Chapter 823 Cash
The second day after Deep Space’s announcement, Amazon’s homepage also followed with a notice that the website will be updated three days later, and after this update, Amazon users can exchange their accounts with the Star Card. bound.

After binding, users can use the deep space points to purchase goods on the website.

Although this announcement did not bring Amazon's stock back to life, users were very happy. For Amazon users, they only care about whether they can buy what they want on Amazon and whether the quality of the goods can be guaranteed. Whether the price is reasonable or not, they don't care at all whether the company's stock is going up or down.

After Amazon joined the Deep Space Points Program, users have one more payment option for shopping.If they have enough points in their hands, shopping will become more convenient.

In addition to convenience, the deep space company’s activity is very strong this time, and 1000 billion points have been issued one after another. Because the establishment of the deep space point system cannot keep up with the speed of setting up the point system, people in many places have few ways to use it even if they get the point card. .

But it's different now, no matter where you are, as long as you have access to the Internet, you can use the points you get through the Amazon website.In this way, the benefits previously issued by the Deep Space Company have become more tangible.


A few days later, a personal horde on Deep Space Tribes attracted attention.

Nick, who was famous for writing the "Deep Space Tribe Operation Guide", is now a super Internet celebrity with millions of followers, and he is also the first batch of users who are qualified to upload videos.

His new tribe has a simple video about how to use Deep Space Points to buy items on Amazon.

After the Amazon website was updated, Nick bound his star card and Amazon account together for the first time, and then used the points to buy a shirt on the website. He recorded the entire purchase and receipt process, and Made some explanations.

"If you want convenience, I will of course recommend you to use deep space points to buy goods. In fact, if you choose points to buy, you only need to move your fingers, and then wait for the goods to be delivered to your home at home. Save money A lot of cumbersome processes have been eliminated, and at the same time, the embarrassment of payment failure has been avoided.”

"The total price of this shirt is fifteen dollars, which is not cheap, and it takes 1 points to buy it with points. Under normal circumstances, if you want to get so many points, you may need to spend one dollar at a store that cooperates with Deep Space." Fifteen hundred dollars, which is obviously a headache."

"As far as I know, there is no direct cash exchange business for deep space points in deep space, so in addition to consumption, if you want to get more points, you may have to think of some special ways. For example, there are some There will be a lot of inexhaustible points in the store, you can use cash to buy from the bookstore. In addition to the store, some individuals will also have points in their hands, which can be traded. All the points I buy for shirts are with a A friend redeemed it. He is a lucky guy. He was drawn by Deep Space Company and got a lot of points. However, he seems not very interested in online shopping, and usually doesn’t spend much points, so he is willing to exchange the points for me. If you If you have such a friend by your side, then congratulations, you will be the first lucky ones to enjoy shopping with points. Oh, of course, it is also possible that you were the lucky ones to draw the deep space point prize.”

Obviously, the main content of Nick’s video is not to teach people how to use points to buy goods, but to promote how convenient it is to use points to buy goods, and at the same time tell netizens some “heretical ways” to get points.

For various reasons, Deep Space Company does not want to let go of the business of directly exchanging points for cash, but also does not want users to have no points, so they let Internet celebrities like Nick come forward and tell them these heresy.

Netizens also paid attention to the key points.

[This video came in a very timely manner, and I was distressed that I didn't have points in my hand, so I couldn't use them to buy products. 】

[Why doesn't Deep Space directly open the exchange between cash and points? 】

[Of course it’s because it’s too much work, but I think deep space should be opened in the future. 】

[It may also be considered from a security point of view. 】

[Yes, I heard about some online payments before, and it seems that there are security problems. 】

[Actually, I think that the deep space is not trying to make us money, it just wants to use the star card to give us benefits. 】

[Dude, Deep Space is indeed a very good company, but if you say they don't want to make money, that would be too naive. 】

[As long as it's good for me, it doesn't matter if he makes money or not. 】

[I'm in Manhattan, is there anyone who has too many points and is willing to transfer them to me? 】

[Let's go to the Little Bear Bookstore. They have a lot of points in their bookstore. I just exchanged 50 points from their store today, which is enough for me to use for a while. 】

[Why does Little Bear Bookstore have so many points? 】

[Maybe it's because they bought a lot of books. 】

[He is in Los Angeles and has 100 million points in his hand. If there is a need, I hope to give it to one person. 】

[Upstairs, I'm talking about you. 】

[Dude, why do you have so many points? 】

[Because I have won a lot of werewolf killing championships, and now the Werewolf Killing Club's competitions use deep space points as prizes...]

[Not just werewolf kills, as long as it is a deep space series of competitions, all deep space points are used as prizes.I have won more than 400 million deep space points because of a software design competition. I thought about transferring them to others before, but now that Amazon has joined the deep space project, I am not going to transfer them. I should be able to use these 400 million points. It's over. 】

[In this situation, there seems to be no difference between giving out points and giving out money. 】

[There is still a difference, at least it can't help me pay my credit card bill. 】

[Give me your points, and I'll help you pay your credit card bill, haha. 】

[I heard that WCG's regional competition will also pay deep space points, and there are quite a lot of them. 】

[Old news, WCG's online competition has long used deep space points as prizes, and I still got some.In fact, there are many ways to earn points on, and Blizzard often organizes activities. 】

[If you want to get points, you still have to go to the YU Umbrella Association. The association often holds various activities and distributes a bunch of points. 】

[That's right, the YU Umbrella Association has now abandoned their own point model, and has fully used the deep space point model. Now the points issued by the association are much more useful than before. 】

[What kind of existence is the YU Umbrella Association? Why are they so powerful? 】


In the office of the President of Deep Space America, Jimmy held his chin and thought for a while after listening to the assistant's report.

