Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 794 I even want to buy some stocks

Jeff, the current president of the YU Umbrella Association, is currently attending the Deep Space Annual Meeting in Jinling. The promotion of the Deep Space Card in the YU Umbrella Association has been finalized. After the annual meeting is over, Jeff will immediately return to the United States to handle this matter. , They have to complete the deep space card for more than 70.00% of the members of the association within two months.

In fact, some of the people present didn't need to apply for a star card.

The Star Card is universal, and the cards previously issued in China can also be used in the United States. Some of them have already applied for the Star Card when they went to China.

For example, Hahns now has a starry sky card in his pocket, and there are hundreds of points left in it that have not been used.Although this card is not available in the United States, Hahns likes to carry him with him, as if this card can prove his identity.

And the Little Bear Bookstore where they are located has already set up a deep space credit payment system, but if they want to use the star card in the store, they need the bookstore to officially open the settlement function, which will take a few days.


Steven Case watched the live broadcast of the Deep Space Annual Meeting on TV, and rubbed his dry eyes. The time of this live broadcast was very unfriendly to him. He looked out the window, and it would be dawn in a while up.

After dinner last night, he decided to go to bed, but he couldn't sleep because he was tossing and turning in bed.

Recently, because of the Amazon matter, he has been devastated. Those financial analysts who follow the wind always like to chase after the wind. It is obviously Amazon's matter. It is not enough to involve Deep Space, but also to involve them. America Online.

It wasn't a problem at first, but they kept magnifying it with a magnifying glass, as if they were going to collapse America Online.Many people will believe these claims, after all, AOL's stock has indeed performed poorly recently, and it is difficult to give people confidence in them.

Since he couldn't fall asleep, he simply got up and turned on the TV to watch the live broadcast of the annual meeting of Deep Space Corporation.

Perhaps, he wanted to watch the live broadcast, and it was just an excuse that he couldn't sleep.

He wasn't interested in the previous part of walking the red carpet. For more than an hour, he was drowsy and almost fell asleep. He didn't wake up until Jimmy came to the stage to give the year-end report.

Later, when YU said that he would distribute 100 million Star Cards with [-] points, he became sober.

During the hours-long live broadcast, it was the words of YU that caught Stephen Case's attention the most. His first reaction when he heard this was that YU was responding to the outside world's doubts.

During this period of time, there have been many speculations about Deep Space Corporation, but Deep Space Corporation has never responded. Originally, Steven Case thought that Deep Space Corporation was going to be treated coldly, but now it seems that they did not want to be treated coldly, but It is to respond with practical actions.

That's right, no matter how much you say, there is no real action.

If deep space points in Europe and America can maintain the value in China, then these 1000 billion points can be worth more than 1 million US dollars.

Although this is not real money, the stimulus to the market is real, and even the 1000 billion credits are more powerful than the equivalent of more than 1 million US dollars, because the money is distributed to the public and they may still have money. It may be saved, but the points are issued to the public, and they will definitely be eager to use them.

In other words, in the short term, commodities worth at least US$[-] million will be consumed in the market.

Let me ask, which businessman is not tempted to see this [-] million US dollars?
It is estimated that many businesses are now thinking of catching up with this wave of cooperation with Deep Space Corporation, and can get a part of the [-] million US dollars.

Steven Case couldn't help feeling that Deep Space used this trick to directly let them walk out of the Amazon's mud, and instantly became a favorite.

He looked at the computer screen next to him. Under the official account of the Deep Space Tribe on ABC TV station, netizens responded very strongly to the star card.

[Who can tell me, what can I buy with [-] points? 】

[I don’t know in the United States, but in China, [-] points can buy [-] novels, or recharge a Dongdong membership for more than ten years. 】

[Let's put it this way, I spent points for meals in the Deep Space Park before, and I only spent more than 200 points for a meal, which means that [-] points can eat four to five hundred meals. 】

[Wow, so valuable! 】

[Ahem, it’s actually not that valuable, but the price in China, especially the deep space park, is cheaper.Moreover, deep space points should not be able to be paid in restaurants in the United States. Even in China, they can only be used in the cafeteria of the deep space park. 】

[This is also very powerful, that is 100 million cards, the Deep Space Company is really generous. 】

[Excuse me, I have already applied for a Star Card in China, do I need to apply again? 】

[No need, what YU said just now is very clear, each card is universal, as long as there is one, it is enough, don't you pay attention to the lecture? 】

[I heard that it can be exchanged for a game console, is it true? 】

[Of course, you can go to the Sony official to have a look, they have already issued an announcement overnight! 】

When he saw this comment, Steven Case narrowed his eyes and quickly found Sony's official tribe.

