Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 789 Who is Matthew coming out first?

Hal had just arrived at the company, before his butt was hot, when he received a call from Campote.

Hal was quite surprised to receive Campote's call at this time, because he knew that Campote was in China now and must be busy with the Deep Space Annual Meeting.

As a strategic partner of Deep Space Corporation, Little Bear Bookstore has also received an invitation from Deep Space Corporation for this annual meeting. Hal, who has been promoted to the head of the sales department, will participate in the Deep Space Annual Meeting as a representative of Little Bear Bookstore, but he will have to wait until the year Arrive at Jinling one day before the official start.

"Campote, what's the matter with you calling me now?"

"I told you about the starry sky card before, do you remember?"

Hal nodded and said, "Of course, that is a very great plan, and I am very impressed. I also told you that our bookstore has always been interested in Starry Sky Cards."

Little Bear Bookstore has been thinking about the Starry Sky Card for a long time. Last year, their company executives fell in love with it after trying the Starry Sky Card in Jinling, and submitted a feasibility study report to the board of directors for this card.

That executive believed that as long as the deep space company is willing to invest, the star card will be better developed in the United States.

And once Deep Space wants to promote the Star Card in the United States, Little Bear Bookstore must seize the opportunity and cooperate with Deep Space Company as soon as possible.

"It's like this. Our company plans to fully promote the Star Card in Europe and the United States in half a month."

Hal's jaw dropped in shock from Campote's words, "Campote, did I hear you right, you mean, half a month?"

"Hal, there's nothing wrong with your ears, it's indeed been half a month."

"Is this... a bit too hasty? As far as I know, if you want to promote the star card, you must first set up a point payment system in every bookstore. How many bookstores can your people install in half a month? This system?"

Because of the attention of the upper management, Hal has also studied the operation of the star card, so he knows that half a month is too hasty.

"The time is indeed a bit urgent, but it is not troublesome to set up the system. Under normal circumstances, ten to thirty stores can be set up in one day."

"In this case, a maximum of 450 bookstores can be set up in half a month. There are a total of 160 bookstores under our company's name, and all of them can be set up. But isn't 450 bookstores a bit small for your plan?"

"I'm talking about the normal situation, but it's obviously not the normal situation now. We will speed up and try to complete the system setup of a thousand bookstores or other stores before the Star Card is officially launched. We hope that these thousand stores can cover as many people as possible. I’m calling you because I want your company to cooperate with us.”

Hal nodded very simply: "No problem, we will definitely do our best to cooperate with you this time. At the same time, I suggest that the establishment of the system should start with the stores with relatively large passenger flow in big cities, and I will use our bookstores A copy of the data distribution list will be sent to you to facilitate your planning."

"Thank you very much. The Bear Bookstore next to Manhattan will be the flagship store. Please contact me as soon as possible. I will arrange for someone to go to the store to build the system tomorrow."

Hal was not at all surprised by Campote's words.


Although the bookstore next to Manhattan is not the largest bookstore of their company, it is definitely the bookstore with the largest traffic.

In the early days, because of the geographical advantages, the customer flow of this Bear Bookstore was very good. Later, because of the connection with the Yu Association, the development became better and better. Later, Yu Dong and the others went there a few times, which directly made this Bear Bookstore popular. .

Nowadays, when it comes to Bear Bookstore, the first thing many people think of is this store in Manhattan.

"Okay, I'll arrange it now."

Hal agreed without hesitation, although according to the procedures, he needs to report the matter to the board of directors first, but he clearly knows that there can be no accidents in this matter, and the leadership has long been waiting for the Star Card of Deep Space.

There are still many things to talk about later, such as point exchange discounts, fund settlement cycle, etc., but those are all later things, let’s talk about the Manhattan bookstore first.


Only when there is a real war can you see the tactical quality of soldiers.

At this time, deep space is no different from war.

While busy with the annual meeting activities, on the other hand, they urgently started the general launch of Dongdong in the United States and the promotion of the Star Card.

These few things are crowded together, but the deep space machine is still running well, without any chaos.

