Chapter 818 BenQ Talent Plan
Yu Dong didn't stay at Donghu Middle School for too long. After meeting Yu Hua and the others, he left the next morning.

Before leaving, Yu Dong went to the Dongzhong Bookstore in front of the school.

The boss is still sitting in front of the counter holding a book, exactly the same posture as when we met yesterday.

Yu Dong approached with a smile, "Boss, do you collect used books here?"

"This is a bookstore, what kind of old books do you buy..." The boss just moved his hand halfway, when he saw the first volume of "Notre Dame de Paris" handed to him.

"It's you." The boss pushed his glasses and said strangely, "Do you want to sell this book?"

Yu Dong nodded, "Well, if you want to sell it, do you accept it?"

"Yes, of course." The boss smiled, "However, don't expect too much, I can't give you a high price."

"25 yuan, here's the money, and I'll give you the book."

The boss widened his eyes, "Did I hear you right, did you say 25?"

"Well, 25, at least I can't lose money."

"Good good."

The boss quickly opened the drawer and took out 30 yuan and stuffed it into Yu Dong's hand, fearing that Yu Dong would regret it, "Here is 30 yuan."

Yu Dong took the 30 yuan, took out another 25 yuan from his pocket and handed it to the boss, "It's [-] as agreed."

The boss was not hypocritical, accepted the five yuan, and then held "Notre Dame de Paris" tightly in his hands, "You are a good young man, and you are moral. Aren't you going to open a bookstore? If there is something you don't understand Just ask me, and I'll know everything, and I'll tell you everything."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Brother, I have changed my mind now and am not going to open a bookstore anymore."

The boss was taken aback, "So you changed your mind?"

Young people really want to come out as soon as they come out.

"Yeah." Yu Dong nodded, "After much deliberation, it's useless to open more bookstores. It doesn't mean that more bookstores will lead to more people reading books."

The boss laughed, "Isn't this nonsense? There are so many bookstores opened because there are many people who read books. There is no reason why there are more bookstores and more people who read books. Just talk about my bookstore, come every day People who buy books can’t come here because I opened a bookstore. They are going to buy books, and I just opened another bookstore, so they come here. If there is no Donghu Middle School, if it is not Donghu Middle School. With the funding from Deep Space Corporation, the school can’t have so many students, at most half of the bookstores on this street are left, no, at most [-]%.”

"That's right, that's the reason, so I don't want to open a bookstore now." Yu Dong smiled.

The boss stretched his head to look in the direction of the school, and said with a smile: "It is fundamentally wrong to open a bookstore and let more people read books. If you want more people to read books, first of all, you have to let more people read books." Having the ability to read means being able to read. The more people who can read, the more people will read. So, instead of opening a bookstore, you should run a school.”

Yu Dong smiled, although it is not that the more literate people, the more customers of the bookstore, but the more literate people is indeed the foundation.

After all, opening a bookstore is not as good as running a school.

"Boss, you are right. I will run more schools later on."

The boss only thought that Yu Dong was teasing him, and said with a smile: "When you finish running the school, remember to tell me, and then I will send some books to your school students."

"Okay, I'll remember this, I'll come to you later, brother, don't break your promise."

The boss waved his hand, "Impossible, it's hard to chase after a word. In this way, as many students as there are in your school, I will give you as many books as you want."

Yu Dong smiled and cupped his hands, "Then we will see each other by fate."

After finishing speaking, Yu Dong swaggered away.

The boss is holding the lost and recovered "Notre Dame de Paris", and he is in a very happy mood, humming a little song while putting the book in the cabinet. This time he is reluctant to put the book on the shelf again.


As soon as Yu Dong returned home, BenQ Dentsu officially released an announcement that starting from this fall, their group will allocate 1000 million RMB per year for the operation of the "BenQ Talent Plan".

The BenQ Talent Program is fundamentally different from ordinary scholarships, because it is a "lifelong system", which means that as long as a student gets a quota, BenQ Dentsu will pay for the student's studies in the future. As long as the student continues to study, BenQ Dentsu will always give.Moreover, this talent plan also includes elementary and middle school students.

But in this way, the selection criteria will definitely become very strict, especially for elementary and middle school students, because the younger the students are, the more funds BenQ Dentsu will need to pay for the quota.

If a student can get a place in the first grade of primary school, and then continue to study until he graduates with a Ph.D., he can get more than 20 years of funding. If he goes abroad for a few years, he can even get more. About studying abroad, BenQ Talents The plan has specific rules.

This announcement by BenQ Dentsu was released on the Deep Space Chinese website, but the information is relatively simple, and the details of the talent plan will be announced later.

This news has attracted the attention of many people, but not because of the amount of 1000 million.

1000 million may be quite a lot for other companies, but for BenQ Dentsu, a subsidiary of Deep Space, it is nothing.

And everyone knows that since its establishment, Deep Space Corporation has been committed to investing in education and charity, and consumes a huge amount of funds every year.

As early as a few years ago, Deep Space Corporation invested more than [-] million RMB in charity.

In the past few years, Deep Space Corporation's investment in education has been increasing every year, and now the investment in a single year has exceeded [-] million.

Therefore, it does not seem to be a big deal for BenQ Dentsu, which was acquired by Shenkong Holdings, to spend 1000 million yuan a year.

The reason why everyone was surprised was because this was the first important news released after Shenkong Holdings took over BenQ Dentsu.

When people are paying attention to the next move after Shenkong Holdings wins BenQ Dentsu, BenQ Dentsu has released an announcement related to education, which is a bit intriguing. It's getting heavier.

What exactly does Deep Space want to do when it wins BenQ? Is it to reach a strategic partnership with Acer to deal with Lenovo Group, which is eager to enter the Internet industry?

At the beginning, when Deep Space first announced the acquisition of BenQ Dentsu, many people really thought so.

There are many companies under BenQ Dentsu, most of which are emerging technology companies, with a very broad business scope and product portfolio.

However, the scale of these companies is not large, and the main business of the group is to provide OEM services for the former parent group Acer.

Companies in the semiconductor industry did not feel threatened by Deep Space's acquisition of BenQ Dentsu, and Lenovo Group was the most affected.

What Lenovo Group has to face now will be the two-sided attack of Acer and Deep Space.

When the news of the deep space investment in charity came out, Liu Chuanzhi once commented eccentrically in public.

After BenQ Dentsu issued an announcement this time, Lenovo did not respond.

Lenovo did not respond, but Acer responded quickly. They publicly expressed their support for BenQ Dentsu's move and were willing to provide [-] computers for free to Chinese college students who need computers and meet the requirements.

This is obviously a marketing behavior, but most people will give it a thumbs up. After all, this kind of marketing behavior is not something everyone can do. BenQ Dentsu and Acer Group paid real money.

The effect is also very obvious. BenQ has never appeared in the public's field of vision as an independent brand before, and now it has just become an independent brand, and it has quickly gained a certain degree of popularity in China.

BenQ has just established an independent brand, and there are no products for the public on hand, so these reputations cannot be realized.But Acer is different. They have won the favor of many netizens through the talent plan of BenQ Dentsu and the platform of Deep Space Chinese Network, and this favor has also turned into an increase in sales. Although it is not particularly large, but for Acer , this is a good start.

 I told people the day before yesterday that the epidemic situation in Hefei is fine, but I didn’t expect to be slapped in the face yesterday

(End of this chapter)

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