Chapter 815 Half a Book

Li Dahai was at a loss for a while, Bi Feiyu smiled and said, "Principal, we actually heard that there is a school in the mountains when we passed by, so we came in on a whim."

On a whim... Li Dahai couldn't help sighing, the style of these great writers is really different from ordinary people, no one normally walks the mountain road for a long time on a whim, and even brings Shi Tiesheng who is handicapped.

"Then you..." Li Dahai was about to ask Yu Hua what they wanted to do, when he suddenly slapped his head, "I'm really dizzy, gentlemen, please take everyone to sit, there are not enough chairs in the office, I'll go right away Move over here, you guys have come from afar, let’s have a sip of rough tea first.”

But Bi Feiyu grabbed Li Dahai, "Principal, don't be so busy, we have been running for so long, and we didn't come here to drink tea. If it is convenient for you, you can take us around the school. Everyone is very happy." Keep an eye on the students."

"Then... well, I'm not being hypocritical anymore." Li Dahai said with a smile, "Now it's just the time for class, so I'll take you to have a brief look at the situation of the students in class."

Bi Feiyu nodded, and said to the old man leading the way, "Master, thank you for bringing us here."

The old man waved his hand, "Nothing, nothing."

Turning the corner from the principal's office is the classroom of the fourth grade. At this time, the Chinese class is being taught, but the students' attention has long been on the blackboard.

The momentum of Yu Hua and his group coming over was quite large, and the students had long been attracted by such a group of people.

Not to mention students, even the teachers in class were muttering, guessing what happened to this group of people.

The last time they saw such a battle was a few months ago when the Municipal Education Bureau sent a team to inspect the teaching, but even then, there were fewer people than this time.

Taohu Village Primary School is sponsored by Deep Space Corporation, so it has some reputation in the local area, and the Education Bureau is also very concerned, for fear that something like Banqiao Village will happen again.

Seeing that the students were all focusing on herself and others, Yu Hua said with a smile, "It seems that we have affected the normal work of the school."

Li Dahai on the side quickly said, "No, no, it is an honor for our village to come to our Taohu Village. The students have been staying in the village and don't often see people from outside, so they are a little curious."

Bi Feiyu asked with a smile, "Principal Li, how many teachers are there in your school?"

"Including me, there are seven in total." Li Dahai said.

"Seven, that's a little less."

Five grades, seven teachers, an average of only [-] teachers in each grade, and one of them is the principal.

Li Dahai smiled and said: "That's right, when Deep Space didn't support us, the school plus I would only have three teachers."

Zhao Yan was surprised, "How can three teachers teach five grades? You don't have the ability to separate yourself."

"Of course we don't have split body skills, so we can only bring students together, usually in two adjacent grades. For example, the first grade and the second grade are often taught in the same class. When teaching the first grade , the second grade will study by themselves, and when teaching the second grade, let the first grade learn by themselves." As he spoke, the smile on Li Dahai's face became wider, "There is no other way, the students are small, let them Self-study in another classroom is not at ease, so I can only stay. But this is also a surprise, the second grade can review the first grade lessons, and the first grade can also learn the second grade lessons in advance. "

Although Li Dahai said very optimistically, everyone knows the hardships involved.

The two grades are taught together. After a long time, the teacher himself may become dizzy.

Most of the students in the writer class are from cities and towns, and a few are from rural areas, and their family conditions are much better than those in Taohu Village.

In a place like Taohu Village, before deep space funding, it was not easy for students to finish elementary school, and thinking about other things was even more extravagant.

"After Deep Space sponsored you, how have the students in the school changed?" Bi Feiyu asked.

Li Dahai shook his head and said, "No, it still decreases every year."

Everyone was a little surprised by this answer. They thought that after the funding from Deep Space Corporation, Taohu Village would get more students.

Deep Space has funded many schools, among which Lichao Primary School and Deep Space No. [-] Hope Primary School are well-known. These two schools are getting better and better, and the number of students in the school is increasing.

Especially the No. [-] Hope Primary School in Deep Space, which is now very large and the best primary school in the area.