In just two days, Shenkong Company has finalized more than 400 stores to build point payment systems, and has completed the on-site implementation of [-] stores.

Until the day when the annual meeting officially started, more than 120 stores across the United States had set up a deep space points payment system, 90.00% of which were bookstores, and the other [-]% were video stores, game stores and some Internet stores. clubhouse.

The reason why the proportion of bookstores is so large is because things are more urgent. After the assault is over, the proportion of bookstores will drop and the types of stores will become more abundant.

Blizzard has fully launched the integration project between and Deep Space. Because the project is relatively large and requires relatively high security, Deep Space China and Deep Space America have transferred more than 30 senior programmers to work with Blizzard. Employees formed a large project team.

But even so, it will take at least a month to get the project officially launched.

Jimmy and Yu Dong were a little disappointed when they learned that it would take at least a month for the project to go live, but this is no problem, because the lottery itself is divided into several waves. , it has been more than 20 days.

The busyness of other lines has not affected the excitement of deep space at all. As the first annual meeting to face a global live broadcast, this year's deep space annual meeting is obviously much more popular than previous years.

Last year, abc approached Deep Space and wanted to buy the live broadcast rights of the Deep Space Annual Meeting.

ABC, which has just renewed its contract with the American Academy of Film Arts for the live broadcast rights of the Oscars, obviously has greater ambitions. It wants to take down the live broadcast rights of the Deep Space Annual Meeting to fill the gap before the Oscars.

The lineup of the Deep Space Annual Meeting is not much worse than Oscar, so it has already attracted the attention of ABC.

And the most important thing is that after the tribe came out, the popularity of the Deep Space Annual Conference on the European and American networks is far from comparable to the previous ones.


Today's Deep Space Tribe has 700 million active users around the world, and this number is still rising at a rate of 400 to [-] million per month.

ABC has long wanted to have some connection between their TV station and the Internet, and their owner Disney mediated it, so they contacted Deep Space last year, but it was not until the second half of this year that they officially discussed the live broadcast.

At the beginning, their negotiation was not smooth, and abc could not pay Deep Space a satisfactory fee.

For the first quotation, abc hopes to sign a five-year contract with Deep Space, and pay Deep Space a total of 4000 million US dollars in live broadcast fees in one lump sum.

Calculated, it is equivalent to 800 million US dollars per year.

Deep Space Company is definitely not willing to do this at this price. After all, the five-year fee is only worth what abc paid to the American Academy of Film Arts for one year, and abc also hopes to obtain the right to broadcast live one week before the annual meeting.

After hearing their offer, Deep Space Company directly rejected it and Lion opened his mouth. The five-year contract allowed ABC to pay them a total of 5000 million U.S. dollars for live broadcasting, which averaged 5000 million U.S. dollars per year, which was more than Oscar's broadcasting expenses. Much higher.

One party asked for the price, and the other party sat on the ground to pay back the money. It took two full months before the two parties reached an agreement.

abc gave up the live broadcast rights of the previous few days, only the live broadcast rights on the day of the official annual meeting, for a period of three years, a total of 4000 million, an average of more than 300 million US dollars a year.

It sounds like it's not much higher than ABC's bid at the earliest time, and it's also far from Deep Space's initial asking price.

But besides that, abc bid another 300 million yuan to buy the advertising space of the Deep Space Tribe from Deep Space Company for one month. Before the Deep Space Annual Meeting started, the Deep Space Tribe began to publicize that abc bought the Deep Space Annual Meeting. live streaming rights.

Originally, abc proposed to use 700 million yuan to directly win the broadcast rights, but never thought of buying the advertising space of the Deep Space Tribe.

From abc's point of view, the Deep Space Tribe belongs to the Deep Space Company, and the Deep Space Annual Meeting also belongs to the Deep Space Company. Doesn't the Deep Space Company promote its own annual meeting?Of course, it is impossible for them to spend money to buy advertisements in the deep space tribe.

It was Jimmy who proposed to split the money into two parts, one for the purchase of broadcast rights and the other for advertising.

For abc, there is not much difference between these two methods, and the second method can save hundreds of thousands, so I agreed without thinking too much.

