After Spielberg and Scorsese left, Jimmy did not leave in a hurry, and said another thing, "According to the information I got, among the [-] works selected for the Mao Dun Literary Award, there is yours "curse"."

"Thirty works?" Yu Dong was a little surprised, because in August he received news that the number of works that were candidates for the Contradictory Literature Award was 25.

Jimmy explained with a smile: "It was 25 at the beginning, and then five more were added. It doesn't matter whether there are 25 or [-]. What I want to tell you is that now some people are questioning your "Curse."

"Doubt? Why?" Yu Dong asked.

"They challenged that the novel didn't qualify."

"Not in line with that?"

"The time frame, they believe that "The Curse" was released in 1999, and the time frame of the Contradictory Literature Award this time is from 1995 to 1998. Your novel is beyond the limit."

Yu Dong frowned, "Is there anything, how do I remember that "Curse" was released at the end of 1998?"

"It was released at the end of the year, December 12, the last day of 31. We announced that it would be released at 1998:23, but it was actually released the next day. These people just grasped this point and insisted on saying this Novel overrun."

Yu Dong curled his lips and said, "What's the fuss about that? Both the book number and the edition are printed on the book. The edition of the book we released at that time must have been in 1998. They can't deny that, right?"

"The version is December 1998, but people don't recognize it, insisting that you have exceeded the limit."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, probably understanding what the other party wanted to do.

People must also clearly know that the book number and edition of "Curse" meet the selection criteria of the Mao Dun Literature Award, but they must seize the release time to make a fuss. Of course, the purpose of doing so is not to let the jury cancel the selection of "Curse" Qualifications, after all, cannot be denied in black and white.

But there is no way to disqualify the selection, but it can affect the mentality of the jury.

If this matter causes some public opinion in the future, it will be very unfavorable to Dong. Yu Dong is young in the first place. If the judges want to award the conflict to him, it will definitely take a little courage.

At this time, the courage of the judges may be beaten back by this incident. In order to prevent some wrangling in the future, they may exclude "Curse" to save trouble.

It's a psychological warfare.

It's just that the Mao Dun Literature Award has not announced which [-] novels are candidates for the Mao Dun Literature Award, so the voice of this kind of doubt is very small. After all, once you question it, it is tantamount to telling others that you already know which works are the candidates for the Mao Dun Literature Award, which also proves that the judges Internal information leaks.

Although the news has indeed been leaked, everyone just tacitly announced it and did not discuss it with great fanfare.

Regarding the Contradictory Literature Award, when Yu Dong went to Yanjing before, Tong Qingbing told him about it specifically.At that time, Tong Qingbing was mysterious and confidently told Yu Dong that he had a high probability of winning the award, as if he had obtained some inside information in advance.

At that time, the selection of candidates for the Mao Dun Literature Award had not even begun.

"By the way, do Yu Hua and the others have any of their works included in the candidate works?" Yu Dong asked suddenly. …

Jimmy nodded and said, "Of course, Yu Hua's "Xu Sanguan Selling Blood", Wang Anyi's "Song of Everlasting Regret", Su Tong's "Bodhisattva Man", A Lai's "Dust Settled", Mo Yan's "Rich and Fat Buttocks", "Choice" by Zhang Ping, "Daylight" by Yan Lianke, "Made in China" by Zhou Meisen...Among the [-] selected works this time, most of them are books from our company."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows. Even if he didn't win the award this year, the winner must be from Deep Space Corporation.

The Mao Dun Literary Award is usually awarded to three to six works each time, and most of them are four or five works. This year, there are probably four or five works. Wang Anyi and A Lai are more likely to win the award.

In fact, there is no surprise, because most of the well-known writers in China have signed brokerage contracts with Shenkong. It seems that all famous writers are related to deep space.

Jimmy looked at Yu Dong with a smile again, "You don't care about the Mao Dun Literature Award at all? You don't care about your own works, but you care about Yu Hua and the others."

Yu Dong smiled casually, "It's okay, I'm still young, and I still have a lot of opportunities to win this award."

