Chapter 805 Unspoken Rules

Bruno didn't know much about the stereotypes in his uncle's mouth, so he thought the movie "Whale Song" was pretty good, with a tight plot rhythm, good special effects, and a clever twist in the ending.

He is willing to give this movie a score of 4.2, the only pity is that those whaling people have not been punished as they should, otherwise, he can give this movie a score of 4.5.

However, his attention is not on the movie at this time, but on these few people in front of him.

The audience gradually left, and the auditorium became more and more empty. John Mars said, "Let's go too."

Bruno didn't move, "Wait a little longer, maybe there are easter eggs?"

John shrugged and said nothing.

When the audience in the theater was almost gone, Bruno couldn't bear it anymore, and suddenly sang.

"Use the nunchaku quickly, hehehe!"

When the three people in front of Bruno heard the singing, they suddenly turned their heads and saw the face of the man in the cap. Bruno said in surprise, "It really is you, Jay Chou!"

Jay Chou's English is not very good, but he understood Bruno's words. He smiled and said in broken English, "Hello, your Chinese is very good."

Bruno scratched his head in embarrassment, "I'm fine with this one."

John was wondering why his nephew suddenly sang, but then he saw Jay Chou who turned his head, and immediately understood Bruno's intention.

Among the three people who turned around, besides Jay Chou, John also knew the girl on the left. She had appeared at the Deep Space Annual Meeting and also performed. She seemed to be a singer from Latin America, but he couldn’t remember her name.

The one on the right was a fair-haired man, very handsome, but John didn't recognize him.

John didn't expect Jay Chou and the others to sit in front of them all the time, but he was much calmer than his nephew Bruno, he said with a smile, "Well, jay chou, I didn't expect to meet you here, my nephew Bruno I really like your songs, he has both of your albums."

Jay Chou couldn't understand such a long passage. Fortunately, Shakira next to him had learned Chinese and English, and she smiled and translated it for Jay Chou.

After listening to the translation, Jay Chou said with a smile, "Thank you for your support, I didn't expect to be recognized here."

"Are you here for the Grammys? I saw you on TV."

Jay Chou nodded with a smile. He did not win the Grammy award, but was invited by the Grammy official as a music producer to participate in the award ceremony and walked down the red carpet.

The Grammy Awards Ceremony was held the day before yesterday. After the end, Jay Chou was not in a hurry to return to China, but waited here in the United States until "Whale Song" was released.

He also participated in the soundtrack of the movie "Whale Song". He wrote the piano music that played when the whale was hunted at the end of the movie, and the song has the same name as the movie, also called "Whale Song".

And the reason why I came out with Shakira is because among these artists in the United States, Jay Chou and Shakira have a good relationship. This is because the two have cooperated so they have more contacts.

There will be a Chinese song in the new album that Shakira is preparing, and this Chinese song will be produced by Jay Chou.

Jay Chou wrote several songs for Shakira to choose, and finally Shakira chose "Dao Ma Dan". This song is not easy for Shakira. In terms of language and singing, Shakira needs some time to practice .

"Actually, my nephew is also very good at singing." John Mars began to promote his nephew again. "He can control many styles of music. In fact, when I come to New York this time, I want to take him to deep space."

"Really?" Shakira laughed, "He looks only thirteen or fourteen?"

"I'm almost 15 years old."

"It's not yet fifteen." Jay Chou blinked, "If you're still studying, you should actually study well. If you want to be a singer, you will have opportunities in the future."

Shakira translated Jay Chou's words to John and Bruno, and John nodded, "We think so too, but before that, I hope Bruno can have some acting experience, so I also hope that he can play in deep space this time." Cameos in a few films, even if only for a brief moment."

As John Mars said, he brought Bruno here this time, just hoping that he could participate in the performances of several Deep Space movies, and get to know the interpersonal relationships in Deep Space Company in advance, and wait until later, even if Bruno wants to be a singer More convenient.

In fact, the Mars family still has something to do with the entertainment industry, otherwise John would not have been able to contact the Deep Space Company this time, so that Bruno could get an audition.

