Chapter 808

After receiving Yu Dong's call, Shi Tiesheng complained about Yu Hua with some embarrassment, "Yu Hua is the most troublesome person."

When Yu Hua heard it from the side, she immediately became reluctant, "Well, Shi Tiesheng, a dog biting Lu Dongbin, you don't know good people."

Hearing Yu Hua's voice, Shi Tiesheng laughed instead, "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to be here. You know that I'm a person who speaks ill of others behind their backs, never in person."

Yu Hua turned to Dong and said, "Look, this guy is in very good condition, you don't have to worry about him at all."

Shi Tiesheng is indeed in good condition recently. His illness is destined to never recover completely, but as long as he is treated properly, he can be greatly relieved.

In the previous life, due to poor family conditions and insufficient attention to the patient, he did not receive good treatment, and eventually developed into uremia.

In this life, Shi Tiesheng's income has increased a lot because of the signing of the Deep Space Company. Although it is not as good as Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu, it is still very considerable. In addition to the daily expenses of the family, he can also afford more medical treatment Therefore, the condition has been greatly relieved.

Yu Dong has always attached great importance to the physical condition of these writers. As long as the writers signed with Deep Space Company, regardless of the amount of royalties, they will have regular free medical examinations, including some online writers who signed contracts online. In this regard Deep Space Corporation has a non-discriminatory policy.

In fact, not only these writers, but even ordinary employees of Deep Space Company will have a free medical examination every year to encourage employees to prevent diseases in advance.

A free medical examination once a year is actually just a very common employee benefit in the eyes of later generations, but it is a very surprising policy for this era.

In fact, it doesn’t cost too much money to have a physical examination every year. It’s a drop in the bucket for Deep Space, but this move makes employees feel very good. After all, Deep Space’s salary itself is higher than other companies.

It can be heard from Shi Tiesheng's voice that he is in good condition recently. Yu Dong said with a smile, "In this case, you guys should draw the route you are going to take in the past two days, and I will arrange it in a few days." You go."

Yu Hua took over the conversation and said, "Okay, later I'll create a Dongdong group to bring in all the people who participated in the tour. We'll discuss it in the group. Tie Sheng, don't you have a computer too? You don't usually watch it. How do you use it?"

"It's not that I don't need it, but I can't get into what you guys are talking about in the group."

Yu Dong gave Yu Hua a big roll of his eyes, and then said to Shi Tiesheng, "I was kicked by them too, and they haven't pulled me in until now."

"Hehe, I know." Shi Tiesheng laughed.

In fact, Shi Tiesheng usually spends a lot of time using the computer. Every afternoon when he has nothing to do, he has to sit in front of the computer for two or three hours, and sometimes he will watch the computer after dinner at night.

For a person like him who has difficulty going out, the computer has become an important window for him to contact the outside world.

When Shi Tiesheng first came into contact with computers, Shi Tiesheng felt that computers were so difficult that he would never be able to learn them in his life.

But after using it for less than a week, he can use it normally, and he can even type, but the speed is a bit slow.

In the past two days, he has been deliberately practicing typing. He hopes to be able to write on the computer in the future, because there are many benefits to writing on the computer, and the most important thing is that it is very convenient to modify.

In his spare time, he would watch Yu Hua and the others talk nonsense in the Dongdong group, but he was usually in a diving state and could not speak.

Sometimes he would also visit several websites of the Deep Space Department, and at this time he had to feel the convenience of this era.

It used to be said that a scholar would know the affairs of the world without going out.

Now, with the advent of the Internet age, the speed of knowledge dissemination has been greatly improved, and it is really possible to know the world without going out.

But it just happened that he was on the Internet a lot, seeing other netizens' high-spirited talks on the Internet, and knowing that there are still many things in this world that he has not discovered, it made his heart that was almost silent become restless again.

He wasn't a person who likes to trouble others, but when talking on the phone with Yu Hua, he expressed his desire to travel.

Yu Dong called to ask, which also made him feel ashamed and look forward to it at the same time.

When he was about to hang up the phone, Yu Dong said again, "Tie Sheng, this time is mainly for the writing class to go out for a trip, and sometimes I may not be able to take care of you."

