"Did I hear you right, Yu Dong said 100 million cards?"

In front of the TV, Shi Zhengrong asked in surprise, and Li Kunyao next to him was even more surprised than him: "Yes, and he also said that each star card contains [-] points."

"What does the [-] points of the star card represent?"

Shi Zhengrong had heard of the Star Card before, and knew that the points of the Star Card could be exchanged for money, but he didn't know the ratio of points to cash. He didn't have a specific concept in his mind about storing [-] points in a card.

"The redemption ratio varies from place to place, and recently, due to the cooperation with many stores by the Deep Space Company, the points have become more valuable. In some places, one hundred points can even be worth more than ten yuan. In some places, exchange One hundred points only costs six yuan, and according to my observations, the Deep Space Company may eventually want to set the conversion ratio of points at about [-]:[-]." Li Kunyao replied.

Shi Zhengrong nodded, "If Deep Space Corporation can do this, 1000 points will equal 100 RMB, and [-] million cards will equal one billion RMB. Deep Space Corporation is really generous."

Although Li Kunyao has objections to Shenkong Company, he has to admit Shi Zhengrong’s words, “Shenkong Company is really big this time, and it can be seen that they are determined to promote the star card in Europe and the United States. I think no one can refuse Bai I get 1000 yuan. In fact, I think that even if the company does not give away [-] points, European and American users are very interested in the Star Card, because their card is really easy to use.”


Shi Zhengrong was about to ask Li Kunyao if he had used the star card, but he heard Yu Dong on the TV saying: "There is no threshold for exchanging deep space points for items, that is to say, after you get the [-] points, you can go to any The store in cooperation with Deep Space can exchange items worth less than [-] points. Many European and American users don’t know much about the Star Card, so I’ll take a moment to introduce it to you. Each Star Card has a unique serial number. After getting the Xingkong card, you can bind the Xingkong card with your Dongdong or Deep Space Tribe, and you can log in with one account in the future, which can also ensure the security of your Dongdong and clan accounts... How to get deep space points, As long as you purchase designated products at a store that cooperates with Deep Space Corporation, you can get corresponding points...how to use the points, when you walk into a store that cooperates with Deep Space Corporation..."

After listening to Yu Dong about the acquisition and use of points, Shi Zhengrong continued to ask Li Kunyao, "Kunyao, have you used the star card before?"

Li Kunyao nodded and said, "I have used it, but it is my nephew's card. Young people like to follow the trend. He used one when the star card was first launched."

"Your nephew is the one who went to college in Yanjing?"

"Well, it's him." Li Kunyao nodded, and continued to talk about the Starry Sky Card, "In Yanjing, this card can be used in general large bookstores, and the designated products Yu Dong mentioned refer to the ones under their company's name. Items, the bookstore naturally refers to the works of co-authors. But in fact, sometimes you can get points even if you don’t buy the items designated by Deep Space.”

"Why is that?" Shi Zhengrong wondered, "If you can also get points for purchasing other products, isn't that because you made a wedding dress for someone else?"

"The redemption rules between Deep Space and cooperative stores are not based on each item, but are paid in batches. For example, if a bookstore directly purchases books with Deep Space Company, when purchasing books , Deep Space will pay all the points of these books to the bookstore..."

Before Li Kunyao finished speaking, Shi Zhengrong already understood, "That is to say, after these points are sent to the bookstore, the bookstore has the right to dispose of them freely?"

"Probably that's what it means, but Deep Space Company stipulates that as long as the customer who purchased the specified product requests, the bookstore must pay the customer points. However, the popularity rate of Star Card in the whole country is not particularly high, and many people come to the bookstore to buy it. The works under Deep Space did not require points, and this part of the points allows bookstores to play. Usually, these bookstores will use the remaining points for other works to do activities, or directly cash them out.”

"How about cashing out?"

"They can cash it directly with Deep Space, or they can take it out and sell it."

Shi Zhengrong frowned and said, "In this case, Shenkong Company must stabilize the exchange ratio and settlement ratio, otherwise there will be problems in the two-way transaction."

"That's right. When deep space points are traded, the biggest problem is whether the value of points is stable during two-way transactions. If this cannot be balanced, two problems may arise. Deep space companies are exploited by these cooperative stores, or points The value is not enough to be abandoned by users. But now it seems that in the actual operation process, Deep Space has done a very good job.”

Shi Zhengrong smiled. It is not easy for Li Kunyao to praise Deep Space Company.This also proves that Deep Space Corporation has indeed done a very good job, so that Li Kunyao can't say anything bad.

"Actually." Li Kunyao sighed slightly, "I am more optimistic about the role of starry sky points in the virtual transaction process. Once the starry sky card is accepted by consumers, online transactions will become very convenient. I guess, the next step, Deep Space Company We will let Deep Space Points cooperate with Amazon, and then Amazon users can use Star Points to redeem products directly on the Amazon website.”

In the past ten years, electronic payment has been an important development field. Many non-bank organizations are trying to innovate, trying to develop an electronic payment method that can replace cash payment and credit card payment.

Governments around the world have also drafted relevant laws to clarify the business scope of electronic payment.

But neither financial nor non-financial institutions have achieved commercial success in their innovative initiatives.Instead, banks in various countries began to try to transform other traditional payment tools, such as direct debit and credit transfer, to apply to the Internet.

However, the star card points launched by Deep Space Company have bypassed the problem of electronic payment.

You may say that deep space credits belong to electronic payment, but it is obviously different from ordinary electronic payment, but if you say that it is not electronic payment, it seems unreasonable, because it does play the role of electronic payment, but deep space The scope of use of empty points is much narrower than that of general electronic payment.

This kind of operation has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it does not need to follow the old path of electronic payment development, and it also bypasses financial institutions, saving some unnecessary troubles.The disadvantage is that the value of deep space points is completely compared with normal currency, and its practicality is much worse.