Sure enough, Sony's official account just posted a new tribe, and the lower right corner shows that this tribe was released 5 minutes ago, which means that Sony released the tribe when YU just came to speak.

In just 5 minutes, there were already more than 1000 comments under this tribe. This popularity made Steven Case really envious. Among the tribes of their company, there was no tribe with such a high popularity.

The content of Sony's announcement is very simple, it is for deep space point redemption games.


Sony's announcement tribe is simple and crude, but the content is not simple at all.

[30 points, a ps2 plus a copy of "Resident Evil", so it seems that [-] points are really worth a lot. 】

[However, it is not easy to get 30 points. You can only get about ten points if you buy a novel in China. Even in the United States, a book can only get about 30 points. If you want to get [-] points How is it possible to buy [-] books under Deep Space? 】

[Yeah, from this point of view, this point is quite useless, it is useless to me, who can buy [-] books? 】

[You guys are stupid, deep space points can be freely traded, even if you don’t have any, you can always get them if you gather them together. 】

[No, why do you always want to use points as money?I feel that Deep Space launched the star card just to give back to users. At least you bought their things, and the points you get can be exchanged for something. 】

[Actually, points are not difficult to obtain at all, there are many ways. 】

【for example? 】

[I heard that in the new WCG competition, the top three in each region will have prizes, including deep space points. 】

[Tell you a way, go directly to the owners of some bookstores, they will definitely have extra points in their hands, you can just buy them directly, it can be more cost-effective than normal acquisition. 】

[I feel that 30 points are not difficult at all. Find a few friends, usually buy books, records, games, and peripherals under the Deep Space Company, and watch their company’s movies. It won’t take long to get them together. 】

[I feel that there is no need to save hard, let it be, wait until you have more points in your hand, and change it if you see something that can be exchanged, which is equivalent to earning extra.And the most important information of Sony's tribe is that Sony has cooperated with Deep Space, and you can get points when you buy ps in the future. 】

[Yes, exchanging points for game consoles is not the most important thing, the most important thing is to buy game consoles to get deep space points.According to my experience, you can get about [-] points for buying a game console, and [-] points are enough to exchange for a novel. 】

[A novel doesn't seem like much. 】

[Not much?The key is that you have to buy a game console in the first place. Originally, you bought a game console with nothing but a game console. Now, because of the Starry Sky Card, you can get an extra novel when you buy a game console. 】

[Three thousand points should be able to exchange for a two-month Dongdong membership. 】

[Then I will choose Dongdong members. 】

Looking at the comments below the announcement, Steven Case frowned, the Starry Sky Card shop was bigger than he had imagined.

In his view, Deep Space is not just treating the Sky Card as a benefit to users, but to let users develop the habit of using Star Card.

Although Deep Space has not opened the business of directly exchanging points with cash, Steven Case believes that this step may not be far away. Even if Deep Space does not do this step, it may be replaced by other methods in the end.

If Deep Space Company just wants to use Xingkong as a benefit to users, then they can only use products limited to their own, and there is no need to cooperate with companies like Sony.

But what makes Steven Case feel strange is why YU didn't mention Amazon from the beginning to the end?
This is very unreasonable. Logically speaking, Amazon has encountered a hurdle now, and the stock has been falling again and again. As the actual controller of Amazon, Deep Space Corporation should give a helping hand at this time. It is impossible to just watch Amazon fall into the abyss.

At the time when Deep Space fully launched the star card, the best way to pull Amazon is to bind the star card with Amazon.

Binding the Star Card to Amazon will definitely boost Amazon's business and may restore investors' confidence in Amazon.Among other things, the 1000 billion credits presented by Deep Space Corporation alone will stimulate Amazon's business.

You know, in 1997, Amazon's sales were only less than 99 million U.S. dollars, and in [-] they increased a lot, but they were only less than [-] million U.S. dollars.

