Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 795 Talk About What Jimmy Didn't Say

After talking about the star card, Yu Dong looked at the guests who were discussing and said with a smile: "Finally, let's talk about the movie."

Hearing Yu Dong's words, everyone stopped discussing and focused on him again.

"Just now Jimmy has roughly talked about the films that our company is going to make and will be released soon. Let me pick up some things that he didn't mention. The first one is "The Martian". This film is still in the post-production stage. But according to our plan, we will definitely be able to meet you in 2000. I watched some unedited clips. Although there are not many, at least I am very satisfied with the style of the screen. Director Spielberg’s strength, you should Believe."

"Besides, the second part is also a movie that will be released this year. It is adapted from my novel "Golden Dreamland". The title has not changed, and the release time will be confirmed soon. If you are interested, you can pay attention to our Official website. I haven’t seen the video yet, but the music has already been settled. In addition to the "Golden Dreamland" suite, there is also a song composed by You Nesbo. The other soundtracks are written by Mr. Cheng... oh , By the way, I forgot to tell you that the soundtrack of "The Martian" is also in charge of Mr. Cheng, and I am the first listener to every soundtrack in it. In addition, I have to boast a little, the creation of these soundtracks , I also have a little credit."

Hearing Yu Dong's "boasting", everyone present laughed heartily. They knew that Yu Dong was doing it to promote Cheng Yanqiu.

As for Yu Dong's own musical talent, everyone knows it, let alone talk about it.

Amidst the laughter of the crowd, Yu Dong continued, "The third movie I want to talk about is "Source Code". This movie has not been shot yet, and if everything goes well, it will officially start shooting in two months. I wrote the script of this movie, and the starring roles were decided before, and they were Gu Tianle and Jennifer Aniston from Xiangjiang, China."

As soon as this remark came out, the discussion began again, because when Jimmy reported the plan just now, he mentioned that they would shoot a sci-fi movie "Source Code", but he didn't mention that this movie was written by Yu Dong himself. It turned out to be "China-US co-production".

There are many co-productions between China and the United States, some successful and some unsuccessful. It stands to reason that everyone will not be too surprised.

But the point is, this Chinese-American co-production was made in deep space.

Deep Space has never failed to make movies, and they have always been able to make movies that can be both box office and critical.

Even if they can't have both, their movies can always have one, either at the box office or with word of mouth.

Sino-US co-production, sci-fi, and YU, these three keywords put together make people feel very contradictory.Moreover, this Sino-US co-production in deep space is different from normal Sino-US co-productions. The male protagonist is Chinese, the female protagonist is American, and the female protagonist is the famous American sweetheart Jennifer Aniston.

Many viewers who sat in front of the TV and watched the live broadcast really wanted to get into the TV and ask Yu Dong what is the criteria for casting roles?Why did they choose Jennifer Aniston to play the heroine? They really couldn't figure out what Jennifer Aniston had to do with science fiction movies.

If YU says that Jennifer Aniston is going to star in "Golden Dreamland", the audience will not be too surprised.

Some "Friends" fans are happy for Jennifer Aniston, America's sweetheart, despite her popularity, has never been able to prove herself on the big screen, and this time participating in the film written by YU is obviously a good time Chance.

[Thank you YU for choosing our Annie, Annie will definitely not let you down. 】

[I swear, as long as the movie is released, no matter how bad the movie is, I will watch it. 】

[Hey, brother, this is a script written by Yu, a movie shot by Deep Space itself, bad?what are you thinking about? 】

[That's right, it's still a sci-fi movie, because YU hasn't written sci-fi in the past few years, so have you forgotten the identity of YU's sci-fi god? 】

[Ahem, don't say it, I really forgot about YU's identity as a science fiction writer, he has always been a great writer in my heart. 】

【Haha, with YU's age and appearance, isn't it more like someone who wrote that kind of romance novel? 】

[He didn't write romance novels, he should be the prototype of the protagonist in romance novels. 】

【I protest, why write the script directly, why don’t you write the novel first, YU, you haven’t written science fiction for a long time. 】

[That's right, can't it be written as a science fiction novel first?Show us before the movie comes out. 】

【highly recommended! 】

[I want to watch movies, and I want to read novels, I hope you don't know what is good or bad, and arrange it for me quickly. 】

At this time, Yu Dong on the stage seemed to have heard the comments from netizens, and said with a smile: "Actually, I am considering recently whether to write the story of "Source Code" in the form of a novel."

