Chapter 803 First Use
Some conditions were added to the contract between Deep Space and Peter Jackson. For example, Deep Space needs to complete the filming of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy within ten years, and the production cost of each film should not be less than 500 million US dollars.

In addition, Deep Space Corporation is also negotiating to acquire Weta Digital. If there is no accident, the acquisition can be completed before April.

Peter Jackson and his founders are also very interested in the merger proposal proposed by Deep Space. Now the two parties have not reached a consensus on the price and share ratio.

Deep Space hopes to directly take 50.00% of the shares, and leave the remaining 40.00% of the shares to the three founders.

But a few of them think that this share is too small, and they hope to only give Deep Space a maximum of 40.00% of the shares.

Deep Space wants 50.00% of the shares in order to obtain absolute control, but there are other ways to control, and they need to continue to discuss.

After signing the agreement, Deep Space Corporation did not immediately announce the news.

It was Jimmy's decision to temporarily suppress the news. After making this decision, Jimmy contacted the New Zealand Tourism Board in person.

The New Zealand Tourism Board has just been reformed for a few years, and they have been working hard on their performance in the past two years. They also applied for an official account on the Deep Space Tribe. When they have nothing to do, they post some New Zealand travel guides and promotional photos on it, trying to attract more Many tourists visit New Zealand.

After Jimmy contacted the person in charge of the New Zealand Tourism Bureau, he directly told the other party that Deep Space Company had taken over the filming of "The Lord of the Rings" and would invest more than [-] million U.S. dollars in this series of films in the next few years.

At this time, Deep Space is selecting locations for the film, and New Zealand is one of their choices.

Hearing Jimmy's words, the New Zealand Tourism Bureau attached great importance to it, saying that if Deep Space chooses New Zealand as the filming location for the film, they will try their best to support the filming of the film and provide them with convenience.

An investment of 500 million U.S. dollars is still very attractive to a country with a gdp of more than [-] billion U.S. dollars.

In fact, Peter Jackson had already determined the filming location in New Zealand before, and even identified some actors. These actors have been in New Zealand for a period of time in terms of archery, horse riding and body shape.

Moreover, Peter Jackson has selected a place in the small town of Matamata as the hobbit residence. It is planned to build 39 huts, and more than half of them have been built now.

Tourism New Zealand certainly knows these things, but now that Deep Space Corporation has taken over the project, and the investment has increased significantly, they certainly dare not neglect it.

Jimmy proposed that in addition to New Zealand's need to provide convenience during filming, they also need to sign contracts with stars under the Deep Space Company, so that Gu Tianlei, Shakira and Winona will become the image ambassadors of their tourism bureau.


After New Year's Eve, Yu Dong's parents and father-in-law and mother-in-law began to visit relatives, but this year the couple did not follow.

It stands to reason that this is Yu Yi's first time visiting relatives, and the two of them will definitely bring them with them, and the relatives will also pack red envelopes when the time comes.

But after thinking twice, they still didn't go.

It's not that Yu Dong doesn't want to get closer to his relatives, it's just that there is too much noise about them now.

A few years ago, Yu Dong had just become famous, and his fame was not as great as it is now, so the relatives asked a few more questions and looked at him more.

But now when visiting relatives, it was quite lively at first. Once Yu Dong went, the atmosphere on the scene would be much colder, making them uncomfortable and Yu Dong also uncomfortable.

So this year they only pick up a few close relatives for a walk, and on the [-]th or [-]th day of the first lunar month, they invite all relatives to their home at once.

Of course there will be people gossiping behind their backs, but such things cannot be avoided.

As long as you look at it, life will be much less troublesome. This year, Yudong stayed in Luoyuan during the first month of this year, taking care of his children and writing books. This is also the most comfortable and relaxing first month he has lived in ten years.

Until the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, the day the school started, the manuscript of "Wall-E" was finally written and sent to the company's book editorial department.

