Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 824 The Mysterious Young Man

Chapter 824 The Mysterious Young Man
"Boss, hasn't Mr. Yu's new book "Wall-E" come out today?"

In Dongzhong Bookstore, a boy hurried over and asked the boss.

"No." The boss replied without raising his head, and then said, "Wall-E is not on the shelves. Do you want to buy a copy of the new Rong Deji?"

The boy shrank his neck and said in a friendly voice, "Our teacher has already ordered Rong Deji for us, so we don't need to buy any more."

The boss said with a smile, "Your Chinese teacher has decided for you, but the mathematics has not yet been determined."

"..." The students fled in despair.

During this time, every day, students came to ask if "Wall-E" had come out.

The students had relatively few ways to receive information. Although they all heard that Yu Dong's new book "Wall-E" was coming out, there were all kinds of news about the novel's release date.

Some talk about April, some talk about May, some talk about June and July, and basically talk about the next few months.

The boss is asked this question many times every day, and has to answer it many times, so he is a little impatient.

In Donghu Middle School, teachers are more open to students reading extracurricular books, and will try their best to guide students to read extracurricular books and control the time for students to read extracurricular books.Some classes even divide the time for students to read extracurricular books. For example, they can read extracurricular books at the end of evening self-study.

After the students left, the boss shook his head slightly. The students paid too much attention to Dong's new book. He thought about whether to erect a wooden sign at the door of the bookstore, and write the specific time of "Wall-E" on the wooden sign.

The students didn't know the specific release time of "Wall-E", but he knew it. After writing it, the students would not have to ask every day, and he would be annoyed if the students were wasting time.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the idea was good, and then he simply got up and walked to the warehouse. He remembered that there was a small blackboard in the warehouse, which was used by students to write the books they wanted but not in the bookstore, and now it happened to be used to write newsletters .

But as soon as he got up, the phone on the counter rang.

"Jingle Bell--"

Li Congxin turned to pick it up, "Who is it?"

"Boss, do you remember me?"

Li Congxin didn't recognize who the other party was at all, and said bluntly, "Sorry, I don't remember, who are you?"

"Notre Dame de Paris, boss, do you remember?"

When the other party mentioned Notre Dame de Paris, Li Congxin immediately remembered that a young man almost bought the rare copy of "Notre Dame de Paris" from him a few days ago.In fact, the other party had already bought it, but later sold it back.

Li Congxin laughed, "It's you, young man, how are you doing recently? You said you were going to open a bookstore before, how is it going now, have you found a good place? Do you want me to give you some references?"

"Haha, boss, have you forgotten? I can't say I can't open a bookstore."

"I don't forget, you said that you can't open a bookstore, but you want to open a school...then have you opened a school?" Li Congxin pouted, sat down behind the counter, and then picked up a teacup to drink water. At that time, he felt that the other party was following He was joking.

"It's done."

"Pfft..." Li Congxin almost spat out the saliva, "What did you say?"

"I said it's done, the school is done."

Li Congxin rolled his eyes, "Young man, the phone bill is not cheap, you are calling long distance, just to entertain me?"

Yu Dong on the other end of the phone laughed, "Boss, you also know that the phone bill is expensive, why should I spend this money to entertain you? Didn't you say last time that after I opened the school, you gave books to the students in my school?" , I’m running the school now, do you want to renege on the debt?”

"I'm sorry - okay, okay, if you really run a school, I will definitely give this book. I will give as many books as there are students. I will never break my promise."

Through the phone, Yu Dong could hear the sound of Li Congxin slapping his chest, he said with a smile, "Okay, bro, I'll just wait for your words, see you at Qiaoxi Primary School in Gaocheng City the morning after tomorrow. "

"Gaocheng, how can I get by?"

"It's okay, as long as you want to come, I'll let someone pick you up."

The more Li Congxin chatted, the more confused he became. What is this young man going to do?
Really run a school?
Impossible, how can a school be so easy to run, besides, how long has it been, even if it is a school, it can't be done in such a short time.

But the problem is that Li Congxin is also a little confused by the other party's serious appearance.

