Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 796 Are you interested in those superheroes?

Yu Dong didn't talk too much about the new novel "Wall-E" on stage, he just told them that the new novel is a science fiction novel about the future and maybe love.

It means that the part of the annual meeting is basically over after coming down from the east, and the next step is for the guests to take over the interview with the reporters.

Because there will be a live TV broadcast this year, in order to prevent any accidents from happening, all interviews are arranged in advance, and everyone just needs to follow the procedure.

Although the guests didn't confront the reporters, the reporters had already taken care of it, so they probably wouldn't ask too outrageous questions.

Of course, Deep Space Corporation is not completely reassured of these reporters, and even guarded against them.Today's live broadcast is not completely real-time, but there is a period of delay.

The pictures seen by all TV stations are ten seconds slower than reality.

When discussing whether to cooperate with ABC TV station to broadcast live to the outside world, someone raised a question. After all, China is no better than Europe and the United States. If there is any accident on the scene, the impact will not be very good.

In particular, this live broadcast is still oriented to the world, and if there is any bad impact, it will definitely not be small.

Therefore, Yu Dong proposed to delay the live broadcast for ten seconds. If something unexpected happens, ten seconds is enough to cut the screen.

But when they heard this proposal, ABC TV station expressed that they could not accept it. They thought that since it was a live broadcast, it would not be bad for a second.

Other live broadcasts were delayed due to technical reasons, but they were lucky and took the initiative to delay for ten seconds.

But Deep Space is also very firm, saying that if there is no delay, it will not cooperate.

On balance, ABC still agreed.

After all, to viewers watching live TV, a ten-second delay is nothing at all. In the current network environment, let alone a ten-second delay, even if it is a few minutes late, no viewer can react.

The only downside is that it doesn't seem very pleasant to say later.

After the scene ended, the guests began to leave in an orderly manner. Yu Dong turned around and was about to talk to Cheng Yanqiu, but he saw that Cheng Yanqiu had been held back by Ning Jing, Hu Jing and Li Bingbing.

Ning Jing said with a smile, "Brother-in-law, leave my sister to me. There must be many people looking for you right now."

Cheng Yanqiu turned back with a smile, "Jing Jing is right, you are busy with your work, I will take the girls to play."

Yu Dong glanced at Ning Jing and the others, and said, "What are you playing, Hu Jing, Ning Jing, and you, Li Bingbing, you all arranged interviews, did you forget? And Yan Danchen and Mei Ting? Just now I can see them, why are they gone now?"

"Sister Ting and the others went to find Shakira. Yan Danchen saw Shakira dancing belly dance last time and thought it was very interesting. He wanted to learn from her." Hu Jing said.

"Belly dancing? You're about to graduate in half a year, have you all prepared your graduation homework? There's still time..."

As soon as Yu Dong's teacher got up in style, Yu Hua and Wang Xiaobo walked over.

Yu Hua joked, "Wai Yuan, are you admonishing the little girls again? This is not at school, so please accept your elders' style. Come on, and come with us to deal with the reporters."

Speaking didn't mean Dong responded, Yu Hua and Wang Xiaobo each took Yu Dong's arm and pulled him towards the door.

Seeing Yu Dong being dragged away, Hu Jing patted his chest with lingering fear, looking like he was about to cry, "Mr. Cheng, Mr. Yu is too scary, how can you bear him?"

Cheng Yanqiu smiled, "What you said is too exaggerated, he just has high demands on you in your studies, but in other aspects, his demands on you are too low."

When she said this, Hu Jing and Li Bingbing didn't feel anything, but Ning Jing felt it.And what she thought of was not that Yu Dong had low requirements for these stars under his banner, but that he protected them well.

Before signing with Deep Space Company, her star journey went smoothly, but she encountered some difficulties to some extent, and she has also seen some difficulties faced by other actresses.

In the past two years, although she has been in the deep space company and is well protected, she can still hear some rumors.Unlike previous years, the development of the film and television industry has gradually opened up in recent years.

The circle is getting bigger and bigger, more and more people are eating this food, and more and more capital is entering the market.

This industry has attracted more and more temptations to actors, and at the same time encountered more and more darkness.

Especially female celebrities, some of them take the initiative to post in order to seek a position, while others are involuntary.