Almost at the same time, Deep Space Corporation announced an important news on their official website and Deep Space Tribe.

Early in the morning, John Mars was sleeping with his head covered. Last night he had just finished a show, and then celebrated with his friends until midnight and drank a lot of wine.

If nothing else, he should sleep until the afternoon.

But a sudden knock on the door disturbed his lucid dream, "Uncle, Uncle, are you awake?"

After John Mars was woken up, he yelled in the direction of the door, "Bruno, if it's not something particularly important, can you come and see me in the afternoon?"

The knock on the door stopped, and after a while, Bruno Mars outside the door said, "The Deep Space Company has just announced that they are about to shoot "The Lord of the Rings."

John Mars woke up suddenly, "What?"

As a loyal reader of "The Lord of the Rings", John Myers couldn't sleep anymore after hearing the news.

He didn't even wear clothes, and ran to open the door barefoot, "Tell me again, what is Deep Space Company going to do?"

"They're about to shoot The Lord of the Rings, you can check out Deep Space Tribes, everyone's talking about this news now. I just watched for a while, and a guy named Peter Jackson—seems to be the director, he also said Something related to YU."

John Mars raised his eyebrows, "This matter has something to do with YU?"

He muttered something, then turned around impatiently and ran to the computer desk to turn on the computer.

While the computer was starting up, John Mars asked his nephew again: "Bruno, did the official say when this movie will be released?"

Bruno Mars shook his head, "No, but Peter Jackson said that the preparatory work for the movie has been almost done, and if everything goes well, we will be able to see the movie in the second half of next year."

"The second half of next year, so soon?"

Although John Mars doesn't know much about film production, based on past experience, it takes at least two or three years for those blockbuster films to go from planning to release.

Movies like "The Lord of the Rings" are naturally the blockbuster movies in John Mars' mind, and it must take a lot of time.

But Bruno also said that the preliminary work of the film is almost done.

"Did you say where it will be filmed?"

John Mars is very concerned about this matter. He is worried that the director's location is not good, and not all places can show the style of Middle-earth.

"It seems to be New Zealand. I saw some news in the comment area, but I can't be sure, because I came to you in a hurry."

John Mars nodded, and the computer was turned on at this time, and he quickly opened the Deep Space Tribal Network.

No need to search specifically, the No.2 on the hot search list is "The Lord of the Rings filmed in deep space", and "AOL's acquisition of Warner and another new situation" topped the list.

John Mar skipped the first article, clicked on the second news directly, and soon saw the official announcement of Deep Space Corporation.

The content of the announcement is very simple, their company has taken over the shooting plan of "The Lord of the Rings", and the production cost of the entire film is expected to be around 500 million US dollars.

This announcement did not yield much useful information, and John Mars found the account of Peter Jackson, the director of the film, according to the clues in the comment area.

As soon as he clicked on Peter Jackson's account, Bruno Mars who was standing behind exclaimed in surprise, "My God, he already has [-] followers."

"That's a lot?" John Mars didn't care very much. After all, he was used to big tribe pigs with tens of millions of fans, and [-] fans is really not that much.

"But before I came to you, he only had more than 1 followers."

John Mars was taken aback, "That's a pretty fast rise."

It only takes half an hour at most from Bruno Mars' house to his place, and he has gained [-] to [-] fans in eight hours, which is of course very fast.

However, it is also understandable that the official influence of Deep Space is still very strong.

Peter Jackson only posted one tribe, about the same time as the official deep space one, but the content is much richer.

It was mentioned in the tribe that the filming plan of "The Lord of the Rings" had been stalled due to some accidents. It was YU Huiyan Shizhu who suggested that Deep Space Company take over the project, and also changed from the original two to three. department.

Just below this tribe, most of the comments are "Thank you YU" or "Long live YU".

