Chapter 825 space
Li Congxin tore off the note pasted on the door, opened the shutter door, and looked at his bookstore. For the first time, he felt that his bookstore was a little disorganized.

During this visit to Jinling, what Li Congxin gained the most was related to bookstores. The staff of Shenkong Company took him and several other bookstore owners to visit dozens of bookstores, including large chain stores and Shenkong. Showcases inside the park.

There are so many bookstores ranging from big to small, and each bookstore has its own characteristics, but these bookstores all have one thing in common, that is, their books are arranged very neatly.

These rules are not just a simple arrangement of a certain type of book with a certain type of book, or according to sales volume, but a set of rules composed of many details.

Li Congxin loves French literature, so in his bookstore, there are many French literature books on the back shelf, and he has always believed that this is the characteristic of his bookstore.

But after visiting Jinling, he found many problems. As a bookstore opened in front of the middle school, Dongzhong Bookstore lacks pertinence and neglects the cultivation of young people's interest.Those Balzac, Stendhal, and Proust are neither necessarily what students like to watch, nor are they necessarily suitable for students to watch.

Li Congxin was deeply impressed by Yu Dong's words. He said that the bookstore in front of the school should be a powerful continuation of school education, and it should play a complementary role with the school.

Opening a bookstore at the gate of the school is a natural responsibility, and it is necessary to take children's education to heart.


Yu Dong invited not only Li Congxin, but also many other bookstore owners in front of the school, just wanting to convey such a concept to them.

Of course, Yu Dong not only emphasized the responsibility to them, but also told them some benefits.

All the bookstores in front of the school, as long as they join the Educator Bookstore Alliance, then some books will be cheaper in the future, and some books that are in short supply will be given priority to these bookstores.Also, the school may cooperate with the bookstore.

The bookstore in front of the school is very important, and it is impossible for Yu Dong to open a bookstore in front of every school, so he simply used the existing resources and selected some relatively reliable bookstores to cooperate with.

Li Congxin and the others are just the first batch, and Deep Space will invite more bookstores to join the Educators Bookstore Alliance.


Yu Dong looked through the materials of these bookstore owners in the office for a while, and then called Jiang Jie.

"You ask someone to make a website for the Educator Bookstore Alliance. It doesn't need to be complicated, as long as it has normal functions. The time is not urgent, just take the time to do it."

Jiang Jie readily agreed, "Okay, I'll arrange for Li Yu and his team to do it later. By the way, Brother Dong, the platform space we built for Xueleshan is almost finished, do you want to come and see it?"

"So fast?" Yu Dong was a little surprised.

The so-called space is actually the same thing as steam. The name space was given by Jimmy. There are two reasons. On the one hand, space is a jump button in many games, which is very suitable as the name of a game platform. On the other hand, , this name fits well with Deep Space Corporation, after all, the English translation of Deep Space is deep space, remove deep, and space remains.

After Jimmy told Xueleshan about the platform, Ken Williams, the founder of Xueleshan, wanted to do it without saying a word, and handed over the platform construction to Deep Space Computer. in Jay's hands.

The name of the platform was given by Jimmy, but the software requirements were all brought up by Yu Dong.

For this software, Jiang Jie served as the product manager himself, and kept looking for Yu Donglai to talk about the needs.

For this software, Yu Dong put forward a lot of demands at the beginning, such as space forum, friend list, game time recording community group, he first mentioned these social functions.

After mentioning the needs of those social functions, Yu Dong also proposed that the platform needs to have browsing categories, and also provide free trials of games. If possible, it is best to have high-definition game previews.

Yu Dong’s requirements were actually based on the full steam, without considering whether the current technology can realize these things, so Jiang Jie, the product manager, needs to talk to Yu Dong about what can be realized and what cannot be achieved. accomplish.

But in fact, many things that Jiang Jie said could not be realized were finally realized. The difficulties Jiang Jie talked about were always overcome by himself.

It's just that after most of the functions were added, Yu Dong found that this software is not very friendly to ordinary people, because the software has too much content, so the loading time on the Internet is very long, and some computers just need to drive a space It's all very laborious.

After experiencing it once, Yu Dong told Jiang Jie that he could delete it as soon as he could, giving priority to ensuring practicality and fluency, and then looking for other things on this basis.When Yu Dong was experiencing it, looking at the loading screen that hadn't moved, there was only one thought in his mind, and that was to turn off this damn software as soon as possible.

Later, there were only three requirements left by Yu Dong. First, the homepage screen should be simple and beautiful. Second, the loading time when connecting to the Internet should not be too long. Third, keep the free trial function and browse categories.

In fact, Yu Dong still wants to keep the social attributes of this software, but considering the current technology and network conditions, he finally reluctantly discarded these things.

Jiang Jie told him that it might take two or three years or more to add all the functions proposed by Yu Dong.

Yu Dong was not in a hurry about this. He believed in the technology of the deep space computer, as long as they were given a direction, they would be able to solve the problem eventually.

However, it hasn't been long since the last request was made. Unexpectedly, Jiang Jie and the others have almost finished the software.

"Alright then, let someone prepare it. I'll go down and have a look later." Yu Dong said.

Jiang Jie smiled and said, "Okay, I'll wait for you to come over."


Half an hour later, Yu Dong appeared at the Deep Space Computer.

Jiang Jie asked Yu Dong to demonstrate the semi-finished space they made.

The logo of space is very simple, it is a box plus space, and the background color is blue, which is similar to that of deep space company.

The loading speed of the platform is quite fast, at least on the demo computer. The homepage is also very simple, and several categories are clear at a glance, but the games on the recommended page are all blank.

