Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 800 Do you want to be a receiver?

Chapter 800 Do you want to be a receiver?

That night, ABC's Deep Space Tribes official account released a new tribe, claiming that the total number of viewers of the live program of the Deep Space Annual Conference that ended last night reached 600 million.

As soon as this number came out, it immediately attracted the attention of many parties.

The supporters of Deep Space Corporation are naturally rejoicing, and they have begun to boast about the "great cause" of deep space in various postures, but many people still have doubts about the data released by ABC.

In fact, Deep Space Corporation also has some black fans. As long as news related to Deep Space comes out, these black fans will jump out to find fault.

But this time, those few well-known black fans have not yet emerged, and Ravi, a financial analyst who wrote a report analyzing Amazon before, was the first to come out to question.

What's interesting is that Ravi's question was still posted on the Deep Space Tribe.

Ravi has become a celebrity in the financial markets since he sent that analysis on Amazon to his clients, and is now a minor celebrity in the deep-space tribe.

During this time, Ravi was very active and sent several tribes every day, and most of his tribes were related to Amazon.

Of course, it's all negative.

It is also easy to understand that in this case, Ravi can only continue to bad-mouth Amazon. Only in this way can he finally win in this non-existent confrontation.

The content of Ravi's tribe this time is very simple, it is to question the authenticity of the data released by ABC, and at the same time list a series of data.

It’s just that the data listed by Ravi are all from the Academy Awards ceremony in previous years. From the data listed by Ravi, it can be seen that in the past ten years, the number of viewers of the live broadcast of the Academy Awards has basically stabilized at 4000. Between 5000 and [-] million.

Because of "Titanic" the year before last, the number of viewers reached more than 500 million.

Of course, these data are all from the United States, and broadcasts from other countries and regions are not counted.

But even if the data from other countries and regions are included, the number of viewers of the Oscars has not reached 6000 million.

In other words, the number of viewers of the live broadcast of the Deep Space Annual Meeting is basically the same as that of the Academy Awards.

This is impossible in Ravi's view. He firmly believes that the data released by ABC is falsified.

However, he did not point the finger at ABC TV, which released the data, but at Deep Space Corporation.

Ravi believes that this data must have been fabricated by Deep Space Corporation, and the purpose of Deep Space Corporation is to convince people that the Internet industry is still strong and help Amazon, which is in deep trouble, to get out of its predicament.

At the same time, Ravi also mentioned one thing, that is the promotion plan of Starry Sky Card of Deep Space Company.

He first affirmed the feasibility of the star card plan, but also pointed out that Deep Space Company did not mention Amazon at the annual meeting.

If Deep Space is really still optimistic about Amazon, then the launch of the Star Card in Europe and the United States should be strongly bound to Amazon.

And now that Deep Space Company has not done so, it means that Deep Space Company is not very optimistic about Amazon's future.

As soon as Ravi's remarks came out, ABC responded.

ABC explained that the reason why the number of viewers of the Deep Space Annual Conference reached 600 million was mainly due to the addition of the Chinese mainland market.

China is a country with a population of more than 12 billion, and the Deep Space Annual Conference is still held in China. Of course, the high ratings in mainland China are normal.

Of course, Ravi didn't believe ABC TV's explanation, but he couldn't question it, because they couldn't get the data from Chinese TV station.

Moreover, ABC immediately announced the number of views of their official account of Deep Space Tribes. The number of views on the day was more than 9000 million, which shocked many netizens including Ravi.

When this happened, those investors began to hesitate, not knowing whose words to believe for a while.

If the viewership of the Deep Space Annual Meeting is really 600 million, it is definitely good news.

And the deep space tribe is also developing rapidly, everything shows that the deep space company is rising steadily.

You know, although Deep Space has been cashing out, it is still Amazon's largest shareholder.

Now that Amazon's stock shrinks by one billion US dollars, Deep Space's assets will also shrink by several hundred million.

Can Deep Space allow Amazon's stock to keep falling?According to common sense, Deep Space Corporation will definitely pull Amazon at a critical moment.

