Chapter 809 Streaming Media

In fact, what Lenovo has lost in Jinling is not only the Internet cafe market, but also their share in the personal computer market has been decreasing year by year.

Based on the influence of Deep Space Corporation in Jinling, Yang Qing can predict that after the cooperation between Deep Space Corporation and Acer, mainland consumers will definitely increase their acceptance of Acer computers.

Of course, now Yang Qing doesn't care about the gains and losses of one city and one place. He is more concerned about what role the deep space will play in the future all-out confrontation.

The conversation between Yang Qing and Yu Yu did not make any substantial progress in the end, so they could only contact their partner America Online, hoping that America Online would take this matter seriously.

When Steven Case received Yanagawa's call, he himself was in an unprecedented confusion. During this period of time, the merger and acquisition had not progressed at all, and it was completely impossible to push forward.

After listening to Yanagawa's explanation of the purpose of the call, Steven Case smiled helplessly. In their current situation, even if they wanted to pay attention to this matter, they couldn't spare their hands to deal with Deep Space Company, and the battlefield was still far away. China.

Besides, Deep Space Corporation's acquisition of BenQ Dentsu did not have much direct impact on AOL, and Steven Case was not a kind person, and even bothered to help Lenovo deal with Deep Space Corporation.

Even Steven Case is still happy, because Deep Space Corporation has spent so much money to acquire BenQ Dentsu, and will definitely continue to invest a lot of funds in the future. In this way, the development of Deep Space Tribe and Dongdong may be better. Being affected, give them a little respite.

"Liu, at this moment, you should be happy."

When Liu Chuanzhi heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and asked a little confused, "Mr. Keith, what do you mean by that?"

Steven Case said with a smile, "What I mean is very simple. Before you wanted to enter the Internet industry, you used the Millennium Computer to make some attempts, but the effect was not good, and it did not put any pressure on Deep Space Corporation. This It’s not surprising, after all, Deep Space Corporation was in the Internet business earlier. It can be said that in China, the Internet is the main battlefield of Deep Space. Not to mention you, even other large Internet companies, it is difficult to shake their position in China But now the situation is different. Deep Space acquired BenQ Dentsu and cooperated with Acer. Next, they will enter your home field. As the leader in the PC business in China, I think that even if Deep Space cooperates with Acer, it will not be possible. There is a way to shake your position."

Steven Case's statement is very confusing. If Yanagawa was a young man, he might have been fooled by him.

But Yanagawa has also been in the mall for a long time, so he naturally knows that Steven Case's words are like farting.

Although the PC business is their main battlefield, the cooperation between Deep Space and Acer is by no means an understatement as Steven Case said.

But in the face of Steven Case's flickering, Yanagawa could only maintain a smile, "Mr. Case, although the layout of the Deep Space Company has little impact on you at this stage, I believe they will get involved in a short time." The business of Internet service providers. In ancient China, there was a genius doctor named Bian Que who was good at treating various incurable diseases, but he thought his two little-known elder brothers were better at medicine. Get rid of the disease before it is revealed, but the second brother can get rid of the disease when it is just revealed, compared to treating terminal illnesses, being able to prevent the disease from happening is truly powerful."

Of course Steven Case knew that what Yanagawa said was reasonable, but he really couldn't spare his hands to deal with Deep Space Company now.

After pondering for a moment, Steven Case said, "Well, let me give you a suggestion. Instead of entering the Internet industry yourself and getting stuck if you don't make any progress, it's better to support one or a few Internet companies with potential. , let them deal with Deep Space Corporation."

Liu Chuanzhi sighed slightly, of course he had considered this matter, and he also asked people to do some investigations.

After the investigation, they found that the Deep Space Company had seized the opportunity, and other Internet companies would depend on the Deep Space Company's face for their development.

Deep Space is not monopolized. When they encounter potential Internet companies, they not only do not suppress them, but even contribute money to help these companies grow.

In the most typical case, several instant messaging software suddenly appeared in the domestic market at the beginning of last year, and Deep Space Company even selected one of them called oicq to invest.

It's just a pity that although it has accepted the investment from Deep Space Corporation, oicq has not made much splash in the domestic market, because Dongdong has already penetrated into the hearts of netizens in China.

As a last resort, oicq changed its name to QQ, strategically abandoned the domestic market, and took the money from Deep Space Corporation to develop the European and American markets.

Yanagawa did not respond, and Steven Case said with a smile, "Well, let me give you an idea. According to my investigation, Deep Space Corporation has always been interested in the business of streaming media. Although they have not Video playback platform, but as early as three years ago, when streaming media was not very noticeable, they began to enter this field. The year before last, Deep Space Corporation established a company dedicated to the research of streaming media technology, and they acquired At least [-]% of BXtrem's shares. But what surprised me is that in the streaming media war that started the year before last, there was no Deep Space company, and they seemed to be waiting and watching."

Yanagawa couldn't help but feel that AOL's news is still well-informed. He has investigated Deep Space Corporation before, but these things have not been investigated.

Of course, the reverse also shows that Deep Space Corporation is low-key enough to own at least [-]% of BXtrem's shares quietly.

Yanagawa has also heard about the streaming media war for more than a year. The year before last, Microsoft, which had been cooperating happily, competed with Zhenwang because of Microsoft's launch of netshow.

In the summer of that year, the CEO of Realnet accused Microsoft of maliciously destroying Realplayer software of Realnet in order to win the competition. The Senate Judiciary Committee also launched a hearing on this incident.

Later, Microsoft sold [-]% of Zhenwang's shares, and the two companies parted ways.

At the beginning of last year, the use of streaming media exploded. A Victoria’s Secret live broadcast attracted widespread attention to streaming media. Subsequently, a large amount of Microsoft funds flowed into the streaming media market, helping many manufacturers expand their network scale.