Adding Amazon to the Deep Space Points Program had a positive effect on the implementation of the entire program than he had expected, and users did not reject this payment method at all.

In fact, in the process of users buying goods with deep space points, deep space company does not have any direct income, and they do not charge any handling fees.Of course, there is no possibility of making money out of thin air. Every point consumption of people will eventually be cashed out by Deep Space Corporation.

But in the process, Deep Space has reaped huge cash flows.

People are no longer satisfied with just using the rewarded points to spend, and are thinking of ways to exchange points. At this time, people have to find places like Little Bear Bookstore to exchange for points with a lot of money.

Although Little Bear Bookstore has a lot of stock, the points they get are limited, so the points they transfer to customers are actually issued to them by Deep Space Company.

Users give money to Little Bear Bookstore, and Little Bear Bookstore settles it to Deep Space Company after a few days, and the money can stay in Deep Space's account for seven to fifteen days, and even longer when encountering some special transactions .

The YU Association is also an important organization for redeeming points.

The current YU organization is not just a reading club, they are involved in many industries, various industries, and hold a lot of activities, and all the industries under them use deep space points for transactions.

For example, the YU Umbrella Association and the Little Bear Bookstore jointly held an event. In this event, the Little Bear Bookstore was responsible for providing the venue, while the YU Association was responsible for providing the manpower.

Members of the association will voluntarily participate in activities, and after completing their work, they can get the "remuneration" paid to them by the association, but this reward is deep space points.

And these points, when the Deep Space Corporation issued them to the YU Umbrella Association, the association had already transferred the cash to the Deep Space Corporation's account.How long the money will stay in the account of Deep Space Corporation depends on when and where the members who get these points will spend them.

For example, if a member spends his points in Little Bear Bookstore, Deep Space will pay the money to Little Bear Bookstore after a week. In this way, the money from the YU Association can stay in the account of Deep Space Company for at least one week. .

Under normal circumstances, the money can actually stay longer.

With such a huge cash flow, Deep Space can make money doing whatever it wants.

However, the emergence of deep space credits actually absorbs Amazon’s cash flow, because customers pay for points at Amazon, but Amazon needs to wait seven days before it can get cash from Deep Space.

Of course, for the time being, point payment does not account for a large proportion of Amazon's total turnover, so the impact on their cash flow is not particularly large.

Moreover, even if it really has a relatively large impact on their cash flow, from Amazon's point of view, they are willing to join the points program, because it will allow them to acquire more new users and increase their turnover.

Although Amazon has just joined the Deep Space Points Program not long ago, there are data to prove that the frequency of consumption of people who often use points to buy goods has increased by 30.00%, and the total consumption has increased by more than 40.00%, because shopping with points is more convenient Convenience.

"How is the establishment of the points system in various stores now?" Jimmy asked again.

"Basically, there are [-] new additions every day, mainly concentrated in bookstores and movie theaters." The assistant replied.

Jimmy nodded, this speed is not fast, but it is acceptable.

After thinking for a while, Jimmy asked again, "How is the situation in the cat's sky?"

The assistant changed the folder and continued to report, "All the procedures have been completed, and the No. [-] shop is under preparation, and it will be open for business within a month at most."

"Have the staff of these three stores been allocated?"

The assistant nodded, "It's already assigned, and I can take office at any time."

"Well, you should pay attention to the situation on the pets side, and tell me if there is any special situation."

"Okay, they have nothing special recently, the previous IPO raised enough funds for them to use for a period of time. Of course, now that Amazon's stock continues to fall, and the Internet industry is completely pessimistic, it is impossible for them to raise funds again. "

The situation of pets was as expected by Jimmy. He smiled and continued to ask, "What about BenQ Dentsu? What is the current situation of the merger between Daqi Optoelectronics and Lianyou Optoelectronics? ?”

The first thing Deep Space Corporation did after acquiring BenQ Dentsu was of course not the BenQ talent plan, but the merger of its subsidiary Daqi Optoelectronics and Lianyou Optoelectronics.

In order to have a complete production line, Shenkong Company hopes to buy Lianyou Electronics under UMC, and then merge with Daqi Optoelectronics to form a new company.

Lianhua Electronics is very interested in the merger, but they are unwilling to sell Lianyou directly to Shenkong Company, but hope that the two companies will jointly operate this new company. The specific plan has been discussed by the two parties.

Jimmy also prefers the two companies to jointly hold shares, so that both parties share risks, and Deep Space can reduce operating pressure while spending less money.

Merging a new company is a very troublesome thing, and it may take longer than Deep Space's acquisition of BenQ Dentsu. However, Jimmy still hopes to complete the merger within this year, and then transfer the newly merged company next year or the year after that Listed, grab the first shot before other companies in the same industry.

After asking about BenQ Dentsu, Jimmy asked about Google again, "What's going on with Google recently?"

"Now that the Internet industry is being bad-mouthed, their life is not easy, but it's nothing special."

Jimmy stretched his arms. He wasn't too worried about Google. He was quite optimistic about Google's development.

Taking a step back, even if Google's development is not very good, the impact on them is relatively small, because Deep Space only spent 3000 to [-] million US dollars to get [-]% of Google's shares. Deep space does not hurt muscles.

Moreover, he is still waiting for the stock market to stabilize, and he is collecting some loose tickets from it.

(End of this chapter)

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