"Then have you ever thought about when will the next session be? Next year will pass, and it may take four or five years. By then, you will be almost 40 years old. If you take it again at that time, you will still be the youngest Winners, but if you don’t get the prize next year, you are likely to be in your 40s. The 41 authors selected this time, A Lai and Yu Hua, are younger. If they win the prize next year, they will A [-], a [-]. In other words, you may not be able to win this record."

Yu Dong didn't pay much attention to the so-called youngest winner, and he didn't expect that Jimmy would even check the age of the selected authors.

"It's still the same sentence, I'm lucky if I win, but my life is lost. In recent years, my desire for awards has become lower and lower."

"Other awards are fine, but this is the Mao Dun Literature Award after all. If you don't think about yourself, you should also think about Chinese literature."

Yu Dong twitched his lips, "What kind of logic is this? Could it be that I won the award because of Chinese literature?"

"Isn't it? If you think about it carefully, what important literature awards does China have now? Especially novels, no? The Contradictory Literature Award is still in a half-dead state, that is, the popularity of this year is higher. Point, apart from the writers in the literary circle, how many ordinary people have it?"

"Indeed." Yu Dong nodded, what Jimmy said was the truth, the previous Contradiction Literature Awards just didn't have much tolerance.

The reason why this year's awards are moderate is actually very simple, that is, the popular award-winning writers are very famous.

Leaving aside the existence of Yu Dong's foul, just talk about Yu Hua, Wang Anyi, A Lai, Mo Yan, and Su Tong. Which one is not the top of the literary circle?

In contrast, the four writers who won the last Mao Dun Literature Award were Wang Huo, Chen Zhongshi, Liu Sifen, and Liu Yuming. These four writers also earned a lot of fame among the public readers because of Chen Zhongshi's "White Deer Plain". The other three, Wang Huo, Liu Sifen, and Liu Yuming, were tied together, and none of them was as famous as one of them, Yu Hua, among ordinary readers. …

Because of Yu Hua, Su Tong, and Wang Anyi, the popularity of this year's Mao Dun Literature Award has suddenly increased a lot.

Seeing Yu Dong pondering, Jimmy continued, "In my opinion, this award needs you more than you need the Contradiction Literature Award. If the Contradiction Literature Award wants to improve their influence, they must do it. It is necessary to make a breakthrough, and the award needs to be awarded to some truly influential works. Only in this way can this award have international influence."

"international influence."

Yu Dong curled his lips. It's not that he doesn't like the Contradictory Literature Award, but this award is not open to the public.Since they are not open to the outside world, it is naturally difficult to have international influence.

Even a highly regional award like the Goncourt Literary Prize will occasionally be awarded to foreign writers, and this situation will become more and more frequent in the future. The jury also knows that if you want to win an international award, you must Prizes are open to internationals.

However, the Mao Dun Literary Award was established to encourage Chinese writers, and naturally it will not be open to the outside world.

As for what Jimmy said, of course it is fallacious, but it is not completely unreasonable, at least his tricks can fool many people.

Yu Dong joked, "Are you trying to sell your theory to the judges of the Mao Dun Literature Award?"

Jimmy smiled and shook his head, "Isn't this a run for the prize? It's not good for your reputation. But, we can find someone to write this theory in a newspaper column for ordinary readers to see, if The judges accidentally saw it, it must be the best."

Yu Dong smiled, it's really normal for Jimmy to do this kind of thing.

"Let's put aside the matter of the literary award for now. Tell me about the matter of Jidentsu. How is the specific contact?"

Seeing that Yu Dong took the initiative to ask about this matter, Jimmy was very happy, and said with a smile, "What is certain now is that Shi Zhengrong really intends to make BenQ completely independent, not just let it be the foundry of Acer Group, but let him Become a company with its own brand. Another thing, if we want to win BenQ Dentsu, we may need to take all the companies under their name, Shi Zhengrong will not allow us to pick and choose among them."

"Understandable, how much money do you think can be taken?"

