked to the door of the lounge, no one noticed him.

"Cough cough." Yu Dong coughed lightly, and when people turned their heads around, he said with a smile, "Everyone has worked hard tonight."

"It's not hard."

"Teacher Yu was joking."

"It's an honor for us to be on stage today."

Everyone responded with each sentence, Yu Dong smiled, and then said: "Although the music theme day has come to an end, the burden on everyone is still there. Deep Space Music, Alpha, and Deep Space American Music The department’s year-end meeting has not yet been held, and the development plans for next year have not yet been finalized. The company must have plans for your development, but at the same time it will definitely respect your own wishes, so I hope you will first Think about it for yourself, and we can fully exchange opinions when we discuss later.”

As soon as Yu Dong came, he talked about work, which made the originally relaxed atmosphere a little more serious, Cheng Yanqiu smiled and said, "Okay, everyone is tired today, what meeting, planning, let's wait until tomorrow to talk about it. When you weren't here just now, Kelly told me that she hoped to have a chance to hold a concert in China."

"Okay, but the process of arranging concerts in China is a bit long... If it's better in Jinling, I'll let me arrange it later. Just talking about the concert, let me say a few more words, starting next year , your concerts will increase more or less, you have to prepare in advance. Don’t be like some people who can only memorize one out of ten lines of lyrics after going on stage.”

When Yu Dong said this, Jay Chou and Mayday lowered their heads in embarrassment, and Mariah Carey also raised her eyebrows after hearing the translation from the person next to her.

You Nesbo joked in his not-so-fluent Mandarin, "Jay Lun, it's okay, even Chinese audiences can't understand the lyrics of your song, and if you go to a concert in Europe and the United States, they won't be able to understand it even more. Even if they sing the lyrics casually, they won’t be able to find out.”

It was nothing at first, but after You Nesbo said this, everyone turned their attention to Jay Chou, who smiled awkwardly and didn't have the nerve to say anything.

"Okay, it's getting late tonight, let's all go back." Yu Dong said to everyone, then turned to Jay Chou and said, "Jay Lun, come out."


Following Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu out of the lounge, Jay Chou originally thought that Yu Dong was going to tell him about forgetting his lyrics at the concert, and was thinking of issuing a military order with Yu Dong to ensure that he would not forget his words, but he heard Yu Dong say, "Jie Lun, I remember you usually play games."

Jay Chou nodded dully, "Playing...but not a lot."

In fact, he plays a lot. When he doesn't make music, he hangs out with Liu Genghong and the others, either playing basketball or video games. However, he is afraid that Yu Dong will criticize him for not doing his job properly, so he doesn't play much.

Although Yu Dong seldom criticizes others, Jay Chou feels very majestic. He belongs to the type who is not angry and arrogant. Talking to Yu Dong, Jay Chou feels like talking to a teacher when he was in school.

"Do you play computer games?" Yu Dong asked again.

Jay Chou shook his head, "There are very few computer games."

He didn't lie this time, because they usually play more console games and rarely play computer games.

Yu Dong nodded, "Okay, now I have a task for you, go back and find "Warcraft" and have fun."

"Warcraft?" Jay Chou looked surprised. He didn't expect that the task Yu Dong gave him was to play games.

This is not a task, isn't this a reward?

"Well, Warcraft, another game under the name of Blizzard. Also, go back and bring Fang Wenshan to play together."

Jay Chou was even more surprised, even if Yu Dong let him play games, he even brought Fang Wenshan with him.

"Are we just playing casually, or do we have some goals to accomplish?" Jay Chou asked.

"There is no task, just play casually."

"That's it." Jay Chou scratched his head, but didn't continue to ask why, "Then I'll go back and tell Minshan to let him play with me."

"Well, that's it, you go back."


After Jay Chou returned, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu also rushed home.

On the way, Cheng Yanqiu asked Yu Dong curiously, "You let Jie Lun and Fang Wenshan play "Warcraft" together, do you want them to write a song related to this game?"

Yu Dong smiled and said: "You can see it, this kid hasn't reacted yet."

Cheng Yanqiu pursed his lips and said, "It's not necessarily because he didn't realize it, or he might have noticed it but didn't say anything. But why did you remember asking him to write a game song? Did Blizzard request it?"

Yu Dong shook his head and explained, "That's not true. Blizzard hasn't paid that much attention to "Warcraft". Let Jay and the others get familiar with it, and when the time comes to promote it, let them write a theme song."

Cheng Yanqiu's eyelashes fluttered and fluttered, "I don't know much about games, but video games spread quickly and widely. Jie Lun wrote the theme song for "Warcraft". If this game becomes famous in the future, it will be very beneficial to him. .”

"Of course."

What Cheng Yanqiu said was Yu Dong's plan.

He knows that "Warcraft" and "World of Warcraft" will definitely become popular all over the world, surpassing "StarCraft". A corner, that's better than how much money they spend on publicity.

The key point is that games can easily break through cultural barriers. When the time comes to deep space, you don’t have to worry about breaking through one area at a time. Jay Chou can take over Europe, America, Neon, and Korea with just one game.

In another time and space, Jay Chou also wrote a song related to "Warcraft", called "Orc".

That song was very popular, but the lyrics were criticized by many Warcraft players.

The theme of the lyrics of "Half-Orc" is the process of the beastization and reduction of the half-orc race to humans, which obviously does not match the game setting of Warcraft.

This song is very famous, and "Warcraft" is also very popular, but they are both popular, and many people don't associate the song with the game.