Before Li Congxin came out of his doubts, Yu Dong said again, "Okay, let's talk about it like this. I'll see you in Gaocheng the day after tomorrow."

Then, the phone hung up.

After hanging up the phone, Li Congxin sat behind the counter and thought for a while. In fact, he didn't realize it until he hung up the phone. When he parted with the young man, he didn't tell the other party his phone number. So what did the young man do? Know the phone number?
Who did you ask?

Unable to figure out why, Li Congxin simply shook his head and stopped thinking about it, and ran to the warehouse to get the small blackboard again.

Until the next morning, just as the bookstore opened, a black Santana stopped in front of the bookstore.

A young man in a black suit got out of the car, "Excuse me, is Mr. Li Congxin there?"

Li Congxin poked his head out and looked out, "Hi, I'm Li Congxin, do you have anything to do with me?"

The young man walked over with a smile, and handed an envelope to Li Congxin, "Mr. Li, here is the ticket from Yudu to Jinling."

Li Congxin did not reach out to pick it up, but asked with a puzzled expression, "A plane ticket from Yudu to Jinling? Why are you giving me this? Who are you?"

"Mr. Li, didn't you mean to go to Qiaoxi Primary School in Gaocheng? If you want to go to Gaocheng, you need to take a plane to Jinling first, and then take a car to Gaocheng. There is no way to fly directly to Gaocheng from Yandu. "The young man explained.

Li Congxin stared blankly at the young man in black in front of him, remembering the call he received yesterday afternoon.

He thought it was just a prank, but today they actually sent a plane ticket.

Looking at the envelope in front of him, Li Congxin fell into deep thought. This incident was too sudden and bizarre for him. Reason told him that rushing to the appointment might be dangerous, but deep in his heart there was another impulse, He wanted to see if such a school really existed.

By coincidence, Li Congxin took the envelope.

Seeing that Li Congxin took the envelope, the young man laughed, "Mr. Li, can you make preparations? The flight is at 01:30 in the afternoon. Before that, we need to arrive at Yudu. The road from Yandu to Yudu Way, it’s quite time consuming.”

"Then I..."

Li Congxin looked at the bookstore, struggled for a while, then found a blank piece of paper from the drawer, and wrote on it: The proprietor is happy, closed for one day.

After finishing writing, Li Congxin thought that a one-day break might not be enough, so he added a cross at the top of the word, which became: The proprietor is happy, and he will be closed for two days.

After the addition, he felt that two days might not be enough, so he shouted to the owner of the bun shop next door, "Old Chen, I have something to do, I have to go out, it may take two or three days. I wrote rest on the door." Two days, if I haven't opened the door the morning after tomorrow, you can add a line above the two."

Lao Chen glanced at Li Congxin and replied, "Ang."

Afterwards, Li Congxin went home again and explained some things to his family. He also told his family the license plate number of Santana who picked him up and the number he called yesterday to prevent accidents.

After finishing everything, Li Congxin got into the car with the young man in black.

After Li Congxin got on the plane, the suspicion that the other party lied to him was completely gone in his mind, because no one would go to great lengths to make a fool of himself for someone like him.

The plane landed in Jinling, and someone from Jinling drove him to pick him up and sent him to Gaocheng City where he was arranged to stay in a hotel.

Along the way, Li Congxin seemed to be dreaming, and the image of the young man who went to his bookstore before became more and more mysterious in his mind.He tried his best to recall the young man's appearance, but found that it was a very blurred face. At that time, he didn't look at the other person's face carefully.

Li Congxin rested overnight at the hotel in Gaocheng City, and someone drove over to pick him up the next morning to Qiaoxi Village.

Gaocheng is a very small and backward city. It didn't take long to drive out of the urban area. At first glance, there were farmlands and dilapidated houses.

Qiaoxi Village is not too far from the urban area. The straight-line distance is only about ten kilometers. The bumpy road to Qiaoxi Village made Li Congxin hear the sound of gongs and drums in the distance.

The car finally stopped at the gate of Qiaoxi Primary School. Li Congxin didn't get out of the car immediately, but looked at Qiaoxi Primary School through the car window. He was presbyopic, but he could see the school's scenery from a distance.

