Chapter 817 One more thing

There was no need to wait until the end of get out of class, the news of Yu Dong's arrival at Donghu Middle School reached the principal, and then the principal brought a group of teachers to the classroom where Yu Dong and the others were in.

When the principal Xiao Zongming first heard the news, he had doubts about the authenticity of the news. After all, Yu Dong was not the same as Yu Hua. Apart from being a well-known writer, Yu Dong also had another identity. He is the boss of Deep Space China.

And when Yu Hua and the others came, Xiao Zongming asked if Yu Dong would come, and Yu Hua told him with certainty that it was impossible for Yu Dong to come, because Yu Dong was very busy these days, other than company affairs, There are still several works in writing.

But after hearing the news, Xiao Zongming still didn't dare to take it lightly, and quickly brought people over.

When he saw Yu Dong in the classroom, several expressions flashed across Xiao Zongming's face, and finally these expressions turned into enthusiastic smiles, "Teacher Yu is here, I am really disappointed."

Yu Dong was not surprised at Xiao Zongming's arrival. After all, there was a lot of commotion on their side. It would be strange if the principal didn't get any news.

"You are Principal Xiao." Yu Dong walked over and took the initiative to shake Xiao Zongming's hand, "I should be the one apologizing. I ran over without a word and interrupted your work. Now seeing so many of you When I rushed over, I felt even more guilty."

"Teacher Yu was joking. You are the benefactor of all the teachers and students of Donghu Middle School. We are of course very happy that you took the time to come here today."

Yu Dong waved his hand and said, "What benefactor, Principal Xiao, you are too serious, and I have only done what I can. The development of Donghu Middle School depends more on the teachers of Donghu Middle School. I came in just now. Walking around the campus, although the weather is still quite cold, our Donghu Middle School is full of vitality, and the students are in good condition."

Xiao Zongming said with a smile, "Actually, the students who have just started school have adjusted for a long time. It's not because Yu Hua keeps them coming. The school is lively and the students are more relaxed. In normal times, it is also a good idea to catch them to study. A headache."

"Yes." The dean next to him smiled and took over the conversation, "Mr. Yu, after Mr. Bi and the others came, the students' enthusiasm for learning has improved a lot, and they have performed well in all aspects. But we also know that when we wait After these teachers leave, the students will still be beaten back to their original form.”

Yu Dong nodded, "These students in the writing class come here, there is very little that they can help, but they can learn a lot from the middle school students. Other times, the teachers in the hard-working school should pay more and pay more attention. Donghu Middle School is the first batch of middle schools to adopt the deep-space teaching mode, and its development is also among the best. There are many places worthy of learning from other schools. As the head of the school, Principal Xiao is naturally indispensable. You also understand the situation better than others, if you have time, I invite you to go to other schools to impart experience to your friend schools, Principal Xiao, you can't refuse."

It was Xiao Zongming's first contact with Yu Dong. He didn't expect Yu Dong's speech to be quite different from other writers' style, and he made people dizzy with just one mouthful.

Before becoming the principal, Xiao Zongming had been a key teacher for many years. He was a leader of the "technical on-the-job" type, and he was not very good at flattering people.

Now being fed a large bowl of ecstasy by Yu Dong, Xiao Zongming was in a daze, "Teacher Yu is joking, what experience can I impart, I still have a lot to learn."

"Principal Xiao is too modest." Yu Dong smiled and said, "It's still class time, so let's not delay Teacher Bi's class here. How about going to your office to chat?"

Xiao Zongming nodded again and again, "Okay, okay, please move to my office, Mr. Yu."


Xiao Zongming's office is not very big, and it becomes even narrower after being crowded with a group of people. All the teachers who came with him are reluctant to leave. After all, this is a rare opportunity to see Yu Dong.

After they all sat down, Yu Dong said with a smile, "Before I came to Donghu Town, I specially studied the information of Donghu Middle School, and found that the number of liberal arts students in the school was quite different, and the ratio between the two even reached five to one." one."