Hearing John's plan for Bruno, the three of Jay Chou didn't say anything, after all, Jay Chou and Shakira didn't go very far in their studies.

As for Orlando Bloom, who has never spoken, although he has read books for many years, he has been studying drama since he was very young, which is not the same thing as studying in normal schools.

"Are you going to the company today? We're going to the company later, do you want to go together?" Shakira asked proactively.

"Of course—if you don't mind."

Shakira looked at Orlando and Jay Chou, and asked with a smile, "Do you two mind?"

Jay Chou shook his head with Orlando, "I don't mind."

Just like that, the five of them left the movie theater together and headed towards the Deep Space Company.

On the way, Bruno asked a lot of questions. He is very interested in music production, and Jay Chou and Shakira are both excellent creators. Of course, he doesn't want to miss this good opportunity.

During the exchange, Jay Chou and Shakira also discovered that this small, dark-skinned boy has a lot of ideas in music.

Many things Jay Chou said went beyond the basics, but Bruno could understand them all.

After chatting, Jay Chou said solemnly, "I think you should study more books, at least finish high school, so that you can better realize your talent. If you really want to study music, you can also It can be done while studying at school, find a music teacher to do systematic study, or..."

When talking about this, Jay Chou looked at Shakira and smiled, "You can also find Shakira, she is a very enthusiastic person, she will definitely be willing to help you."

Shakira did not directly translate this sentence, but rolled her eyes at Jay Chou, and then said, "Bruno, Jay said, if you want to learn music, you can find him, he is very optimistic about you and is very willing to help you. "

Bruno was surprised and delighted, "Really? He is willing to help me?"

"Of course." Shakira nodded with certainty.

Bruno thought of something again, and said a little disappointed: "But, he shouldn't be in the United States often."

Shakira smiled and said: "It's okay, he will come here often in the future, and he can still be contacted by phone or Dongdong. Isn't Dongdong fully released now, and you should be useful too."

John Mars smiled smugly: "I have already used it before I let it go completely."

"Well, let's exchange Dongdong numbers in a while, so that we can keep in touch. You can ask him in Dongdong if you have any questions in the future. But you have to learn a little Chinese, otherwise it will be difficult to communicate with him."

Bruno nodded heavily, "I see, I will definitely study Chinese well."

Jay Chou heard them talking a lot in English, and asked curiously, "What are you talking about, I really don't think you said so much?"

Shakira said with a smile: "I told him that I would help him, and I can add friends with him. After a while, we will add friends with him. You can also chat with him when you are free."

Jay Chou didn't think too much, nodded and said, "Of course it's no problem."

Bruno looked at Jay Chou gratefully, "Jay Chou, thank you very much."

Jay Chou understood this sentence, he looked at Shakira, "Why did he thank me, it couldn't be you..."

Before he finished speaking, Shakira said with a smile, "Let's go, go to the company quickly, I still have some questions for the song "Dao Ma Dan", the rap in the middle..."


"Well, okay, I see, I'll prepare here."

After Yu Dong finished talking with Jimmy, he hung up the phone. Jimmy called and told him that Shi Zhengrong and the others wanted to come to Jinling and meet him. They made an appointment for the afternoon of the day after tomorrow.

After hanging up the phone, Yu Dong just called Yu Yu to get him ready to meet Acer's delegation, but the phone rang again.

Yu Dong picked up the phone, "Hello?"

"Teacher Yu, no, no, it's not good, something happened on the set!"

Chen Hao's anxious voice on the other end of the phone made Yu Dong frowned, "Don't worry, speak slowly, what happened?"

"Liu Ye got into a fight with someone."

Yu Dong was quite surprised and said, "Liu Ye got into a fight with someone? Are you sure it's not Deng Wei?"

Recently, "The Son of Heaven" is being filmed, Liu Ye plays Liu Che, Chen Hao plays Chen Ajiao, Deng Wei and several other students also play guest roles in it.

