Chapter 822
Yu Dong has known about readers fighting for their own injustice, and their feelings are easy to understand. After all, in the eyes of these loyal readers, Yu Dong had an absolute dominance in the science fiction world a few years ago, but even so, Yu Dong I have never won a Nebula Award or a Hugo Award, not to mention the first prize, and none of the inconspicuous small awards.

If you have to be more serious, Yu Dong has indeed won a Hugo Award once. "Falling Mars" is co-authored by Yu Dong and Hu Changqing. The official list of Hugo Awards also includes the names of Yu Dong and Hu Changqing. , and even put Yu Dong's name in front.

But Yu Dong's sci-fi readers didn't recognize this award at all.

They believed that a separate award should be given to Yu Dong, and it must be the best novel, not medium or short.

Galaxy Awards, Nebula Awards, and Hugo Awards, the officials of these sci-fi awards have all opened their own accounts in Deep Space Tribe. It is not the first time that netizens go to the accounts of Nebula Awards and Hugo Awards to mock them, but this time The offensive is more ferocious.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Control the public opinion and let everyone pay more attention to "The Wandering Earth". It doesn't matter whether I win the award or not. It is more important for other Chinese science fiction writers to win the award."

Jimmy smiled and didn't answer. He agreed with Yu Dong's words, because Yu Dong no longer needs Hugo Awards and Nebula Awards to prove him. If more Chinese science fiction writers can win Nebula Awards and Hugo Awards , that is a good thing for the Chinese science fiction community and their company.

If Chinese sci-fi writers are pushed further, the IPs in their hands will be easy to develop.

But from a personal point of view, Jimmy still hopes that Yu Dong can win all the valuable awards.

"By the way, after the video came out, Spielberg called me and said that he wanted to see it first. Didn't you promise him to show him in advance?"

"Well, that's the case, but why didn't he look for me?" Yu Dong said.

"I thought you must be still sleeping at that time, so I first looked for me. I guess he will contact you soon."

"Don't let him contact me, just show him the manuscript."

"That's fine. I'll call him later and talk about it. I guess, after reading this novel, he will definitely propose to hand over the novel to him for adaptation and filming. If he mentions this, what do you think? ?”

"There is no rush, let's wait and see. I have no plans to make "Wall-E" into a movie in a short time."

"Okay, I know."


In the office of the president of Lenovo Group, Yang Qing demonstrated the video playback effect of the Deep Space Tribe to Liu Chuanzhi.

After reading it, Liu Chuanzhi squinted his eyes and asked, "Can our website also achieve this effect?"

Yang Qing shook his head, "I asked the technical department. If you just want to play videos, there is no technical difficulty. You just need to download the flash plug-in in the user's computer. In fact, the latest version of flash is especially suitable for this kind of cross-platform and cross-play. The video playback on the website has very low bandwidth requirements. Hong Bo from the technical department told me that because of the characteristics of flash, it will become popular in the next few years, but flash is actually in the hands of deep space. , and they have done specific research and development for the video playback on the website, so the smoothness of the video playback of the Deep Space Tribes is difficult for others to achieve for a while.”

Liu Chuanzhi raised his eyes and said, "That is to say, this function of their website cannot be imitated even if others want to."

"In the short term, that's it."

Yang Qing sighed slightly. The video upload and playback function is not the only thing that people cannot imitate about the Deep Space Tribe. Their search engine is also a higher level than other websites. The Deep Space Company seems to have been targeting search engines for a long time. conduct research and development.

And when others are just beginning to explore search engines, Deep Space is already researching recommendation engines. Why can’t AOL’s tribal website do the job of Deep Space Tribes? Engines and recommendation engines are not as good as Deep Space Tribes.

Yanagawa sighed, "From this point of view, Deep Space Company's contact with streaming media and the development of recommendation engines is a set of overall strategic planning. They should have determined their goals very early."

"That's true, and they seem to have done it. However, we still don't know the purpose of their acquisition of BenQ Dentsu. Could it be that they really want to cooperate with Acer against us?"

Yang Qingyue said that his voice became weaker, because he himself felt that this kind of thinking was too conceited.Even if Deep Space Corporation wants to cooperate with Acer, there is no need to spend so much money to acquire BenQ Dentsu.

In fact, if Deep Space only wants to win in the Internet industry, it does not need to cooperate with Acer at all.

After this period of practice, Lenovo Group is not as confident as when it first shouted slogans.

Computers are indeed a portal to the Internet, but this portal is not exclusive to them. Users can change positions at any time, and even if users enter the Internet from their Lenovo portal, they have no control over where they go next.

Deep Space Company is too early in the Internet industry. It is too difficult for Lenovo to catch up now. Liu Chuanzhi and Yang Qing are also aware of this, and America Online can't provide them with any substantive help at all. , Their attitude towards Deep Space Corporation has also changed a lot.

But the current situation is very embarrassing, that is, they want to repair the relationship with the deep space company, but the deep space company just ignores them.

Yanagawa pondered for a while, and said, "Let our technical department also start researching the video function on the shelves."

Yang Qing frowned, "The current video function still depends on flash, and flash is in the hands of Shenkong. Is it possible that they will get stuck in our necks? If..."

Liu Chuanzhi shook his head, "Probably not. If the deep space is going to get stuck, it won't just get stuck in us. Take ten thousand steps back, even if they might get stuck behind us, we have to go forward if we have to take a step forward. We can't. We are timid. Since the Deep Space Corporation has no intention of cooperating with us, we must prepare for a long-term battle with them. The first priority is to find out whether the Deep Space Corporation really has the idea and determination to enter the semiconductor industry. , by understanding this, we can determine the strategy to deal with them.”