Across the country, it is common for the number of people majoring in science to be more, but five to one is relatively rare, so Yu Dong paid more attention to it.

"The economic situation has changed a lot in recent years. It is easier to find a job after graduating from a science major, and admission is also easier, so students are more inclined to choose a science major. In this matter, it is not convenient for us to intervene too much. At most, we will give For some suggestions, more depends on the opinions of the students themselves."

When Xiao Zongming spoke, he weighed his words very carefully, because he didn't know why Yu Dong suddenly said this, and Yu Dong himself graduated from the Chinese Department of Yan Normal University, and now he is a well-known great writer, maybe Yu Dong is not very willing I saw such a huge disparity among liberal arts and science students.

Hearing Xiao Zongming's words, Yu Dong shook his head, "Principal Xiao, I don't agree with what you said later. As a teacher, you can't always think about giving students freedom of thought. This is falling into the so-called 'freedom'. The trap, students have little information and no social experience, so we can’t put their future in their hands, we have to pay more attention. In fact, if you don’t guide them, they will not choose according to their own ideas in the end. Majors are more based on parents' ideas. I think that you have more say than students' parents in choosing subjects."

Yu Dong took a sip of hot tea from his teacup, and continued, "In the matter of the division of arts and sciences, we must think ahead for the students. First of all, we should proceed from a realistic point of view. We really need to understand the admission ratio of arts and sciences. It is convenient for students to find a better path, and it is easier to be admitted to university. Secondly, we must also have a sufficient understanding of individual students. Although the admission rate of science is high and it is easier to go to university, some students are not good at science. It is obviously not suitable for them to choose science, and it can only delay them in the end."

Xiao Zongming nodded and said: "That's right, that's right, we have considered all these. When teachers give students advice on subject division, they will always be based on the students' own situation. Some students have serious deviations from subjects, and there is actually no need for teachers to advise them. Advise him, they themselves know which subject to choose."

"Well, this is the most basic. After doing this, there is one more thing to do, which is to understand the development of industries in society, which industries have potential, which industries are facing decline, and whether colleges and universities have opened relevant The major, the number of admissions, and the strength of the school."

Xiao Zongming was stunned for a moment. Few teachers could do what Yu Dong said.

It's not that the teachers don't want to do it, but that the teachers can't do it.

Most of the teachers are studying how to improve students' grades on weekdays, thinking about what will be tested in the exam, how can they have time to pay attention to the development of the industry in the society and the opening of majors in various colleges and universities.

Even if they want to pay attention, there are usually no good channels, and the news they get is lagging and useless.

Xiao Zongming could have nodded in agreement with Yu Dong's words, but he still said with a look of embarrassment on his face, "Mr. Yu, your proposal is very good, but it is still difficult to actually operate it. It is difficult for the teachers in the school to be able to Take the time and energy to study these things. Even if you can spare time and energy, you can’t research anything. There is still a disconnect between school and society, and it is not easy for teachers to understand the development of industries in society.”

As soon as he said this, the whole office suddenly fell silent, and the teachers of Donghu Middle School all looked at Xiao Zongming and Yu Dong nervously.

They were all beating drums in their hearts, saying that Principal Xiao was too upright, and Yu Dong just had a mouthful, pointing Jiang Shan, nodding in agreement should be enough, why refute his words.

Even if Yu Dong had a good temper, he would not be happy to be refuted by Xiao Zongming in public like this.

Yu Dong also sensed the atmosphere in the office, and burst out laughing, "What's the matter, why is the atmosphere so tense all of a sudden? I think Principal Xiao is right. The front-line teachers are studying how to improve students' grades every day. , I really don’t have time to study what I said.”

Hearing Yu Dong laugh out loud, the teachers present were all relieved. Regardless of whether Yu Dong's current performance was pretending or a real reaction, at least he didn't shake his face on the spot.