Among all the novels, the voice of "The Lord of the Rings" is still very high. Last year, there was news that the film was about to be filmed, but there was no news after that. I didn't expect that the filming of the film went around and finally fell into deep space. in the hands of the company.

Netizens are very satisfied with this result.

Netizens who can spend every day in the Deep Space Tribe have a strong impression of Deep Space Company. They believe that Deep Space Company is a company that produces high-quality goods.

And now things are still related to YU, let alone, netizens have become more confident.

Since YU can like it, it means that there is no problem between the director and the script.

After looking at Peter Jackson's tribe for a while, John Bruno found the New Zealand Tourism Bureau official, and they also announced a message that they welcome the crew of "The Lord of the Rings" to New Zealand. They will warmly welcome and provide the crew with convenient.

New Zealand also selected several photos of Matamata and put them on the tribe for netizens to appreciate.

When he saw the hobbit hut and the surrounding scenery, John Myers couldn't take his eyes off, which was exactly what he had imagined when he read the book.

Bruno Mars hadn't seen these photos before, and he said with emotion: "It's so beautiful, it's so beautiful."

"It's really beautiful."

The emotion of the uncle and nephew is also the voice of most netizens, especially those little houses, which make them very satisfied.


Looking at the ever-growing number of fans, Peter Jackson couldn't help feeling that a company like Deep Space, which was established less than ten years ago, has such a great influence.

In the past half an hour, he has received calls from several companies asking about "Lord of the Rings".

Last year he announced the filming of "The Lord of the Rings", which did not cause much response, and Miramax did not provide much help for their publicity.

Although the parent company of Miramax is Disney, their operations are still separate from Disney.

But even if Disney can help Miramax with publicity, Peter Jackson doesn't think he can compete with the current Deep Space Company.

The advantage of Deep Space Corporation in publicity is obvious, but they have two big killers, Deep Space Tribe and Dongdong.

Speaking of dongdong, Peter Jackson thought of another thing. A few days ago, Deep Space Company had launched the first lottery draw. Those who won the lottery could get a star card with [-] points.

But he didn't have to go to the lottery, because he received a star card just after the event started, and Deep Space Company also saved 1000 million points for his star card, which was equivalent to more than 1 US dollars.

He was thinking about going out for a walk today to see if there is a place where he could spend Star Points. He went to experience the Star Card. He had heard that this card was very useful.

Of course, Peter Jackson was not the only one who received a star card, as long as he cooperated with deep space, whether it was a director, actor, screenwriter or writer, he all received a star card.

Even Orlando Bloom, a young lad who had just signed with Deep Space, received one and, like Peter Jackson, had 1000 million points on his card.

These points are certainly nothing to Peter Jackson, but they are not cheap to young people like Orlando Bloom who have just graduated.

So as soon as he got the starry sky card, Orlando Bloom activated the card according to the prompts and visited all the stores he could visit.

At this stage, there are not many places where points can be used, and it is quite difficult to find. He walked around the street and found a bookstore that posted a sign "Starry sky can be used" - all stores that can use starry sky cards will post this The logo of , a rectangular logo with four stars on a blue background.

The location of the post is very conspicuous, you don't need to look carefully, you can see it when passing by.

When Orlando Bloom went to the bookstore to buy a book, he encountered a very interesting thing. When he took out his star card to pay, he caught the attention of several guests next to him.

At this stage, starry sky cards are really rare. This bookstore he came to was the first time to receive customers who used starry sky cards.

The guests all wanted to see what the starry sky card looked like and how it was used, so they all gathered around.

After Orlando Bloom finished paying, a customer held up a copy of "Cursed" and asked the clerk, "Is it possible to get points for buying this book? If I don't have a card, I can give him the points and put them in Is it in his card?"

After getting an affirmative answer, everyone in the vicinity will give Orlando Bloom the points they have earned.

In the end, Orlando Bloom earned more than 1000 points, but he didn't earn it because he spent another 3 points to treat the guests to coffee.

(End of this chapter)

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