Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 820 Memory fragments and buildings

Chapter 820 Memory fragments and buildings

After "Infernal Affairs" surpassed [-] million US dollars at the North American box office, it has naturally become the highest-grossing Chinese-language film in the world.

Generally speaking, domestic news lags behind foreign news, but this time the domestic news did not lag behind at all, and some media were even ahead of schedule.

When the North American box office of "Infernal Affairs" hadn't reached [-] million US dollars, those few media had already released the news.

The headlines of these several media are all placed very large, but the content of the headlines is not the same.

[Chinese-language movies top the global box office rankings! 】

[Chinese-language films conquer North America! 】

["Infernal Affairs" has become the highest-grossing Chinese-language movie in history. 】

[The miracle continues, the North American box office is not an unreachable place for Chinese-language movies. 】

[Because of him, this movie charges dollars like crazy. 】


They are not afraid of others saying they are fake news, anyway, after their news is released, the box office of "Infernal Affairs" will always exceed [-] million US dollars.

During this period of time, the box office news of "Infernal Affairs" has become a traffic code, whether it is entertainment or financial, current affairs or humanities, all media must report some news related to this movie, even if there is no relevant news , I have to make up some.

Netizens squat on the website of the Deep Space Department every day, watching the news of "Infernal Affairs" more closely than watching TV series.

Some netizens have been paying attention to this movie since it was released in North America. At the beginning, it was the box office of the premiere, and then the box office of the movie broke through 3000 million US dollars, 4000 million US dollars, 5000 million US dollars... until now it has broken through [-] million US dollars. dollars.

[Flying Big Clumsy Bear: Haha, let me say that the box office can exceed 3000 million. The next goal is 3000 million. If it can exceed [-] million, I will hold a lottery. Ten places, [-] deep per person Empty points, direct online transfer, never break your promise. 】

[Princess Yuezhi: Big Bear has definitely won the lottery. During this period of time, he was spending money like water, 100 million points, and 1 yuan was spent. nnd, how long will it take me to open a bookstore to earn [-] yuan? 】

[Liu Jinfa: I don’t know if he won the lottery or not. At the last offline party, he drove an Audi and made a fortune. 】

[Jin Mailang: Haha, I saw Boss Xiong's online club in Luzhou, and I was thinking at the time, this online club could not be run by Da Xiong. 】

[The world's number one black: There is also a Xiong Boss Internet club in Shanghai. I didn't expect this Internet cafe to be a chain. 】

[Flying Big Stupid Bear: Hey, if you didn't win the lottery, just do some small business.This is not happy, share it with everyone. 】

[Dark Fragrance Floating: I am already satisfied when the box office reaches [-] million, and then I will start to pay attention to the box office of "The Martian". 】

[Keyboard God: "The Martian" started with a global box office of [-] million! 】

[Brother Crow: Dollars? 】

[Dragon Dance: Of course it’s US dollars. If it’s [-] million RMB, what’s the point of playing? The production cost of “The Martian” is close to [-] million US dollars.If it's [-] million yuan, isn't it impossible to recover the cost? 】

[Yunjuan Yunshu: [-] million US dollars is hard to say, but [-] to [-] million US dollars must be there. 】

[Xiao Kai: There are too many movies to pay attention to in the past two years, don't just focus on "The Martian"."Golden Dreamland", "Pounding Heart", "Harry Potter", "Lord of the Rings", and "Shrek" that Deep Space participated in the production of are all very good movies. I am more optimistic about the box office of several movies. 】

[Visitor: I don’t usually pay much attention, but there are so many? 】

[Xiao Kong: It is true that they are all movies that have been released in the past two years, and there are more than that. There are also blockbuster movies such as "X-Men" and "Pirates of the Caribbean". 】

[EDonkey: Is Deep Space Corporation so powerful?These movies cost a lot of money to make. 】