However, the Deep Space Company has regulations that anyone who participates in the unspoken rules will immediately terminate the contract, regardless of gender.

Being dragged by Yu Hua and Wang Xiaobo for about ten steps, Yu Dong broke away from their hands and said with the corner of his mouth curled up, "It's fine to interview you two, why do you have to bring me?"

"Do you know what a fox pretends to be a tiger? You are a tiger." Yu Hua laughed and said, "Didn't you notice that these reporters watch people order dishes and ask a lot of messy questions when they interview us. When they ask you, If you want to answer, answer, if you don’t want to answer, don’t answer, they dare not say no.”

Although Yu Hua said this as a joke, it is also true. The worst thing to do if you offend ordinary celebrities is to be scolded by them, which can actually increase their reputation.But if Yu Dong is offended, maybe their newspaper office will be gone later.

Yu Dongrao looked at Yu Hua with interest: "Since when are you afraid of interviewing? Why do I see your eyes light up every time you see a reporter? How many of these reporters are your opponents?" To be honest, I'm not afraid of their reporters asking random questions, but I'm afraid of your random answers."

The reporters have basically taken care of it, so there shouldn't be any problems. It is true that Yu Hua and the others are more likely to have problems.

He looked at Wang Xiaobo again, "With his 1.9-meter-high man protecting him, what else do you have to worry about?"

Yu Hua said disdainfully, "This guy is just tall, but he's actually just a silver-like pewter tip, useless. Looking for him to be my bodyguard, I think it's better to find Feiyu."

"By the way, what about Feiyu and the others?" Yu Dong asked.

"Feiyu and Guan Moye have already gone out, as well as Han Shaogong. They are in a hurry to finish the reporter's interview and then go to play cards."

"The dinner party is about to start in a while, and they are still thinking about playing cards. Is the addiction so big?"

"There are so many people who haven't interviewed, and the dinner is still early." Yu Hua chuckled, "Raindance has played cards once and lost once. I heard that he lost all the monthly money Fu Jing gave him for smoking."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "There are only two or three days left in this month."

"He loses next month."

"That's good for quitting smoking."

"I told him that too, guess what he said?"

"What else can I say?" Yu Dong imitated Bi Feiyu's tone, "Tell me to quit smoking, and just shoot me with a knife."

Yu Hua gave a thumbs up in admiration, "The voice is full of emotion, vivid, and every word is correct."

"It just so happened that Young Master Han came, so he wanted to turn over the book and play cards with Young Master Han. He couldn't lose."

Yu Dong nodded in approval, Han Shaogong did lose often.

Han Shaogong not only loses often, but also loses a lot every time. Every time they played cards before, they won money at a table, but Han Shaogong lost 100 or [-].

The country's economy has developed rapidly in the past two years, and the amount of money Han Shaogong lost has also kept pace with the times. They have played cards together several times this year, and at the peak, Han Shaogong lost more than 600 yuan.

What is the concept of more than 600, that is the monthly salary of many people.For their small cards, they have already lost a lot.

There is an allegorical saying in China that Confucius moved—all losses.

Yu Hua and the others had a lot of bad water in their stomachs, so they also made up an epilogue for Han Shaogong according to this pattern.

Han Shaogong's brand is good, and he accepted Yu Hua's teasing with ease, and even deliberately changed his Dongdong nickname to "Book Sea Wuya".

Those who don't know the inside story think that Mr. Han intends to use this nickname to persuade others to read books, but Yu Dong and the others know that he is making fun of himself.

Yu Dong coughed lightly, and joked, "When you withdraw money, you can withdraw money, but what about playing cards?"

Yu Hua chuckled again, "Then do you want to withdraw money together at night?"

"That's all. I don't smoke, and I don't need to earn money for cigarettes. Let's go out quickly, for a while..."

Yu Dong urged Yu Hua and the others to go outside to the interview area, and Disney CEO Eisner walked over with a smile on his face.

"YU, yuhua, wang." Eisner greeted the three of them, and then said, "Are you going out?"

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, "Well, we are going to the interview area, Michael, what do you want from me?"

As the CEO of Disney, Eisner gave Deep Space a lot of face at this annual meeting and came here in person.

In fact, it is not easy to come to China. Except for Lucas and Spielberg, other companies, such as Sony and Motorola, have sent representatives here, and the helm of the company will not appear.

