Chapter 826 Has a pair of eyes

Yu Hua and the others didn't finish their long trip until June [-]st, returning to Jinyi from outside.

Yu Dong was feeding Yu Yi when he heard a commotion from downstairs in the apartment.

"How to get up?" Yu Hua said.

"It's not easy. I just recite it. Didn't I recite it along the way." Bi Feiyu's voice.

"How about, let's lift it." Wang Xiaobo's voice.

"Don't lift it, I'll just carry it on my back..."

Then Yu Dong heard the sound of going up the stairs.

Attracted by the sounds from outside, Yu Dong's feeding rhythm was out of order, and the speed couldn't keep up with Yu Yi's, so the little girl burst into tears.

Yu Dong was afraid of Yu Yi's crying, so he hurriedly put his whole body and mind into the great cause of feeding, and only then could he comfort the little girl by sending the food to Yu Yi's mouth.

After feeding the meal, washing his face and hands again, Yu Yi ate and drank enough, felt good being held in Yu Dong's arms, and giggled.

Yu Dong held his daughter in his arms and walked to Yu Hua's house again. Hearing the voice, they went to Yu Hua's house.

When they arrived at the place, several people were discussing something, and Yu Haiguo was the first to discover Yu Dong and his daughter.

The kid opened his arms and walked towards Yu Dong, "It's really coming, let me hug you."

Yu Dong didn't dare to give Yu Yi to Yu Haiguo, so he stretched out his hand and pulled Yu Haiguo away, then smiled and said to Shi Tiesheng who turned his head to look over, "Tiesheng is here."

Shi Tiesheng said with a smile, "I'm bothering you again, this girl of yours is really clever."

Yu Dong smiled and shook his head, "I know how to eat and sleep every day, how clever is it?"

"Really, I haven't seen you for a long time, and my face has become rounder again." Yu Hua teased Yu Yi with a smile, then curled her lips and said, "We are not human, so you just greet Tie Sheng?"

Yu Dong was too lazy to talk to Yu Hua, and said to Shi Tiesheng, "When they said they were coming back, I was asking if you would come to Jinling too. I was so happy when I got an affirmative answer. Last time I was in Donghu Middle School I just told you that we have always wanted to invite you to Jinling, but we have never had a good opportunity before. This time, we just took advantage of the trip, and it happened to be a matter of our hearts. Now that you are here, don’t rush Let's go, stay in Jinling for a few more days, and make up for the regret of not coming a few years ago."

Shi Tiesheng laughed, "Not to mention, I definitely want to eat the cucumbers from the cucumber garden. During this period of time outside, I can hear them talking about the cucumbers from the cucumber garden every day. It seems that it is not an ordinary cucumber, but a flat peach in the Palace of Heaven, and one bite can make you immortal."

Yu Dong glanced at Yu Hua and the others, "You guys are also Jinyi's signature faces. When you are away from home, you don't want to publicize the advantages of our school in many ways. You talk about cucumbers every day. Those who don't know think we are some kind of vegetable garden. "

Wang Xiaobo gritted his teeth and said, "Let's not talk about the second child, you are the boss. In "Cucumber Garden Essays", do you still have few paragraphs about cucumbers?"

"Yes." Bi Feiyu said, "Who doesn't know the two treasures of Jinyi, the cucumber in the mouth and the frog in the ear, and you have more than half of the credit for it."

The corner of Yu Dong's mouth twitched a few times, and he was powerless to refute this.

What Bi Feiyu said is correct. In "Essays on the Cucumber Garden", the most frequent occurrences are cucumbers and frog calls. Cucumbers are written by everyone, including Wang Xiaobo, who joined later, always mentioning cucumbers.

As for the cry of frogs, it was basically Yu Dong who mentioned it. After reading Yu Dong's essays, some readers thought that there were toads living in every corner of Jinyi throughout the year.

Shi Tiesheng smiled and said: "Don't tell me, I paid special attention on the way here just now. Although it is daytime, I can really hear the cry of frogs. It can be seen that there are indeed more toads in Jinyi."

"Not only are there many, but also not afraid of people." Bi Feiyu complained: "When I first came to Jinyi, I lived in the single dormitory. Well, if you yell twice, the toad will stop for a while. But after a few years, the situation has changed. Even if you yell, these toads will not stop. Sometimes you yell a few words, and they will not stop. Come on, scream louder."

