Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 792 Ten thousand per sheet, 1

When Matthew McConaughey and Johnny Depp and their two groups of guests walked the red carpet, the entire red carpet was empty.

The reporters standing on the edge of the red carpet looked towards the beginning of the red carpet. They knew that the process of walking the red carpet was not over yet, because the most important people had not yet appeared.

After waiting for about 20 seconds, a Hongqi ca74670l car slowly stopped at the place where the red carpet started.

As soon as the car stopped, the flashing lights poured over here like a torrential rain. It was clearly still afternoon, but because of these flashing lights, it made people feel like they were in the night.

Yu Dong got out of the car slowly, and then couldn't help biting the root. In order not to feel too obvious when getting off the car, he deliberately asked the driver to turn off the air conditioner in the car, but even so, the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the car was still very small. big.

Cheng Yanqiu suggested that he put a few more woolen sweaters under the gown, but Yu Dong didn't accept this suggestion in order to make the clothes look better. Now it seems that he still underestimated the cold outside, or overestimated it. The ability of this gown to keep out the cold.

Looking at the empty red carpet, Yu Dong couldn't help sighing. It's all Jimmy's fault. It was Jimmy who insisted on arranging him to walk the red carpet alone. Otherwise, with other people on the red carpet, at least he would be warmer.

Because it was too cold, Yu Dong couldn't help but walk towards the reporter, because he felt that the human wall formed by the reporter could help him resist some cold wind.

The reporters were overjoyed when they saw Yu Dong approaching himself and the others. It was the first time they saw Yu Dong approaching the reporter so actively.

"Teacher Yu, look over here."

"Teacher Yu, here, smile."

"Teacher Yu, turn sideways and expose the pattern on your chest."

"Teacher Yu..."

Yu Dong is in a good mood today, and he is very cooperative with these "human wall" requests, constantly changing his movements, asking them to take more usable photos.


"What clothes is YU wearing? It feels very special."

In the ABC studio, the host Phelan expressed the doubts of many audiences.

Although the color of Yu Dong's suit is very simple, it is very eye-catching, especially for foreigners. Most foreigners don't know what clothes Yu Dong is wearing.

The designer explained with a smile, "This kind of clothes is called long gown in China. During the Republic of China, the Chinese used this kind of clothes as regular dresses. Its style was born out of a kind of regular dress that scholar-bureaucrats often wore in the Ming Dynasty." On YU This is obviously different from the traditional Chinese gown. Compared with the traditional Chinese gown, this one on YU is more slim. The traditional gown does not have such patterns, but the pattern design on the chest is very beautiful, it seems to be a graceful Flying butterflies."

"Looks like a butterfly." Akeair nodded, "In China, gowns are closely related to literati, and this dress is really suitable for YU. But I want to remind the audience in front of the TV that there may be Many viewers now see that YU looks very good in such a long gown, and it is very special. They also want to buy a set and wear it for themselves. But I want to tell you that I have seen many photos of wearing long gowns, but I can wear long gowns to achieve this effect There are not many. First of all, YU's body proportions are very good. Although he is a little thin, his shoulders are very broad. Secondly, this dress must have been tailor-made for Yu Dong by a very experienced tailor. Maybe it fits so well. If any of you want to wear a long gown, you should first think about whether your figure will fit, and second, think about whether your wallet will fit."

Akeair's words did not extinguish the enthusiasm of the audience like a basin of cold water, but instead aroused their curiosity.

In the Deep Space Tribe, under ABC's dedicated feed for live broadcasts, comments are popping up all over the place.