【Of course! 】

【must! 】

The audience waited expectantly for Yu Dong's next words, but Yu Dong touched his chin: "I probably can't write it for the time being, because I will finish writing the science fiction novel I have in hand first."

Originally, the audience was a little disappointed when they heard Yu Dong say that they couldn't write for the time being, but they were pleasantly surprised when they heard what he said later.

Under ABC's live broadcast tribe, a large number of comments immediately appeared, and these comments were all the same.

[Science Fiction! 】

[Science Fiction! 】

[Science Fiction! 】

Even if there are some comments that destroy the formation, they will soon be overwhelmed by the word "science fiction".

Even some netizens who don't usually read science fiction can't help being moved when they see these neat comments.Every comment here is a piece of readers' love for YU, and it is also a piece of waiting and waiting.

Because Yu Dong hadn’t written a science fiction novel for a long time, a diehard science fiction fan pessimistically wrote a long article on Deep Space Tribe.

The person who posted said that YU will probably not write science fiction novels in the future. This article is very popular, and the views in it are also recognized by many netizens.

Therefore, when Yu Dong said that he was writing a science fiction novel, and that he might write two novels, the readers were naturally surprised and delighted.

Spielberg, who was sitting in the audience, smiled and squinted his eyes. Seeing the reactions of the guests, he knew that he must not miss Yu Dong's new novel, even if he could not win the film and television adaptation rights and direct it himself. , but also to cooperate with Deep Space, he is a producer or investor or something.


14-year-old Bruno Mars was sitting in front of the TV. He had already fallen asleep in a daze, but was suddenly woken up by his uncle John Mars: "Bruno, wake up, you missed the main event."

Bruno's eyes opened a crack, and in the TV, YU was standing on the stage speaking Chinese that he didn't understand, but soon the voice of translation reached Bruno's ears.

"I know you want to know more about this novel, but I..."

Brolo stared blankly at Yu Dong on the TV. He was already half awake. He asked in surprise, "Uncle, what is the novel that Yu is talking about? Does he have a new book to publish?"

John Mars laughed: "That's right, dear Bruno, YU said he was writing a science fiction novel."

"Science fiction! Really?"

Hearing this, Bruno jumped up from the sofa and put his head in his hands in disbelief, "Am I dreaming? I did dream just now that YU was going to write a science fiction novel. I ran all the way from school to the bookstore Inside, I was about to buy a book and read it when I was woken up by you."

"Haha, I should wake you up later, so you can see what YU's new book looks like in your dream." John Mars joked.

Bruno shook his head and said, "No, you should have woken me up earlier, I missed a lot of things, damn it, why did I fall asleep."

"It's okay, I've already recorded it, and we can continue to watch the replay tomorrow." John Mars said with a smile.

Bruno Mars nodded, looked at the TV again, and listened carefully to what Yu Dong said about the novel.

As a die-hard fan of Yu Dong, John Mars originally wanted to take his nephew Bruno Mars to China to watch the Deep Space Annual Conference this year, but in the end he couldn’t make it because of work. Fortunately, this year’s Deep Space Annual Conference There will be a live broadcast, let them sit in front of the TV and chat for comfort.

The Mars family lives in Honolulu, the capital of Hawaii. They make a living by performing traditional music and dances. Occasionally, they also imitate celebrities in order to make money. Therefore, in Hawaii, they are always invited to "commercial performances" when events are held.

Of course, they also have their own theaters, but most of the time they are still willing to accept "commercial performances" because their income will be higher then.

