Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 798 Chapter 796 Why not?

Chapter 798 Why not?
After chatting with Clezio and the others for a while, Yu Dong saw Cheng Yanqiu and Ning Jing, so he said goodbye to Clezio and the others: "Guys, I'm sorry. I will discuss the specific affairs of the writing center later." Let me tell you."

"Go, I'll ask you for a drink... or tea." Clezio said with a smile, raising the teacup in his hand.

Yu Dong nodded, turned around and walked in the direction of Cheng Yanqiu and the others.

But just a few steps away, he was stopped by a young man.This man was only in his twenties. He was dressed in a suit and leather shoes. He was white and clean. His hair was neatly combed into threes and sevens. He looked a bit like a rich man.

Yu Dong looked at the young man in front of him and asked suspiciously, "Who are you?"

The young man introduced himself, "Hello, Mr. Yu, I am Xu Shaozhang, the general manager of Honglin Jianye."

Hong Lin Jianye... Yu Dong searched quickly in his mind, but he couldn't find the name of the company.

However, based on the company's name, Yu Dong could probably guess where the other party came from.

This year's annual meeting invited a lot of people, in addition to those who walked the red carpet, there were also some ordinary guests, including business people like Colvin, and some investors who cooperated with Deep Space.

The one in front of him should be a representative of a certain domestic investor.

Previously, Han Shanping cooperated with Deep Space in order to absorb the funds of those rich bosses.

The three-party cooperation model is very simple. China Film Group takes the lead in the middle, and Deep Space Company develops the project, and then distributes the investment quota, and finally those wealthy bosses will subscribe.

This time, in order to take care of the face of these rich bosses, Han Shanping asked Shen Kong for some invitation letters and sent them over.

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, hello, thank you for taking the time to attend our company's annual meeting. Is there any place where the hospitality is not good?"

Xu Shaozhang waved his hand and said, "Teacher Yu, you are welcome, your annual meeting is still very grand. And for Deep Space Corporation, even if we are asked to eat chaff, we will come. I am still your loyal reader. As long as you publish a new book next time, I will definitely support you, and this time it is also because I like your works that the chairman will invest in your TV series."

Yu Dongrao looked at Xu Shaozhang with interest, he didn't seem like a book lover.

However, Yu Dong is not very interested in whether the other party really loves reading. He now wants to find his wife as soon as possible.

"Mr. Xu, thank you for your company's support, but now I have something else to do, so I can only excuse you. Please forgive me for the lack of hospitality."

Xu Shaozhang was stunned for a moment, and then quickly smiled, "Mr. Yu, you may be a nobleman who forgets too much, and you didn't remember the name Honglin Jianye for a while. We recently invested more than 3000 million in your company's project. Could it be that more than 3000 Wan's investment, isn't it qualified to say a few words to you?"

Yu Dong was also taken aback for a moment, he thought he was being very polite, and he didn't know why the young man in front of him reacted so strongly.

As for the investment of more than 3000 million yuan, Yu Dong didn't take it seriously. On the one hand, there is not much money. On the other hand, Yu Dong believes that investment is a kind of commercial behavior, and whether he is qualified to speak is another matter.

Yu Dong still said patiently, "Mr. Xu, I think you have misunderstood. I do have something wrong. As you can see, there are a lot of guests today, and the banquet has not started yet. I suggest you take advantage of this time to spend more time with other guests. Talk, it will be more beneficial to you. Sorry, goodbye."

After finishing speaking, Yu Dong nodded at Xu Shaozhang, then turned and left.

Xu Shaozhang stood where he was, staring at Yu Dong's back for a long time.

He is the general manager of Honglin Jianye and the son of the chairman of the company. His family made a fortune by reselling shredded tobacco in their 60s and [-]s.

After the mid-60s, the shredded tobacco business was not easy to do. Xu Shaozhang’s grandfather took Xu Shaozhang’s father to resell fruits and vegetables. The profits were mediocre, but they could support the family.

In the early 80s, Xu Shaozhang's grandfather and father went to a coastal city to contract a spring factory and a glass factory.

The business of the two factories was very good at the beginning, and they made a lot of money for the Xu family, but the good times did not last long. In the early 90s, the competition among peers was too fierce. collapse.

The factory closed down and the workers were dismissed. Xu Shaozhang's grandfather and father returned to their hometown with money and started the coal mining business again.