【Mr. Ake, please tell me a specific price so that I can give up. 】

[Even if I can't wear it, I still have to buy one and put it away. 】

【I'm going to buy one for my boyfriend, where can I buy this kind of clothes?Does it have to be in China? 】

【Downstairs to my house there is a tailor shop run by a Chinese. They have cheongsams, but I have never seen long gowns. I will ask tomorrow. 】

[Is there a brand for this kind of clothes? 】

[Would it be possible to become a great writer by wearing this kind of clothes? 】

[YU looks so good-looking, why doesn't he act in a movie? 】

【What kind of movie do you want to play? Why don’t you write more books if you have time? I’ve run out of books in the past few days. 】

[Isn’t there a Yunchi in China recently, will they sell this kind of clothes? 】

[Yunchi is a sports brand, it is impossible to sell this kind of clothes, don't you remember "Curse", the protagonist in this novel is a tailor shop, it is said that the novel is adapted from a true story. 】

[It is indeed adapted from a true story. That shop is a famous tailor shop in Baodao, and it is still there. 】


Located in the Science and Technology Building near Zhongguancun, Chairman Shi Zhengrong of Acer Group was holding a cup of hot tea and was quietly watching the TV in front of him. The deep space annual meeting was being broadcast live on the TV, and Yu Donggang walked onto the red carpet.

Shi Zhengrong blew on the tea leaves, smiled and said to Li Kunyao next to him, "Yu Dong is really young. When I was his age, I seemed to have just founded Acer... Oh, it wasn't called Acer at that time, it should be called Multi-Tech. It’s really young and promising.”

Li Kunyao looked worried. He had a very different idea from Shi Zhengrong about Deep Space's acquisition of BenQ.

Shi Zhengrong is very interested in the acquisition of Deep Space. BenQ has just separated from Acer, and everything is still unstable. If it can be sold at a good price, it will be a great thing for Acer.

But Li Kunyao confirmed that as long as he is given some time and more support, he believes that BenQ will be able to develop soon, and there is no need to sell it now.

In fact, this is also related to the perspectives of the two people. Of course, Shi Zhengrong is more concerned about the Acer Group. As for BenQ Dentsu, according to the company's current strategy, even if it develops later, it may not be as expected for Acer. Well, it's better to get the money first, and avoid some unnecessary risks.

And Li Kunyao's business is all in BenQ Dentsu. Originally they separated from Acer, and he was preparing to do a big job, but now he has to change his employer. Of course, he is not reconciled.

"Mr. Shi, Deep Space has indeed developed well in recent years, but they have taken too big a step. It may not be a good thing to hand over BenQ to them. And what happened to Amazon now will definitely have an impact on Deep Space. Not too small. It is basically impossible for Deep Space Corporation to sell the shares in its hands now. Without cashing out the shares, considering the speed at which their company spends money, I am afraid that it will not be long before they will consider borrowing from the bank. Now In this situation, it may be very difficult for the companies under their names to go public.”

Li Kunyao briefly analyzed the current situation of Shenkong, and then continued: "Maybe Shenkong may not be able to get so much cash when it acquires BenQ."

He knew that Shi Zhengrong valued cash very much, and he also valued the future of BenQ Dentsu.

If Deep Space is really affected by the Amazon incident and has no money on hand, Shi Zhengrong will most likely not be willing to hand over BenQ to Deep Space.

Shi Zhengrong raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Kunyao, your analysis has some truth, but we can't jump to conclusions. We still need to see how the deep space company reacts in the future? In addition, if the deep space company The last time because Amazon was hit, it may not continue to pursue BenQ. We have been paying attention to the news these days, and you should have seen a little trend. The Amazon matter also involved a lot of other things. Declining Internet industry and emerging technology industry.”

Before Li Kunyao continued, Shi Zhengrong continued, "I still hope that Shenkong can continue to go on steadily. Whether Shenkong's acquisition of BenQ Dentsu can be successful is not what I value most. Compared with this matter, I What is more important is whether Acer can reach a cooperation with Deep Space, and use the advantages of Deep Space to open up a broader market for Acer.”

"Actually, we can also cooperate with AOL. Although AOL's stock has fallen a bit due to the acquisition of Warner recently, the industry is still optimistic about the future of the two companies. Once the two companies complete the merger, history The character of Steven Case will definitely deal with Deep Space Corporation. The Deep Space Tribe and Dongdong in the hands of Deep Space have seriously threatened America Online."

Shi Zhengrong took a look at Li Kunyao and sighed secretly. Even Li Kunyao is such an excellent person, when a problem involves his own interests, he will look at the problem biased.

In Shi Zhengrong's view, even if AOL and Time Warner can complete the merger, they will not be able to deal with Deep Space Corporation immediately, and even if they do, they may not be able to deal with it.

