Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 819 Foreign Language Film No. 1

Chapter 819
Not long after BenQ released the announcement, Shi Zhengrong called Yu Dong.

During the phone call, Shi Zhengrong first said some scene words, such as how Yu Dong cared about the country and the people's livelihood, which he admired very much.

After the scene was finished, Shi Zhengrong changed the subject and said, "The BenQ talent plan is a good thing, but it's a pity."

Yu Dong knew that Shi Zhengrong had been talking about the scene for a long time, and finally he was going to get to the point, so he smiled and said, "What do you think is a pity, President Shi?"

"It's a pity that I didn't have an early insight into the teacher's intentions. Otherwise, Acer could also prepare in advance and cooperate with the promotion and marketing. In this way, the effect of this event can be infinitely magnified."

Yu Dong understood right away. What Shi Zhengrong meant was that if there is any action on the Deep Space Company side, it is best to tell them in advance so that they can make arrangements in advance.

The reason why Shi Zhengrong said so euphemistically is that the cooperative relationship between the two parties is still verbal and there is no substantive agreement. Deep Space really has no obligation to notify Acer in advance.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Hey, this matter is also not thoughtful on our side. Isn't it because Yu Hua and his group traveled around? They happened to visit a few schools, and I also went to a school two days ago. In middle school, I was thinking about this, and I didn't think much about it. So, next time, if I have any ideas on my side, I will report it to Mr. Shi in advance."

Shi Zhengrong said quickly, "Teacher Yu is serious. I also want to contribute to our basic education in China. If we get the news in advance, we can spare more than a thousand computers here."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "It's understandable, and I also thank Mr. Shi for his generosity on behalf of those college students."


Spielberg saw the news early in the morning that "Infernal Affairs" became the first foreign language film in North America with a box office of over [-] million, far surpassing "Life is Beautiful" which just reached the top last year.

Seeing such news, Spielberg was not too surprised, because he had paid attention to the box office performance of "Infernal Affairs" a few days ago. Judging from the data in the early and mid-term, it is a matter of the film's box office exceeding [-] million. very normal thing.

When "Infernal Affairs" was released in China before, Spielberg predicted the North American box office of this film. He thought it would be similar to "Life is Beautiful", which should be around 6000 million US dollars.

But now it seems that his prediction at that time was a bit conservative.

The film has not yet been drawn, and the box office has already exceeded 3000 million. The follow-up box office will go up one more, and it should not be a big problem to exceed 5000 million US dollars. Maybe it can reach [-] million US dollars.

However, Spielberg believes that the North American box office of "Infernal Affairs" will reach 5000 million, which is still a bit hanging, because he judges that after the box office exceeds 5000 million, Deep Space will spend less on publicity, because for such a As far as movies are concerned, [-] million box office is not as meaningful as [-] million box office.

If you have to spend energy to promote the 5000 million box office, the rate of return will decrease, which is not a good deal for Deep Space. It is better to let nature take its course and sell as much as you can later.

And now "Infernal Affairs" has topped this year's North American box office chart, followed by "The Transformation King" released in early February, with a box office of 500 million US dollars.

This is the advantage of being released early. In the next four months, the only movie that may threaten the top position of "Infernal Affairs" is "Irendang Self-improvement", which was just released in mid-March. The box office of this movie in the first week is close to 3000. 3000, the follow-up performance is not bad, and the total box office is expected to exceed [-] million US dollars.

If the box office of "Yi Ren Dang Ziqiang" does not surpass "Infernal Affairs", it is basically difficult for any movie to surpass it before July.

This also means that "Infernal Affairs" may stay at the top of the box office for more than ten weeks, which is good news for it.

This news has both advantages and disadvantages for Spielberg and the others.

He and Scorsese are preparing to remake "Infernal Affairs". The original film has a high box office, which may attract the attention of many movie fans, but at the same time it will also cause a problem, that is, movie fans will be preconceived.

Many remakes are thankless, not because the film itself is not good, but because of preconceptions.

If the box office of "Infernal Affairs" is average and there are few fans who have watched the movie, Spielberg and the others don't have to think about this issue.But now that more people have seen it, and the reputation is quite good, then this problem may arise.

Of course, Spielberg and the others don't need to pay too much attention to these things, because their script will be very surprising from "Infernal Affairs", and the style is very different.

They don't need to borrow the fame of "Infernal Affairs", so they can naturally save a little burden.

But seeing the box office, Spielberg actually regretted it a bit, because when talking about the adaptation before, Yu Dong half-jokingly asked Spielberg if he wanted to buy the overseas distribution of "Infernal Affairs" in some other countries.

At that time, Yu Dong offered a price of 500 million US dollars, but Spielberg didn't agree because he disliked only box office revenue.

But now it seems that even if there is only box office revenue, "Infernal Affairs" can make him a lot of money. After all, there are so many box office in North America alone.

Fortunately, there are still many opportunities to make money. Spielberg has teamed up with Deep Space Corporation to take over the 2015 studio. He obtained 20.00% of the studio’s equity by virtue of the script. The original studio members shared 20.00% of the equity, and the remaining 50.00% %[-] of the equity is owned by Deep Space Corporation.

The three parties work together and perform their own duties. Deep Space provides money, Spielberg provides IP, and the studio is responsible for making games.

For this acquisition, Spielberg was actually quite surprised. He didn't expect Deep Space to leave 20.00% of the shares to the members of the studio.

Spielberg also thinks that these guys in the 2015 studio are very good, but if it were him, he would definitely be reluctant to give 20.00% of the shares.

However, Deep Space's contribution is not useless. Since being acquired, these young men have been very motivated, and they have worked harder than before when they were their own bosses.


Regarding the news that "Infernal Affairs" had a North American box office of over 4000 million yuan, Yu Dong had known for a long time, and he was not too surprised, because a report was sent from the margin in the mid-term. About 2 million US dollars, not only more than No.2, even close to three times of No.[-].

But if someone told Yu Dong that the North American box office of this film could reach 4000 million US dollars, he would be surprised if the time was rewinded to more than a month ago.

At that time, he said that he would sell the distribution rights of the remaining countries to Spielberg. He was not joking, but he really had this idea.

After all, the company was short of money at that time, and his expectations for the box office of the movie were not as high as they are now. If Spielberg can really buy it, they will not be losing money.

In fact, even if Spielberg really bought it at the time, Yu Dong will not regret it now. No matter what, it is a good thing for someone to help take the risk.

(End of this chapter)

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