Chapter 799

What Yu Dong said was exactly what Jimmy wanted. Recently, their company has been fighting on multiple fronts and their funds are tight. It would certainly be a good thing for them if they could sell the Hulk for a good price.

Even if the price offered by Disney doesn't satisfy them, it doesn't matter. As long as Disney is interested in the role of Hulk, Deep Space can pull Disney together to launch the Marvel movie project and let Disney help share the risk.

Many of the film and television adaptation rights of Marvel superhero characters they purchased from Marvel or other companies have signed a time limit clause. If they do not shoot within the time limit, their company will face a considerable loss.

"Very well, that's how it was beforehand. Let's meet tomorrow morning, and then go to Michael Eisner in the afternoon." Jimmy said.

"it is good."


The dinner at the annual meeting went on as usual, and nothing special happened. Everyone ate and drank, and then got together to chat.

Although they all came to the banquet, different people had different purposes.

Some people came here to expand their network. After the dinner started, they toasted with wine glasses everywhere, wishing to meet everyone. Some people took this opportunity to gather with friends, chat and laugh, and there was no special pressure.

Of course, there are still some people who come to the annual meeting for two things, drinking and playing cards.

During the dinner, at about 08:30, Yu Dong took a special look around and found that Yu Hua, Bi Feiyu, and Han Shaogong had disappeared.

It's not hard to guess where he's going, he must have gone somewhere to play cards.

Yu Dong left the scene with Cheng Yanqiu after nine o'clock.

When the couple arrived home, Yu Yi had already fallen asleep. The two of them sat on the edge of the small bed and stared at Yu Yi's little face for a long time under the dim light of the night light.

Cheng Yanqiu rested his hand on his chin, and said softly, "It feels like time flies, we even have a child. Looking back now, the first time I saw you seems to be yesterday."

Yu Dong nodded, "It's been almost ten years. At that time, I just graduated and was assigned to Jinyi."

Cheng Yanqiu turned to look at Yu Dong, his eyes sparkled, "Do you still remember the first time you saw me?"

"It's the first time I've seen you."

Yu Dong pondered.

Cheng Yanqiu pouted and said: "Look, you have already forgotten, you obviously have such a good memory."

"No." Yu Dong smiled and shook his head.

Of course he did not forget the scene of meeting Cheng Yanqiu for the first time, but there were two images in his mind, one from this life and the other from the previous life.

In this life, the first time he saw Cheng Yanqiu was when he came out of Wu Changxin's office a few days after he came to school, and bumped into Cheng Yanqiu.

In the last life, the first time I saw Cheng Yanqiu was a little blurry, but it still existed.

In his last life, Yu Dongxia reported to Jinyi, and the first time he met Cheng Yanqiu was also in Xia Tian.

One evening, Yu Dong went for a walk by the school river, and when he was tired, he sat on a bench by the river to rest. There was a big rock on the other side of the river, and a young woman was sitting on it.

Yu Dong stared at the woman for half an hour, and then the woman left, so did he.

After school started, Yu Dong saw that woman by chance, and learned from others that she was a teacher in the music department, named Cheng Yanqiu.

Of course, these two first meetings were only one for Cheng Yanqiu.In fact, even in the last life, Cheng Yanqiu should not remember that there was a man on the other side of the river staring at her for half an hour that night, and she was only staring at the river at that time.

Yu Dong remembered the scene at that time, but he couldn't remember why he stared at Cheng Yanqiu for so long, because he thought her behavior was weird, and was afraid that she would commit suicide by jumping into the river?Or was it because the school didn't start at that time and there were few people in the school, and I was curious when I saw a girl by the river?

"Of course I remember that time when I just came out of Old Wu's office, I was thinking about something and knocked you down."

"Really?" Cheng Yanqiu asked with a smile.

Seeing the smile on Cheng Yanqiu's face, Yu Dong became a little puzzled, "Isn't it?"

"Actually, that wasn't the first time, or rather, it was the first time you saw me, but it wasn't the first time I saw you. Before that time, I saw you once by the Qinhuai River. You just stand On the bank of the Qinhuai River, and I was on the other side of you, but it was night and the light was not particularly good, so you might not have seen me."

Yu Dong nodded. There was also this possibility. When he came to Jinyi again, he would go for a walk by the Qinhuai River at night when he was free, and once met Su Tong.