Wang Xiaobo licked his lips and said with a smile, "Frog calling is actually a kind of courtship behavior. They croak to attract the opposite sex. After you croak twice, they stop croaking. On the one hand, it may be because they are afraid of you, on the other hand It is also because they are worried that your voice will interfere with their calls. In your opinion, their calls are noise, which is unbearable, but to their ears, their voices are extremely beautiful, but your voice is extremely unpleasant. It affected their courtship. After getting along for a long time, they also listened to your voice a lot, and they listened to it, so they didn’t think it was interference. So you called again, and they didn’t stop.”

Yu Hua was taken aback when he heard that, "Are you serious?"

If it was Yu Dong or Bi Feiyu, Yu Hua would definitely not believe it, but Wang Xiaobo was different.

Wang Xiaobo, it's always hard to tell from his expression whether he's joking or serious. In addition, Wang Xiaobo is still a science student, so he knows more about these things than they do.

When Yu Hua asked this question, Wang Xiaobo said blankly, "The first half is true."

"The first half..." Yu Hua rolled her eyes, "Comrade Xiaobo, let me popularize a concept for you. In one sentence, if there is a false element in it, even if only one word is false, then it is a lie."

Wang Xiaobo scratched his chin: "In this way, our standards for judging lies are different."

"What's your standard?" Yu Hua asked.

Wang Xiaobo shrugged and said, "My standard is, as long as I am willing to hear it, it is the truth, and as long as I am not willing to hear it, it is a lie."

Yu Dong saw the two of them bickering, and felt it was interesting, but Yu Yi in his arms was obviously not interested in their topic, and was already moaning impatiently.

Hearing Yu Yi's moaning, Wang Xiaobo said with a smile, "What are you talking about, a father, you don't want to translate?"

Yu Dong frowned and said, "She's saying, you guys are free every day, and you can chat like a toad. If you have this time, you might as well spend more time on literary creation, and don't make readers wait until you're swearing at your mother." .”

Then he looked at Shi Tiesheng again, "Tiesheng, I'll go back and coax the girl first, I won't make any arrangements at noon, let's go to my garden for dinner at night, I just happen to be going there today, and give this girl to her grandfather Grandma and them."

Shi Tiesheng was not too polite, and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll pick cucumbers with them later, and I'll go to your place in the afternoon."



"Brother, is your news accurate?"

In a corner not far from the Jinyi Vegetable Garden, two male students squatted on two rocks with a drawing board in their arms.

At this moment, the eyes of both of them were on the vegetable garden, as if they were waiting for something.

The boy who was questioned said with a smile: "Of course, Chen Mobai from the writer class and I are good friends and we have a very strong relationship. They went on this trip for the first period, and he has already returned. You said Teacher Yu Hua and the others Did you come back?"

The junior squeezed his eyebrows, "Even if Teacher Yu Hua and the others come back, they might not come to the vegetable garden. They have been away for so long and just came home, so they don't have to rest? What about their wives and children, they still think about it. With these cucumbers?"

The senior curled his lips and said, "Haven't you read the Cucumber Garden Essay?"

"I've seen it, but it's not to this point."

The senior said vowedly, "Believe me, the more they come at this time, the more they will come. Try to think about it in another way. For example, you have a very precious paintbrush, but you forgot to bring it when you went out to sketch, and your dormitory There are still a few wolves, tigers and leopards inside, roommates who miss your supplies every day, will you make sure that the paintbrush is safe as soon as you go back?"

The junior nodded blankly, "Brother, I can understand when you say that. And if you don't pick cucumbers today, they may not be there tomorrow."

"Now that the summer melons have just come out, they are relatively tender. It is impossible for them not to come. Even if they don't come now, they should come back tonight. It will definitely be worthwhile for us to wait."

"Okay, then wait."

The two rubbed their hands together, then squatted down on the stone seriously.

These two are majoring in oil painting. One is a junior named Li Dafeng, and the other is a freshman named Wang Haiyang. This time the two of them came to the vegetable garden for sketching. Of course their goal is not The fruits and vegetables in the vegetable garden are the people who came to pick the vegetables.

In fact, there are many students who painted Yu Hua and the others picking cucumbers, because for Jin Yi, this is a famous scene, and everyone has their own imagination about the description in the cucumber garden essay.

