Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 816 Do You Know Yu Dong?

Chapter 816 Do You Know Yu Dong?
Hearing Yu Dong's words, the expression on the bookstore owner's face froze.

The "Notre Dame de Paris" in his bookstore is indeed the first edition of the set published by Shanghai Camel Bookstore in 1949, and the boss put it there deliberately.

He put the book here because he didn't think anyone would be able to see what was going on in it, and students preferred books with newer covers.

Of course, the boss wasn't completely worried, so he put away the second volume and kept only the first volume on the bookshelf. Even if some students wanted to buy it, they wouldn't buy it when they heard that only the first volume was available.

But there is only one possibility if you still insist on buying it after hearing that there is no next volume. This is a person who knows the goods.

In fact, knowing this book is not a very special thing, but the boss thinks that he will not meet such a person in Donghu Middle School.

He just likes this feeling, the feeling of putting a precious thing in an obvious but inconspicuous place, but hiding it from everyone.

The boss wanted to reject the deal, but it was hard to chase after a word. He just said that he could sell it, but now he said he would not sell it. There is no place for his old face.

"25 yuan." The boss finally said a price.

Yu Dong smiled, took out his wallet, and counted 25 yuan, "It's exactly 25, no more, no less, boss, you count."

The boss looked at the 25 yuan, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

After wrestling with himself for a while, the boss sighed slightly, put the money away, and said to Dong, "Listen to your accent, aren't you a local?"

Yu Dong nodded: "Well, he's from Suzhou."

"Come here on business?"

"Probably." Yu Dong smiled, and only patted "Notre Dame de Paris" on his hand: "I didn't expect that there would be unexpected gains. Only 1500 sets of this edition of "Notre Dame de Paris" were released that year, and there are already [-] copies in existence." There are not many, and it is not easy to find such a well-preserved copy."

In fact, Yu Dong was quite surprised. He didn't expect that the boss would really be willing to sell the book.

The boss, who was originally in a calm mood, had his blood pressure rise again when he heard this, "You have taken advantage of it, but let me tell you, since you took the book back, you should keep it well and don't waste it."

"Boss, don't worry." Yu Dong looked back at Quan Bookstore again, "I see that there are a lot of literary works in your bookstore. How are these books selling?"

"Of course not as good as teaching materials, but they are not bad. Of course, this kind of books are better sold at the bookstalls outside."

Yu Dong nodded, he understood what the boss meant.

With the development of printing technology, pirated books have not been curbed, but have been better developed, with more and more exquisite books.

For the same book, the price difference between genuine and pirated copies can be many times, and the quality may be only a little worse, but it does not affect reading, and even some pirated books can achieve the quality of genuine books.

In this case, students who are not rich are of course more willing to buy pirated books.

Even though they know it is wrong to buy pirated books, the reality forces them not to bow to piracy.

Therefore, the boss said that the bookstalls outside sell this kind of books better.

In fact, not only bookstalls, most small-scale bookstores are also filled with all kinds of pirated books.

A small bookstore like Dongzhong Bookstore, which only has genuine books, is a different kind of bookstore. Just now, Yu Dong was a little surprised when he saw that there were only genuine books in it.

Nowadays, the situation of piracy is better in first-tier cities. On the one hand, it is because the economic level has risen, and more people have the ability to choose genuine books. Obtaining deep space points can get some things that cannot be obtained by buying pirated books.

"Which books usually sell better?" Yu Dong asked again.

The boss didn't answer Yu Dong's question, but looked at him with his glasses on, "You're not here to buy books, are you? Why are there so many questions?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Hey, I was discovered by you. In fact, I also want to open a bookstore. This time I passed by Donghu Middle School, so I wanted to come here to learn from it. Of course, boss, don't worry, my bookstore is in Jinling, and I will definitely not be there. They're stealing your business here."

Hearing this, the boss smiled disdainfully, "So what if you open a bookstore nearby? Doing business still depends on people. Some things can't be done on impulse. I see you. You’re young, you won’t realize it if you don’t encounter some setbacks. When you’re ten years older, you’ll understand everything.”

