The new auditorium stage set was designed by Liu Changmin and his visual design studio in more than two months. The design concept of the entire stage set highlights two words: gorgeous.

The whole project was decided by Jimmy. He felt that since it was going to be broadcast live on ABC this year, it was natural to make the stage look better.

The word gorgeous is also hand-picked by Jimmy. He hopes that the new stage set can give people a sense of eye-catching.

In order to meet Jimmy's requirements, more than 12 crystals were used on the new stage. These crystals were made into curtains and hung on the originally empty stage.

At the same time, at least 15 LED lamp beads are installed on these curtains, and the light of LED will penetrate the crystal, resulting in layering and refraction.

Under normal circumstances, the lamp beads will emit milky white and light yellow light, which will make the whole stage look like a cloud that transmits sunlight.

Once the scene changes, these lamp beads will also emit different lights to match the atmosphere of the scene.

All the crystals that adorn the stage this time are provided by Swarovski, and they don’t need to pay a dime. The only thing Deep Space has to do is to thank Swarovski for this on the official website.

Of course, Deep Space only rents these crystals, and after the annual meeting is over, Swarovski still has to dismantle these crystals and recycle them.

However, Swarovski is also very good at doing things. They gave a gift to all the guests attending the annual meeting-a blue crystal pendant, which is in the shape of a dove as a whole, with transparent crystal on the outside and a piece of blue starry sky.

This pendant is a souvenir designed and produced by Swarovski for the Deep Space Company, and they also gave this souvenir an appropriate name - Starry Sky Pigeon.

Yu Dong looked at that Starry Sky Pigeon, and it was really well done with great care.

The reason why Swarovski did this, of course, is to hope to be able to climb the deep space relationship and facilitate the promotion of their brand.

Although Swarovski has a long history, it is not a high-end brand. Especially in the United States, people’s impression of Swarovski is that it is made of animal-shaped crystal ornaments, and they do not associate them with jewelry. .

Since last year, Swarovski has been focusing on developing their market in the United States.

They first opened the first Swarovski creative service center in New York as an exhibition hall to show people their products, and hired well-known fashion consultants to help them.

In just one year, Swarovski's sales in North America increased tenfold, from $130 million to $300 million.

But it is clear that Swarovski's ambition is more than that. After all, 300 million US dollars is not a lot. They hope to expand the market many times, so they plan to set up creative service centers in big cities around the world.

Sponsoring large-scale events is also a common method of Swarovski. As early as 20 years ago, they made a crystal mouse for the Innsbruck Winter Olympics. This mouse became the first crystal product they put on the market. Continuously introduce various crystal ornaments.

This time it happened to be in time for the Deep Space Annual Conference, so they actively cooperated with this event.And the space pigeon they designed is not just given to the guests, it will also be pushed to the market like Innsbruck's souvenir crystal mouse.

With the reputation bonus of Deep Space Company, they believe that this accessory will definitely sell well.

Of course, this kind of joint name is not for nothing. Every time this star pigeon is sold, a Swarovski will have to pay 5.00% of the deep space company.

Swarovski's price for this souvenir is not particularly high, only 68 US dollars.

In other words, Swarovski has to pay Deep Space $[-] for every sale of this space pigeon.


When the curtain on the stage, which is connected by 12 Swarovski crystals and 15 lamp beads in series, appeared in the camera, the same scene almost appeared in the minds of the audience, whether on the scene or in front of the TV. One word: gorgeous.

"what is that!"

In the catfish station bar, a bearded man pointed to the stage in the TV and shouted: "What is behind this stage? Why does it give people a shiny feeling?"

"Maybe some light strips." Someone speculated.

Someone denied, "How can there be such a gorgeous light strip, the light on it seems to be scattered, it can't be a light strip at all."

"Could it be that there is actually a big screen behind the stage? The scene just now was played on a big screen?" another person speculated.

This guess was also denied, "This is even more impossible, no matter how good the big screen is, it will not have this effect."

At this time, the host in the ABC studio touched the earphones, and then said to several other guests with a smile, "Netizens are very interested in the stage picture that just appeared in the camera, and everyone is very curious, what is it used for?" Things can produce such a gorgeous effect, some people speculate that it is a light strip, and some speculate that it is a movie screen, what do you think?"

"This is definitely not a movie screen, and it will definitely not be a light strip." Designer Spertan waved his hand quickly, "As far as I know, the best foreign movie screen is the one in the Deep Space Cinema, but even the deep space It is impossible to achieve this effect on a large screen in an empty theater. Light strips are even more impossible. Many performances will put some ordinary light strips, but the effect is very general. I just took a brief look at the back of the stage. The set is basically composed of ordinary patterns such as arcs and triangles, and it is scattered, giving people a sense of the sky, which fits with Deep Space. These should be some curtains of different layers, and there must be lights on them .”

Ben Affleck gave Spertan a thumbs up, "Mr. Spertan, what you said is very good, this time the deep space stage is not using a big screen or a light strip, but crystal and LED lamp beads .”

"Crystal?" Spertan raised his eyebrows: "I can think of led, but crystal has not, but this can also explain why the light on the scene is so gorgeous. Isn't this just the characteristic of crystal? But such a big stage, want to How many crystals are needed to achieve such an effect?"

"It seems to be 12, each of which is a high-quality crystal provided by Swarovski." Ben Affleck said.

After saying this, Ben Affleck let out a long sigh of relief.

He is sitting here tonight with a mission. In addition to promoting the Deep Space Company, the most important thing is to put out the Swarovski advertisement.

It is easy to advertise, but it is very difficult to get rid of the advertisement without leaving a trace. Waiting until the stage screen flashed, the host just mentioned it, and he took advantage of the opportunity to type out the advertisement.