During this period of time, John Mars had four or five jobs. These jobs were confirmed with people a long time ago, and they could not be turned down at all, so he could only reluctantly give up and give up going to Jinling, China.

During this period of time, John Mars has been paying attention to the news of the Deep Space Annual Meeting on the Internet. Every time he sees the news of the Deep Space Annual Meeting, he is both excited and disappointed.

He secretly made up his mind that no matter what happens next year, he will not take up the work during this time.

In fact, he can’t be completely blamed, because the Chinese lunar calendar is too different from the solar calendar. He originally thought that the deep space annual meeting would be in February, but who would have thought that it would start in January, so when someone told him that it would be in the middle of the month? I agreed.

Therefore, he specially bought a Chinese wall calendar, so that he can know when the Chinese New Year is and judge when the next annual meeting will be held.

The time difference between Hawaii and Jinling is as long as [-] hours. When the Deep Space Annual Conference started, it was seven o'clock in the evening on Hawaii's side, which can be said to be very friendly.

But even so, after watching the live broadcast of the annual meeting for several hours, Bruno Mars, who was growing up, couldn't bear it anymore, so he accidentally fell asleep just now.

John Mars has liked YU for a long time, so Bruno Mars has become a fan of YU since he was a child.

And John Mars has a wish, that is, to send his nephew Bruno Mars to Deep Space Corporation, and then let Deep Space Corporation tap Bruno Mars' talents and make him a superstar of amphibious development.

John Mars believed that Bruno had talent in this area. Bruno was able to perform on stage when he was three or four years old. He was once called Little Elvis Presley by the local audience because he was good at imitating Elvis Presley.

In addition, when Bruno was a few years old, he participated in a movie. It can be said that he is a well-known star in the local area.

If Bruno's parents hadn't insisted that he at least complete high school, John Mars would send Bruno to Deep Space Corporation after graduating from junior high school this year.

"Bruno, before you woke up, Yu also said that he wrote the script of "Source Code", and he also considered writing this story into a novel."

Bruno Mars knew "Source Code". When Jimmy talked about this movie, he hadn't fallen asleep. He was looking forward to it when he heard that it was a sci-fi movie, so he remembered the name of the movie. He didn't expect this movie. Since the movie is written by YU.

"Does this mean we will be able to see two YU sci-fi novels this year?"

"I hope so." John Mars smiled: "Unfortunately, you are still too young, otherwise I will definitely recommend you to Deep Space Company, so that you can participate in a certain movie of their company, and finally Well, Source Code."

Bruno Mars also smiled, "Uncle, actually I still want to develop in music more, I'm almost 15 years old."

John Mars's smile faltered, he knew what his nephew meant.

Bruno was very popular when he was a child. He had dark skin and was not the kind of pretty kid, but his appearance was not particularly disadvantaged, and he was quite cute, so he was loved by many audiences.

But as he got older, everyone found that Bruno didn't grow tall.

Although the boy's development is relatively late, Bruno is almost 15 years old, but he is a head shorter than most of his peers. Now the hope of the whole family is that Bruno will reach 1.7 meters in height in the future, but now it seems that this goal is quite difficult. .

If I want to be an actor, my height is a flaw. Of course there are actors who are not tall in Hollywood, such as Tom Cruise, but Tom Cruise is handsome. Bruno's appearance is far inferior to Tom Cruise, and he is also tall The probability is not even as high as that of Tom Cruise.

"Bruno, actually..." John Mars wanted to comfort his nephew, but in the end he gave up the idea. "Of course, uncle supports you in developing music, as long as you like it."

"Of course I do."

John Mars smiled. He believed that Bruno could have a good development in music, because Bruno's parents were both good singers.

"Work hard, and when you get older, I will find someone to recommend you to Deep Space Corporation, and you will discover your talent. Maybe one day, you will also gain deep space's attention like jay chou. If you perform Not bad, next year I will take you to the Deep Space Annual Meeting."

Bruno clenched his fist, "Well, I will definitely work hard."

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