Xiao Zongming also knew that he was being a bit upright just now, and now he added, "Teacher Yu's proposal is still very advanced, and our teachers should develop in this direction."

Yu Dong pursed his lips and smiled, and said, "Actually, teachers don't have to do these things, Shenkong Company can do it for you. As a well-run private enterprise, Shenkong Company still has some influence on the development of all walks of life. Forward-looking, it is not difficult for us to collect professional development information from various universities.”

Xiao Zongming's eyes lit up, "It's a good feeling. The deep space company must have a very unique vision, and the information you give must be very useful to the students."

Holding a teacup and leaning on the chair, Yu Dong said with a relaxed face: "China now has millions of college students entering the society every year, and there will be more and more in the future, but many of them have not found a relatively correct direction. Various There are urgent problems to be solved in the teaching mode of colleges and universities, but it can also be improved from high school. Let students know what they are suitable for and what they should learn earlier, which will make their future path very different. .”

Xiao Zongming and the teaching director glanced at each other. They didn't expect that Yu Dong would suddenly raise the level of the topic to such a high level, and immediately talked about the Chinese education model.

In fact, Yu Dong didn't want to talk to Xiao Zongming and others about China's education model, he just wanted to tell Xiao Zongming and them that it is very important to cultivate students' career planning concepts in middle school.

This time I came to Donghu Middle School, on the one hand, to see Yu Hua and the others, and on the other hand, it was also for this matter.

China is developing rapidly now, and it needs more and more talents, and the person who knows what kind of talents China needs is Yu Dong, so he has been thinking about how to guide more students to go in the direction he planned, and let them Those institutions of higher learning can cultivate talents more efficiently.

Especially after Deep Space acquired BenQ Dentsu, Yu Dong hopes to cultivate some talents they need.

If it cannot obtain continuous talent input, Deep Space Corporation will not be able to acquire another hundred companies.

Before Xiao Zongming and the others could speak, Yu Dong said again, "Shenkong has just acquired BenQ Dentsu. You may know about this. Now BenQ Dentsu is handing over. After the handover, BenQ Dentsu will They set up a scholarship in the name of the group. This scholarship will support outstanding students to complete high school and undergraduate studies, and Donghu Middle School will be the first batch to be included in the selection of this scholarship.”


The news from Yu Dong was so shocking that Xiao Zongming didn't know what to say for a while.The teaching director next to him also opened his mouth wide, as if an egg was stuffed in his mouth.

"Because of the business characteristics of BenQ Dentsu, the scholarship they set up is only limited to science students, and the requirements will be very high, and the selection criteria may not be limited to the students' academic performance."

Xiao Zongming swallowed, "Teacher Yu, may I ask, besides studying, what other aspects might be involved?"

Yu Dong shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know the details, but you can go to understand the business situation of BenQ Dentsu, and you should be able to get a general idea. In addition, in addition to subsidizing students, BenQ Dentsu may also reward schools. .”

"Reward school?" The dean looked surprised.

Yu Dong nodded, "Well, the school will be rewarded, but the money will not be given directly, and it should focus on the construction of the student laboratory."

A common problem in township middle schools is that they do not pay attention to students' practical ability. Many township schools don't even have student laboratories. Students study from books every day, but they don't even know what a sliding rheostat looks like.

Schools in the cities are better, but not by much.

The reason for this is mainly because the school lacks funds and cannot provide students with a good practice environment.

But it is unreasonable to attribute all the problems to insufficient funds. Many schools have money on hand, and they would rather build a fountain that is not opened twice a year than add a few multimeters to the student laboratory.

In essence, the leaders and teachers of most schools do not pay much attention to practice, thinking that experiments are not only a waste of time, but also do not improve performance much.

In addition, some teachers do not have the ability to teach students to do experiments, because they have never practiced before, and they only learn book knowledge.

Yu Dong wanted to improve this situation, so he asked BenQ to get a scholarship. In this way, some schools were willing to spend more money on the laboratory in order to win the award.

(End of this chapter)

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