[Piebald Tiger: Hahaha, how much money does it cost to make a movie, deep space is now spending money to buy companies every day.Just the money from the acquisition of BenQ Dentsu is enough to make dozens of movies.The Deep Space Company is no longer the Deep Space Company of the past, they now have more ways to make money. 】

[Analyst Zhang He: Don’t worry about deep space, they have made a lot of money on Amazon, enough for them to squander for a while.In addition, as long as the movie box office performance in the past two years is good, their funds will not be a problem. 】

[Zhou Nan'an: Deep Space Corporation's financial situation is very healthy, and there is no possibility of problems. 】


Just when those netizens lamented that Deep Space Corporation has strong funds, Jimmy was worrying about the company's funds.

After squandering some time ago, their company now only has more than 3 million US dollars in cash, and the royalties of their authors have not been paid in the past few months. These royalties have exceeded [-] million US dollars. In other words, their company is now actually in a state of debt.If all the authors collectively come to ask for salary at this time, then their company's capital chain will be broken.

But this is impossible, because under normal circumstances, it takes a long time for the author to get the royalties, and everyone is used to it.In addition, most of the manuscript fees paid by Deep Space Corporation belong to the core authors.

The so-called core authors refer to Yu Dong, Rowling, Martin, Li Wei, and Yu Hua, and Yu Dong occupies a large part of them.

In fact, there are many ways for Deep Space to want money. Many organizations have money in their hands and want to send it to Deep Space Corporation. Jimmy can also use the financial stick to raise funds, but these Jimmy did not consider it.

Seeing that there were only more than 3 million US dollars left in the account, Jimmy sighed slightly.

The money is completely sufficient for the company under normal circumstances.

But the problem is that he doesn't know the situation of the stock market now. They analyzed that the bubble may burst, and there were such clues some time ago, but the stocks of major Internet companies seem to have stabilized a lot during this time.

Is it true that there are bubbles as they think, whether these bubbles will burst, and when they will burst, Jimmy cannot predict. He can only try to keep more money in his hands. When the limelight comes, he has enough money. The funds can be used to buy bottom.

In fact, in addition to preparing ammunition for subsequent stock market operations, Jimmy has been thinking about building a decent building for Deep Space America recently.

Although the roots of Deep Space Corporation are in China, it is not respectable for a company of the size of Deep Space America to still rent office buildings.

He has been paying attention to this matter a few days ago and looked around. Not far from them, there is a good place at the junction of West 57th Street and Eighth Avenue in Manhattan.

It is the editorial building of Hearst Media Group, but this building is very old. Hearst is also considering whether to find a new office location for the media group. As for the original building and land, they haven't figured out what to do with it. deal with.

Jimmy took a fancy to the location of that building. If the Hearst Group is willing to part with it, he really wants to take this piece of land down and build a deep space building in that location.

He also roughly calculated that to build a decent skyscraper in that location, it would cost at least six to seven billion U.S. dollars.

If he is determined to build this building, then the money will have to be spent in the next three or four years.

Six to seven billion US dollars is naturally not too much, but the key is that Deep Space has a lot to do in the past few years, so if you want to spend this money, you must think carefully, and don't accidentally mess with your own capital chain. broken.

Of course, if every movie released in the past two years can sell well, Jimmy's idea of ​​building a building should be realized.

Just when Jimmy was considering whether to go to the person in charge of the Hearst Company to talk about the transfer of the ownership of the editorial building, the phone on the desk suddenly rang.

Jimmy connected the phone, "Hello."

"Hi, Mr. James, my name is Christopher Nolan."

Hearing that it was Nolan, Jimmy said with a smile, "Christopher, what's the matter with you calling me at this time? Is there something wrong with the shooting of "Source Code"?"

"Source Code" has just finished its preparatory work and officially started filming. The crew has already gone to Chicago to shoot, so seeing Nolan's call, Jimmy's first reaction was that something went wrong with the filming.

"No, no, Mr. James, the shooting of "Source Code" is going well. We will shoot some shots in Chicago first, and then all the other shots will be shot in Montreal. The hero and heroine are in very good condition, and I am very confident Finish filming as soon as possible," Nolan said.