Looking at the proud bookstore owner, Yu Dong thought it was quite interesting, and asked with a smile, "I heard that some famous people came to Donghu Middle School these two days?"

The boss looked at Yu Dong up and down, "You are quite well-informed. There were indeed a lot of people who came yesterday morning. Their cars drove directly to the school gate, and dozens of people came down. The battle is not small, it should be here What important person, I don't know who it is... Do you have any news?"

Yu Dong waved his hand and said, "Is there any news I have, I just heard about it and asked out of curiosity."

"It's not surprising. Donghu Middle School is funded by deep space. Everyone knows this. It's not a big deal to have a few celebrities. It's not surprising that Yu Dong came. Maybe Yu Dong was among the people who came yesterday. But It's a little far away, and I can't see it clearly."

"Have you met Yu Dong?"

The boss snorted, "Of course, I watched it on TV during the Deep Space Annual Meeting at the end of last year. Yu Dong is very young. I saw that he was about your age."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows and joked, "Boss, haven't you changed your glasses for many years?"

"Well, it hasn't been changed for more than ten years, what's the matter?"

Yu Dong smiled, "It's nothing, I see that the lenses are a bit scratchy, and I think it's better to change them."

The boss said disapprovingly, "Although I haven't changed it for more than ten years, it is easy to use. My eyes also have some astigmatism. If they are outside in the sun, they will work better than the eyes of students in school."

"Let's find an optical shop to have a look."

After saying this, Yu Dong walked out of the bookstore with "Notre Dame of Violence" in his arms, and walked towards the school gate.

The boss looked at Yu Dong's back, rolled his eyes, and picked up the previous book to continue reading.

He thought this young man was a little weird, but there were many weird people he met when he opened his door to do business, and there were more strange people than this one.


Entering Donghu Middle School, you need to register your name and reason for visiting, but it is not particularly strict. After Yu Dong said the name of the dean, the guard let him in.

After entering the school, Yu Dong didn't rush to find Yu Hua and the others, but casually wandered around the school.

It was the first time for Yu Dong to come to Donghu Middle School, but the company has the school's archives, which contain the school's previous photos.

In the past few years, Donghu Middle School has changed a lot. The main teaching building and dormitory building are newly built.

When Deep Space first funded Donghu Middle School, they only built a basketball court and a few table tennis tables for them in terms of sports facilities, but now the school has several basketball courts and a football field.

The canteen is also newly built, with three floors. In front of the canteen, there is a small pond surrounded by cobblestones.

There are quite a few people on the playground at this time, all students in physical education class.

Yu Dong stood by the pond for a while and watched the students attend physical education class, and then walked to the main teaching building along the path paved with bluestone slabs.

At the door of a classroom on the second floor, Yu Dong heard a familiar voice.

"The sense of space in literary works is very important. The sense of space mentioned here is not something illusory, but a real space. For example, the classroom we are in now is a typical space."

Yu Dong turned his head and looked into the classroom, and saw Bi Feiyu was standing on the podium giving lectures to the students.

"Everyone has a different way of creating a sense of space." Bi Feiyu continued, "The excerpt from "Old Books" we are talking about today is just a microcosm of the means of creating a sense of space in all of Yu Dong's works. Male When the protagonist came to the heroine’s bookstore for the first time, Yu Dong did not directly write about the space, but first wrote about the cash register inside the bookstore, what is his purpose?”

The students looked at each other, but no one responded.

"The heroine's legs and feet are inconvenient, so her cabinet should be particularly short, otherwise, it would be difficult for her to take care of the movement in the store."

After Bi Feiyu said this, the students all seemed to have suddenly realized that they had never thought about this before.

The description in the book seems quite ordinary, so I first wrote that the cabinets in the bookstore are relatively short, and they didn't think much about it when they read it before.

Thinking about it now, this is indeed the case. Generally, the cashier counters in bookstores are not very short, but the heroine’s bookstore must be so short because of her inconvenient legs and feet.

"After writing the short cabinet, what did he write?" Bi Feiyu asked again.

The students hurried to look at the test papers in their hands, and then some students shouted, "I wrote the innermost stairs of the bookstore."