But what Ravi said is not unreasonable at all. Deep Space is so strong to promote the Star Card in Europe and the United States, but it does not let Amazon on board. Does this in itself send out a signal?
Investors' hesitation is reflected in the stock market, that is, Amazon's stock has been oscillating in the shortest period of time, up and down.


The next morning, Yu Dong went to Jinling Hotel. Yesterday he made an appointment with Jimmy to touch on the film and television adaptation rights of Marvel characters today.

I called Jimmy in the morning, but this guy didn't answer. Yu Dong thought that Jimmy must have been hungover last night, so he went straight to the hotel without thinking too much.

At the door of Jimmy's room, Yu Dong knocked on the door.

No one answered, Yu Dong knocked on the door harder, and then Jimmy's voice came from inside, "Who is it?"

"It's me, are you still awake?"

Jimmy didn't respond immediately, and it took him a while before he said inside: "Wait for me for a while."

Yu Dong thought that Jimmy would come to open the door soon, but he stayed at the door for three to four minutes before the door slowly opened.

Seeing Jimmy dressed neatly, Yu Dong frowned, "You got up early?"

Jimmy touched his forehead, "No, I just got up."

"Then you..." Yu Dong pointed to Jimmy's suit and leather shoes.

"Isn't it better to be more particular?" Jimmy laughed, "You are looking for me because of Hulk's affairs, let's go, let's go directly to the company."

From the beginning to the end, the door of the room was only half open, and it was blocked firmly by Jimmy.

Jimmy's action was so abnormal that Yu Dong couldn't help but looked inside, but couldn't see anything.

The curtains of the room were drawn, and the lights were not turned on, so it was dim.

Seeing this, Yu Dong couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, "Is there someone in the room?"

"Ahem, there is no one, don't think about it."

Yu Dong didn't believe it at all, but Jimmy didn't say anything, so he didn't ask any more questions, and said with a smile: "I'll just trust you, let's go to the company."

"Well, let's go."

Jimmy came out, closed the door, and took Yu Dong's arm to walk outside.

Seeing that Jimmy didn't pull out the room card, Yu Dong smiled knowingly, but didn't say much.

But seeing Jimmy being so mysterious, Yu Dong became more interested in his girlfriend.

Who is this woman? It's fine if Jimmy doesn't announce it to the public, but he didn't even tell him.


On the way to the company, the two of them probably touched the matter of film and television adaptation rights for Marvel characters.

Yu Dong's meaning is very simple, since Michael Eisnamin said that he is interested in Hulk, then only talk about Hulk with him today, no matter what the situation is, don't talk about other characters.

In addition, unless Disney can pay more than $7000 million for the film and television adaptation rights of Hulk, it is impossible to sell them directly.

Even a person like Jimmy who dared to sit on the ground and raise the price was shocked by Yu Dong's tone.

At that time, Hulk and Iron Man were bought in a package, and the two characters did not cost 500 million US dollars together, and Yu Dong would sell them to others for 7000 million US dollars.

In Jimmy's view, this price directly cuts off the buyout path, and Disney can only choose to develop the Hulk with Deep Space.


Michael Eisner's reaction was also within Jimmy's expectations. After hearing Yu Dong's offer, Michael Eisner didn't even have the desire to bargain. way to cooperate.

In Michael Eisner's view, the outrageous price offered by Deep Space shows that they never sold Hulk's film and television adaptation rights first.

That being the case, Michael Eisner wisely stopped talking about buyouts.

And in Michael Eisner's plan, there are other options. He hopes to be able to fund the filming of Hulk with Deep Space, and hopes that in addition to sharing the account, he can also share other copyright income from the movie.

Regarding this point, Jimmy and Yu Dong have no objection. As long as Disney pays more, it should give them more points.

Although Michael Eisner did not mention other characters besides the Hulk, both Yu Dong and Jimmy can feel that maybe the Hulk is just the beginning, and Disney is likely to want to seek other characters in the future. Cooperation.

Another point is that Eisner inadvertently mentioned a few words of WCG during the conversation, and mentioned "Warcraft" which is not a competition event.

This seemingly inadvertent mention also made Yu Dong have some associations with Jimmy.

