Chapter 801 Weta Digital
The cost of a movie is [-] million U.S. dollars, which is not particularly high for Deep Space.

If Peter Jackson is willing to sign only one movie, Jimmy will grit his teeth and contact him. Of course, if Peter Jackson is willing to sign only one movie, it will not be Jimmy’s turn. If I can continue, I won't be looking for anyone else.

If the cost of signing three films at one time exceeds [-] million US dollars, the risk they need to take is too great.

If the market response of the first part is not good, will they still make the second and third part?

Seeing that Yu Dong was interested, Jimmy immediately became nervous. He was worried that Yu Dong didn't understand the situation of "Lord of the Rings".

"Even if we don't sign three films, according to Peter Jackson's minimum requirements, we must shoot at least two films. The cost of shooting each film plus publicity costs is between US$5000 million and US$[-] million. It may reach [-] million U.S. dollars. Also, do you know why not many companies are willing to take over even though "The Lord of the Rings" is so famous?"

"Because of investment?"

Jimmy shook his head, "Investment is one of the reasons, and it's also because Peter Jackson insisted on cooperating with his special effects company, which is an unstable factor. Weta Digital has only been established for a few years, and its scale is not comparable to that of Industrial Light and Magic. For example, there are not many films we have collaborated with.”

"Let's not talk about qualifications, what is their strength?" Yu Dong asked.

Jimmy pondered, "The strength is actually not bad. We have also cooperated. The "Contact" played by Matthew McConaughey is their special effects. I probably know something about it. Richard Taylor is a A very thoughtful person, and his work ethic is worthy of recognition.”

Yu Dong recalled the movie "Contact", which didn't have any special effects that impressed him, but he knew that Weta Digital was a famous company in the field of special effects, which cannot be ignored.

They participated in the production of many films, among which Yu Dong was more impressed by "Avatar", "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", "Frozen", "Warcraft" and so on.

"Do we have any hope of acquiring Weta?"

Yu Dong's conversation changed so quickly that Jimmy was taken aback for a moment, and then Jimmy twitched his lips, "Are you kidding me, or are you serious?"

"I just asked you if there is such a possibility. Why are you nervous?" Yu Dong laughed.

"Just asking... Of course there is a possibility of acquisition. After all, their company is not worth much, but Peter Jackson and the others should have a lot of appetite, and it is estimated that they will cost a lot of money. Now we are talking to Lucas's The cooperation is not bad, maybe I can buy Industrial Light & Magic from him in a few years, there is really no need to spend this unreasonable money now." Jimmy scratched his chin and continued, "Compared to buying Vita Digital, I'd rather buy Industrial Light & Magic first, and then hire Richard Taylor to work for us, but that's obviously impossible."

Of course it is impossible, the boss is doing well, how could he come to work for others.

Yu Dong nodded, "Well, let's put aside the acquisition of Weta Company for now. You can contact Peter Jackson first and ask if there is another company taking over "Lord of the Rings". If not, ask him to meet. Talk about the possibility of our company taking over."

"Okay, I'll contact him after the year."

Although Jimmy did not raise objections, Yu Dong knew that he did not agree with the filming of "Lord of the Rings".

If he agrees with this matter, his actions are very strong, and he may even contact Peter Jackson on the spot. Now it is just an excuse to say that he will contact him after the year.

Yu Dong can understand Jimmy's thoughts. After all, this project is too big, involving an investment of [-] to [-] million U.S. dollars, and unlike developing their own projects, the profit share for filming "Lord of the Rings" will be a little less.

If it was a novel filmed by Yu Dong, let alone three [-] million US dollars, Jimmy would have no objection even if it cost [-] million US dollars for one, because even if the movie fails in the end, it can at least help promote the novel.

Take "The Martian" as an example. They invested 9000 million US dollars, but Jimmy was not so worried about the box office. The sales of the movie will definitely increase, and most importantly, after the movie comes out, the merchandise of "The Martian" will also sell better.

The "Tianwen" placed in the science fiction exhibition hall does not mean that it will not be released to the public, but it will be released at the same time as the movie comes out, and there will definitely be a more beautiful sales data at that time.