Jimmy raised his eyebrows, "Then why did you call?"

Nolan said with a smile: "Actually, the post-production work on "Memento" is almost done. I would like to ask you when you can arrange the release of this movie."

"Oh, have you finished it yet?" Jimmy was a little emotional. Nolan's efficiency is indeed high. The time spent on this film from shooting to post-production is very small.

In fact, if Nolan didn't make this call, Jimmy almost forgot the movie "Memento".

He remembered that the film was invested by Yu Dongqin at that time, and it should have cost less than 1000 million US dollars.

Because it was invested by Yu Dongqin, Jimmy paid attention to it for a while, but the project was too small, so he forgot about the movie after paying attention to it for a while.

As for the release of the movie, Nolan doesn’t need to call Jimmy at all. Someone in the company will naturally arrange this matter. If Jimmy is in charge of the release of every movie in the company, he will be exhausted just doing this every day. After all, in addition to those films that cost tens of millions of dollars to produce, their company also has many small projects with very low cost.

And since Nolan made this call, there should be other things.

"Well, I will tell them to implement this matter. Do you have anything else to do?"

Nolan paused for a moment, and then said, "I want to ask if we can give this movie more publicity."

Hearing this, Jimmy laughed, "I thought it was something, and you made a special call. Don't worry, even if you don't call to tell me, the company will try its best to promote this movie. Don't forget , YU decided to invest in this movie, and we believe in his vision. Besides, you are also the director of "Source Code" now, and it will be good for "Source Code" to promote your other movies more."

Nolan said with some embarrassment, "I think the cost of this movie is relatively low..."

"It's a big mistake to think like this. Do you know the movie "Infernal Affairs" that is currently being released?"

"Of course, it beat "Life is Beautiful" as the top-grossing foreign-language film. I've seen the movie, it's very well done, and it deserves so much box office."

"But, do you know how much it costs?" Jimmy asked with a smile.

"I didn't pay attention to this, 3000 million US dollars... If you say that, it shouldn't be that much, so it's 2000 million US dollars?"

"Haha, you guessed it wrong, the movie cost less than $700 million."

"What?" Nolan's tone was full of surprise, "Mr. James, are you sure it's 700 million, not 700 million?"

"I'm sure, it's $700 million. So you see, even if it is a movie that costs less than $700 million, we will give this kind of importance, let alone your movie costs more. In fact, Deep Space We attach great importance to any movie we participate in, otherwise we would not participate. Deep space has never been a company that likes to cast a net everywhere and only ask for quantity.”

"Well, I understand." Nolan said with a smile, "Actually, I have thought about it for a long time before I made this call, because I am not very confident in the box office of this movie. I am hesitating, if I apply with you More publicity, but the final box office is not satisfactory, then I will be very embarrassed."

Jimmy comforted: "Christopher, don't put too much pressure on yourself. People need to look forward. What you need to do most now is to put all your thoughts on "Source Code", and leave the other things to us. You I also know that YU attaches great importance to the project of "Source Code", as far as I know, he is also planning to turn the script of "Source Code" into a novel recently, if it can be completed, the film will be half successful."

"Okay, Mr. James, I will put all my energy on the new movie."

"Okay, good luck to you."

After hanging up on Nolan, Jimmy called the head of the distribution department and asked him to arrange the release of Memento.

Then I called the marketing department and asked them to draw up a marketing plan for "Memory Fragments" as soon as possible.

In fact, Jimmy also wanted to see how this movie that Yu Dong valued would perform.

It is impossible to lose money, because the cost of the film is only a few million, as long as the final box office can reach more than 2000 million US dollars, this transaction is not considered a loss.

If the movie can have a box office of 5000 to [-] million US dollars, they can make a lot of money. After all, in addition to the box office, there will be other income in the follow-up, and it will also expand their IP library.

(End of this chapter)

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