"If the operation is good, it should cost [-] to [-] million US dollars. If you work with them slowly, you should be able to come down a bit."

Yu Dong shook his head, "I can't delay."

It really can't be delayed. At this moment, Acer Group has just been broken into parts. It is a time of weakness. Shi Zhengrong needs cash and is also looking for suitable cooperation targets. Now can be said to be the best time for Deep Space to win BenQ.

If you wait for a while, until BenQ is completely on the right track and really has its own brand, it is not a question of more money or less, but a question of whether people are willing to buy them.

Deep Space has an advantage in discussing the acquisition of BenQ with Shi Zhengrong. In this era of rapid Internet development, if Acer wants to develop their personal computer business, it is best to find a network content provider to form a strategic alliance.

In China, Lenovo has just reached a cooperation with AOL, and Acer will naturally become urgent. At this time, the emergence of Deep Space can be said to be at the right time. …

"[-] to [-] million US dollars is not too expensive." Yu Dong continued, "Has their group's current revenue exceeded [-] million US dollars?"

"No, but it's coming soon."

"That's right. The companies under BenQ are basically technology-based companies. Acquisitions do cost more money. And didn't you want to enter the LCD industry before? After the acquisition of BenQ, this matter was also achieved by the way. gone."

Jimmy curled his lips, "I'm just interested in their lcd business, otherwise I wouldn't even take a look at it if it costs so much money. If AU Optronics develops well and goes public in a few years, it will make us a lot of money." Less money."

"Okay, you can talk to him on the basis of [-] million to [-] million. Besides, the money is given to Acer now, and it will be a matter of time before they can earn it back from them."

Jimmy smiled and said: "That's true. If we reach a cooperation later, Acer will spend tens of millions of dollars every year just for advertising. Someone came to contact them before, saying that they hope to put some advertisements in our movies. .”

"Is it possible that we use the advertising cooperation discussed in advance to offset the payment for the acquisition? If they are willing, we can give a little discount, which can also reduce the financial pressure on our company. It is a win-win situation. "

"If they want, it's a win-win situation of course, but for Acer, cash is very attractive to them, and they would definitely prefer us to transfer money into their account so that the dismantled group Quickly stabilize your footing, so even if it can be deducted, it will only be tens of millions of dollars at most, not too much."

"Okay, tens of millions of dollars is not bad. If the final negotiation is not ideal, if it exceeds [-] million dollars, will our company have enough money?"

Jimmy nodded: "It's enough, Amazon's stock has sold out a little more, plus the pressed royalties and copyright fees, there are still 12 billion US dollars in the company's account."

"So much?" Yu Dong looked surprised, he thought the company's account was about to bottom out, "So, it's more than enough for us to take down the BenQ Group."

"It's not that simple." Jimmy said with a corner of his mouth, "The current BenQ Group is only a semi-finished product. It is unrealistic to rely on this foundation to quickly build a country. After we win the BenQ Group, we will spend money to acquire some companies that will BenQ Group has expanded to a considerable scale. Therefore, we need to set aside some money to do these things. I can tell you clearly that the money in our company account is not enough at all. In addition, don’t look at BenQ’s mobile phone manufacturing It is in full swing, but in fact it is still a foundry model, lacking core technology, it will not go far at all. After we settle in, we will completely change the shadow of the foundry on the BenQ Group."

Hearing Jimmy's analysis, Yu Dong nodded unconsciously. Having Jimmy coordinate the overall situation really saved him a lot of trouble.

The acquisition of BenQ Group is of great significance to Deep Space, which means that their company's business scope will at least double, from the software industry to the real industry.

Now, whether it's lcd, personal pc, or mobile phone business, it's all solved in one go.

Then again, BenQ Dentsu seems to be designed for Deep Space Corporation. The companies under the group, except for medical care, are basically businesses that Deep Space Corporation is planning to enter.

From Yudong's point of view, their acquisition of only a few hundred million dollars is far more meaningful than the more than 1000 billion dollar merger between AOL and Time Warner.

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