Therefore, in everyone's impression, the schools funded by Deep Space Corporation must be getting better and better, and the number of students in the schools is increasing.

Seeing everyone's surprise, Li Dahai smiled and said, "It's not just that the number of students is decreasing, the number of villagers in our Taohu Village is also decreasing year by year, and more and more people have gone out to work. Life in the mountains cannot be compared with that in towns, a little Those who make some money would rather rent a house outside than come back.”

Bi Feiyu and the others nodded, the current environment is like this.

With the rapid development of the domestic economy, a lot of workers are needed, and the current policy makes farming difficult, so people are running to big cities to devote themselves to construction.

This is the trend of the times, and it cannot be changed by the Deep Space Corporation funding a local elementary school.

Yu Hua suddenly remembered that when he was chatting with Yu Dong before, he mentioned this matter. When the Deep Space Company subsidized the schools in the mountain village, they gave very little money, basically trying to solve the immediate problems.

Now it seems that Yu Dong and the others also have this consideration.

Schools in mountain villages will disappear sooner or later, and investing too much is a waste.

In fact, the best solution to solve the problems in Taohu Village is to relocate Taohu Village as a whole down the mountain, and give them a collective housing in a designated area, so that various problems such as housing and education can be solved.

Yu Hua looked at the students again, and seeing that the students were still looking at this side, she asked Li Dahai, "Is it convenient for us to go in?"

"Um, of course, of course, no problem."

Li Dahai walked in immediately, whispered a few words to the teacher on the podium, the teacher showed a surprised expression, and then quickly walked off the podium.

"Hello teachers, welcome to our Taohu Village to guide our work. I am the head teacher of the second grade, and my name is Tao Yuansheng."

"Teacher Tao, come here rashly and disturb your work, please forgive me." Bi Feiyu said.

"No, no, you can come, which we can't even hope for."


Yu Hua and the others stayed at Taohu Village Primary School for three days, and each of them gave at least one class to the students.

Including Shi Tiesheng, who is in a wheelchair. He read a passage of his "I and the Temple of Earth" to the fifth grade students, and then told the students a lot about his jumping in the queue.

The children may not be able to taste the taste of "The Temple of Earth and Me", but they are very interested in Shi Tiesheng's story.

Although Shi Tiesheng talked about how he was sick and how he gave up on himself, but in a very optimistic way, the students often laughed out loud.

Not to mention Yu Hua's class, they laughed a lot every time.

I stayed in Taohu Village Primary School for three days. Besides attending classes, they also helped the school with a lot of infrastructure construction.

The most unexpected thing is that Chen Mobai is proficient in carpentry and made some compasses, rulers and even chairs for the students.

They will also lead students to draw pictures on the school walls, sing and play flute in the mountains and forests.

Not only do they teach the students, but they also follow the students after school to herd cattle, drive geese, catch fish, and catch shrimp.

They left on the morning of the fourth day, without saying goodbye to the students, and set off before dawn.

Li Dahai suggested that they say goodbye to the children face to face, but Yu Hua refused.

After leaving Taohu Village, Yu Hua and the others went to several schools one after another, staying in each school for two or three days.


Yu Dong has been paying attention to Yu Hua's itinerary, and knowing that they have been wandering around the school along the way recently, he also smiles knowingly.

In fact, before Yu Hua and the others left, Yu Dong wanted to tell them about this, so that they would have time to visit those schools in the countryside.

Let's not talk about what Yu Hua can teach the students, but the appearance of celebrities like Yu Hua and the others in their lives has a great impact on the students and will open up a whole new world for them.

Education is a very mysterious thing. Sometimes teaching for several years may not be as good as a moment of advice.

The reason why Yu Dong didn't say anything at the time was because he didn't want Yu Hua and the others to take too much burden on their trip.Unexpectedly, even though he didn't mention it, Yu Hua and the others took the initiative to do this.

After pondering for a while, Yu Dong called the secretary department, "Arrange a trip to Yandu tomorrow morning for me."

"Boss, are you going alone?"

"Well, I'm alone."

"Do you need to arrange a return trip?"

"Wait for my news on the return trip."

