Chapter 821 Wall-E
Landers felt that he was lost in love, and this feeling of broken love had lasted for four hours. Four hours ago, the Deep Space Tribe suspended maintenance.

In the announcement the day before yesterday, Deep Space announced the website maintenance. This website maintenance will last for [-] hours, from [-]:[-] pm New York time to [-]:[-] noon the next day.

Deep Space Company must have carefully considered choosing to maintain the website during such a time period, so that it can avoid most users' online time.

However, Landers belonged to a small group of people, and his online time started at twelve o'clock in the evening, which meant that he would no longer be able to wander among the waves of the deep space tribe tonight.

As a severe patient of the deep space tribe, this made him more uncomfortable than killing Landers.

Deep Space did not announce the reason for this website maintenance, which made users have various guesses.

Some people say that because of Amazon's influence, Deep Space Corporation's attitude towards Deep Space Tribes has also changed, so it intends to transfer the website to another company. This maintenance is to prepare for this matter.

This is obviously bad news. Most users of Deep Space Tribes believe that the reason why they like Deep Space Tribes is that the business philosophy of Deep Space Company is very user-friendly. Deep Space Corporation is so good.

Take a look at America Online's Tribes. It's obviously an established Internet company, and the website it makes can't even match the toes of Deep Space Tribes.

This news has a certain market, because Amazon's stock has fallen again in the past two days, and the financial market has been bad, which has also reduced everyone's confidence in the Internet industry. Since Deep Space can sell Amazon's stock, then choose At this time, it is also possible to transfer the deep space tribe to others.

However, most people are still unwilling to believe this possibility, because Deep Space Tribe is not only an ordinary website for Deep Space Corporation, but also shoulders important publicity tasks. Deep Space Tribe has become an important publicity channel.

From this point of view, there is no reason for Deep Space Corporation to throw away the Deep Space Tribe.

In fact, the Deep Space Tribe maintains frequently. Sometimes it does not stop, sometimes it stops, but in general, even a stop can be done in a few hours. Like this time, it stopped for twelve hours at once, which is the first time in history. .

Since the Deep Space Tribe is not available, Landers can only go to the chat group to chat with group friends.

Because the tribe can't be used, although it's past four o'clock in the morning, the Dongdong group is very lively at this time, and everyone is discussing the maintenance of the station.

[I think it should be some new function to be added this time, so don't think too much about it. 】

[Yeah, Deep Space Corporation always likes to keep a sense of mystery, and they don't like to announce updates in advance. 】

[But this time is too long. 】

[That may be a more important function, of course, it may not be adding a function, but modifying the website design and the like. 】

[I think the website is pretty good-looking and doesn't need to be modified. 】

[Well, I also think that Deep Space Aesthetics Online doesn't need to be modified anymore. 】

[What do you know, aesthetics should be ahead, and not too far ahead, but a little bit forward. 】

[For owls like us, this maintenance time is too unfriendly. 】

[No way, who told us that we are a small group? 】

[Or, let's go to bed first, and wait until noon tomorrow to see what's going on on the website. 】

[After sleeping all day, who can still sleep?Also, it's not tomorrow's noon, it's today's noon. 】

[Is anyone playing games? recently updated with new features, let's form a team and play together? 】

[The online Shanghai election for the next WCG is about to start, and now a bunch of masters on are competing for points, so we should be careful. 】

[We also go to join in the fun. 】

[I heard that this year's WCG will not be held in Jinling, is it true? 】

[It seems to be true, the city is being selected now, I heard that it will be finalized in the first half of the year. 】

[Is it voted by netizens? 】

[It should be, could it be the same as the Olympics? 】

[Speaking of the Olympic bid, is the bidding for the 08 Olympic Games about to start? 】

[I don't know, I haven't paid attention to it, and I don't usually watch the Olympics. 】


The stop time of the Deep Space Tribe neither ended early nor delayed, and the website was released on time at twelve noon the next day.

Landers clicked on the website with dark circles under his eyes, and then saw a banner floating over the website, which read: The content of this website is updated.

He quickly opened the banner.

After Landers finished reading the updated content, he was stunned. The Deep Space Tribe did suspend the website because of the update of new features, and this update is not small-after this update, some users can publish video content.

When he saw some users at the beginning, Landers subconsciously thought that the Deep Space Tribe would allow users to become members, but this is not the case. The so-called some users refer to internal test users. These users do not need to recharge. It is selected by Deep Space Corporation itself, and the selection rules for this part of users are not announced in the update announcement.

And even for some users, there are restrictions on posting videos, and the size of the video cannot exceed 66m.

Landers is very much looking forward to this update, because he has been paying close attention to the development of Deep Space Corporation, so he also knows that Deep Space Corporation is secretly participating in the contention for streaming media.

Being able to make such an update this time must be related to their layout in the streaming media field.

"Dong dong dong."

The dongdong icon on the computer desktop flickered, and someone called him.

Landers clicked on it and saw that it was a message from a friend who was an interior designer.

[Holder: Landers, have you read the official deep space update? 】

[Landers: Just watching, they have updated the video upload and playback function, which is amazing. 】

[Holder: Not this one, the Deep Space official sent a new tribe, and there is a video on it. 】

Seeing this message, Landers raised his eyebrows, and didn't reply to the message. Instead, he immediately went to the official Deep Space homepage to see the new tribe with the video that Holder said.

After arriving at the homepage of Deep Space, as Holder said, there is a tribe with a video.

This video has a very catchy title: the first video of the Deep Space Tribe.

It's silly, but it's true.

Landers quickly clicked on the video.

Beyond his imagination, the video was played directly.

"No way, can it be played without playing software?"

Landers was a little confused, but now the video was played directly, as if there was no need for playback software.