The cooperation between Deep Space and Disney has become closer and closer in the past two years. "Pirates of the Caribbean" is a beginning, and the launch of the Oriental Mythology Cosmos Project has deepened the relationship between the two parties.

But now it seems that Eisner is not satisfied with this, and wants to have a deeper cooperation with deep space.

After sending Eisner away, Jimmy said with a smile, "I wonder if Eisner has planted spies in our company, knowing that we are going to focus on the development of "Warcraft."

"If there were real spies, they wouldn't inquire about such useless information." Yu Dong curled his lips, "It may be that he has the same views as our hero, and he also fell in love with "Warcraft", or it may be a mistake. Hit by mistake."

Jimmy nodded: "If we really want to develop Warcraft IP in the future, it might not be a good choice to cooperate with Disney. Their ability in this area is still worthy of recognition. The most important thing is that they have sufficient funds on hand."

"That's right, the key is more money."

Jimmy rubbed his hands, and said: "These characters obtained from Marvel do have great potential for development, but I think we still need to operate more of our own company's IP, otherwise, we will eventually have to pay for it." Others make wedding dresses. We didn’t get all of Marvel’s characters, and some of the characters we got only had film and television adaptation rights.”

Deep Space is the copyright of Marvel characters purchased from different channels, and the situation of these copyrights is different. Some characters only have the rights to film and television adaptations, while some characters have all other copyrights except comic copyrights.

The reason why Yu Dong is willing to develop the Hulk with Disney is, on the one hand, to avoid risks, and on the other hand, because he is interested in the profits of peripheral products.

"Don't worry, take your time, let's finish the few plans we have on hand first. How is the casting of "Harry Potter" going recently, do you have any clues?"

Jimmy shook his head, "No, it's quite difficult, I guess it will take a while."

Hearing that there was no clue, Yu Dong did not continue to ask, but instead asked about "A Song of Ice and Fire", "Is the third part of "A Song of Ice and Fire", "A Storm of Swords" coming soon?"

"Yeah, it was put on sale in May. I showed you the manuscript of the book before, but you didn't read it. George complained to me before."

"There's no time, you know that too. And I saw him these days, why didn't he tell me?"

"He has a good face."

"He doesn't seem like a face-saving person." Yu Dong smiled with the corners of his mouth pulled, "Has anyone come to ask about the copyright of "A Song of Ice and Fire" recently?"

"Of course, it has never stopped."

"After the several plans we have stabilized, we have to consider "A Song of Ice and Fire."

"The story in "A Song of Ice and Fire" is scattered and there are many characters. It is not easy to make a movie. It is very different from "Harry Potter". Moreover, the scenes are more grand, and the special effects The requirements are relatively high."

"If the story ends, find a good angle, or it can be made into a TV series. As for the special effects, I heard that "The Lord of the Rings" is being filmed, and we can use it as a reference."

Mentioning "The Lord of the Rings", Jimmy shook his head, "I don't know if "The Lord of the Rings" will be filmed. Peter Jackson is not having a good time recently."

Yu Dong asked in surprise, "What's going on, didn't you hear that the filming is about to start?"

"Originally, Peter Jackson has already taken the money to do eighteen months of pre-production. But Miramax suddenly told Peter Jackson that he would only make one of them - Peter Jackson wrote We wrote three screenplays, and Miramax initially agreed to do two of them."

"and then?"

"Of course Peter Jackson couldn't accept it, so Miramax decided to let John Mayden accept the project."

Yu Dong asked strangely: "The script was written by Peter Jackson, does Miramax have this right?"

"It didn't exist at first, but Peter Jackson has already taken Miramex's money and basically spent it. Now Peter Jackson is looking for someone to invest with a demo, hoping to return Miramax's money .”

Yu Dong's eyes lit up, "Does this mean that we can take over the project after paying back the money for him?"

Seeing Yu Dong's interest, Jimmy was taken aback, "My Dong, do you want to be a successor? It's not that simple. I heard that if all three films written by Peter Jackson are finished, The cost needs to be [-] million U.S. dollars."

(End of this chapter)

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