Chapter 788 Crisis Advance
Deep Space Company needs a weapon at hand, and at this time BenQ Dentsu can only be regarded as a semi-finished product with very good raw materials. If this semi-finished product is to be turned into a sharp sword, it needs proper management and a lot of financial support.

From Jimmy's point of view, although they have more than one billion dollars in cash in their hands, it may not be enough to really burn it.

But he is not particularly worried, because the acquisition and development of BenQ Dentsu is not a matter of a day or two. In a few months, their company will cash out more than one billion US dollars from Amazon.

Yu Dong and Jimmy had similar ideas, and both felt that selling stocks could stabilize the company's capital chain and provide sufficient food for the acquisition of BenQ Dentsu.

But everything in the world has the possibility of accidents. Jimmy and Yu Dong have always made good plans, but this time they made a mistake.

On the night after the movie theme day ended, and a new day had just started in the United States, a bond analyst named Ravi, a brother of Lehman Brothers, sent a financial analysis report to his client.

In this 27-page report, Ravi said that Amazon's balance sheet is fragile, its working capital management is poor, and its operating cash flow is significantly negative. He believes that Amazon's debt is extremely fragile and is still deteriorating, and strongly recommends investment Investors avoid investing in their convertible bonds.

Ravi even draws a radical conclusion, saying that Amazon will burn through all its cash within a year because its business model simply doesn't work.

In his report, he listed a lot of data, and in fact, since 1999, Amazon has borrowed a lot.

In February 1999, Amazon issued [-] billion US dollars of convertible bonds, and this year it has just begun to issue more than [-] million US dollars of convertible bonds.

Looking at it this way, what Ravi said seems to be an ironclad fact.

Most people see Ravi's report, and the impression in their minds of Amazon is that this company burns too much money, but cannot get positive cash flow quickly, and it is a black hole of funds.

Finally, Ravi also mentioned Amazon’s largest shareholder, Deep Space Corporation. He pointed out that the reason why Deep Space Corporation has been selling off its stocks in the past year is precisely because they have long seen that Amazon’s future is worrying. , want to get out as soon as possible.

Ravi made a detailed table of the stocks and shares sold by Deep Space during this period. He analyzed that in order not to cause panic in the market, Deep Space traded very carefully, which is also a manifestation of lack of confidence in Amazon.

At the same time, he also pointed out that the financial situation of Deep Space Corporation is very healthy. Without any debts, it has at least one billion dollars in cash in hand, and, after a few months, several projects of Deep Space Corporation began to withdraw Funding, their company's cash may reach 30 billion US dollars.

What is the concept of a company holding 30 billion US dollars in cash?Even if you are not in finance, you know what this means.

And it is such a company that is not short of money at all, but it keeps selling Amazon's stock. Looking at it this way, the intention is easy to guess.

Analyst Ravi is unknown, but Lehman Brothers is well-known, and no one will easily ignore the financial analysis reports issued by their company.

Therefore, in just one day, Ravi's report detonated the capital market.

On the same day, the prices of the two convertible bonds issued by Amazon fell by [-] percent, and the stock price fell by nearly [-] percent.

In one day, Amazon lost $28 billion in market value.

The next day, the game theme day of the Deep Space Park officially started. The tourists did not know that the US capital market, thousands of miles away, had been disturbed by an analysis report, and they were still immersed in the lively atmosphere.

But the high-level executives of Deep Space gathered in Dong's office, all frowning.

Jimmy and the others had predicted the Internet bubble before, but they didn't expect it to come so quickly, not even Yu Dong, who thought it would take a few months.

More importantly, Amazon was the first to bear the brunt, which disrupted the plan of Deep Space Corporation. They originally wanted to cash out another billion dollars from Amazon, but now it seems that there is no way to proceed.

If it was any other time, it would be fine if they couldn't continue to cash out, and they didn't lose anything anyway, but now is the critical moment for them to acquire BenQ Dentsu.

Insufficient money is one aspect. In the current situation, will Acer's attitude towards this acquisition change?

After all, in the eyes of outsiders, more than one-third of the 28 billion US dollars evaporated by Amazon in a day today belonged to Deep Space. In conversion, the assets of Deep Space Corporation fell by [-] billion US dollars during this day.

"This is just the beginning, and the situation will get worse later on." Jimmy tapped his fingers on the table, "The wind direction of the capital market changes quickly, and it is human nature to follow the trend and avoid risks."

Jiang Jie said: "Mr. Ji, boss, should we also write a report, say good things to Amazon, and stabilize the situation first?"

Yu Yu waved his hand and said, "It's useless, our post at this time is not convincing at all. Take a step back, even if investors really believe our words, the company's stock has stabilized, then we still can't sell it." Have you sold the stock? If you continue to sell, isn’t that slapping yourself in the face? If you don’t sell, what good is it for us to stabilize the stock price? If the shares are not sold, they are just a pile of waste paper. It’s useless to have a high price or a low price, and with Amazon’s current situation, the decline in the stock has no substantial impact on them, and they have already burned almost all of their money in the early stage.”

"How could it not be affected? Amazon has now reached an alliance with some retailers, and these companies will definitely encounter difficulties in subsequent financing. Once Amazon's sales in the next year-end shopping season fail to meet expectations, it will definitely suffer a lot. .” Jimmy analyzed Amazon’s prospects, which he had predicted before, but the time node was much earlier.

In fact, this matter is also related to the Deep Space Corporation itself. Their cash out is like a catalyst, which magnifies the original problem at once.

If it weren't for the fact that Deep Space Corporation has been cashing out, the persuasiveness of Ravi's analysis report would be greatly reduced, and the market influence would definitely not be so great.

Yu Dong leaned back, and said in a flat voice: "Actually, we don't have many problems to solve now. The main thing is to acquire BenQ Dentsu."

