Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 790 Advertise the Mars Base

Different from Oscar, the live broadcast of the Deep Space Annual Meeting also invited several guests to chat in the studio, and they also explained to the audience.

The guests at the Deep Space Annual Meeting are not exactly the same as those Oscar stars. In addition to film and television stars, there are many literati, businessmen, musicians, etc. among the guests.

These people may be well-known, but their faces may not be familiar to the public. At this time, people who are familiar with them are needed to introduce them to the audience, otherwise the audience will only be anxious when they look at these people.

There are a total of five guests in the ABC studio this time, except for one professional host, the other four are from different industries.

The only actor is Ben Affleck, who was well-known to the audience because of "Good Will Hunting" a few years ago. He just signed a brokerage contract with Deep Space this year. This live broadcast came as a representative guest of Deep Space.

Sitting next to Ben Affleck is the famous literary editor Akeel. He does not specialize in a certain language or a certain genre, but covers a wide range of fields, so he is often invited by the media to do programs.This time he was invited to come here because he is very familiar with domestic and foreign writers, especially Chinese writers. There will be many Chinese writers in this Deep Space Annual Conference.

Next to Akeel is the classical musician Thurman. Although he has not made great achievements in classical music, he often appears on TV shows. Europe and the United States are not limited to classical music.

The last one is the famous designer Spartan, who was invited by ABC because he had cooperated with Deep Space several times before.

The host Phelan smiled and glanced at Ben Affleck who was farthest away from him, "Ben, you were supposed to appear on today's red carpet, but now you are locked in this small room with us, Feeling a little lost? We all know you were at the Oscars last year."

Ben Affleck smiled slightly: "Actually, I participated in today's live commentary as a representative because I had no way to go to Jinling."

"It seems that you are reluctant." Spertan laughed, and then asked: "Ben, have you been to China, have you been to Jinling?"

Ben Affleck shook his head, "It's a pity that I haven't been to China so far, but Matt talked to me a lot about China. I think I don't know much about China."

"Really, how did your good friend tell you about China?" Phelan asked.

"There are good things and bad things." Ben Affleck shrugged his shoulders: "The place where they filmed "The Martian" was very remote. He was very happy in the first few days there, but gradually realized that the filming location was really boring. As soon as you open your eyes every day, you feel like you are really living on Mars...Of course, you have to ignore factors such as the difference in gravity."

"Is the movie finished?" Spertain asked.

Affleck nodded and said, "Well, the filming is over, and I will probably meet the fans this year."

Hearing Ben Affleck's words on TV, loud cheers erupted from the YU section on the fourth floor of Bear Bookstore.

Faced with such a loud voice, the other customers in the bookstore were not surprised, and no one raised any objections, because they knew what day it was.

At this time, there were at least 300 people pouring into the YU area, and there were not enough chairs. Many people sat on the floor, looking up at the TV hanging in mid-air.

The on-site activities are organized by the YU Association, and such activities are held in various cities across the country. In addition to bookstores, some book lovers or movie fans will also place the event in hotels or some outdoor squares.

Cardy, who has become the core backbone of the association, and former president Hahns are in charge of the Little Bear Bookstore in Manhattan. They were the first to call out when they heard what Ben Affleck said.

"I announce that after "The Martian" is released, I invite each of you to go to the cinema to watch the movie." Hahns said very cheerfully.

"Thank you, President!"

Although Hahns has left the YU Umbrella Association for a long time, everyone is still used to calling him the president.

"President, if there is a chance, should we organize another trip to China, how about going to the filming location of "The Martian" next time?"

The YU Umbrella Association and the Singularity Association have organized many similar activities before. They visited the Deep Space Park together, visited the Galaxy Awards Ceremony together, and punched in the "Escape" filming map together.Many of the members present have participated in such activities before, and more than once.

Hahns was also a little moved by this proposal, but the situation on the other side of Mangya made him hesitate, "Of course I want to go too, but I heard that the place is very remote and the traffic is very inconvenient. We want to go there It is very troublesome, even if it passes, it will be particularly difficult to live in the local area. We are just ordinary book fans, not experts in wilderness survival, and safety is our primary concern."

"It won't be that difficult. After all, the crew can stay there for such a long time, and we can definitely do it."

"The crew must have made a lot of preparations in the past, and the cost must have been very high."

At this moment, the famous editor on TV asked, "Ben, is the filming location of "The Martian" accessible to ordinary people? In fact, I really want to go."

"Of course, the Deep Space Company has already built a road for the local area, and there is another road under construction, which can be reached directly by car. In addition, a Mars base has also been built at the filming location. The facilities in the base are very complete. Ordinary It’s not particularly difficult for people to think about the past. It’s like a hotel on the Mars base, and it only costs three or four hundred dollars a night.”

"Three or four hundred dollars, it's not cheap!" The host Phelan exaggeratedly exclaimed, "You can live in a very good house at this price."

"But that's a house on Mars." The designer Spartan said with a smile: "You know, to build a base in such a place, it will cost a lot of money just to transport materials. In my opinion, this price is simply profitable. It doesn’t cost much, if possible, I’d like to go and have a look.”

Ben Affleck said in a reminding tone, "If you want to go, it's best to make an appointment in advance, because this base only has [-] space capsules open to the public. If you don't make an appointment in advance, you may be needed after you arrive at the place." Pitch your own tent."


The audience in the Little Bear Bookstore were all excited when they heard this.

"There is a space capsule to live in, three or four hundred dollars is not too expensive, but I don't know if there are other expenses, and, from what this guy said, it seems that I can't live in a space capsule, and I can set up a tent by myself. Do you need money to set up a tent? Damn, this guy only knows how good the Mars base is, but he doesn’t tell us what to call to make an appointment.”