Their family has also caught up with the good times. Although the township coal mines developed before 93, they did not have much policy space, and the profit margins of the contractors were relatively small.

But not long after they returned to Shanxi, the country opened up the guide price of coal types other than thermal coal. In this way, the profit margins of contractors suddenly became very large, which also caused a wave of coal mining industry .

From 93 to 97, it was the years when the coal mining industry grew wildly, and the Xu family made a lot of money in these years.

The Xu family is still in the coal mining business, but they are also looking for transformation.

Because they have a relationship in the construction industry, the Xu family is now shifting their focus to the construction industry. Besides the construction industry, they have also set foot in many other industries. They have a lot of factories under their hands, making lighters, radios and other products. There is food processing.

The film and television industry is the industry they have recently set foot in.

In the Xu family's business experience, no matter what industry they are in, they must first pave the way for the industry.

In the eyes of Xu Shaozhang's grandfather and father, if they want to pave the way in the film and television industry, they must find the leading company, Deep Space Company.

However, it is difficult to find a relationship with Deep Space. The Xu family spent a lot of effort but failed to connect with Deep Space Company.

Since it was impossible to go directly to the deep space, they tried to find a way to find China Film.

Of course, China Film Group’s path is not easy. The Xu family spent a lot of effort on this. Some time ago, China Film Group’s President Han finally let go and was willing to connect them with Shen Kong.

In order to show their financial strength, the Xu family just threw out a few small projects from Deep Space Corporation, and they spent 3000 million.

After the 3000 million was paid out, the Xu family originally thought that they would definitely be valued by the Deep Space Company. It happened to be the end of the year, and Deep Space would definitely invite them to the annual meeting.

Deep Space did invite them, but not many invitation letters were given. For these investors who cooperated with China Film Group, regardless of the size of the investment, Deep Space only issued one invitation letter.

The Xu family wanted to attend the annual meeting of the deep space with their whole family, but in the end they could only send one representative.

Xu Shaozhang's grandfather and father saw that there was only one invitation letter, so he gave the invitation letter to Xu Shaozhang. After all, Xu Shaozhang was young and more suitable for such an occasion, and he could also use this occasion to expand his network.

Before leaving, Xu Shaozhang's grandfather told him to be careful when he arrived in Jinling, restrain his temper and greet people with a smile.

But the young and energetic Xu Shaozhang didn't listen to his grandfather's words at all, because of the matter of the invitation letter, he felt resentment in his heart, thinking that the Deep Space Company looked down on them.

Because of this, Yu Dong's reaction was so intense when he talked to him just now.

Although he knew that Yu Dong was not an ordinary person, in the environment Xu Shaozhang lived in since he was a child, others coaxed him, and no one had ever ignored him like this.

But Xu Shaozhang was not a fool, he knew that he would not be able to deal with Yu Dong, so he hid this resentment in his heart.


Yu Dong didn't know that his inadvertent behavior made someone hate him, and at this moment he finally walked to Cheng Yanqiu's side.

Cheng Yanqiu is sharing her baby mom experience with Ning Jing and the other girls, "She is really good, she either eats or sleeps every day, and it was annoying when she was bloated a while ago, and Teacher Yu has to ventilate her every day Fuck, exhaust fuck you know..."

With that said, Cheng Yanqiu also gestured to exhaust the air.

After listening to a few words, Yu Dong said with a smile, "Isn't it too early for you to give them some Baoma lectures?"

Li Bing said with a smile: "Teacher Yu, it's not too early. The sooner you hear about this kind of thing, the better. I have a plan in mind."

Hu Jing also laughed, "I think, Teacher Cheng should not teach us the experience of raising a baby, but should teach us the experience of falling in love. If you don't fall in love, why should you talk about having children?"

Yu Dong looked at Hu Jing, nodded and said, "That's right, I know how to solve the problem from the source."

Seeing that Yu Dong didn't resist the question, Hu Jing also became more courageous, "Mr. Yu, Mr. Cheng, but who are you pursuing when you are together?"

"Of course it is me……"

Just as Yu Dong opened his mouth, Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile, "I took the initiative. You don't know that Teacher Yu was very cold back then."

"I'm cold?" Yu Dong looked at Cheng Yanqiu in surprise.