The reason for this, on the one hand, is related to the lyrics, on the other hand, of course, it is also because Blizzard is not dedicated to the promotion of this song, so that many people do not know that this song is because Jay Chou endorsed "Warcraft 3: Chaos" Written by The Beginning.

Yu Dong is not sure if Jay Chou is asked to write the theme song of "Warcraft" again, whether it will still be "Half-Orc", but he believes that no matter whether the newly written song is "Half-Orc", the quality will not be a problem, let them sooner. Playing the game, I also hope that the lyrics can be improved and more suitable for the game settings.

After the song comes out, Yu Dong will make Jay Chou the global spokesperson for "Warcraft" and bind him to this game, so that players will think of his song and think of him when they play this game.


As soon as Jay Chou returned to the hotel, he went to find Fang Wenshan. When he arrived at Fang Wenshan's room, Fang Wenshan was there. He had read this book no less than five times. He really loved this book.

In the past, Fang Wenshan preferred to read anthologies that output opinions, to see other people's perspectives on issues, but after reading Yu Dong's novels, he found that it is easier to find and richer in novels from the perspective of observing the world.

He came back after watching the performance, but he hadn't been back for long, and he had just picked up the book in his hand, so seeing Jay Chou as an unexpected visitor, he felt a little disgusted.

After Jay Chou entered the room and said a few words, Fang Wenshan put down the book and showed a surprised expression, "You mean, Teacher Yu asked us to play games?"

"Yes." Jay Chou nodded.

Fang Wenshan frowned, "Are you sure that Teacher Yu is not talking to you, or that playing games is just a metaphor, and he actually wants us to do other things?"

Regarding Fang Minshan's distrust, Jay Chou curled his lips and said, "Anyway, that's what Brother Dong said. Let us play "Warcraft" together. He also said that there is no goal, so let us play as we please, and nothing else is said."

Seeing that Jay Chou didn't seem to be joking, Fang Minshan pondered, and after a while he put forward his guess to Jay Chou, "Tell me, is there a possibility that Mr. Yu wants us to write a song for this game, but he is afraid that we will write a song for this game? I can’t write well, so let’s play the game for a while to get familiar with it?”

"I've also thought about this possibility, but why didn't Brother Dong speak out about this kind of thing?"

Fang Wenshan continued to speculate, "There are many possibilities, maybe he doesn't want to force us to write songs, but let us like this game, and then take the initiative to write songs, maybe he thinks that the quality of the works obtained by assigning tasks will be problematic, so Let us generate our own inspiration."

Jay Chou felt that Fang Wenshan's guess was quite reasonable, nodded and said, "I guess it's the same, but we guessed it now, is it because Dong Ge's hard work was in vain?"

Fang Wenshan waved his hand, "Don't think so much, just play games if you tell us to play games, don't you usually play games with Liu Genghong and the others?"

"But I haven't played Warcraft."

"What kind of games are you not playing? You should be troubled by an electric novice like me."

"It's okay, I'll teach you, I also have some experience in playing games."

"But you haven't played Warcraft."

"The games are all the same, you know everything."


The next day, Yu Dong, Jimmy, Scorsese and Spielberg talked about the adaptation of "Infernal Affairs".

The entire negotiation process went smoothly, and the three parties initially reached a consensus that Deep Space would be the main producer, with Spielberg contributing part of the money and acting as the producer, Scorsese as the director, and Yu Dong as the screenwriter.

Scorsese only has two requirements, he hopes that Yu Dong will participate in the screenwriting, and he can invite Mel Gibson to participate in the film.

The first request was met on the spot by Yu Dong. As for the latter request, it would depend on Mel Gibson's intentions. If Mel Gibson had a schedule, he probably wouldn't refuse, after all, such a luxurious and dreamy lineup.

Producer Spielberg, director Scorsese, and screenwriter Yu Dong, such a lineup can be said to be the ceiling of Hollywood now, and there is no other combination that can surpass the three of them.

If the three of them stand there, the attraction to the actors will be endless.

The Spielberg people have only one request, that is, they hope that the budget of the movie will not be less than 7000 million US dollars.

Although he knew that the filming of "Infernal Affairs" only cost 6000-7000 million RMB, but he thought it would cost at least [-] million US dollars to make a good adaptation.

For Spielberg's request, Yu Dong and Jimmy agreed immediately, because in their own plan, Yu Dong and Jimmy had a budget of about 8000 million U.S. dollars for the film, and Deep Space themselves would contribute to the movie. It took out about 4000 million US dollars, and the rest of the money was handed over to Spielberg and other interested investors.

Yu Dong wasn't worried about money at all. Although Deep Space had been spending money like water recently, and its accounts were a little tight, by the time the film officially started shooting, Deep Space's funds had already begun to come back.

In fact, even if there is no subsequent return of funds, it is still no problem for Deep Space to make a few movies with the cash in its hands. Those publishing houses, booksellers, and bookstores have made a lot of money for the company.

It's just that the money has to be reserved for the acquisition of BenQ Electronics and cannot be used lightly.

According to the investigation and side contact during this period, Jimmy believes that there is still hope for Deep Space Corporation to acquire BenQ Dentsu. Shi Zhengrong does not seem to be opposed to handing over BenQ Dentsu to Deep Space Corporation.

Of course, everything is hard to come to a conclusion now. Whether the negotiation can be concluded or not, Jimmy needs to find time to have a direct contact with Acer to be sure.

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