This is a brand new school, and every part reveals a new atmosphere, which is completely different from the dilapidated scenery they walked along the way.

This is the school run by that young man?

According to Li Congxin's visual observation, it would take two or three years to build such a school. In addition to the time for building the house, various affairs need to be dealt with.Of course, to build such a school requires not only time and money, but also many things that ordinary people do not have.

"Mr. Li, we're here." The driver said with a smile, "Our boss is waiting for you inside."

"Your boss..."

Li Congxin originally wanted to ask who your boss is, but after thinking about it, he still didn't ask. Now that we're all here, it's better to ask in person.

After getting off the car, the sound of gongs and drums became louder.

The school is full of people, students running around, and villagers around to join in the fun.

In front of the teaching building, there was a temporary platform with a banner hanging on it. Li Congxin didn’t see clearly what was written on the banner in the car just now. Clear the above words.

"Warmly welcome Mr. Yu Dong to come to Qiaoxi Primary School to preside over the opening ceremony"

Seeing the word Yu Dong, Li Congxin couldn't believe it, and squinted his eyes to read it again, making sure that it was Yu Dong.

Just when Li Congxin was full of bearded thoughts, a tall and thin young man walked towards him, and before he could clearly see the appearance of the visitor, he heard the visitor say with a smile, "Brother, don't come here without any problems. .”

"It's you." Li Congxin raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help but move his head to stare at Yu Dong's face carefully.

Now, he finally saw Yu Dong's appearance clearly, and took a long breath. He didn't expect that he didn't recognize Yu Dong when he was face to face.

Just forget about the eyes.

Seeing Li Congxin's funny appearance bending over and stretching his head, Yu Dong said with a smile, "Brother, I picked you up today to let you count how many students there are in the school I run, so that you can give them books later."

When it comes to sending books, Li Congxin laughed awkwardly. He was laughing at himself for not knowing what to do.

In fact, even if he was asked to deliver books to the students of this school, he gritted his teeth and could not afford to deliver them. In general rural schools, there are only one to two thousand students, and some cheap books are only a few thousand dollars. That's all.

But standing in front of him was Yu Dong. Li Congxin didn't know exactly how many schools Yu Dong ran and funded, but he knew that he didn't have the strength to give a book to all these students.

Not to mention a book for each person, even an eraser for each person, he couldn't afford it.


In the end, Yu Dong did not ask Li Congxin to send the books, but presented a batch of books to the children of Qiaoxi Primary School in the name of Li Congxin. Of course, Li Congxin was not without help. It is an extracurricular book that he thinks is suitable for elementary school students.

During the whole process, Li Congxin was very excited. He promised that he would come here every year to deliver a batch of books to the students of Qiaoxi Primary School.

After the opening ceremony, Yu Dong invited Li Congxin to Jinling for two days.

In Jinling, Li Congxin experienced this vibrant ancient capital from all aspects.

In the past, he only heard on TV and newspapers how Jinling is now full of culture and technology, but when he actually walked through the city in person, he truly felt everything he heard from other places.

He envied Jinling for having a company like Shenkong, because of the existence of Shenkong, Jinling has a super-large and progressive cultural center like Shenkong Park. expensive.

The tickets for the Deep Space Park still maintain the original price, and only [-] points are needed for a day of sightseeing.

After playing in Jinling for two days, Li Congxin felt like Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden, and everything he saw was strange.

Li Congxin is not a person who has never seen the world. He has also been to big cities such as Yanjing and Shanghai. He even visited Jinling when he was young, but now Jinling has an aura that other cities do not have. This temperament is obviously brought by Deep Space Corporation.

The people here are gentle and confident, humble and enterprising.

Even after Li Congxin visited for two days, he was infected by the people here and became more confident.

It had been four days since Li Congxin returned to Donghu Town. When he went to the bookstore that day, he almost laughed out loud when he saw the piece of paper pasted on the door, because the words on the paper had become: The proprietor is happy, and he is out of business.

(End of this chapter)

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