Chapter 814
In Sichuan Province, on an unknown mountain road, a group of people marched in a long line towards the mountain.

This mountain road has existed for a long time, and it is the only way for the villagers of Taohu Village to go up and down the mountain. It looks like a crooked earthworm from a distance.

The road itself is narrow enough for only two adults to walk side by side.

The long line that was advancing at this time was not from Taohu Village. Most of them were young adults in their 30s and 50s, and the oldest were not more than [-] or [-] years old. They were not dressed luxuriously, but they were not dressed like ordinary mountain people. Many of them still wear glasses.

Glasses are not uncommon in the city, but few have them in mountain villages. It’s not that they are expensive. It’s just that the people in the mountains face the loess and their backs to the sky every day, and they are reluctant to light lamps at night. To things like glasses.

In addition to dressing up, what is more special is that there is a middle-aged man being carried by a young man, and another young man is carrying a wheelchair. Obviously, this wheelchair belongs to the man on the front.

After carrying it for a while, the person in front couldn't carry it anymore, so he passed the wheelchair to the person behind, and the person behind passed the wheelchair to the person further behind.

Shi Tiesheng was not as embarrassed as he was at the beginning when he was carried on his back by a male student.

They originally planned to take a stroll in Yanjing first, and then start from Yanjing all the way to the south, but after two days of playing in Yanjing, Yu Hua and the others found that the previously planned itinerary was too dense, and each place stayed There is too little time, but most of the time will be wasted on the road, and I can't play at all, so I changed my mind temporarily.

They first deleted three-quarters of the places they wanted to go on the previous planned route, and the remaining quarter were also considering deleting some.

Later, there was no plan, and everyone wanted to vote with a show of hands, and the minority obeyed the majority.

Of course, Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu, the leaders of the tour group, gave Shi Tiesheng a special privilege.

When everyone votes for the next destination, Shi Tiesheng has a veto right, which means that as long as it is a place that Shi Tiesheng does not want to go, no matter how many people want to go.

Shi Tiesheng has never used a veto, and this time he came to Sichuan Province was voted by a show of hands.

When the car came out of Rongcheng and passed by Shanglou Mountain, Xu Zechen mentioned that there was a school donated by the Deep Space Corporation on Shanglou Mountain.

Xu Zechen didn't mean anything else when he said this, he just mentioned it casually, but Yu Hua and the others looked at Shanglou Mountain and became interested in the school inside.

Going up such a mountain is very tiring for ordinary people, but there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome. Yu Hua said that he would go to the mountain to see the school, and of course the students did not have any objections.

As for Shi Tiesheng, Yu Hua suggested that everyone take turns carrying it.

Upon hearing this proposal, Shi Tiesheng of course refused to do it, and Yu Hua said directly, "If you don't do it, then exercise your veto power, and we will follow the rules."

Yu Hua really knew Shi Tiesheng too well, it was impossible for Shi Tiesheng to use a veto for this matter.

In the end, Shi Tiesheng nodded in agreement.

At first, Shi Tiesheng was very embarrassed, but later he gradually accepted it.

Yu Hua walked behind and said with a smile, "I have gained experience this time. Next time we go into the mountains, we will find two thick sticks and some ropes, tie the sticks to a chair, and make a temporary chair for Tie Sheng." The sedan chair must be much easier to carry than this."

Shi Tiesheng looked at the mountain road ahead and sighed, "Going into the mountain later? Let's stop messing around, okay?"

Yu Hua waved his hand, "What kind of tossing is this, I will take you to climb Mount Everest when I have a chance."

Wang Xiaobo jokingly said, "It's okay to climb Mount Everest, but it's too cold, so you need to wear thicker clothes."

Bi Feiyu also laughed: "Others may have to wear thicker clothes, but Yu Hua doesn't need it. He has a thick skin, and his skin is worth three layers of cotton jackets."

Several people joked like this, and the students in the same group wanted to laugh, but they could only hold back their laughter.

Chen Mobai, who was hanging at the back of the line, couldn't bear it any longer, so he opened his mouth wide and let out a few breaths, covering up his smile.

Yu Hua stopped arguing with Bi Feiyu, and instead asked Xu Zechen, "Zechen, I didn't ask you just now, how did you know that there is a school funded by deep space?"