What Yu Dong said made Shi Tiesheng feel relieved, "I understand, I understand, I can do it myself."


After hanging up the phone, Yu Hua looked at Yu Dong with a smile, "This Shi Tiesheng is so convincing, you have thought of everything for him."

Yu Dong took a look at Yu Hua, "It was originally a trip to writing class, so I took Tie Sheng with me by the way."

"I understand, I understand, I understand."

Seeing Yu Hua's playful smile, Yu Dong didn't bother to talk to him, and picked up his pen again to start writing.

Seeing Yu Dong start writing, Yu Hua smiled and said nothing, just sat quietly on the sofa and drank the black tea in the cup, and then walked out of the office by herself.


Yu Hua and the others are all activists, and they didn't hesitate much in choosing the route. They decided on a rough route in just one day. They decided to go to Yanjing first, and then go south from Yanjing to the final destination. Hain, they have contacted Han Shaogong in advance, and Han Shaogong will meet them in Hain.

Although the students in the writing class were also taken away, which saved Yu Dong a lot of lessons, but Yu Dong's affairs did not decrease at all, because Bi Feiyu also left, leaving Yu Dong with a lot of things.

When sending Yu Hua and the others to the car, Yu Dong deliberately asked, "I'm going on a trip this time, when are you going to come back?"

Although Yu Hua and the others had planned a rough route, they didn't have a specific date plan, so Yu Dong didn't know how long they planned to wander outside.

Yu Hua stood at the door of the bus, holding the handle on the door with a smile, "It's hard to say, maybe the next time we meet will be in autumn."

Yu Dong naturally knew that he was joking, even though their trip this time would be very long, Yu Hua would definitely find time to come back halfway, otherwise Chen Hong would not spare him.

After Yu Hua and the others left, Jin Yi suddenly became very deserted. No matter whether Yu Dong was writing in the apartment or in the office, no one suddenly disturbed him.

Sometimes, when Yu Dong was resting his pen, thinking of Yu Hua and the others being carefree outside, his thoughts would inevitably be shaken. Is it meaningful for him to be busy all these years? A literati and poet who doesn't ask about world affairs.

However, after thinking about it, I felt that I was boring, so I stopped thinking about it.


Early in the morning, not long after Yang Qing came to the office, he saw the news on the computer that Deep Space Corporation officially announced the acquisition of BenQ Dentsu.

Looking at the news on the Deep Space Tribe, Yang Qing was stunned. He knew every word in the announcement, but he couldn't understand it together for a while.

How did Deep Space Company get in touch with BenQ Dentsu?A few days ago, they were still speculating about what kind of strategy Deep Space would adopt when Amazon was in such a difficult situation. Unexpectedly, Deep Space didn’t care about Amazon at all, but turned around and acquired BenQ Dentsu with a lot of money.

After reading the announcement of Deep Space Corporation several times, Yang Qing leaned heavily on the chair. He knew that the situation had become very different.

In fact, Yang Qing is not afraid of BenQ Dentsu, because in his impression, BenQ Dentsu is just a foundry of Acer Group and has no technical content at all.

What really worried Yang Qing was the Acer behind it. Since Shenkong was able to acquire BenQ, it must have reached a cooperation with Acer.

If Deep Space really joins forces with Acer, it will have a great impact on Lenovo's domestic layout.

After experiencing the failure of the FM website, Lenovo also gradually realized that it is not an easy task to enter the Internet industry through the portal of computers. They have tried, but they have not shaken the status of Deep Space Corporation in the slightest.

After the Deep Space Annual Meeting, Yang Qing took the initiative to contact Yu Yu, the general manager of Deep Space China, but Yu Yu's response was very perfunctory, just like Yang Qing's attitude towards Yu Yu back then.

During this time, Yang Qing had the cheek to contact Yu Yu several times, but he didn't get a positive response.

Yang Qing was going to make a call to Yu Yu today, but he didn't expect to see this news early in the morning.

Now Yang Qing fully understands that the reason why Deep Space Company is so indifferent to Lenovo is not only because of the previous holidays, but also because they think that Deep Space has already set up a plan.