Eisner's visit this time is of course a signal to the outside world, that is, to tell other major companies that they will carry out more in-depth cooperation with Deep Space Corporation.

Yu Dong was surprised because Eisner was able to call Yu Hua and Wang Xiaobo by their names.

Eisner said with a smile, "I just heard you talk about your new novel on stage. As a loyal science fiction fan, I am of course very excited and can't wait to chat with you."

Yu Dong knew that Eisner was talking about scenes. This guy is usually not good at science fiction. He said this to pave the way for the next one. He raised his eyebrows, "Michael, are you interested in my new novel, or are you interested in my new novel?" Are you interested in its film and television adaptation rights?"

Eisner shrugged his shoulders and did not answer directly. He asked instead, "Is there anyone in this world who can do it? Isn't he interested in the film and television adaptation rights of your novel?"

"Michael, this matter is still..."

Before Dong finished speaking, Eisner said: "But it is very difficult to get the film and television adaptation rights of your novels. Even if you are not going to do it yourself, I don't have the confidence to win over Spielberg." Check them out."

Eisner's words are also the general consensus in the industry today. Since a few years ago, Deep Space Company has not sold the film and television adaptation rights of Yu Dong's novels to the outside world.

And even if the investment share is released, it is difficult for other companies to grab it. Many shares were snatched by Spielberg and Lucas.

Sometimes other companies such as Disney, Warner, and Universal can also get a little bit, but the ratio is very small.

In the eyes of many people, Spielberg is no longer a member of DreamWorks, but a member of Deep Space Corporation.

Yu Dong didn't explain anything, and asked with a smile, "If that's the case, what do you want from me?"

Eisner narrowed his eyes, "Actually, I want to ask about the Marvel copyrights in your hands."

A few years ago, Marvel fell into a financial crisis again, so it began to sell the copyright of its superheroes. Several companies have bought them. Among them, Deep Space Company has bought the most, including Spiderman, Iron Man, Deadpool, Hulk, X-Men, Fantastic Four, etc.

Except that Spider-Man made a five-year contract with several other companies at the time, so he was eager to start filming, and the copyrights of other superheroes were still in the hands of Deep Space Corporation.

During this period, other companies came to ask whether they were willing to sell the company, but few of them gave specific prices, and even if they did, they did not satisfy the company.

The one who asked the most fiercely was Fox. They asked about almost all the Marvel Super Leagues in Deep Space’s hands, and the prices they gave were all 20.00% higher than Deep Space’s previous purchase price.

Fox believes that the price they gave is very reasonable. After all, Deep Space can earn a 20.00% price difference without doing anything. What a good deal.

Yu Dong's views on these super-English copyrights are very open, and he doesn't have to shoot them himself. If there is a company that offers a price that satisfies them, it's not impossible to resell them.

It's just that in the current situation, it is impossible for any company to offer a price that satisfies Yu Dong.

If no one buys it, if someone brings a good script or brings funds, Deep Space can also consider cooperating with others in the filming.

Yu Dong looked at Eisner with interest: "Michael, are you interested in those superheroes?"

"Of course." Eisner nodded, "And I know that you delayed the shooting of "X-Men" because you were too busy."

Yu Dong smiled and didn't respond. Their company did plan to start shooting "X-Men" this year.

As for the reason for the delay, Eisner was only half right, and the main reason was that Hugh Jackman, the protagonist appointed by Yu Dong, had a car accident.

Hugh Jackman's life was not in danger, but his right leg was broken.

After learning that Hugh Jackman had a car accident, Jimmy suggested another candidate, but Yu Dong rejected it and asked them to wait for Hugh Jackman.

Jimmy didn't say anything. Anyway, the company has a lot of plans in the near future, so it would be good to release "X-Men".

In fact, Hugh Jackman's car accident has something to do with Yu Dong. Originally, Hugh Jackman participated in the opera "Oklahoma" in Pittsburgh. When I heard that Deep Space wanted him to participate in "X-Men" , he was driving overnight from Pittsburgh to New York when he hit a fence on the roadside.

It's just that Deep Space didn't announce it to the public, so Eisner didn't know. He thought that Deep Space delayed the filming of "X-Men" because he was too busy.

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