"Have you tried it with an ordinary computer?" Yu Dong asked.

Jiang Jie said with a smile, "Of course I tried it. It's slower than the demo computer, but it's quite smooth. Shall I find an old computer and try it for you?"

Yu Dong waved his hand and said: "Don't bother, let Williams take a look later, if possible, go online according to this template. I still don't know much about computers. Now there are no games in this demo version, and the games will be put in later. After that, will there be some new problems?"

"No, Brother Dong, although what you see now is blank, you have done everything you need to do, except for a cover. The platform is actually just providing a path, and the rest is left to the game itself. "

Yu Dong nodded: "I probably understand."

"Besides, there are still a lot of testing procedures in the back, so there will be no problems." Jiang Jie smiled, and handed another folder to Yu Dong, "This is a schedule I made up, which lists in detail The functions to be added to the follow-up platform, I have arranged these functions in an order. This game preview is relatively easy to implement and can be placed in the front. The search function is also easy to implement. However, there are very few platform games in the early stage, so there is no need to use the search function. It depends on the situation, when there are so many platform games that need a search function, you can use it at any time. When the search function is enabled, the tag mechanism and player rating mechanism can also be arranged at the same time.”

"The game time record can also be arranged together with the scoring mechanism. Didn't you say Dong Ge before that when a player evaluates a game, others can see the player's game time, which is more informative."

"En." Yu Dong nodded, "That's right, in this way, the scoring function is only valuable to ordinary players, and it can also reduce the situation of scoring and malicious smearing. In addition, in this way, when the game time will be seen by others After that, players will also compete with each other."

"As for social functions such as forums, friend lists, and community groups, we can arrange them together and put them later."

Yu Dong roughly read the schedule written by Jiang Jie, and said, "On the whole, this schedule is still very reasonable, but the plan belongs to the plan, and everything may change. So I hope that we will Do all the things that need to be done in advance, so that you can deal with any changes later. For example, these social functions, when you encounter some special situations later, you need to implement the functions on the space at any time. Can you do it? ?”

"At any time... I don't dare to say big words, but if you give us a week or two, there should be no problem. Of course, if the time is earlier, adding these functions will have to sacrifice the fluency of the software. , this is unavoidable."

Yu Dong nodded to express his understanding, "Well, you can contact the Williams couple and find out when the platform will be launched. The couple have been talking about game agency recently. I heard from Jimmy that the results should be pretty good. "

"Hi." Jiang Jie said indifferently, "Even if others don't sell games on space, our own games alone are enough to sell. We have a lot of games, such as "Resident Evil", "Escape", " "Lianliankan" can support a platform. And there is "Half-Life", it will definitely be fine."

Yu Dong snorted, "If this is the case, sooner or later the space will come to an end. If there are not enough games, it will not be attractive to users. If the number of users on the platform is too small in the future, I will settle the score with you."

Jiang Jie shrank his neck, and said cowardly, "Boss, we are only responsible for the production. These demands are all brought up by you. There are not enough users in the future, so you can't blame us."

Yu Dong raised the corner of his mouth and said, "The things are not good, don't blame you, the maker, but me, the buyer?"

Jiang Jie retorted, "Brother Dong, your logic is wrong. You are indeed the ones who buy things for our deep space computer, but for those users, you are the ones who sell things. You say that the things are not good. Do you blame you, the seller?"

Yu Dong waved his hand, "Okay, don't talk about this, hurry up and communicate with the Williams couple, I am also very much looking forward to buying a game on Space soon."


The Williams couple had just woken up when they received Jiang Jie's call.

They were not surprised by Jiang Jie's call. Recently, because of the space issue, they often communicate by phone. Due to the time difference, they always contact each other in the morning or evening. Today's call is not too early. Once before, the couple was woken up by the ringing of the phone while they were still sleeping in bed.

"Mr. Williams, let me tell you some good news. The space is almost done, and YU has also checked it out and said that it can be launched according to this template."

"Is there any difference from the version we watched before?" Roberta Williams asked beside.

"There is not much difference, but some buttons have been optimized. In addition, the classification is also subdivided by the Association."

"Okay, after we have read it, let's start preparing for the launch. Next week, I will send you a list of games." Ken Williams said.

"No problem, when do you want to go online?"

The Williamses looked at each other for a while, and Ken Williams said, "How about June tenth?"

Jiang Jie raised his eyebrows, "It's the day when "WALL-E" is released globally. Are you sure you want to launch it on that day? You know, the media will definitely focus on "WALL-E" on that day."

Roberta Williams said with a smile: "Space is a newly launched game sales platform. Apart from being connected with Deep Space Corporation, it doesn't have any eye-catching points, so it doesn't get much news. The media’s attention, it’s better to put it together with the release date of YU’s new book, so as to get a little side attention.”

In fact, this decision was not made by them on the spur of the moment, but was finally made after several discussions. Before that, they actually asked Jimmy about whether the platform would be launched on the platform and whether Deep Space would promote it vigorously, but Jimmy's reply was not It is to let them make their own arrangements.

The current situation of Xuele Mountain is not good. If it wasn’t for Shen Kong’s acquisition of them, they would probably be disbanded now. It would be embarrassing for them to spare energy to promote this platform.

That being the case, they can only use their brains.

Jiang Jie didn't say anything about this. Although they belong to the same parent company, they are Party B and Xueleshan is Party A in the space business. Since Party A has confirmed the launch time, and they can go online at this time, Naturally there is no reason to refuse.

"Since you are going to set June [-]th, then I will prepare according to June [-]th."

(End of this chapter)

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