For example, intervu, which is strongly supported by Microsoft, heard that Akamai is preparing to acquire intevu, and the final transaction price may be around 30 billion US dollars.

You know, the company intervu has only been established for a few years.

Such an exaggerated price is precisely because Microsoft invested 3000 million US dollars in them last year.

"Mr. Case, what do you think the Deep Space Company is watching?" Yanagawa asked.

"I don't know that, but I think you can start here."

Yanagawa nodded thoughtfully. Perhaps Steven Case was right. The streaming media industry that Deep Space Corporation is focusing on will be their opportunity.

There will be a streaming media west trade show in a few days, I heard that it is very lively, maybe they can go and see it.


After talking on the phone with Yanagawa, Steven Case rubbed his frowning brows. In fact, what he said just now was completely perfunctory to Yanagawa.

Although I don’t know what Deep Space is watching, but in Steven Case’s view, even if Deep Space doesn’t plan in advance, Lenovo will enter the streaming media industry with them, and Deep Space will win in the end. And still won by an absolute advantage.

Not to mention Lenovo, even in front of Microsoft, Deep Space can hold its head high.

In the past two years, people who pay attention to the streaming media industry have also focused on these platforms, but Steven Case knows that players with content will be invincible in this game.

No matter how fierce these platforms in the streaming media industry are, the essence of streaming media is the content. Of course, users download these platforms not to stare at the buttons on the platform, but to see what they want to see on the platform. content.

It can be said that wonderful content is the most fundamental driving force for users to download software, and content is always king.

When it comes to content, it is natural to have to mention companies such as Sony, Disney, Universal, and Deep Space that continue to output exciting content.

Perhaps in terms of the amount of content owned, Deep Space is not as good as other companies because of its late start, but the quality of the content owned by Deep Space is very high, and they also have a unique advantage, that is, they are in the Internet industry. Also outstanding.

Therefore, Steven Case has a hunch that in this streaming media war, Deep Space Company, which did not play, may become the ultimate winner.

Especially after Deep Space Corporation organized the first WCG, Steven Case also gradually understood some intentions of Deep Space Corporation. They may make some efforts on the Internet live broadcast, and the reason why they are still waiting and watching is that Maybe it's technology related.

Although the Victoria's Secret live broadcast and the major league live broadcast are very popular, the effect of the live broadcast has been criticized by many people. Netizens feel that the live broadcast video is too vague, and the experience is much worse than that of TV live broadcast.

Leaning back on the chair, Steven Case suddenly showed a smile. He was really looking forward to a live webcast by Deep Space Corporation to see what they could bring.

Since being trapped in a merger and acquisition case and unable to escape, Steven Case's attitude towards Deep Space Corporation has undergone some changes.

This is also understandable, after all, compared to mergers and acquisitions, Deep Space Corporation is just a small trouble.

Besides, there is no permanent enemy in this world, and maybe the two companies will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future.


The news of Deep Space's acquisition of BenQ Dentsu has not only attracted the attention of Lenovo, after all, the $[-] million merger is not a small case.

Many investment banks are paying more attention to this move of Deep Space, hoping to analyze the signal released by Deep Space.

Especially when Amazon is still in the quagmire, as its holding company, Deep Space will touch the hearts of investors no matter what it does.

Most of the market’s interpretations of this merger and acquisition are irrational, because basically everyone associates this case with Amazon, but in fact, Deep Space’s acquisition of BenQ Dentsu has nothing to do with Amazon.

Some financial analysts believe that Deep Space Corporation should have relatively low expectations for the Internet industry, so it will invest in the industry at this time.

Just after the news of Deep Space Corporation’s acquisition of BenQ Dentsu came out, Amazon’s stock fell sharply for several days in a row. Investors threw away their stocks one after another, hoping to stop losses in time. The funds obtained from the bond issuance were the last funds their company could obtain.

In fact, before that, although many investors lost confidence in Amazon, many stock analysts still supported Amazon and gave Amazon's stock a "buy" rating.

And at this time, the most serious substantial loss to Amazon in this incident occurred., a pet product e-commerce company in cooperation with Amazon, is about to close down. Amazon invested 800 million US dollars in the company before, but now the company has spent all the money but cannot obtain new financing. will be closed.

If the retailer does close, it would surely be another blow to investor confidence.

Amazon's incident also had some impact on Deep Space's acquisition of BenQ Dentsu.

Alan Abelson, a well-known American financial columnist, praised LaVey's research report and criticized Amazon's business model in Barron's Weekly's "Wall Street Ups and Downs" column.

[A hog farm owner sold his hogs at a loss of $[-] per hog, but said with confidence that his business volume had increased. 】

[It is very certain that the next block, Amazon will never make money. 】

His criticism of Amazon has been sharp and relentless.

At the end, he mentioned the matter of Deep Space’s acquisition of BenQ Dentsu. He pointed out that although Deep Space, as an investment company, has had many successful investment cases, their core strategy has failed.

Allen believes that smart investors should position themselves correctly and not overly demand management rights. It is obviously unwise for Deep Space to interfere with the company's management rights in several important investments. , which will limit the performance of the operator.

Allen also believes that Deep Space should continue its operations on Apple and Google, give out the money, and let the operators help them make money, instead of bothering to manage the company.

Today's Deep Space Company has made several acquisitions in a row, and the industry span is extremely large. Walking on a few legs like this will greatly increase the risk of operation.

Especially BenQ Dentsu, the company's business is not involved in the deep space before, it has increased the management difficulty of the deep space company.

This acquisition is likely to be the worst investment in deep space.

Because considering that Deep Space has invested a lot of money in Amazon, otherwise he would have rated the investment in Amazon as the worst investment in Deep Space.

(End of this chapter)

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