Yang Qing nodded and said, "I understand this. According to my speculation, after Shenkong acquired BenQ Dentsu, it is very likely that it will use BenQ Dentsu to enter the display field. Before they acquired BenQ Dentsu, they had contacted BOE. They seem to be very interested in LCD screens."

"You mean the LCD screen?" Yanagawa asked unexpectedly.

"Well, LCD screens, and BenQ Dentsu has related businesses and technologies."

With one hand resting on his chin, Yanagawa tapped the table lightly with the other hand. After a while, he said, "We don't need to worry. Although BenQ Dentsu has a wide range of businesses, they are actually semi-finished products. If Deep Space really If they want to develop in a certain field, it is definitely not enough to rely on the existing technology alone, and they must make some big moves. And as long as they make big moves, they will definitely not be able to hide from our eyes."

"I understand." Yang Qing nodded, and then said, "Li Yang from the marketing department came to ask again today, how is the company's filming going?"

Liu Chuanzhi thought for a while, and finally waved his hand and said, "Let me think about this matter again."

Lenovo's ambitions have long been not only in the PC field, they want to do more business development, and the Internet industry has been their second focus in recent years.

But when the footsteps of entering the Internet industry were blocked, Lenovo was also thinking about whether there were other ways to go.

Some people support entering agriculture, some support entering the mobile phone field, and some support entering the film and television industry.

Why do you support entering the film and television industry? In fact, you still see that the deep space company is making a lot of money in movies, and the domestic film and television industry is also booming. Now it is an outlet.

Liu Chuanzhi is also a little moved, but he has scruples in his heart, because the Deep Space Company has absolute dominance in the domestic film and television industry.

Lenovo wants to enter the film and television industry, and if Deep Space Corporation trips them up, it will be easy.

In the Internet industry, Liu Chuanzhi feels that there is still some hope of defeating Deep Space, but in the film and television industry, he does not think Lenovo has any chance.

But Liu Chuanzhi was still reluctant to let go. Apart from the relatively vigorous development of the film and television industry, he also took a fancy to the medium of film and television dramas.

Lenovo spends so much money on advertising and marketing every year, can it save part of the advertising cost to make film and television dramas, and still achieve the effect of publicity?
Yang Qing also knew the entanglement in Liu Chuanzhi's heart. Two years ago, they would never have thought that Lenovo would be in such an embarrassing position because of Shenkong Company. Stuck their necks.


There are two most popular news in the United States in the past two days. One is the news that Deep Space Corporation has added video functions and the new book "Wall-E", and the other is related to the stock market.

After March, a number of listed companies began to publish their annual and quarterly reports, but the annual and quarterly reports of these companies in the Internet industry did not perform well.

It stands to reason that during the period of Christmas and New Year's Day, the performance of online retailers should be very good, but judging from the annual and quarterly reports, the performance of retailers is far lower than previous expectations.

This is very bad news for investors.

For a while, the stock market fluctuated, and as long as it was an Internet-related industry, it basically fell to a certain extent.

All kinds of news are flying all over the sky, both positive and negative.

Of course, because there are too many companies involved, the decline in the stocks of each company is completely incomparable with that of Amazon. At first glance, it does not seem to be particularly serious.

But when Jimmy saw this wave of decline, he knew very well in his heart that the bursting of the bubble was unstoppable.

The current stock market is like a big rock that has just slid down the hillside. Everything has just begun, and the speed of the falling stone is not much.

But as time goes on, the stock market will fall faster and faster, and eventually it will be so fast that no one can hold it back.

There is not much time left for investors, as long as they hesitate for a while, they will be in the quagmire.

But all of this has nothing to do with Jimmy. Although they still hold some stocks in their hands, they are no longer ready to sell these stocks. They will fall as soon as they fall. After this period of time, Deep Space Company will not have much in the stock market. operate.

Although it is said that Deep Space is not doing anything in the stock market for the time being, it has other actions.

Just when the news of the bankruptcy of the Internet industry was rampant, Deep Space Company announced that the Star Card will include Amazon in the point plan. In the future, as long as you hold deep space points, you can buy what you want on Amazon everything.

That's right, everything, as long as it is a product on the Amazon website, in addition to the normal price, there will be an extra point price.

From this time on, deep space points are completely linked to cash, at least on the Amazon website, deep space points are no different from cash.

At this time, Deep Space Corporation suddenly announced such a news, which made people in the industry have some associations.

This announcement is obviously to save Amazon, but most people think that the rescue of Deep Space is a little too late, and they should have announced this news in January and February.

If the news was announced at that time, I believe many people would have a little more confidence in Amazon, and Amazon's stock would not have fallen so badly, and there is still the possibility of bringing it back to life.

But now that the Internet industry has been generally looked down upon, the Deep Space announcement is meaningless. Even with this announcement, people will not regain confidence in Amazon, and even this announcement will have a counterproductive effect.

At this time, they ran out to rescue the market, and some people thought that this meant that the Deep Space Company also felt that the problem was serious, so they made a move.

So, not only did Amazon's stock not go up after Deep Space's announcement, but it went down a bit.

Alan Abelson, a well-known financial expert who slammed Amazon before, published an article in "Barron's Weekly". The title of the article is "Late water can't put out any fire".

In the article, Abelson described Deep Space's words as a long-overdue firefighting water, and mocked Deep Space, saying that their move even a rookie who has just entered the investment industry would not do it.

Abelson even quoted a Chinese idiom "holding salary to fight the fire", saying that Deep Space's move will not only fail to save Amazon, but will also push Amazon into the abyss, and Amazon's stock will continue to fall.

The follow-up stock market was also as Abelson expected. Amazon's stock has been falling, with occasional weak corrections.Most also agree with Abelson that the Deep Space announcement was too late to be Amazon.

(End of this chapter)

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