"That's right, Yu Dong immediately wrote that there is a not-so-high but exquisite staircase in the bookstore. Under normal circumstances, when writing a scene, one should follow a principle, either from far to near, or from near to far, No matter what it is, it is best to advance slowly, but the two things Yu Dong described here span a large space, skipping the proprietress behind the cashier, and also skipping the bookshelf from the door to the stairs. You guys Do you know why this is?"

The students tilted their heads and thought for a while, but couldn't think of an answer, and shook their heads one after another.

Bi Feiyu smiled and said: "This is actually laying the groundwork for the rescue of people in the fire later on. The angle of view can be turned from the cabinet to the stairs inside at once, which proves that there are not many obstacles for people to go from the door to the stairs. In addition, it also explained one thing, the bookshelves in this bookstore are not high, otherwise the protagonist will be blocked from sight, which brings us back to the question we just mentioned, why are the bookshelves in this bookstore not high?"

"Because the heroine's legs and feet are inconvenient." Someone rushed to answer.

Bi Feiyu snapped his fingers, "That's right, this is Yu Dong's way of describing space. He has a problem, that is, he likes to detour when writing space, using other scenes to set it off."

"Ms. Bi, what about you? What is your way of expressing space?" A student asked curiously.

Bi Feiyu's analysis of Yu Dong's article was clear and logical, but when asked by the students about his expression, he was speechless.

At this time, Yu Dong walked to the door and said with a smile, "It is a very cruel thing for a writer to comment on his own works and writing methods."

Bi Feiyu turned her head in surprise, and saw Yu Dong standing at the door, her eyes were wide open.

At this time, a student said in surprise, "Yu Dong!"

Not everyone knows what Yu Dong looks like, but there are dozens of students in a class, and there will always be students who can recognize him.

Hearing the name "Yu Dong", the classroom suddenly became lively.

Although many students don't know what Yu Dong looks like, most of them have heard of Dong's name. After all, this school is sponsored by Deep Space.

Besides, even if there is no funding for this matter, it is quite normal for middle school students to hear the name Yu Dong.

Not to mention the books in the bookstore. In recent years, some provinces or educational institutions like to put excerpts of Yu Dong's works in the Chinese test papers for students to test their reading comprehension.

What Bi Feiyu told the students just now was a set of Chinese test papers issued by a well-known educational institution in Sichuan Province, which contained excerpts from "Old Book".

Because Yu Dong's novels often appear in these test papers, many students have a purpose to buy Yu Dong's relatively serious works.

But several years have passed, and when encountering important exams, Yu Dong's works will not appear in the Chinese test papers.

In fact, it is easy to understand, because Yu Dong's works are widely circulated, and many students have read them. Such works are not suitable for taking the exam.

Bi Feiyu stepped down from the podium, and said with a look of surprise, "Why are you here?"

Yu Dong said with a smile, "I can't come?"

"You can come, but why don't you tell me in advance?"

"It's boring if you talk about it." Yu Dong smiled and waved to the students again, "I'm sorry to disturb your class."

The students were so excited right now that they didn't know what to say. Of course, some students were still at a loss and didn't know what happened.

Yu Dong asked Bi Feiyu, "Why is it just you and the others?"

"Some were in other classrooms, some were in the office, and some were out. Wang Xiaobo took Chen Mobai and the others to organize a practical class, and several classes participated."

"How long until this class is over?"

Bi Feiyu looked at his watch, "There are still 15 minutes."

Yu Dong nodded, "Alright then, I'll wait for you here, after you finish this lesson, we'll go find the principal."

"Don't tell me you're here, not even the headmaster."

Yu Dong shrugged.

Bi Feiyu shook his head and said, "You can really do it."

"Okay, don't laugh at the bald man, the monk is hairless, and you came to Donghu Middle School without saying hello in advance."

As soon as these words came out, Bi Feiyu stopped talking.

If they didn't inform in advance, they also had considerations, because they knew that if they informed in advance, the school would definitely make preparations in advance, and they would not be able to see the real situation of the school without saying anything.

(End of this chapter)

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