Hearing Li Kunyao's words, Shi Zhengrong raised his teacup and narrowed his eyes.

He seemed to be beginning to understand the layout of Deep Space Corporation over the years.

Prior to this, Shi Zhengrong had been unable to understand the investment strategy of Deep Space Corporation. It seemed that he was doing things like online shopping, games, and instant messaging.

But now it seems that Deep Space Company has always wanted to create a network, and the star card is what connects this network.

Shi Zhengrong very much agrees with Li Kunyao's speculation, and the next step for Deep Space will definitely be to promote the cooperation between Star Points and Amazon.com.

In the next step, Deep Space should use Amazon's shell to build an online shopping website in China.However, it is obviously unrealistic to use the point system instead of electronic payment to develop online shopping. Deep Space should only use the point system as a transition.

After the transition is over, the Deep Space Integral will return to its original purpose.

Shi Zhengrong was stunned inwardly, if the Deep Space Corporation were to weave this web, what would the scale of the Deep Space Group be?
However, Amazon's current situation does not seem to be good. Will this affect Deep Space's plan?
And because of the Amazon incident, it also involved a lot of Internet companies. Recently, many people have dug up a bunch of black materials about Internet companies. Some are true and some are fake, but whether it is true or false These news let investors' confidence in the Internet industry drop a lot.

Under such circumstances, can the plan of Deep Space Corporation be carried out smoothly?Why did they sell Amazon and Apple stocks before, and at the same time spend tens of millions of dollars to invest in Google?

Deep Space is definitely optimistic about the Internet industry, there is no doubt about it, otherwise they would not develop Dongdong and Deep Space Tribe, but Deep Space obviously has its own judgment on the Internet.

While Shi Zhengrong was amazed by the hugeness of the plan of Shenkong Corporation, he also had some doubts about the future of Deepspace Corporation, just as he couldn't see through the future of the Internet industry.

But in any case, the attitude shown by Deep Space now seems to prove that they have not been affected by the Amazon incident.When Yu Dong said these words on stage, he seemed to be responding to the outside world's doubts about Deep Space Corporation these days.

So, can their actions save Amazon?

"Kunyao, go back and contact Shen Kong, let's talk about mergers and acquisitions."


Shi Zhengrong waved his hand towards Li Kunyao who opened his mouth to say something, "Kunyao, look forward, the future of BenQ Dentsu may be in the hands of Deep Space Corporation. I know what you are worried about, but you have to talk to him first , Maybe people’s plan for BenQ Dentsu can satisfy you? Don’t let yourself go into a dead end, or you may miss something.”

Li Kunyao pursed his lips. He did not deny the success of Deep Space Company, but the business of Deep Space Company is far from that of BenQ Dentsu. Handing BenQ Dentsu to them is tantamount to being an outsider leading an expert. This is obviously not a good thing .

Maybe the deep space company Da Yeda can afford it, but BenQ Dentsu cannot afford it. If these few years are missed, BenQ Dentsu may never be able to develop again.

But this matter is beyond his control. It depends entirely on Shi Zhengrong's attitude. He can only nod his head and say, "Okay, let's talk first."


"Long live deep space! Long live YU!"

Inside the Little Bear Bookstore, Hahns and a group of association members raised their wine glasses high, cheering for Yu Dong's words.

Although they were in the bookstore, they couldn't help but want a drink.

There were not many customers left in the Little Bear Bookstore in the middle of the night, and they were basically watching the live broadcast of the annual meeting.

"President, I heard that deep space points can be exchanged for many things."

"That's right, I heard that it can be exchanged for game consoles. If the Star Card is promoted to the United States soon, the points I get should be able to be exchanged for a PS."

Seeing everyone's excitement, Hahns said with a smile, "I also want to tell you some good news."

"good news?"

Everyone looked at Hans in unison, waiting for his good news.

"Actually, our association has already received news about the deep space points, and in the future, our association's points will be directly connected to the starry sky points."

Such a big news stunned the members at the scene, and it took several seconds for someone to react, "Then what about our previous points?"

"Don't worry, your previous points will still stay, and it will stay one to one hundred."

When they heard that it was one to one hundred reservations, the members all smiled.

The points of the YU Association are not cheap. When you redeem them directly in cash, one point costs one dollar, but in fact the purchasing power of one point is not comparable to one dollar. Usually, it takes several points to equal one dollar, and There are not many things that can be exchanged for association points, basically some books.

In this case, of course they are willing to exchange points for deep space points, which means that the points in their hands have increased in value.

The difference in price is borne by Deep Space, but Deep Space doesn't care at all.

The YU Umbrella Association has a total of more than 200 million members in Europe and the United States. Once the points of the association are connected with the points of the deep space, it means that these people must apply for a star card. This is the plan of the deep space company.

In recent years, Deep Space Corporation has sponsored at least 3000 million U.S. dollars to the YU Umbrella Association every year. Coupled with the sponsorship of some wealthy members, the annual consumption of the YU Umbrella Association has exceeded the imagination of ordinary people.

But these efforts are obviously worthwhile. The YU Umbrella Association has provided strong support for Deep Space Corporation over the years. Whenever Deep Space wants to launch something, the Association is the first to respond.

Most of the members of the Early Years Association are young people in their teens and 20s. They are basically students. They rely on deep space funding and enthusiasm to support the entire association. After so many years, those young members have entered It has become the mainstay in the society, and has a certain right to speak, which also better guarantees the development of the association.

"President, will we be able to directly receive deep space points if we work in the association in the future?" Someone asked.

Hahns smiled and nodded: "Well, that's right, but the specific reward has not been determined yet, and it will probably take a month until the connection is complete. You guys wait a little bit."

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