"Okay, I'll arrange it."


In the afternoon of the next day, Yu Dong appeared in Donghu Town under the jurisdiction of Fushun County, Yandu.

Yu Hua and the others just arrived at Donghu Middle School yesterday, and Yu Dong wanted to meet them at school.

The car stopped 200 meters away from the school, Yu Dong got out of the car alone, and walked towards the school by himself.

The accompanying security personnel did not dare to take it lightly, and quickly arranged around.

Since the last incident, the security force around Yu Dong has become very strong. Like this trip, the security company directly assigned two teams, one of which had already come to Donghu Town for investigation in advance.

Donghu Middle School is an early school funded by the Deep Space Corporation. Because it is in the town, it has developed relatively smoothly in the past few years.

Deep Space Corporation provided Donghu Middle School with not only funds, but also a mature teaching system, which was developed after a long time of exploration by Deep Space Corporation.

This teaching system combines the characteristics of well-known schools such as Jinling Middle School and Jiguang Middle School, and has also been improved according to the situation of township schools. It was used very well in some junior high schools in Jinling before. After coming to Donghu Middle School, it has not been acclimatized. Performed very well.

Today's Winter Lake Middle School has become a local prestigious school with more than 6000 students, and it no longer needs funding from the Deep Space Corporation.

The road in front of the school is also very well repaired. On both sides of the road are various stationery stores, supermarkets, stalls, a bustling scene.

Halfway through, Yu Dong entered a large bookstore.

This is a habit of Yu Dong. Every time he goes to a place, he has to look at the local bookstore, because he believes that the temperament of a place can be seen from the bookstore in a place.

The name of this bookstore is "Winter Bookstore". Being able to call this name means that this bookstore should have opened earlier.

The bookstore opened at the entrance of the school, of course, has the most teaching materials and stationery items. The first half of the Dongzhong Bookstore is filled with these, while more literary works are placed in the inner part.

The boss is an old man in his 60s and [-]s, wearing a pair of reading glasses, sitting behind the cash register and reading a book.

When someone entered the store, the boss didn't even lift his head, he was still reading a book.

Maybe because Yu Dong subsidized Donghu Middle School, there is a bookshelf in the bookstore full of Yu Dong's books. Yu Dong probably glanced at it. Except for some rare editions, all editions of his books can be seen here.

Except for his books, the rest are basically literary works of some years, many works from the 89s to the [-]th century.

Yu Dong looked around, and suddenly his eyes stopped on the spine of a book.

"Notre Dame de Paris", a novel by Victor Hugo, it is not surprising that it appears here in Yudong, next to it are "Les Miserables", "Red and Black", "Human Comedy", " "Old Man Goriot" and other works, the boss seems to like French literature very much.

The reason why this "Notre Dame de Paris" attracts Yudong is because of its version.

Afraid of his own misjudgment, Yu Dong opened the book and read it again.

Sure enough, the book was published in April 1949, with the first print of 4 copies, published by Camel Bookstore.

Camel Bookstore is a second-tier unit of Shanghai Life Bookstore, not well-known, but the first time the translated name "Notre Dame de Paris" appeared in Camel Bookstore, that is, on the book in Yu Dong's hand.

Because of the place where it appeared, Yu Dong suspected that it was a fake. Although this edition of "Notre Dame de Paris" is not a rare treasure now, it did not appear in a small bookstore that mainly sells teaching supplementary books. Reason, anyway, it is a book published 50 years ago.

But Yu Dong flipped through it several times, and found nothing wrong. This book is the same as the three sets in his home, but this book is on the upper and lower sides, and here there is only one volume.

"Boss, is this book for sale?"

The boss said without raising his head, "All the books in this store are sold, including this one in my hand."

Yu Dong smiled, walked to the cashier with the book, and handed the book to the boss: "How much is this book?"

"This one..." The boss glanced at the book and was taken aback for a moment, "You want to buy this one? This book only has the first volume, why are you buying it?"

Yu Dong said with a smile: "It's okay, I can usually read half of the books, and it's a waste to buy the whole book back, why not just buy the first volume and save some money."

(End of this chapter)

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