Hahns said with a smile: "It's easy to handle. I'll ask Jeff later, if Deep Space Corporation can arrange a team building trip to the Mars base for us."

"Long live the president."

Looking at the excited members, Cardi smiled. Of course he knew that the reason why Ben Affleck mentioned the Mars base was to advertise the base. I'm afraid it wasn't just Ben Affleck, the designer Spartan It is also a family with Deep Space, and has been leading the topic up from the side.

Judging from the scene, the effect of this kind of advertisement is very impressive.Deep Space really didn't think about how much money it would make on the Mars base, they just wanted to attract tourists. After tourists go to Mangya, they can't just go to Mangya, they will definitely spend money in other places.

Ben Affleck's recommendation was just to the end, and soon the scene was shown on the TV, accompanied by a countdown, and there was still one minute before the red carpet began.

In the last minute, even the few guests in the studio stopped talking, holding their breath together with the audience in front of the TV and waiting for the first guest to walk on the red carpet.

In the last ten seconds, the camera rolls out from the steps of the Deep Space Building, toward the gate.

At the end of the countdown, the camera freezes at a low altitude on the side of the road, aiming obliquely at the road.

A wheel rolled across the screen, the door opened, and a red high-heeled shoe appeared in the screen, and then the screen slowly pulled back.

First a pair of feet, then two legs, and finally the whole person appeared in the picture.


The audience in front of the TV recognized the first guest who appeared.

As the heroine of the "Resident Evil" series of movies, Winona was the first batch of stars to sign into Deep Space Company, and she is also the first sister of Deep Space's current actress. She was the first to walk on the red carpet. No surprises.

It's not that the first person to walk on every red carpet is very important, but the "first person" who gives close-up shots from head to toe like Deep Space Company must be very important.

Immediately afterwards, the camera showed today's second guest, who is also Winona's red carpet partner-Liu Qingyun.

When Liu Qingyun appeared, many foreign audiences were a little surprised, because they knew exactly who this simple-minded man was from.

Ben Affleck introduced in a timely manner: "Ms. Reed is accompanied by the famous influence LIU. His "Infernal Affairs" won a very high box office after it was released in China. I believe many people have heard of this movie. , since the script was written by YU himself, it won’t be long before we can see this movie in American cinemas.”

"Ben, I heard that Winona recently received a message, can you tell us about it?"

Ben Affleck laughed, "It's true. I only heard that she will star in a thriller, and I don't know about other news."

"Is Winona going to go to the end of the road of thrillers?" Thurman shrugged: "I almost forgot her brilliant performance in "Little Women" or "Edward Scissorhands."

As soon as Thurman mentioned "Edward Scissorhands", the host Feynman grasped the point and asked Johnny Depp: "In today's occasion, Depp should be there, he is "Pirates of the Caribbean" I really hope that he can appear in a pirate costume."

Thurman nodded and said: "It's really possible. Unlike the Oscar red carpet, you will see all kinds of clothes on the red carpet of the Deep Space Annual Meeting. Suits and evening dresses are not the main theme here."

"I hope Depp and the others can make changes."


Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, Yu Dong looked down at the red carpet downstairs, looked at Winona in a sexy evening dress, couldn't help shrinking her neck, "I have to say, Winona's physique is really good, so On a cold day, I can't see her being cold at all."

"She's used to it, and there are a lot of activities in winter. Besides, the weather is pretty good today, and there is sun."

Yu Dong glanced at Jimmy with a smile, "I remember, there seemed to be people looking for long johns everywhere this morning."

Jimmy smiled awkwardly, "I don't wear long johns because I'm afraid of the cold, it's because I like the style of long johns."

"I believe in you." Yu Dong nodded, and said, "How is the effect of today's live broadcast, have you watched it?"

"CCTV has a broadcast. I watched it just now, and the effect is not bad. As for the data, I haven't got it yet, but there are a lot of discussions about the annual meeting in the tribe."

"Compared with the Oscars, we still have a lot of disadvantages in the live broadcast of our annual meeting. We can't make up for these disadvantages, and we don't need to make up for them. Let's make up for them in other places."

Compared with the Oscars, the overall popularity of the guests at the Deep Space Annual Meeting must be a bit lower. In addition, on the Oscars red carpet, everyone is wearing gorgeous clothes, especially women, all wearing sexy evening gowns. The stars are shining.

The deep space annual meeting is different, the male guests are fine, and it doesn't make things difficult for them to wear suits, but the female guests can't let them all wear evening gowns.

For example, Yang Xiao, Wang Anyi and the others, if Yu Dong let them walk the red carpet in heavy make-up and evening gowns in winter, they would probably be scolded to death by them.

Therefore, the red carpet at the Deep Space Annual Meeting has only two words for clothing, decent.

Appropriateness is a very ethereal standard, because everyone's perception of appropriateness is different. Some people think that wearing a low cut in public places can make people see the belly button from the neckline if they are short. Inappropriate, and some people think that it is inappropriate to wear a padded jacket on formal occasions.

Anyway, in terms of the gorgeousness of the clothes, the red carpet of the Deep Space Annual Meeting is no match for the Oscars.

Yu Dong didn't want to compare with the Oscars red carpet, but in order to attract the attention of audiences all over the world, they still need to make some efforts elsewhere, such as the subsequent performances, and the configuration of the stage.

Although ABC is responsible for the live broadcast, the deep space annual meeting is different from the Oscars. The live broadcast team of the deep space annual meeting this time has two big Oscar live broadcast teams, and more than half of them are the staff of the deep space company itself.

Their experience is as rich as ABC's team, and their equipment is even better than ABC's.

Besides the stage, the deep space stage is not only bigger than the Oscar awards stage, but also more gorgeous.

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