It was also that night that I met Su Tong, and later I went to "Zhongshan" to organize manuscripts.

If it hadn't been for the encounter with Su Tong that time, Yu Dong might not have embarked on the path of literature. Even if he continued to pursue the path of literature, there is a high probability that there will be some differences.

Sometimes it is so wonderful that the road of life will inadvertently undergo some unforeseen changes at the time.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "You used to always like to sit by the river."

"Ah?" Cheng Yanqiu questioned.

Yu Dong changed the subject, "I really liked to go for a walk by the Qinhuai River at that time. The river can make me calm down. In recent years, the river has become brighter and more pedestrians, but it doesn't feel like before."

Cheng Yanqiu smiled, "At that time, I didn't know who you were, and I didn't know that you were from our school. I just thought you were a passerby. And... the time I saw you, you were too close to the river bank, and I still I thought I was trying to commit suicide. Just when I was about to call you, someone behind you called out. Later, I saw you several times in the school, and I realized that you are the teacher of our school."

Hearing Cheng Yanqiu's words, Yu Dong was surprised. It turned out that Cheng Yanqiu was on the bank of the river when he met Su Tong.

Seeing that Yu Dong was surprised, Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile: "I knew you would be surprised. I didn't expect that before you knew me, I already knew you. You said, if there was no other person shouting at that time, but I'm the one calling you, will our fate advance?"

Will it?

Yu Dong asked himself such a question in his heart, and at the same time asked another question, if in his previous life he took the initiative to talk to Cheng Yanqiu when he saw Cheng Yanqiu sitting on the rock, would their fate be advanced one life earlier?

Although Yu Dong didn't like to ask such hypothetical questions, when he thought of the wonders of life, he still felt rippling in his heart.

The cold wind outside the house suddenly became fierce and whistling. The wooden windows of the room were not closed properly, and a trace of cold wind came in from the outside. At the same time, the window was opened, making a creaking sound.

The light of the night light emitted from the foot of the low bed, climbed up along the legs of Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu, illuminating one side of their faces, accompanied by the sound of cold wind, there was a feeling of flickering candles.

Yu Dong narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "Do you know who the person who called me on the shore was?"

Cheng Yanqiu shook his head, "I don't know, shouldn't it be a passerby? That person is behind the tree belt, and I can't see clearly after you walk past."

"That's my senior brother Su Tong, and I bumped into you in the teaching building that time, and it has something to do with my senior brother. It was he who called Lao Wu and asked me to go to the magazine office. Because I was at the riverside before Met, that's why senior brother Su Tong called Lao Wu."

Hearing Yu Dong's words, Cheng Yanqiu opened his mouth wide in surprise. It's unbelievable that things in this world are so wonderful.

For so many years, Cheng Yanqiu never thought about who the person who called Yu Dong was, she thought he was just an ordinary passerby.

"This is really amazing." Cheng Yanqiu exclaimed.

"It's amazing." Yu Dong smiled and stood up, "Go to bed first, this girl should wake up soon, I'll feed her before going to sleep. Aren't you going to do New Year's shopping with Ning Jing and the others tomorrow morning Is it?"

"Okay, then I'll go to bed first."

Yu Yi's schedule is very regular. He wakes up every three hours or so at night. After waking up, he drinks milk and sees if he needs to change his diaper. After coaxing him for 10 minutes, he falls asleep again.

After Cheng Yanqiu went to bed, Yu Dong went to the small study by himself, took out the manuscript and continued writing "WALL-E".

Too much time wasted these few days, and now that the annual meeting is over, he has to hurry up and catch up with the progress.

I wrote out a rough sample a year ago, and after a year I took some time to sort it out and sent it to the company's book editorial department for proofreading.

If all goes well, versions in several major languages ​​will be on sale in the middle of the year.

After "Wall-E" was finished, Yu Dong didn't want to rest. He planned to continue writing "Pounding Heart", and after finishing "Pounding Heart", he would write "Project Yuan" into a novel.

Jimmy is right, he has been a little slack in the past year.

"Heartbeat" and "Project Source" are definitely better than "Wall-E", and they should be able to meet readers in the second half of the year.


While Yu Dong was writing at his desk, ABC TV station was rushing to collect statistics for this live broadcast.