But the audience didn't pay attention to Swarovski at this time, and their minds were full of the number "12".

12 crystals, many people can't imagine what kind of scene these crystals will be put together, and they can't imagine how much 12 crystals will cost.

The host touched the earphones again and said, "A netizen asked if we could let everyone watch the stage more, haha, I understand everyone's feelings, but after the red carpet is over, everyone can see the stage all the time... ...Hey, this guest who just walked on the red carpet is very special, I believe some viewers who pay attention to Chinese literature have already recognized this person...Mr. Akeel, are you right?"

Akeair didn't say a few words from the beginning to the present tonight. When he heard the host throw the topic to him, he said with a smile: "In fact, even if they don't pay special attention to Chinese literature, many viewers have heard about it. This name, at least I have heard of one of his books."

The host Phelan made an exaggerated expression, "Really? His book is so famous? What kind of book?"

Akeel still didn't answer directly, but talked about two books: "This book appeared in "The Martian" and "Old Books."


Hearing Akeair's words, many viewers in front of the TV blurted out.

Although many people don't know what the writer Yu Hua looks like, they are all overwhelmed by the book "To Live".

Especially after the release of "Old Book", the sales of the novels mentioned in it all increased sharply. Among them, the sales of "Border Town" and "To Live" increased the most. According to the data released by Deep Space Company in the middle of the year, the global sales of "To Live" have exceeded one year Thousands of 500 million copies, of which 400 million copies were sold in North America, a proper bestseller.

Of course, the one who likes Yu Hua the most is France.

The entire population of France is only 6000 million, but "To Live" has sold nearly 200 million copies in France, which means that there is a copy of "To Live" in the hands of every [-] French people.

In France, Yu Hua is the most popular writer besides Yu Dong. Many French media, including their own writers, compare Yu Hua to the contemporary Hemingway, and even believe that his influence will surpass Hemingway.

However, most European and American viewers saw Yu Hua on TV for the first time. He had also participated in some TV programs before, but these TV programs were not very famous and had not been seen by the public.

Starting with Yu Hua, it seems that there will be a special session for writers later on.

Akeair, who has always been leisurely, suddenly became busy, constantly introducing the guests on the red carpet to the audience.

"This is Su Tong, the editor-in-chief of "Zhong Shan" and the author of "Wives and Concubines". Some people may have seen the movie "Raise the Red Lantern" adapted from this novel. "Zhong Shan" is a very famous Chinese novel. In this literary magazine, many well-known literati have published works on it, including your favorite YU, whose first novel was published in "Zhongshan"."

"The handsome and tall man next to Su Tong is Wang Xiaobo. His 'Times' tetralogy is a very good set of books, which are worth reading. His novels are very interesting. In addition to the 'Times' tetralogy, he also There is a copy of "The Silent Majority" that is also very good..."

"The first science fiction writer to come up today, huchangqing, often uses the pseudonym Fushui. There is a very interesting short film "Monkey in Shape" that was adapted from his novel... Oh, yes, he also won the Hugo Award, He co-authored "Falling Mars" with Yu."

"I have to say that Clerzio is still very personable. As a representative of the new allegorical school, he... Hey... The one next to him seems to be Modiano. To be honest, I'm not sure, because Mo Diano seldom appears in front of the media. But since he is walking with Clezio, he has a high probability of being Modiano."

Akeair couldn't help but sighed, "French three stars, what we see now is the only remaining two stars. In addition, as a literary editor, seeing so many great writers gather together, I am really a little Excited. Deep Space is really an amazing company, and they are the only ones in the world who can do this.”

The host Fei Lun said with a smile, "Maybe because of YU."

Akeair couldn't help but nodded, agreeing with Faerun's words very much.

I have to say that it is really a miracle that YU has made it this far.

A young man in his early 30s has already made such brilliant achievements in the literary world. It has not even been ten years since Yu Dong started publishing novels. Miracle.

Akair received a letter from a reader before, which was sent by a middle school student.

After reading "Return", the middle school student was very shocked. He expressed his admiration for "Grandpa YU" in his heart, and said that he hoped to meet Grandpa YU one day and express his feelings to Grandpa YU face to face.

When he saw this letter, Akeel was very surprised. On the one hand, he was surprised that there are still middle school students who don’t know about YU. On the other hand, he was surprised that YU’s works gave people such a feeling.

Akeair replied a letter to give the middle school student a little encouragement, but he didn’t tell Grandpa YU that he is actually not that big, because his idea is that the author’s personal image can be separated from the work, which is more conducive to readers’ understanding of the work .


"To tell you the truth, you really look good in this outfit. I'm a little bit tempted, and I want to change clothes with you."

Looking at Yu Dong in a black gown, Jimmy couldn't help expressing emotion.

The long gown on Yu Dong's body was custom-made for him by Liang's tailor shop. Compared with the traditional long gown, this gown is more slim and neat, with a slightly colorful butterfly embroidered on the lower right lapel , The hem is also embroidered with a starry sky.

Obviously, when the tailors of the Liang family took into account the elements of the Deep Space Company when customizing this long gown, it can be said that they were very careful.

But Jimmy's clothes are completely different from Yu Dong's. Today, Jimmy is wearing a red suit, and he looks very aggressive.

Jimmy will be the last to appear on the red carpet, but he is not actually a guest, but a host.

Before him, Yu Dong will walk the entire red carpet alone.

Originally, Yu Dong wanted to walk hand in hand with Cheng Yanqiu, but Cheng Yanqiu directly rejected Yu Dong and chose to go with Ning Jing and the others. In Cheng Yanqiu's words, walking the red carpet with Yu Dong is too boring.

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