Some of these students' paintings were drawn after watching Yu Hua and the others pick cucumbers, some were drawn out of imagination while looking at the vegetable garden, and some were drawn based on photos.

Over the years, someone always took photos of Yu Hua and the others picking cucumbers, and some photos were still widely circulated in the school.

Li Dafeng and Wang Haiyang can of course imitate others, draw according to imagination, or draw according to the few photos that have been circulated.

But the two people who pursue art think that neither of these two methods will work. They must see the scene with their own eyes to inject power into their paintings.

Moreover, Li Dafeng believed that Yu Hua and the others had been away for a long time this time, and they would come back this time with a sense of urgency, completely different from their usual melon-picking performance.

"Brother, should we take pictures first and then paint?"

Wang Haiyang is a little worried. They usually draw models without moving, but now they have to use their eyes to capture the momentary picture. He is afraid that he will not be able to do it.

Li Dafeng shook his head, "No, although the photos can be preserved, they can't let you feel the immediate emotion of the picture, just feel it with your heart, and then draw what you feel."

Wang Haiyang screamed in his heart, brother, I'm only a freshman.

He even regretted it a little, why did he come here with Senior Brother Li Dafeng.

Brother Li Dafeng is a well-known genius in the department, he is quite appreciated by the professors, and the juniors especially like this senior.

Wang Haiyang followed Li Dafeng, also wanting to learn something from Li Dafeng.

Over the past few months, Wang Haiyang has indeed learned something, but he also realized the gap between him and Li Dafeng.

In front of a genius like Li Dafeng, everyone else in the department should be classified as mediocre.


Li Dafeng suddenly called out.

Wang Haiyang looked forward and saw several people coming together. Wang Xiaobo was tall, so he saw it at first glance, and his second glance saw the person in the wheelchair.

When Wang Haiyang was wondering who was sitting in the wheelchair, Li Dafeng next to him yelled again, "Fuck, Shi Tiesheng has also come to Jinyi, and Lao Chen didn't tell me the news."

Although Wang Haiyang has never met Shi Tiesheng, he has heard of this name. He looked at the people walking towards the vegetable garden in surprise, and he did not expect that there would be unexpected gains.

At the same time, Wang Haiyang also secretly marveled, these teachers are really amazing, they actually ran to the cucumber garden as soon as they came back, and they also brought Shi Tiesheng who has handicapped legs and feet.

Although Li Dafeng gave an example with a paintbrush, Wang Haiyang still cannot equate a paintbrush with a cucumber deep in his heart.

Wang Haiyang raised the drawing board to start writing, but when he saw that Li Dafeng was not moving, he stopped.

Yu Hua and the others pushed Shi Tiesheng's wheelchair into the vegetable garden, and a few people picked a few tender melons from the melon stand, washed them casually by the side of the well, and ate them.

When Yu Hua ate the third melon, Yu Dong came back with Yu Yi in his arms. He coaxed Yu Yi at home for a while, and when he saw that the weather outside was good, he came to the vegetable garden with Yu Yi in his arms to join in the fun.

In a place like Vegetable Garden, people will become happy, and even Yu Yi, who likes to be noisy, keeps laughing.

Shi Tiesheng was also laughing, he finally ate the cucumbers from the cucumber garden.

He also finally understood why Yu Hua and the others talked about cucumbers every day. This was the sweetest cucumber he had ever eaten in his life. can be ranked second.

If Shi Tiesheng had to talk about the sweetness of this cucumber, he probably wouldn't be able to explain why, but when he was in this vegetable garden, he could feel the sweetness of the cucumber before he even tasted it.

Do you think this kind of thing is reliable?
Hard to say.

Sometimes with Yu Hua and the others, Shi Tiesheng feels that he does not need a wheelchair and can run freely.

It was as if I had grown a pair of eyes in the sky. In the scene seen by these eyes, there was a healthy Shi Tiesheng and Yu Hua laughing and cursing together, very happy.

He once wrote in "The Altar of Earth and Me": One day, I will also go down in silence, holding on to my crutches.One day, in a certain valley, a child who has paid back his capital will inevitably run up, holding his toy.Of course, that's not me.But isn't that me?
Shi Tiesheng looked up at the sky, he wanted to see if he had a pair of eyes, if so, then he might not be the one suffering.

(End of this chapter)

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