Chapter 806 One after another
After the incident, Xu Shaozhang did not stay in the crew anymore, and he left overnight that night.

The rest of the crew only knew that Liu Ye had a fight with Xu Shaozhang, but they didn't know the specific reason, but gossip spreads very quickly in places like the crew.

Within two days, there were several versions about the reason for the fight. Some people said that Xu Shaozhang was unwilling to be a cameo and wanted to steal the show from the protagonist. Liu Ye knew about this, and of course Liu Ye would not do it. People started fighting.

Some people also said that Xu Shaozhang fell in love with the heroine Jia Jingwen and wanted to develop a relationship with Jia Jingwen. Liu Ye found out, and Liu Ye also liked Jia Jingwen. It was normal for two men to fight over a woman.

But no matter which version it is, people have come to the conclusion that Yu Dong is really protecting his weaknesses.

Many people saw Xu Shaozhang's swollen face and found that Liu Ye was unharmed. Obviously, Liu Ye must have taken advantage of the fight between the two.

But even so, it was Xu Shaozhang, the investor, who ran away in despair in the end, not Liu Ye who took advantage of it.

Many entertainment reporters came here after smelling the smell, but after digging for several days, they still couldn't find out what happened. At this moment, something outside the crew caught their attention.

On the fourth day after the fight happened, Deep Space Company announced that it would return Hong Lin Jianye for the TV series "The Son of Man?"The investment of 1500 million yuan, because the contract signed by the two parties stipulated that the deep space company has the right to return the investment before the end of the film shooting cycle, so this matter does not need to be negotiated with Honglin Jianye, and the deep space company can unilaterally announce it.

These people who eat melons are dumbfounded. They have only heard that investors have withdrawn their funds. They never thought that there are film and television companies returning other people’s investment. Moreover, the investment returned by Deep Space this time is not a small amount, a full 500 million yuan. .Moreover, in the announcement of Deep Space Company, it also stated that Honglin Jianye's investment in other projects will be refunded in succession.

According to insiders, Deep Space Company expects to invest at least 3000 million yuan in the filming of "The Son of Man", which is a real big production.

But different from the big package in the past, this time the Deep Space Company released a lot of investment, but their company only invested less than 30.00% of the funds, and the other 70.00% of the funds were collected by other investors, and Hong Lin Jianye is the one with a relatively large proportion among many investors.

But now, Deep Space directly kicked out the largest investor besides them.

The biggest reaction was from other investors. Hong Lin Jianye was kicked out, and they began to worry about whether Shenkong would kick them out too. The rest of the phone calls that morning were blown up by these investors.

Regarding the concerns of these investors, Yu Yu also patiently explained. He told the investors that the reason why he terminated the contract with Honglin Jianye was because there were major and unresolvable differences of opinion between the two parties.He asked the investors to go back and look at some noticeable clauses in the contract. As long as those clauses are not violated, Deep Space will not take the initiative to terminate the cooperative relationship between the two parties.

After hearing Yu Yu's response, all the investors were relieved, and they were worried that they would also be kicked out.

As for what to do if the investment of 500 million is missing, they have never thought about it at all. On the one hand, they believe that the financial resources of Deep Space Corporation will not be trapped by the 500 million. On the other hand, they themselves have this strength. If Kong himself didn't fill in the 500 million, they were willing to make up the 500 million.

The last one to call Yu Yu was actually one of the protagonists of this incident, Xu Tongwu, the chairman of Honglin Jianye.

Xu Tongwu got the news immediately, and the Deep Space Company had already sent a letter to their company before it was announced to the public.

And Xu Tongwu didn't respond immediately, because he wanted to find out the cause of the matter first, and it was definitely not for no reason that Deep Space Company made this move.

Xu Tongwu guessed that this matter should have something to do with Xu Shaozhang.

Xu Tongwu went to ask Xu Shaozhang after rumors of a fight between Xu Shaozhang and Liu Ye appeared on the Internet before, but Xu Shaozhang told Xu Tongwu that he just had a little friction with Liu Ye, which was completely different from what was said on the Internet. As for the conflict because of a woman, it was completely nonsense Let's face it, he's not that kind of lecherous person at all.