Xu Zechen said with a smile, "I had the idea of ​​supporting education before, so I took a copy of the list of schools funded by Deep Space."

"You can remember so many schools? Your memory is as good as your teacher's." Bi Feiyu said with emotion.

Xu Zechen shook his head and said, "No, I just paid special attention to this Taohu Village Primary School. At that time, I thought that since I wanted to support education, I would naturally go to a place with difficult conditions and remote places. Among the schools funded by deep space, there are those with difficult conditions. Quite a few, but not many like Taohu Village.”

Although Taohu Village is in the mountains and the place is very remote, it has a large population of 3000 to [-] people. Although there is a road up and down the mountain, they almost live a life isolated from the outside world.

Although Lichao Village has 3000 people, it is not very far from the foot of the mountain, and the villagers often go out to market.

But Taohu Village can't do it. Before the sling was repaired, it would take less than a day just to go up and down the mountain one way.

Now Shenkong has built a suspension bridge for them, which can save a lot of roads, but it will take a long time to get there, and it is not the center of the village.

To get to the center of the village, you have to walk for nearly two hours.

In the past, when the suspension bridge was not repaired, most people would not necessarily go down the mountain in two or three months.

The situation of the elementary school in the village is more complicated. There is an elementary school, which was originally a wooden house, with only two substitute teachers and two to three hundred students.

That's right, although Taohu Village is remote, there are many students, which is quite different from schools in other places.

If it weren't for the large number of students here, Deep Space would probably not have funded the schools here. Deep Space is particularly particular about efficiency in doing these things.

Unless there are special circumstances, Deep Space will not allocate resources to schools in remote places with few students, because the resources are limited and must be allocated reasonably so that more people can get help.

Perhaps it is not humane to pay attention to efficiency, but this is the purpose of Deep Space Corporation.

In fact, in the earliest days, Taohu not only had an elementary school, but also a junior high school, but it stopped when it couldn't continue, and those who wanted to go to junior high school were sent down the mountain.

There are two to three hundred students in the elementary school. It is reasonable to say that there are not too few people going to junior high school, but in fact, when Taohu Junior High School was still there, there were only a dozen or twenty students admitted each year, and the three grades added up to less than [-] students. Forty, and it decreases every year.

"Yo, it's almost there." Bi Feiyu said suddenly.

Everyone raised their heads and looked forward, and they could vaguely see several private houses.

But there is a canyon between them and the houses, they need to pass the suspension bridge first.

Looking at the exposed suspension bridge, Wang Xiaobo worried, "Is this suspension bridge easy to walk with people on their backs?"

Bi Feiyu glanced at the suspension bridge. This bridge is simpler than they imagined. The distance is not long. It looks like only thirty meters, and the width is less than one meter. Formed a net.

If you walk normally, there should be no danger, but if you carry someone on your back, it will be somewhat worrying.

Shi Tiesheng was about to say something, but Bi Feiyu had already walked over to take him from the student's back, and said very proudly, "What's the matter, I'll take you there."

Then Bi Feiyu walked onto the suspension bridge with Shi Tiesheng on his back, walking briskly along the way, and reached the opposite bank in less than half a minute.

The crowd watched Bi Feiyu walk so fast, they were worried, and finally heaved a sigh of relief when he walked past completely.

Yu Hua was terribly frightened, and when she came back to her senses, she stood here and opened her mouth to curse, "Bi Feiyu! If you want to die, don't drag others on your back!"

Shi Tiesheng, who was lying on Bi Feiyu's back, shouted with a smile: "It's okay, Feiyu is very stable, and even if he really misses, I will give him a back, I will not suffer, this kid will definitely live longer than me. "

In fact, when he was on the suspension bridge just now, Shi Tiesheng was also panicked, but when he really walked over, he felt a sense of excitement, feeling that every cell in his body was active.

In the mountains in March, some green has emerged on both sides of the bank. From time to time, some unknown animals will make noises in the woods. There are two or three birds flying out of the woods and flying around the suspension bridge. Well, Shi Tiesheng saw the bird circling under his feet just now, and he felt like he had grown wings.

He even had a terrifying thought, if he really fell, it would be nothing, at least it was more interesting than other ways of dying, and he felt the beauty of this mountain forest before he died.

However, if that's the case, it's a pity that Bi Feiyu didn't say hello to Ximi and the others.