The smoothness of the video playback also exceeded Landes' imagination, the picture was very clear, and there was no lag at all.

You know, it took a lot of effort for him to see a slightly clearer picture yesterday.

But now he can't control so much, because the video has already started playing.

It seems to be a cartoon, a yellow square box in the ruins, it looks like a matchbox.

After about five or six seconds, the square box suddenly stretched out, with eyes, arms and tracks, it turned out to be a small robot.

The track rotated, and the little robot ran to a garbage dump and picked up a lot of garbage, sorted the garbage into a square, and then ran up a mountain with the garbage cube in its arms, until it reached the top of the mountain, and slowly lowered the cube.

The camera zooms out slowly, and the mountain where the little robot is located is actually a large garbage dump made of countless squares, and beside this garbage mountain, there are many taller garbage dumps.

The little robot looks very small in these garbage mountains, and as the camera zooms out, the yellow color gradually disappears.

It wasn't until the yellow had completely disappeared that Landers discovered that the mountains of garbage actually formed a word.

At this time, the voice-over sounded.

"On June [-], YU's new book, "Wall-E" is officially launched."

And the word formed by the garbage mountain is exactly: WALL-E.

Landers slammed the table and stood up excitedly.

"Landers, what's going on?" Mom's voice came from outside.

Landers responded with a smile, "It's okay Mom, the chair fell over by accident."

There was no sound outside.

Landers paused for a moment, then rubbed his hands excitedly and walked up and down the room.

He stayed up for such a long time without sleep, just to see if there is an update for the Deep Space Tribe, but he did not expect a double happiness. Not only did the Deep Space Tribe update the video upload and playback function, but the first video released was actually YU's New book preview.

On June [-]th, there are less than two months left.

Although he didn't understand the video just now, at least this video looks very compelling, and it's a real sci-fi.

Who knows how long these sci-fi fans have been waiting.

Fortunately, everything is worthwhile, YU did not break his promise, he really has a new science fiction work.

dong dong dong.

The picture flashed again.

[Holder: How about it, have you seen the video? (Excited expression)]

Landers sat down hurriedly and began to reply to the message.

[Landers: I see, I see, the new book "Wall-E" will be released on June [-], and we have finally waited for this day.

[Holder: Yes, I have finally waited for this day. It can be seen that this novel is about a robot, and it seems to be a robot that specializes in garbage collection. Wall-E is quite cute. 】

[Landers: This is the first time I saw the release of a new novel, and I specially filmed a promotional animation. Is it possible that the animation film has already started production? 】

[Holder: I haven’t heard of this news, probably not, and this video is still relatively rough. It’s fine to put it on the web, but it’s not good to make it into a movie. 】

[Landers: Oh, by the way, when it comes to video playback, what technology is used in deep space, and the video is played directly without playback software, and it is very smooth. 】

[Holder: Haha, you should have a flash plug-in installed in your computer. 】

[Landers: Well, yes. 】

[Holder: That's right, the video of the Deep Space Tribe is directly played in flash, as long as there is a plug-in in the computer, it can be played.As for why it is so smooth, this is a technical problem, and it is difficult to explain clearly to you. Anyway, you just need to remember that this is the characteristic of flash.In addition, let me tell you a piece of information, the flash is actually owned by Deep Space Corporation. 】

[Landers: Yeah, I haven't heard of it. 】

Landers paid a lot of attention to Deep Space Corporation, and he also paid attention to the layout of Deep Space in the field of streaming media, so when he heard that Flash was also Deep Space, he was very surprised.

[Holder: I also just found out that they seem to have won it two years ago, but they have been silent all the time.You don't have to be surprised, flash is nothing to Deep Space Corporation, and their layout in streaming media must be more than that. 】

[Landers: It feels like we are not discussing an entertainment company, but a computer oligarch like Microsoft. 】

[Holder: Do you think Deep Space is still a weak rookie in the computer industry? 】

[Landers: Unknowingly, he has become so powerful. 】


The Deep Space Tribe has added video upload and playback functions, coupled with the promotional video of "WALL-E", it directly ignited the newly opened Deep Space Tribe.

That night, after Jimmy read the website data for the day, he called Yu Dong.

Yu Dong had just had breakfast and was about to go to class when he received a call from Jimmy.

"I'm in a hurry to go to class, and talk about things quickly."

Jimmy said with a smile, "I just want to tell you good news. This evening, the traffic of our deep space tribe has set a new record, and the number of new users has also risen a lot. We have spent a lot of money on streaming media in the past few years. The money finally paid off. Now many media newspapers are asking how to get the qualification to upload videos.”

Yu Dong nodded, as he expected.

In fact, there are many websites that can play videos and upload videos, but it is the first social networking site like Deep Space Tribe that has huge traffic and is perfectly integrated with flash, and smart people can see business opportunities from it.

Whoever can obtain the qualifications to upload videos will be able to take the lead, especially for those media.

"Haven't you already made a list of which media outlets are eligible?"

"Haha, the list is already listed, but I still want them to worry for a while, otherwise they don't know who gave them this bowl of rice. After they get the qualifications, they must first send a message to "Wali" Relevant news. However, even if we don’t ask, they probably don’t want to miss such a big wave of traffic. You don’t know, after the video was sent out at noon, your loyal sci-fi fans went crazy, Hugo Awards and Nebula Awards The official tribes of have fallen."

Yu Dong laughed, "What kind of fall method?"

"Those crazy readers, ran to the official website to comment, hoping that they would award this year's award to "Wall-E"."


Yu Dong just drank his water and went in, almost spit it out, "This year?"

"Well, this year."

"Tsk tsk, that's crazy enough."

"Haha, of course they know it's impossible, but they just ran to vent their anger. Many of your sci-fi readers complained that you didn't win these two awards, and they were all complaining about you."

(End of this chapter)

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