Hearing Xu Shaozhang's explanation, Xu Tongwu quite agrees. His son has been ignorant since he was a child. After graduating from middle school, he helped the company, but the more he helped, the busier he was. Every day he was eating, drinking and having fun.

But even so, Xu Shaozhang has an advantage, that is, he can control his lower body, and he has never caused any trouble at home because of women.Over the years, the women around Xu Shaozhang have changed one after another, but there is no trouble, and there has never been a matter of snatching a woman from anyone.

But now that Shen Kong reacted like this, Xu Tongwu became suspicious of his son Xu Shaozhang's words.

He asked Xu Shaozhang again for questioning, but Xu Shaozhang insisted that he had nothing to do with Liu Ye, it was just a small friction, and he didn't know why the Deep Space Company was like this.

There is no other way, Xu Tongwu can only call Yuyu.

After the call was made, Xu Tongwu said with a smile: "Mr. Yu, I'm sorry, I still called to disturb you at this time, but it's impossible not to contact you when such a big matter happened. Mr. Yu, is there any misunderstanding between us? Investing money..."

Yu Liang smiled and said: "Mr. Xu, there is no misunderstanding. You are clear about the cause and effect. If you are still in the dark, it means that he has not told you the truth. If you call me to ask me, it is better to tell you." Let's have a good chat, son."

"President Yu..."

Yu Yu interrupted him directly, "President Xu, don't do useless work, let's stop our cooperation here. In fact, I think there are other things that deserve your attention more than investment."

Hearing what Yu Liang meant, Xu Tongwu narrowed his eyes and said, "Mr. Yu might as well make it clearer."

Yu Yu didn't have the intention to explain it to him, "If you don't understand this matter, just go back and ask Mr. Ling."


Xu Tongwu never called again, and the filming of "The Son of Man" has not been affected and is still in progress.


In the No. 15 days since "Whale Song" was released, the box office in North America reached more than 500 million US dollars. This is a result that is not very eye-catching but can satisfy all parties.

In the past two weeks, "Whale Song" still has a lot of box office potential, and there should be no problem with the follow-up North American box office exceeding [-] million.

Even if it is no longer released in other countries and regions, the box office in North America alone has already made the producer a profit.

And on this day, there are still two things in the movie industry that deserve the attention of movie fans.

The first one, the "domestic" movie "Infernal Affairs" produced by Deep Space Company, was released in North America today.

This movie is quite famous in the United States now. A few years ago, there were often movie-related news on the Deep Space Tribes hot search list. Basically, the movie topped the box office list in a certain region in a certain country.

Generally speaking, during this period of time, "Infernal Affairs" has basically swept the votes in East Asia and Southeast Asia, especially in certain places with absolute advantages.

Therefore, many audiences in North America are also very curious about this movie. They want to see what is the magic of this movie that can be so popular with Asian movie fans. At the same time, they also want to see if this movie can continue its success in the United States.

The second thing is also related to Deep Space Corporation. They announced the release date of the movie "Golden Dreamland", which will be released on July [-] this year.

The movie "Golden Dreamland" has been long-awaited. Not long after the book was released, it was said that it would be made into a movie. In the middle, there was even news that it had been filmed, but it took so long to meet you .

For these two films, the industry is generally more optimistic about the latter.

From the perspective of the script, although the script of "Infernal Affairs" was also written by YU, it is still much inferior to the popular original works such as "Golden Dreamland".

In terms of the cast, "Infernal Affairs" is all Chinese actors, while "Golden Dreamland" is a Hollywood cast.

The most important thing is that "Infernal Affairs" is a completely Chinese film. Before that, the most popular foreign language film released in North America was the Italian film "Life is Beautiful" released last year, with a box office of 700 million US dollars. .2 is "The Postman", which was released before, with a box office of more than 2000 million.

In this case, people don't think "Infernal Affairs" can get much box office, even if it has YU's bonus.