In addition, "The Martian" was filmed in China this time. It not only built a road for Mangya, but also drove the local economy and built a Martian camp.

The income from all aspects put together can definitely make up for the loss of the movie box office.

As for the "Lord of the Rings" films, Deep Space can of course finish the project by gritting its teeth, but if the project fails, their loss will be not small, and it will even affect their later plans.

"Call now." Yu Dong said with a smile.

Jimmy raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect Yu Dong to take this matter so seriously. He originally thought that Yu Dong was just a temporary idea, so he promised to contact Peter Jackson on the surface. Can't remember it.

But since Yu Dong showed his importance, Jimmy had nothing to say, and said with a sigh, "I'll contact you now. Peter Jackson should be in Los Angeles or New York now. It's late at night. I'll call directly Go to the headquarters of Weta Digital, if you are lucky, you can contact Richard Taylor, I hope he is still in the company at this moment."

The headquarters of Weta Digital is in Wellington, New Zealand, and it is past nine o'clock in the evening.

Jimmy picked up the phone directly and dialed out. After a while, the call was connected.

"Hello, Weta Digital."

A thick male voice came from the other side of the phone. Jimmy turned on the speakerphone and said, "Hi, Mr. Taylor. I'm Jimmy James from Deep Space Corporation. We've met before."

Richard Taylor said in great surprise: "Mr. James, why did you call me?"

Jimmy smiled and said: "Mr. Taylor, I don't think you should be so surprised. It shouldn't be strange for our Deep Space Company to contact the boss of an excellent special effects company."

After being praised by Jimmy, Richard Taylor laughed, "Mr. James, thank you for your compliment, but please tell me directly what you can do with me. If there is a chance to cooperate with Deep Space Corporation, I will definitely Unlimited welcome."

Hearing what Richard Taylor said, Jimmy didn't go around in circles, "Actually, I want to find Peter Jackson. I heard that his cooperation with Miramax is not happy. He is looking for other investments. We hope to talk to him. Let’s talk about cooperation.”

Richard Taylor on the other end of the phone raised his eyebrows. He had bent over to answer the phone and pulled up his chair and sat down. "Mr. James, the news you got is correct. Peter is indeed looking for investment now."

The relationship between Richard Taylor and Peter Jackson is not only a friend relationship, but also a very close partner. The preparatory work for "The Lord of the Rings" is basically done by Richard Taylor. Now Peter Jackson Something went wrong over there, and work on his side was suspended.

So, this matter is not only Peter Jackson's matter, but also his Richard Taylor's matter, of course he is very concerned.

Jimmy asked again: "So has he found investment now?"

Of course I haven't found it yet, but Richard Taylor didn't say directly, "I haven't been in touch with Peter during this time, and I don't know the specific situation very well. Why don't I ask him tomorrow?"

"Okay, then tell him that our Deep Space Company is very interested in "The Lord of the Rings". If he wants, he can call me back."


"Well, then I won't bother you and wait for your good news."

After finishing speaking, Jimmy turned off the phone, and then he looked at Yu Dong and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Peter Jackson must not have found investment yet."

Yu Dong nodded, and he could tell that if Peter Jackson had found a new investment, it was impossible for Richard Taylor to know about it. Now that Richard Taylor said he didn't know about it, it meant he definitely didn't When it was settled, he had to discuss it with Peter Jackson first.

"However, since this is the case, don't you wait until the evening to contact Peter Jackson directly, and insist on asking Richard Taylor to convey our message?" Yu Dong asked.

Jimmy said with a smile, "Didn't I want to show that I am not so urgent? This will help us negotiate with him later. He is now looking for investment everywhere and hitting walls everywhere. We should have the upper hand in the negotiation with him, but If we were in a hurry to find him, the situation would be different. Richard Taylor didn’t immediately tell us that he hadn’t found an investment, and he must have the same idea as me, hoping to take the lead in the subsequent negotiations.”

Yu Dong gave Jimmy a thumbs up: "So, business negotiations are still your professional counterparts."

