Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 804 Fighting for 1 Hugo Award

Chapter 804 Fighting for the Hugo Awards
On the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, the first day of school, Yu Dong had just arrived at the office, and the phone rang before his butt was warmed up.

Yu Dong connected casually, "Hello."

Yang Xiao's voice came from the other side of the phone, "Yu Dong, happy new year, how is the time going? School just started, isn't it busy?"

Hearing Yang Xiao's greetings, Yu Dong smiled, "Sister Xiao, there is no need to go around in circles in our relationship. If you have anything to say, just talk about it. Isn't this the meeting you just met a year ago?"

Yang Xiao laughed, "Okay, I'm hypocritical, so I'll tell you straight, I called you to ask you something."

"Well, you said."

"I hope you can translate Liu Cixin's novel "The Wandering Earth" into English and publish it in the United States. If possible, I also hope that you can help promote this novel." Yang Xiao said.

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows and said, "Sister Xiao, can you tell me the reason?"

"The reason is simple. I hope this novel can win the Hugo Award. The Hugo Award is now in the nomination stage, and according to the rules of the Hugo Award, as long as the translation and publication can be completed during the nomination stage, there is still a chance to enter the Hugo Award." This year's list of nominees."

Hearing Yang Xiao's words, Yu Dong pondered, "It's true, but the problem is that this year's Hugo Awards have entered the nomination stage. Even if "The Wandering Earth" is translated and published and qualified for nomination, there is still no competition. It is better to take it slowly and wait until the next session to participate in the selection, so that the hope will be higher."

The plan Yu Dong mentioned is actually the original plan of Deep Space Corporation. "The Wandering Earth" is a short story published by Liu Cixin in "Science Fiction World" in the second half of last year, with only [-] to [-] words.

Once this novel was published, it was loved by a large number of domestic science fiction fans, and it is also a big hit for this year's Galaxy Awards.

The novel has not yet been translated into other languages, but several foreign publishers are interested in this novel, but they have not reached an agreement.

Yu Dong didn't understand why Yang Xiao was in such a hurry.

Yang Xiao explained, "Yu Dong, this is what I think. This year's best novella award is likely to be "The Wandering Earth". It is beneficial."

Yu Dong nodded. He understood what Yang Xiao meant. She hoped to use the Hugo Awards to market her.

"Sister Xiao, I still think it would be better for "The Wandering Earth" to participate in next year's Hugo Awards. In the past two years, the Hugo Awards' attitude towards Chinese science fiction has changed a lot, but the style of "The Wandering Earth" is not flattering. They like it. If you want this novel to win an award, you need to manage it carefully."

"Why don't I know what you mean, but I still think this is a good opportunity."

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "Well, let me think about it."

Listening to Yu Dongsong's mouth, Yang Xiao said happily: "Hey, okay, you can consider my proposal, but whatever the result, give me a confirmation letter."

"no problem."

After hanging up the phone, Yu Dong first called Yu Yu and asked about the situation of their translation department and whether they could spare time for a surprise attack.

After getting an affirmative answer, Yu Dong seriously considered Yang Xiao's proposal.

Suddenly letting "The Wandering Earth" participate in the selection of the Hugo Awards, Yu Dong is confident that it will be nominated and even entered the finals.

But after entering the finals, it's not something they can control.

Yu Dong himself is not very interested in the Nebula Awards and Hugo Awards, but he hopes to bring some awards to Liu Cixin and the others.

After thinking for a while, Yu Dong called Yu Yu again and asked him to arrange to publish "The Wandering Earth" in the United States.

"There are only more than 2 words in total. The translation should not take too long. The translation department has worked hard recently. If it doesn't work, we can put aside the work on "Wall-E" and focus on finishing "The Wandering Earth" first. "

Yu Yu smiled and said: "Boss, there is no need. After all, there is only one version in English. Our English team in the translation department has the most sufficient staff. The team led by Mr. Guo Jianzhong remotely is relatively idle recently, so I will leave "The Wandering Earth" to them." .”