To be honest, Steven Case wants to buy Amazon's stock a little bit, but it feels strange that Deep Space doesn't make a statement now.

Did they feel that the timing was immature, or did they not think about it at all?
Steven Case rubbed his brows, he really wanted to call YU or James and ask them what they thought.

There are many people who have the same troubles as Steven Case, and Yang Qing, vice president of Lenovo Group, is one of them.

He turned on the TV at the last hour, just when Yu Dong came on stage.

Watching the Year of Deep Space made Yang Qing feel a little awkward, but in order to understand his opponent, he had to overcome this awkwardness.

Although Yang Qing was greatly shocked by the distribution of 1000 billion deep space points at a time, what shocked Yang Qing most was the speed of the company's deployment.

He didn't understand at all why Deep Space was able to promote Starry Sky Card in such a short period of time. Although he was not familiar with this business, he could imagine the difficulty.

Making cards is the first problem. There are tens of millions of cards, and these cards are not ordinary cards, so the process of making them is a little more complicated.

Even if Deep Space can solve the first problem, they will face the second problem: card issuance.

How are these tens of millions of cards delivered to users?All by mail?This is obviously unrealistic.

What about later maintenance?What about customer service?

There are so many problems facing the deep space, so many that Yang Qing's scalp feels numb when he thinks about it.

As a bystander, Yang Qing admires Shenkong's layout ability very much, but as an opponent, Yang Qing hopes that Shenkong will encounter Waterloo.

If the move of Deep Space goes well, what Lenovo will face in China may be a behemoth beyond their imagination. Even if they have reached a strategic cooperation with AOL, AOL will not be able to help them, let alone America Online is now one of the first two big.

Lenovo's entry into the Internet started with great vigor, but the subsequent development was not ideal. The fm365 website they launched did get some traffic at the beginning because it was bound to the Millennium computer, and it also made the whole company feel that defeating the "Deep Space Family" was just around the corner. .

But it didn't take long for them to discover that the traffic that fm365 was getting was growing very slowly and of low quality.

When many users use the Millennium computer, they will first log in to Dongdong, and then open the website. At this time, because of the computer, they will open fm365, but then they will directly jump from fm365 to a certain website of the "Deep Space Family" , and will not stay on the fm365 page.

Before, they thought about setting the fm365 page to be unable to directly transfer to the "Deep Space Family" website, but in the end they still didn't have the guts.

Now it seems that if they want to enter the Internet, Deep Space Corporation is a big mountain in front of them. As long as they don't cross the mountain of Deep Space Corporation, Lenovo's idea of ​​entering the Internet is a fart.

For a moment, Yang Qing felt a trace of regret. If Yu Yu called him to discuss cooperation at that time, he could lower his posture.

But his posture does not affect the direction of the incident, because at that time they did not want to cooperate with Deep Space, not because they looked down on Deep Space, but because they thought that they could land on the Internet with a perfect posture by relying on the computer business, without cheap Deep Space. The company is nothing but the harsh reality that has smoothed their edges and corners.

When the high-level meeting was held some time ago, everyone's opinions seemed to have changed, from disdain for cooperation with deep space to interest in cooperation with deep space.

Perhaps this situation will change completely when the Deep Space Annual Conference is over, and they will have to actively seek cooperation with Deep Space.

When Yang Qing was about to turn off the TV, he suddenly received a call from the chairman Liu Chuanzhi.

After talking for about four or five minutes, Yang Qing hung up the phone helplessly. Sure enough, as he expected, the company's wind direction has completely changed, and the news came faster than he expected. It seems that the chairman is also looking at the deep space. Live broadcast of the annual meeting.

The meaning of the chairman is very simple, let him go to contact with the deep space company tomorrow, and don't need to talk about the cooperation in detail, just communicate with each other and pave the way for the relationship.

It can be heard that the chairman should be in a hurry, otherwise, he should not be allowed to contact the Deep Space Company at this time.

The Deep Space Company is still holding the annual meeting today, and it will definitely be busy for a while later, and the Chinese New Year is coming soon, so how can I care about them?

Yang Qing was mentally prepared. The contact with Deep Space Company this time would definitely not be very good, but no matter what, he had to bite the bullet and make contact. Who told the boss to send a message?

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