"That's right, we have plans for the decline of Amazon's stock." Jimmy nodded, "If it wasn't for this juncture, it would have no effect on us."

Yu Dong smiled, "It's not a big problem, I still have some money on hand."


As soon as Jiang Jie opened his mouth, Jimmy smiled and waved to Dong, "I have other arrangements for your money, so I don't need to spend it on it. You are short of money, and there are many solutions. Next year our company will start filming "Men in Black" 2" now."

"The investment of "Men in Black 2" must not be low, so isn't our financial pressure even greater?"

Yu Yu understood what Jimmy meant, and he said with a smile, "Boss Ji probably wants to sell the film's investment share in advance. There is still a while before the filming starts, so we will collect the money before that. It's just that , we need to release a lot of investment shares.”

Transferring investment shares is a way to share risks and increase publicity channels. Generally, if the company is optimistic about the box office of the movie, even if it transfers investment shares, it will not be too much.

But now that Deep Space wants money, it will definitely not work if the investment share released is too small.

In addition, if the money is collected too long in advance, investors will also weigh it. After all, the investment return time is too long, and others are unwilling.

"Slowly release, don't rush, and we have more than one plan on hand. We will sell all the shares of these films in advance, and we will get through the difficulties of this period first. Our company has always wanted to speed up. progress, to increase the number of movies produced each year, but it has been making small fuss before, and there is no substantial progress, so it is better to take this opportunity to increase the number."

Yu Dong nodded. Jimmy did say this before. They have too many plans on hand. If they don't release their investment share, their company alone will not be able to finish it, which will greatly affect the operation of IP. .

And their Deep Space Company doesn't actually make money from the box office of movies. After all, there are only so many movies at the box office every year.

There are only so many ticket warehouses. No matter how good the development of Deep Space is, and no matter how powerful it will be in the future, it is impossible to cover all the box office. It is better to increase the number. copyright.

The main profits of Deep Space Company in the future will definitely be on the DVD and online broadcast of movies. It must be a good thing for them to make an early layout.

"Okay, let's do this first. If there is any problem, we are discussing it." Yu Dong set the tone.

The others nodded, and Jiang Jie suddenly asked, "Will this incident affect our Deep Space Tribe and Dongdong?"

Jimmy smiled very easily: "It won't have any impact. Lehman Brothers released a financial analysis report, which mainly affects the investment market. But the Deep Space Computer is not listed, and there is no demand for bank loans. Investors It doesn’t matter how low confidence in us is, our core is users, and the rest has nothing to do with us. And those users can’t choose to abandon our products because of a financial report.”

"Mr. Ji, it actually has an influence." Yu Yu took over the words, "It's just a good influence. After Amazon's incident comes out, a large number of Internet companies and technology companies will definitely be implicated. America Online is currently busy. With the merger and acquisition of Time Warner, their merger and acquisition process will definitely be affected. At this time, AOL will definitely not have the intention to compete with us. Not only can we stabilize the tribal market, but we can also take the opportunity to grab the instant messaging market. , It’s time for Dongdong to be fully launched in the United States.”

"Indeed, now is our chance." Jimmy rubbed his chin, then squinted and smiled: "Well, the news will be announced tonight. 100 Dongdong monthly members, and another [-] million star cards will be drawn, and each star card will contain [-] points."

Jiang Jie said dumbfounded, "This is a lot of money."

A one-month membership of the global version of Dumbledore is only $1.99, and sometimes there are discounts, and [-] Dumbledore members cost less than $[-] at most, which is naturally a drop in the bucket for Deep Space Corporation.

Moreover, the cost of membership is very low for Deep Space Corporation, and it doesn't cost much, and it can also promote services.

But 1000 star cards with [-] deep space points, a total of [-] billion points.

If the value of deep space points can be controlled to be similar to that in China, 1000 billion points is equivalent to about one billion yuan. Even if these points will eventually return to the hands of deep space companies, they will spend hundreds of millions of yuan.

Deep Space is now a big business. It seems that a few hundred million yuan does not sound like a lot, but it is indeed a bit big to spend so much money just to celebrate the annual meeting.

Seeing Jiang Jie's surprised face, Jimmy smiled and said: "Xiaojie, you have to enlarge the layout a little bit. If you want to promote our star card in the United States, you can't do it slowly. It's better to be direct. One A card with 1000 points is equivalent to giving them 100 RMB for free. Who would refuse? After these 100 million people get the card, they will realize the magical effect of this card. Hundreds of millions of RMB are exchanged for [-] million cardholders. It’s not a loss at all. Besides, we don’t need to take out these hundreds of millions of RMB all at once. The lottery draw takes time. It takes time for these people to get the card and spend their points. When they finish spending, bookstores and other partners It will take some time to settle with us."

In fact, Jiang Jie also knew the truth of what Jimmy said, but his thinking just didn't change, and he always felt that 1000 billion points were too much.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "At this time, throwing some money out is also to deal with Amazon's affairs. Many people are waiting for our response, so let's give them a response and let them know that Amazon's situation has no impact on our company at all. Only in this way, we will not be at a disadvantage when negotiating with Acer to acquire BenQ. If the operation is good, the hundreds of millions of RMB spent can be saved by Acer.”

Jimmy squinted his eyes and said, "Sure enough, you know me best. The more it is at this time, the more we need to let them see how good our life is. I will talk to Mohan later and try to Bind with the Star Card, so that Star Card users can use their points to purchase games directly in, and in this way, the scattered money can flow into Blizzard’s pockets as much as possible.”

Jiang Jie raised his eyebrows and said, "Then we can adjust the lottery mechanism and try our best to let netizens who like games win."

(End of this chapter)

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