Jimmy waved his hand, "Stop flattering me, tell me what you think of "Lord of the Rings", I will support you in whatever you do, but you must always let me know what you think. "Lord of the Rings" Movies are too uncertain, and if you operate well, you can make a lot of money, but if you are not careful, you may be backlashed, and Miramax must know this, so choose to be conservative."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "First of all, I like Tolkien's book very much. Secondly, I have watched Peter Jackson's "Heavenly Creation", from which I can see his talent. As for the project of "Lord of the Rings" Whether it will be accepted or not is uncertain for the time being. I need to read Peter Jackson's script first, and it is better to have a look at some props that Weta Digital has prepared for the film in the early stage. Didn't Peter Jackson make a short film? You can ask him to show us the clip first."

Jimmy nodded, "Okay, let's take a look at his short film and script first... I don't know how far Peter Jackson and Richard Taylor have worked. If we take over, when will the film be finished. If When it’s released next year, it’s possible it’s going to have a run-in with Harry Potter, both of which are fantasy films.”

Yu Dong didn't take it seriously, "Although they are both fantasy movies, the audiences are obviously different, so I don't think there is anything to worry about. On the contrary, I think that if the two movies can be released one after the other in a short period of time, there is a good chance that there will be a lot of excitement. Fantastic whirlwind."

"This is also a way of thinking. The audiences of these two films are indeed different."


After Richard Taylor hung up the phone, he sat in a chair and meditated.

It is a good thing for Deep Space Company to take the initiative to call to inquire about "Lord of the Rings".

The preparatory work of "The Lord of the Rings" has cost 3000 to [-] million US dollars, and all of this money is paid by Miramax.

Therefore, if anyone wants to take over "The Lord of the Rings", they must first return the two 3000 million US dollars. Otherwise, Miramax has the right to choose another director to shoot "The Lord of the Rings" and directly kick Peter Jackson. go out.

During this period of time, Peter Jackson has been looking for companies willing to invest, but he has repeatedly failed. He has found more than [-] companies, but none of them are willing to take over.

In fact, Peter Jackson also considered contacting Deep Space Corporation in the past, but finally dismissed the idea.

There are two reasons. First, Deep Space has cooperated closely with Lucasfilm, and their special effects company has always cooperated with Industrial Light and Magic; second, as far as they know, Deep Space is preparing to shoot "Haha Li Porter, which cost more than $[-] million to produce, they don't think Deep Space will spend another $[-] million on another fantasy movie.

But since Deep Space took the initiative to call, the two issues they considered should not be a problem.

After pondering for a while, Richard Taylor picked up the phone and dialed out.

After only two or three rings, the call was connected.

"You haven't slept yet?" Richard Taylor asked in surprise.

Peter Jackson is in New York now, and it is about three o'clock in the morning in New York at this time.

Peter Jackson on the other end of the phone said angrily, "Since you think I'm already asleep, why are you calling me? In fact, I'm already going to bed."

"Good news to you."

"What good news? Miramax is willing to make "Lord of the Rings" into two? Or are they willing to forgive us 300 million debts?"

"That's not there."

"Then there can be no good news."

Richard Taylor said with a smile: "Just now a person in charge of a company called me and said he was interested in "The Lord of the Rings."

"Which company? It won't be the kind of company that doesn't have any leather bags."

"Deep space."

Peter Jackson on the other side of the phone didn't speak for about seven or eight seconds. Just when Richard Taylor was about to speak, the other side spoke: "You mean the Deep Space Company that held the annual meeting yesterday?"

Peter Jackson's reaction made Richard Taylor very satisfied, "Yes, it is them, and it is their boss Jimmy James who called. I met him when I was making "Contact". So he has our number."

"Does he understand our situation?"

"Understood, he asked me if you have found someone to take over, and I told him I don't know, to..."

"What!" Peter Jackson yelled: "Why don't you just tell him that we haven't found a company to take over yet!"

Richard Taylor explained, "I just wanted to..."

Before he could finish speaking, Peter Jackson shouted again, "Quickly, give me his number, and I'm going to tell him now that I haven't found anyone to take over, and I need their help urgently!"

(End of this chapter)

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