Yang Qing sighed slightly, and muttered to himself: "It's ridiculous, others have already set up a good situation, and I'm still thinking about repairing the relationship with them."

Having been in the mall for so many years, Yang Qing also knows that the so-called relationship is only based on interests. Originally, Lenovo was of some use to Deep Space. Now that Deep Space has acquired BenQ and joined hands with Acer, Lenovo is in a dangerous situation.

However, Yang Qing was still unwilling to give up, so he quickly dialed a phone number.

After a while, the phone was connected, and a voice from the margin came from the phone, "Mr. Yang, why did you think of calling me this early in the morning? Do you want to sell the FM website to our company?"

In fact, it is not that Deep Space is completely unwilling to cooperate with Lenovo. Yu Yu mentioned before that if Lenovo is willing, Deep Space is willing to buy Lenovo's FM website, but Yang Qing did not agree.

Hearing Yu Yu mentioning the FM website again, Yang Qing said with a smile: "Mr. Yu is joking, now that Shenkong owns BenQ Dentsu and joins forces with their original parent company Acer, what is the point of view?" On our FM site?"

Yu Liang also smiled and said: "Mr. Yang, I also think it's a pity that your FM website will gradually dissipate if it continues to develop like this. It's better to sell it while you can still sell some money, or it will be empty in the end. Don't regret it." And ah."

Yang Qing squinted his eyes, the margin sounded very harsh, but he couldn't say anything to refute, so he could only swallow his breath, "Mr. Yu, thank you for your concern for our company. I called you to ask, is there any chance for us to cooperate?"

"It's really hard to say. In this world, everything is possible. I believe that there is always a chance for Deep Space and Lenovo to cooperate, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Yang Qing gritted his teeth. He knew that Yu Yu was teasing him, because that's what he told Yu Yu when he came to talk about cooperation. Just came back.

Yang Qing suppressed the shame and indignation in his heart, and said with a smile: "President Yu, don't rush to make a decision, you might as well listen to our conditions first."

"Well, Mr. Yang, tell me."

"Lenovo has always hoped to provide better hardware support for Internet content. This is what we are determined to do and the only thing we want to do. As for the provision of Internet content such as FM websites, it is just a positive test, and the purpose is nothing more than It is to provide better hardware services. Now we have almost done the tests that we should do. In the next stage, we certainly hope to cooperate with high-quality Internet content providers like Deep Space to provide you with our company's excellent hardware support. If your company is willing, we can put the homepage of the deep space search engine on the second choice of the Millennium computer. The owner of the Millennium computer has a 50.00% chance to open the homepage of the Deep Space engine when opening the browser. Mr. Yu what do you think?"

The margin on the phone side couldn't help raising his eyebrows. If Lenovo had given such conditions at the beginning, the cooperation between the two parties might have been reached.

But today is different from the past, Lenovo's strategy to enter the Internet has failed, and on the other hand, the deep space series of websites have become extremely popular.

Under such circumstances, it is of course impossible for Yu Yu to agree to Yang Qing's proposal.

Yu Liang asked with a smile, "From what channel does Yang always know about our company's acquisition of BenQ Dentsu?"

Yang Qing frowned, and suddenly froze.

It was an easy question to answer, but he couldn't come up with the answer.

Even he himself didn't realize it just now, but he actually likes to open the website of the Deep Space Department every day after turning on the computer.

Even he is like this, let alone other ordinary netizens.

Although Millennium Computer cooperates with the FM website, most of the netizens don't care about them at all, skipping the FM website and entering the Deep Space Department website.

That being the case, is it necessary for Deep Space to cooperate with Lenovo?
The answer is obvious, and Deep Space Corporation doesn't need to do anything extra.

Yang Qing pursed his lips, he couldn't think of a reason to convince Yu Yu for a while.

The deep space company has too much influence in the Internet industry now, not only those websites, Dongdong, and mailboxes of the deep space department, but also some other businesses, such as Internet cafes and games.

Among other things, the Internet cafes in Jinling are basically based on the template of the Deep Space Electronic Reading Room. That is to say, if you lose Deep Space, you will lose the mainframe business of all Internet cafes in Jinling.

(End of this chapter)

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