Because this live broadcast was also transferred to many TV stations in Asia, it is more difficult to calculate the data than in previous years, especially the data of several Chinese TV stations, the feedback cycle is relatively long.

However, in ABC TV station, everyone is still in a relatively relaxed mood, because it seems that the live broadcast of this deep space annual meeting is still very good. This is the most feedback received from the audience since the live broadcast.

ABC TV station, inside the president’s office, president Love Carter cut a cigar and said to director and vice president Harvey Zuoding with a smile, “Harvey, you did a good job at this deep space annual meeting. Although the full data has not yet come out, just the advertising fee and the development on the Internet, this time the plan has achieved its goal.”

Harvey Zuoding took the cigar and nodded. The reason why they tried their best to cooperate with Deep Space Corporation this time was because they took a fancy to the tribe of Deep Space Corporation.

In less than half a year, the development of the Deep Space Tribe surpassed the development of most people. People did not expect that a website similar to a forum would be welcomed by so many people.

Harvey Zuoding and others who make news feel more deeply. Before the Deep Space Tribe came out, people always liked to get news from TV, radio or newspapers. Of course, some people would also get it from a certain website, but The proportion is very small.

With the development of Deep Space Tribe getting better and better, users gradually get used to getting news on Deep Space Tribe.

The news on Deep Space Tribe is extremely fast. No matter what news it is, as soon as it comes out, you can see it on Deep Space Tribe as soon as it comes out.

This is due to the powerful search engine and recommendation engine of the Deep Space Tribes website. Once a piece of news comes out, users can easily search for it on the website, and soon it will appear on the news hot list and be updated. Many people saw it.

In fact, these news were not reported by Deep Space Corporation, but from major TV stations, newspapers and some individuals.

No matter what the news is, they will rush to publish it on the official website of Deep Space as soon as possible, even much earlier than their own platform.

This is the charm of the Internet. It is convenient, fast, and the opportunity is fleeting. It will push everyone on the Internet forward.

Although Harvey Zuoding and the others do not think that the TV station will be eliminated, they also agreed to use Internet media as the main development channel of ABC. If they want to develop Internet channels, the best solution is to cooperate with Deep Space Corporation.

Although AOL also has a clan site, few people would choose Deep Space Tribes over AOL's Tribes.

"According to statistics, all tribes posted on our official account have been viewed more than 24 million times within 9000 hours, and more than 1000 million users have clicked into our official tribes, with an average of about nine clicks per person."

More than 9000 million times... This number made Love Carter stunned. The power of the Internet is stronger than he imagined.

During this period of time, the financial circles are saying that the Internet industry is not good enough and it is not worth investing in. However, in Love Carter’s opinion, the Internet industry is still very powerful. The confidence of the Internet industry will come back again.

Of course, these are what investors should worry about. Love Carter and the others only care about the number of viewers.

After the two leisurely smoked a few cigars, Helen, who was in charge of statistics, knocked on the door and came in.

She held a report and reported to the two: "Although some data has not yet reached our hands, according to the current data, the number of viewers this time should be around 400 million."

Hearing the figure of 400 million, Love Carter couldn't help clapping his hands and said with a smile: "It's better than I imagined."

"Much better," added Harvey Zuodin.

Their previous expectation for this annual meeting was more than 2000 million, and they could accept it even if it was less than 2000 million, but what they didn't expect was that the number of viewers directly reached more than 3000 million.

More than 3000 million is certainly not against the sky. After all, the number of viewers of the Oscars last year was more than 500 million, which is more than 1000 million more than this year's deep space annual meeting.

But the key point is that the entertainment of the Deep Space Annual Meeting itself is almost inferior, and there will be many guests from the literary and art circles, which the audience does not know.

In addition, in the United States, the main battlefield of the live broadcast, the time was too late, and the live broadcast ended in the middle of the night, and many people couldn't stand it.

"In fact, there should be more than 400 million people. The situation in China is quite special."

"Well, we know." Love Carter nodded, "How about this, multiply the data of the Chinese TV station by 2...or 3, and then publish the data, first to the deep space tribe. In addition, You go and tell Robert to let them make a special program of the Deep Space Annual Conference. Many people didn’t watch the live broadcast last night, and there should be a replay later. When they finish watching, it’s just right to release the special program.”

"Ok, I see."

(End of this chapter)

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