Although AOL has money, in terms of content output, they are not even qualified to provide shoes for Deep Space.

Shi Zhengrong also used AOL Tribe and Deep Space Tribe respectively. Although they are both called Tribes, the impressions of the two websites are very different. The former seems to be imitating Deep Space Tribe, but there are some differences and many functions. There is only a form, but no god.

To give the simplest example, on Deep Space Tribes, netizens can always see the latest hot news, and these news updates are very fast, while the news on America Online’s Tribes website is always a bit slower. It's been a long time.

In addition, on the Deep Space Tribe, it is very convenient to search for users and content, but on the America Online Tribe, the search engines give very dull things.

Clearly, Deep Space is already ahead of AOL in terms of technology.

Besides, at this deep space annual meeting, the host of ABC TV station will keep mentioning the deep space tribe, and will select some interesting comments from the tribe dynamics to reply and discuss from time to time, so that the audience will have a very good time experience.

How much would AOL have to spend to defeat such a deep-space horde?

Shi Zhengrong didn't know the answer either, but he knew that AOL would not pay such a price easily.

Knowing that Li Kunyao disapproved of selling BenQ to Shen Kong, Shi Zhengrong didn't continue to talk about it, but instead talked about the clothes on Yu Dong's body, "This gown is really nice. Let's look in Yanjing later to see if we can find a good tailor. shop, we also make two sets.”

Li Kunyao said with a smile: "It's so troublesome, I know the owner of Liang's tailor, if you want to wear it, I will ask them to make two sets for you later."

"The tailor of the Liang family? Is it the prototype in "The Curse"?"

The matter of the Liang family is quite famous in Baodao, and Shi Zhengrong has also heard of it.

"Well, it's them. The Liang family's business was on the verge of dying, but after the novel "Curse" came out, their business suddenly improved a lot. Now, if you want to buy their clothes, you have to queue up."

"Oh, is it?"

Shi Zhengrong smiled and turned to look at the TV again, looking at Yu Dong on the red carpet.

This young man who stood at the pinnacle of contemporary literature in his early 30s has a special charm, just as he can revive a century-old store with just a book, and maybe hand over BenQ Dentsu to Deep Space, and it can also bloom Show a different look.

This time he came to Yanjing to do some business, just in time for the TV broadcast of the Deep Space Annual Meeting, so he went to the company and found a TV to watch the live broadcast. Shi Zhengrong also wanted to know more about the company that was about to conduct cooperation negotiations.

At this time, Yu Dong on the TV had almost reached the end of the red carpet. He looked at the steps in front of him and breathed a sigh of relief.

Turning around and waving to the reporters, Yu Dong walked up the steps.

As soon as he walked up the steps here, Jimmy, who was covered in bright red, walked onto the red carpet, but he didn't come up alone. He was followed by some other high-level executives of the company. They walked on the red carpet as the sponsor of.

When they finished walking the red carpet, the whole red carpet ceremony was officially over.

Next, is the official deep space annual meeting.

This year's annual meeting is a little different from previous years. In previous years, it was basically Jimmy and Yu Dong who came to the stage to talk, sum up the past, look forward to the future, and some other partners came to the stage to speak.

But this year, in order to increase the enjoyment of the program, a lot of singing and dancing programs have been specially added. Among them, there are many songs, and basically the songs are all songs from movies produced by Deep Space.

After Jimmy finished the work summary report for this year, he continued to talk about the company's plan for the next year.

"In the next year, we will at least..."

After Jimmy finished talking about his plan for the coming year, Yudong finally came on stage.

At this time, everyone was wondering, Jimmy had finished talking about the future plans, what else would Yu Dong say?Is it just to come on stage and pour a few mouthfuls of chicken soup for everyone, or say a few auspicious words?
Standing on the stage, Yu Dong looked at the expectant eyes of the audience, and he didn't give a damn, and went straight to the point: "Dongdong will be fully launched in the United States in half a month."

Before the audience could react, he threw out another big news: "At the same time, we will draw 100 million lucky users in Europe and the United States, and each person will receive an extra star card, which will store [-] integral."

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