"Okay, you should also contact Deep Space America and ask them to draw up a marketing plan to make this book famous within half a month."

"Understood, I will convey the boss's message in place. In fact, it is not difficult. Liu is now well-known in the American science fiction circle. His works will definitely attract the attention of science fiction fans. Besides, on the 25th The movie "Whale Song" is about to be released, which is just in time for a wave of publicity."

"Oh, yes." Yu Dong patted his forehead, "I forgot about it, today is NO.20, which means it will be released in five days."

"But we can't see it in China for the time being, and the movie will not be released in China until May. If the box office of the movie does well, the promotion of the novel will be easier."

"How is the popularization of Star Card in movie theaters going?" Yu Dong asked.

"Because the time is too tight, how can the movie theaters do it? For the time being, less than [-] movie theaters in the United States have set up the deep space point system. However, according to predictions, by the time of this summer, there will be more than five theaters that have set up the deep space point system." Hundreds, basically covering all major first-tier cities, and by the end of the year, this number will double." After talking about the general situation, Yu Yu asked again, "Boss, do you want to take this opportunity to speed up the production of theaters? A piece of development?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "No need, just follow the original plan, don't disrupt the plan because of this. But you can think about linking the next wave of lottery with the movie "Whale Song", such as relying on Movie tickets or sweepstakes..."

"Well, I will also bring this proposal to Deep Space America."

"Okay, I'll leave this to you, remember to tell me if there is any progress."

When Yu Dong was about to hang up the phone, Yu Yu suddenly said, "Boss, have you followed the news these two days?"

Hearing Yu Yu's words, Yu Dong looked puzzled: "What news?"

"Isn't the Grammy going to be held in two days? Britney Spears, the newcomer to be nominated this year, was photographed by reporters in Jinling, China, more than once. In Jinling, she will return after the year."

Of course Britney Spears Yu Dong knew, she is a controversial female singer, and she should just emerge at the moment.

Yu Dong also found it strange that she appeared in Jinling during that time, because she was not under the banner of Deep Space.

But the legs are on other people's bodies, so they don't care where she wants to go.

Seeing that Yu Dong didn't respond, Yu Liang said with a smile, "President Ji's girlfriend, we haven't seen it all this time, maybe she was in Jinling a few days ago?"

Hearing Yu Liang's words, Yu Dong was stunned for a moment, because what Yu Liang said was very reasonable.

It was too much of a coincidence that Britney came to China at that time, and just picked Jinling, and returned to the United States after the annual meeting.

Could it be that Jimmy's mysterious girlfriend is really Britney Spears?

To be honest, when these two people got together, Yu Dong had a very strange feeling.From every point of view, the two seem to be from two worlds.

"Cough cough, focus more on work and stop thinking about these gossips. If Jimmy thinks the time has come, he will definitely tell us about it."

Yu Yu chuckled, "Boss, you're really not curious? I searched for information on Britney, she's a hot girl, I didn't expect Mr. Ji to like this one."

Yu Dong said angrily, "What is this one and that one, don't talk nonsense, hang up."

After hanging up the phone, Yu Dong pondered for a while, then ran to the Internet to search for Britney's news.

Sure enough, Britney was photographed in Jinling more than once, but every time she was photographed alone, there was no one else.

Seeing Britney's information again, Yu Dong couldn't help raising his eyebrows. This little girl has just reached her full age, and Jimmy is two rounds older than her, and she is a generation behind.

After reading Britney's information, Yu Dong still couldn't help calling Jimmy.

When he received Yu Dong's call, Jimmy had just asked someone to buy a plane ticket to China, and he was going to talk about the acquisition of BenQ.

While packing his things, he said, "Call me to do something. I will be in China the day after tomorrow."

"Are you alone this time?" Yu Dong asked.

"Of course not. There is also a temporary merger and acquisition planning team, plus six of me, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I'm just asking. I'm just thinking that the United States is very busy these two days, and the merger and acquisition can be postponed for a few days."