Cheng Yanqiu pursed his lips, "Although you seem gentle towards everyone, you keep a little distance from everyone."

Yu Dong scratched his head, did his memory go wrong?At that time, it was obvious that Cheng Yanqiu was colder, or even out of gregariousness, so why did Cheng Yanqiu say he was colder?
And Cheng Yanqiu's words also got the support of Hu Jing and the others.

"Mr. Cheng, what you said is absolutely right. Many people say that Mr. Yu is like the sun, but I feel that he is cold and serious." Hu Jing said.

Ning Jing turned her head and thought for a while, "I don't feel aloof at all. I have seriousness. When I met my brother-in-law, he was already a well-known writer. Writers are always superior, so I never It's weird."

Yu Dong rolled his eyes, hey, even words like "superior" came out.

Hu Jing dragged the topic back again, "Mr. Cheng, tell me quickly, how did you take the initiative at that time?"

"Me..." Cheng Yanqiu tilted his head and thought for a while, then said with a smile: "Actually, I didn't read science fiction at all before. That year, I went to Rongcheng to visit the Galaxy Awards for him."

Ning Jing gave a thumbs up, "As expected of my sister, she is amazing. Then what happened after that? You are such a beautiful woman who traveled thousands of miles, did you take down my brother-in-law on the spot?"

"Not at all." Cheng Yanqiu shook his head, "Actually, we weren't very close at the time, it was better than strangers..., and we became a little familiar after that time."

The girls were stunned when they heard it. Just now they thought that Cheng Yanqiu and Yu Dong had grown up for a while before she ran to Rongcheng, but they didn't expect that they were not familiar with each other at that time.

This... is totally invisible.

Yu Dong laughed and said, "She said too exaggeratedly. Although our relationship didn't make any special progress at that time, it wasn't enough to compare with strangers."

Hu Jing nodded, "That's right, Mr. Cheng is so good-looking, who wouldn't be tempted to see it?"

"Yes, yes, our hearts were moved after seeing it."

After being teased by some little girls, Cheng Yanqiu blushed instead, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Ning Jing laughed, "We're not talking nonsense, I'm really moved, don't you think so?"

Both Hu Jing and Li Bing nodded: "Yes."

Suddenly Jimmy's voice came, "What do you mean?"

Everyone turned their heads and saw that Jimmy had already changed his flamboyant red suit and put on a Tang suit. This Tang suit was round everywhere, making Jimmy look bloated.

Seeing Jimmy's outfit, everyone couldn't help laughing.

In fact, this is not the first time Jimmy has worn this outfit. He wore this outfit at the annual meeting last year, but he needs to be a little thinner.

Jimmy pouted, "Did Michael Eisner look for you?"

Yu Dong nodded, "Well, we just met, how did you know?"

"Just now in the auditorium, he asked me where you were going. I guess he was looking for you. What is he looking for you, so mysterious?"

"He told me that he is interested in the Hulk film and television adaptation rights in our hands, and wants to spend money to buy them. If we don't sell them, we can also consider other cooperation methods."

Hearing Yu Dong's words, Jimmy frowned, "He told you this?"

"Well, that's what I said, what's wrong?"

"Don't you think it's strange? He must come to you face to face about this matter? Can't he tell me directly? And after talking with you, he hasn't settled on anything."

"It's a little strange."

Not only Yu Dong was surprised, Wang Xiaobo also felt strange at the time, but Yu Dong didn't think much about it.

"So, what do you mean?"

"Eisner is a very thoughtful person. He probably wants to test your right to speak in Deep Space Corporation. You know, many people are very curious about our relationship."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows. After thinking about it, what Jimmy said made sense. Eisner seemed to be asking about copyright all the time, but he was probing every word.

But Yu Dong didn't care too much, and he wasn't afraid that Michael Eisner would find out something. Even if he announced the cooperation mode between him and Jimmy now, it wouldn't be a big deal.

"Let him try it out, but it should be true that he is interested in Hulk's copyright. Find a time to chat with him tomorrow to finalize this matter." Yu Dong smiled, did not talk deeply, and these things are not too serious It is suitable for talking too deeply in front of several girls.

Jimmy was surprised, "You want to sell Hulk's film and television adaptation rights?"

Yu Dong shrugged his shoulders: "If there is a suitable price, why not?"

(End of this chapter)

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