Some people believe that the North American box office of this film is at most 7000 million U.S. dollars, of which 3000 million U.S. dollars are brought by the name YU.

This prediction is actually very face-saving, but they have overlooked one thing, that is, the deep space company is using the star card to throw money recently.


Holding a star card in his hand, Fisk danced excitedly, "Hagrid, we won't need to spend any more money to watch movies this year."

"It probably won't be used up." Hagrid smiled.

Fisk was the first batch of lucky ones, and he won a star card right away.

A few days ago, they bought some books in the bookstore after they got the star card, but they didn't really like to read books. The reason why they bought books was because at that time, only the bookstore could use the star card.

And just yesterday, a local movie theater announced that deep space points can be used to exchange for movie tickets in their theater, but the movie tickets that can be redeemed are limited, and only movies that Deep Space Company participated in the production or distribution of.

After receiving such good news, Fisk and Hagrid went to the cinema to exchange two movie tickets for "Infernal Affairs".

There are a total of [-] points in their star card, and only [-] points are needed to exchange for a movie ticket, which means that their points can be exchanged for about [-] movie tickets, which is indeed enough for them to watch for a year.

In fact, in the cinema where Fisk and the others were located, there were not many customers who exchanged deep space points for movie tickets. After all, there were only so many lucky ones in the first batch, and there were not many scattered around.

On the contrary, some people already have a Star Card, but still paid for tickets. These people who paid for tickets can also get 35 points. In addition, they can also get a chance to draw a lottery.

The Deep Space Company issued an announcement earlier that anyone who buys movie tickets at a movie theater that can use Deep Space Points can get a chance to draw a lottery. There is a certain chance to draw a Star Card with [-] points. Points will be credited directly to the original card.

Even if you can't draw [-] points, you still have the hope of being a member of Dongdong.

It is precisely because of Deep Space’s move that many movie theaters actively contacted Deep Space, hoping to set up a point system in their movie theaters.

However, the applications of these cinemas could not be responded to in a short period of time.

Unless there are special circumstances, if a movie theater wants to set up the points system of Deep Space Corporation, it first needs to submit a system establishment application to Deep Space Corporation.

After the Deep Space Company receives the application, it will send someone to review it. After the review is passed, the movie theater's list will be placed in the queuing queue, and there are usually thousands of merchants in the queuing queue.

Now, Deep Space Company can set up a point system for less than 120 stores per day at most, which means that if a movie theater wants to set up a system, even if it passes the review and enters the queuing sequence, it still needs to queue for more than ten days.

But these movie theaters can't help it. After all, if they don't set up a point system, it will have an impact on the sound of their movies.

The feeling of movies in some places is not obvious, because there are not many movie theaters that have set up a point system, and many cities have none or only one or two.

And in some places, such as in a not too big city, one of the two nearby movie theaters has set up a point system, and the other has not set up a point system. At this time, the movie theater without a point system will have a very obvious feeling. , The number of audiences entering the cinema these two days is much smaller than usual.

This is also easy to understand. If there is not much difference in the viewing experience of the two cinemas, and buying movie tickets in one of the cinemas can be redeemed with points, or you can buy tickets in cash to get points, and you can also qualify for a lottery. Everyone knows how to choose rewards such as [-] points and Dongdong members.

The operators of movie theaters are not stupid. This situation is not obvious now. When the star card is really popularized in the future, whoever does not set up a point system will be one step behind others, so the sooner this kind of thing is set up, the better.

Because the demand for setting up the point system is too great, Deep Space Corporation is also considering expanding the team of system erection recently, so that the number of systems that can be erected per day will be doubled from the maximum of 200 to more than [-].

But even so, the progress is far from enough, not to mention other types of stores, and the movie theater alone is enough for Deep Space Company to work for many years.

Deep Space's plan is to spread the point system to 80.00% of movie theaters in Europe and America within five years.

To this end, they also established a new company, which is responsible for the operation of Starry Sky Card and Deep Space Points.

ps: The last chapter was blocked, I didn't understand it, I just changed it for a long time and didn't get the clue
(End of this chapter)

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