This TV series is basically filmed in Hengdian, but during this period of time, the filming in Jinling is mainly for the convenience of Liu Ye and other Jinyi students, especially Liu Ye, who is about to graduate from the 96th class and is under a lot of pressure.

Chen Hao called to say that Liu Ye had gotten into a fight with someone. Yu Dong's first reaction was an accident, and he asked Chen Hao if he made a mistake, and whether Deng Wei did it. Fighting is not something he can do.

Deng Wei, who usually escapes and has a strong temper, it is not surprising that he really got into a conflict with someone and raised his hand.

Before Chen Hao could answer, Yu Dong heard Deng Yu's aggrieved voice on the other end of the phone, "Teacher Yu, is this how I am in your heart?"

"Ahem, no, I just asked casually, what happened, who did Liu Ye fight with, and why, who won the fight, and was anyone injured?"


Yu Dong asked these questions all at once, which also confused Deng Wei and the others. After a few seconds of deliberation, Deng Wei replied: "The one who fought with Liu Ye seems to be an investor. I don't know why. Just now the director put They were called over, and Liu Ye won the fight, all with minor injuries... that man lost a few teeth."

Lost a few teeth... Yu Dong rolled his eyes, it turned out to be just a minor injury in Deng Wei's eyes.

I don't know the cause and effect for the time being, and it's hard for Yu Dong to make a judgment, but since the director has called the two over, it proves that the situation is not particularly serious.

Probably Chen Hao and the others were afraid that something would happen to Liu Ye, so they secretly called themselves. After all, they were calling investors this time.

"Okay, I see, don't worry, wait for my news."

After hanging up Chen Hao's phone, Yu Dong called Yu Liang and asked, "Who is the investor of "The Son of Heaven"?"

"The Son of Heaven...just one family, Hong Lin Jianye, what's wrong?"

Looks like the margin hasn't gotten the message yet.

"I'll tell you later."

Hong Lin Jianye, Yu Dong remembers this name, the young man with pink hair and noodles who stopped him at the annual meeting before is Hong Lin Jianye, will it be the same person who fought with Liu Ye this time?
Although he didn't know the truth of the matter yet, Yu Dong preconceived that his student was fine and it should be the other party's problem.

But no matter what, we still need to investigate clearly first.

Yu Dong first called director Liang Xi.

The call was connected quickly, and Liang Xi also knew what Yu Dong was calling at this time, and said with a smile, "Teacher Yu, look, this little thing has alarmed you."

"Director Liang, what is the specific situation? What is the reason, and how is the injury?"

"Actually, there is no big reason. The young people were joking together and had a misunderstanding, so they started fighting. Liu Ye's hand was a little heavy and knocked out three of Mr. Xu's teeth. Now Mr. Xu wants to pursue Liu Ye's legal responsibility. I am negotiating with Mr. Xu to see if the matter can be resolved." Liang Xi said.

Although Liang Xi said it lightly, Yu Dong knew that the fight couldn't have been a joke. Although Liu Ye was young, he still had a sense of proportion.

In other words, it is not so easy to deal with ordinary people, let alone investors.

"Is Liu Ye beside you?"


"Please give him the phone, and I'll have a word with him."


After a while, Liu Ye's voice sounded: "Teacher Yu."

There was some apology in Liu Ye's voice, he probably knew that he had caused trouble.

"what happened?"

Liu Ye hesitated and said, "That's right, I just made a few jokes, and then I started."

Yu Dong snorted coldly, "Liu Ye, do you think I'm a fool? Tell the truth quickly, otherwise you don't want to shoot this scene, and you don't want to go back to school."

Liu Ye was taken aback, and quickly said, "Don't, don't, Teacher Yu, I'm telling the truth..."

There was a pause on the phone for a while, and then Liu Ye's voice rang again, but it became very soft.

"Mr. Yu, that investor wants to engage in unspoken rules."

Upon hearing this, Yu Dong became angry, "Unspoken rules? Who is his target? Chen Hao, Jia Jingwen or someone else?"

Liu Ye hesitated again, "It's me..."

(End of this chapter)

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