"You're talking about the premiere of "Whale Song", right? Well, the M&A can't be delayed just because of this."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "I'm not talking about the premiere of "Whale Song", but the Grammy Awards ceremony."


"Well, Grammy, isn't your girlfriend nominated? Don't you pay attention?"

Jimmy was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "You've been going around for a long time just to lie to me? Come on, don't bother, let me tell you, Britney is my girlfriend, you didn't Ask, I'm also going to tell you some time later."

"So, last time I went to Jinling Hotel to look for you, she must be the one in your room."

"Well, I know I can't hide it from you."

Yu Dong smiled, "It stands to reason that you are in a relationship, I shouldn't ask too much, but as a friend, I still hope that you can be more stable at this age."

Jimmy also laughed, "I knew you would be so worried. Britney is indeed a bit young, but I like her very much. She is 40 years old, and there are not many opportunities to make troubles. I also hope that I can make troubles this time. to get married."

Yu Dong nodded: "I hope to see you step into the wedding banquet hall soon, and then I will give you a big gift."

"What big gift? If it's really tempting, I can consider marrying Britney tomorrow." Jimmy joked.

But Yu Dong put on a trick, "I'll find out when you get married, and I promise I won't disappoint you. However, you can tell me what you want, and I can adjust it according to your ideas."

Jimmy thought for a while and said, "What I want most now is that the negotiation with Shi Zhengrong can go smoothly this time. If we can spend less money in the merger and acquisition, our follow-up plan can be carried out faster."

Yu Dong couldn't help being speechless, "Your work attitude makes me a little embarrassed."

"If you're really embarrassed, then write more books or scripts as soon as possible. Well, I won't tell you for now. I thought you called suddenly because of something urgent. It turned out that it was just to gossip about my love life. If there is anything else, let’s talk about it after I go to China, and you may be needed in the M&A negotiations in the end.”


On the day John Mars arrived in New York with his nephew Bruno Mars, just in time for the movie "Whale Song" to be released, he decided to let his nephew go to see the movie that Deep Space participated in.

After the uncle and nephew bought the tickets, they entered the theater very early and found a seat at the back.

There are a lot of empty seats, and the seats in this movie theater are random. They could have chosen the middle or the front seats, but the Mars family is also a celebrity family after all, and they used to sit in the back and watch movies.

Not long after they sat down, the theater was full of people.

John Mars muttered in a low voice: "It really is a movie that Deep Space participated in, and it really is very popular."

Bruno nodded in response, but his eyes were on the three people in front of them. He always felt that these three people were familiar to him, especially the young man in the middle wearing a peaked cap.

Although I didn't see their front faces, there was a sense of familiarity just from the back of their heads.

It wasn't until the movie started that Bruno turned his attention to the movie.

"Whale Song" is a normal movie of less than [-] minutes. The story tells that one day in the near future, because of the advancement of detection methods, drugs cannot enter the United States, so new transportation methods are needed, and whale transportation can avoid probing.

In the final ending, the whale did escape the detection of the US government, but was captured by illegal whalers, which is a bit like O'Henry's ending.

This is not a sci-fi movie with a strong sci-fi character, and the patterns and routines are also fixed. It is not fundamentally different from previous Hollywood movies. After watching the whole movie, it looks more like an environmentalist movie.

But the routines and patterns in the movie are quite appetizing to American audiences, and the ending of the story has a small reversal, which makes the audience enjoy watching it with gusto.

After watching the movie, John Mars said with a smile, "If I had to rate it, I would give this movie a score of [-]. It's a pretty good movie, but it didn't surprise me."

"Hmm." Bruno Mars nodded perfunctorily, his eyes fixed on the back of the three heads in front of him.

Seeing Bruno perfunctory himself, John Mars slapped Bruno on the head, "Did you watch the movie seriously?"

Bruno's neck shrank when he was patted, "Uncle, of course I read it carefully. If I had to rate it, I would give it a score of [-]. Don't you think it is very meaningful?"

"It does make sense, it's just a little bit stereotyped."

(End of this chapter)

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