After everyone passed the suspension bridge, Yu Hua was still cursing, Bi Feiyu didn't reply, and Shi Tiesheng kept comforting Yu Hua.

After walking for a long time, I finally reached the first private house.

Before they reached the door, an old man came out of the house with his coat on, and looked at the group of them blankly.

After approaching, Yu Hua smiled and said, "Master, hello, may I ask if this is Taohu Village?"

The old man nodded, "Where are you from?"

"We are the teachers and students of the school. Now our school is organizing voluntary teaching activities. I heard that there is an elementary school in Taohu Village, so I want to come and have a look." Bi Feiyu opened his mouth and made up a reason.

When the old man heard that he was here to teach, his attitude changed a bit, and he said with a smile, "The school is in front, class is in session now, I'll take you there."

"How far is it, sir?"

The old man waved his hand, "It's not far away, it won't take long."

When they heard that it wouldn't be long, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They had heard Xu Zechen say that it was a long way, and they were mentally prepared to go a long way, but they didn't expect it to be here soon.

"Master, this is the only road in this village. Is it okay to walk in? Just tell us, and I won't bother you to take us there."

"What's the matter, I'll take you there." The old man took off the clothes he was wearing, put them on, and walked in front to lead the way.

The hospitality was hard to turn down, so Yu Hua and the others didn't say anything, and followed the old man.

The old man said he would be there in a while, but Yu Hua and the others understood that it should only take a few minutes, at most ten minutes at most.

But what they didn't expect was that this walk took nearly two hours, and they didn't rest for a moment on the way.

What impressed Yu Hua and the others the most was that the old man looked 70 to [-] years old, but he didn't look too tired after walking for nearly two hours.

Moreover, the old man seemed to be very famous in the local area, so he led Yu Hua and the others directly into the principal's office of Taohu Primary School.

"Gawa, here are the guests."

The principal is a middle-aged man in his 40s. He was working at his desk. When he heard the old man's voice, he raised his head and smiled, "Uncle, why are you here?"

After finishing speaking, the principal saw Yu Hua and the others standing behind the old man, "Who are these?"

Bi Feiyu brought up the previous rhetoric again, "We are the teachers and students of the school. The school has teaching support activities. I heard that there is an elementary school in Taohu Lake, so I came to have a look."

This reason made the principal Li Dahai feel very strange. Usually, there are support teachers coming, but they usually inform in advance.

There are also school students who come to have a look, but never on this scale.

But the dress and temperament of these people in front of them really look like students and teachers in a university.

"Excuse me, which school are you from?"

Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua looked at each other, and finally decided not to lie, "We are from Jinling Academy of Art."

Li Dahai didn't realize it for a while, and was still wondering if there was a school called Jinling Art Academy in the city, but soon his eyes widened, "Could it be that you are..."

Bi Feiyu smiled, pointed at Yu Hua and said, "This is Yu Hua."

According to experience, when a group of writers are together, if Yu Dong is present, then Yu Dong's name is the best name; if Yu Dong is not present, then Yu Hua's name is the best name, so Bi Feiyu reported Yu Hua directly. name.

Sure enough, Li Dahai knew Yu Hua, "You are Teacher Yu Hua?"

Yu Hua smiled and said, "I'm Yu Hua, the person who identified me just now was Bi Feiyu, the tall guy next to him is Wang Xiaobo, and the lame man being carried on his back is Shi Tiesheng..."

Li Dahai wanted to pinch his thigh to confirm that he was not dreaming, but he felt that this action was too timid, so he held back.

He has lived for more than 40 years and never imagined that he could meet so many celebrities in Taohu Village.

When the Deep Space Corporation sponsored Taohu Primary School earlier, Li Dahai was grateful and hoped that Yu Dong could come to their school. After all, there were examples of Yu Dong going to other schools for inspection.

It's just that he also knows that Taohu Primary School is too far away, it's not easy to come here, and there is a high probability that Yu Dong will not come here.

But Yu Dong didn't come, Yu Hua and the others did.

Li Dahai didn't think that these people in front of him were liars, because he couldn't think of so many people with outstanding temperament who came to Taohu Village through mountains and rivers, and what they wanted to lie to them.

The old man who brought Yu Hua and the others was also surprised when he saw Li Dahai was in a daze. Could it be that these people still have a lot of background?

(End of this chapter)

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