Of course, this business is not a loss for abc. After Shenkong received 300 million yuan, it didn't save any of it. It all went to the Shenkong tribe to optimize the system, expand users, and at the same time promote the abc live broadcast.

In other words, although abc only bought one month's advertising space, Deep Space Company started promoting them a few months in advance.

At the same time as the deep space publicity, abc began to sell advertising space for the deep space annual meeting.

It may be that the advertising space of the Deep Space Annual Meeting may not be so easy to sell. ABC’s 30-second advertising price in the live broadcast is 65 US dollars, which is 30 US dollars lower than the 35-second advertising in the Oscar live broadcast.

But what abc didn't expect was that not long after the advertising space came out, all [-] advertisements were sold.


Selling out so quickly made abc regret it a lot. If they knew it was selling so well, they should have raised their advertising costs by an additional $20 to $[-], and they could even raise it to the same level as the live broadcast of the Oscars.

But even so, they also returned close to 4000 million US dollars in funds through advertising.

The reason why the advertisement can sell so quickly is of course inseparable from the Deep Space Tribe. Since the Deep Space Tribe started to promote the live broadcast of ABC, the popularity of the live broadcast of ABC has remained high.

Especially a few days before the official start of the annual meeting, a large number of "tribal pigs" shared their experiences of visiting the deep space park on the Internet to warm up for the live broadcast.


Los Angeles, Catfish Station, nine p.m.

The noisy bar was filled with smoke, and the bar owner, Harry, supported the guests who kept entering the bar, while turning his head to look at the TV hanging above the counter.

Catfish Station is not a well-known big bar, here, except for the ordinary wines that are not expensive, there are a bunch of rough old men.

A long time ago, basically all the people who came here were black, including the waiters.

But since Matthew McConaughey became a big star, this bar has become a little famous in the neighborhood, and more and more people will go to the bar to order a glass of wine, and then listen to the owner Harry talking about the big star Fun fact that Matthew McConaughey used to work as a waiter here.

The stories in Harry's mouth are always one after another, as if there is no end to it, and the stories he tells are different every time, as if Matthew McConaughey has not been here for a few months, but for decades.

Because Harry's story is so well told, people don't even want to believe that those inspirational stories are fake.

"Harry, when will Matthew show up tonight?" A bald middle-aged man opened a bottle of beer and asked Harry with a smile.

Harry responded with a smile while serving drinks to the guests in front of him, "Matthew told me that he will appear in the back seat, you understand."

Hearing Harry's words, the customers in the bar booed.

"Harry, did Matthew really tell you?"

"Of course!" Faced with doubts, Harry seemed very unconvinced, "I can even tell you that he will be the second to last to walk on the red carpet...or the third to last."

"Who's the last one?" Someone asked.

"Yu of course!" replied another.

This answer has won the support of many people. As the biggest star of the deep space department and the shareholder, Yu Dong should of course be the last to walk on the red carpet.

"However, the time for this ceremony is too late. It was already past one o'clock in the morning when the ceremony ended." Someone complained.

"You are satisfied, I heard that in order to take care of the American audience, Deep Space deliberately moved the time of the red carpet a little earlier, otherwise it would be later. And don't forget, New York is a few hours behind us."

"It is."

Thinking that it was already twelve o'clock in New York, the guests in the bar felt much better.

"Have you heard?"

When the red carpet on TV was about to start, someone suddenly said something mysterious.

When many people turned their attention to this person, he continued with satisfaction: "I heard that at this year's Deep Space Annual Conference, Deep Space Corporation will announce a major news."

"What big news? Could it be that Yu is going to participate in the US election?"

This joke didn't make the others laugh. The person before curled his lips and continued, "I heard it's related to Dongdong."

Someone said disdainfully: "Isn't it just that Dongdong is going to be fully online? Someone in the tribe has already spread it. What kind of big news is this?"

"Not this." The man shook his head.

"what is that?"

"Of course I don't know, I want to know, will I still sit here and drink with you?"


At least ten middle fingers pointed towards him, and the bar was filled with words starting with f.

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