Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 827 This company is Xueleshan

Chapter 827 This company is Xueleshan
Shi Tiesheng's original plan was to stay in Jinyi for a week.

According to the original plan, Shi Tiesheng will return to Yanjing on June [-]th.

During this time, Shi Tiesheng lived with Wang Xiaobo all the time, because Wang Xiaobo lived alone.Both of them are actually patients, but Wang Xiaobo's condition is relatively stable now, and his movements are not hindered, so he can take care of Shi Tiesheng.

Moreover, Wang Xiaobo now lives on the first floor, which is more convenient for Shi Tiesheng.

On the night of the [-]th, Yu Hua was generous and invited everyone to his house for dinner, which was also practiced for Shi Tiesheng.

Although it was said to be practiced for Shi Tiesheng, at the end of the dinner, it was Yu Hua and the others who got drunk.

A few drunks chattered about the mountains for a while, but in the end they still couldn't get over the drowsiness. Seeing Yu Hua's eyelids fighting, Yu Dong dragged Wang Xiaobo to send Shi Tiesheng back.

When we arrived at Wang Xiaobo's dormitory, Shi Tiesheng smiled and said, "Excuse me, I'm tired. I've put on a lot of weight these days."

Wang Xiaobo said with a smile, "Yuanwai has been exercising recently, not to mention carrying you, even if he came to carry me, he will not be tired. Look at the tendons on his arms, which are angular."

"It's okay to recite Tiesheng, but it's almost impossible to recite you."

Putting Shi Tiesheng on the wheelchair, Yu Dong also sat down on the sofa in the room, "Comrade Xiaobo, please pour me a cup of tea."

"You don't treat yourself as an outsider." Wang Xiaobo complained, and then asked Shi Tiesheng, "Tiesheng, what do you drink?"

Shi Tiesheng waved his hand, "I'm not going to drink anymore, I just had a full drink at Yu Hua's house. You should pour yourself a glass, I see you drank a lot at night."

"Hey, I ordered a lot of drinks in twos and threes. If Yu Hua and the others didn't stop me, I would definitely..."

Yu Dong curled his lips and said, "If they hadn't stopped you, I think you'd have another heart attack tonight."

Hearing this, Wang Xiaobo didn't reply, made a cup of tea for Yu Dong, and sat down on the sofa.

After blowing on the tea in the cup, Wang Xiaobo said with a smile, "Tie Sheng, are you sure you don't want a cup? If you go back to Yanjing, it will not be easy to drink good tea."

"Nonsense, BJ has too much tea. Besides, you all know that I can't drink too much tea."

After Shi Tiesheng finished speaking, there was a moment of silence in the room.

Both Yu Dong and Wang Xiaobo knew the reason why Shi Tiesheng couldn't drink too much tea. Shi Tiesheng had suffered from kidney disease for a long time. If it wasn't for the better treatment in the past few years, he might have developed uremia.

For a disease like his, drinking too much tea will put more pressure on the kidneys.

"Cough cough." Yu Dong coughed lightly, and said, "Is sister Ximi always at home to take care of you?"

"Ximi is often at home, but Huaxia Publishing House often needs her to be busy. Sometimes Shi Lan will come over. But I told Shi Lan not to come. Apart from the fact that I can't leave, life is still not a big problem."

Chen Ximi is the deputy editor of Huaxia Publishing House. Although she does not have to be on duty due to special circumstances, she is always busy with things in the agency.

Shi Lan is Shi Tiesheng's younger sister.Shi Lan is ten years younger than Shi Tiesheng, and has already married and moved out.

As for Shi Tiesheng's father, he passed away two years ago.

When they were chatting two days ago, Shi Tiesheng also said that the couple was also considering whether to invite an aunt to the house, so that Chen Ximi could work well.

Yu Dong pondered for a while, and said, "Tie Sheng, have you ever thought about leaving Yanjing and living in other places, such as Jinling?"

Shi Tiesheng was about to light a cigarette, but after hearing Yu Dong's words, he put down the match again.

Before Shi Tiesheng could speak, Yu Dong said, "You come to Jinyi as a writer-in-residence, and if you have nothing to do, you can go to the writer class to teach students. As for Miss Ximi, I chatted with the editor-in-chief of "Yuhua" a few days ago. He told me that their magazine is also short of an associate editor, and it is not difficult to transfer Sister Ximi's relationship. Of course, we have to ask Sister Ximi's meaning, whether she is willing to leave Huaxia Publishing House , go to "Rain Flowers"."

Wang Xiaobo was stunned by the side for a while, and then he came to his senses, and quickly cooperated with Yu Dong, "How about coming to Jinling, we have so many people, and we can take care of you at ordinary times. You said to invite Auntie to come to the house, I think , the reason why you have been hesitating all this time must be because you would feel uncomfortable inviting an outsider to your home. If you don’t invite auntie, Chen Ximi can’t work with peace of mind. In addition, the environment in Jinling is much better than that of Yanjing. Illness is also very beneficial. I am a real case, and after coming to Jinling, my illnesses are much less."

Shi Tiesheng's expression was apologetic, "This... I'll go back and ask Ximi."

Seeing that Shi Tiesheng didn't object, Yu Dong and Wang Xiaobo looked at each other, they knew there was still hope for this matter.

Wang Xiaobo continued, "Well, go back and discuss with Chen Ximi, and analyze all the benefits to her. You also know the benefits of our school's writer-in-residence, whether it's housing or monthly allowances. All very rich."

"Okay, okay, I'll talk to Ximi later. But if I really want to come over, it's a pity that I won't be able to eat the mutton from Niujie and the sauced beef from Baizhifang."

Both Yu Dong and Wang Xiaobo smiled. They knew that Shi Tiesheng probably didn't miss the mutton from Niujie and the sauced beef from Baizhifang, but the earth altar in front of his house.

In terms of scenery, the Gulin Park next to Jinyi is a few blocks away from the Ditan, but the Ditan has a special meaning to Shi Tiesheng.

Of course, talking about mutton and sauced beef is also Shi Tiesheng's style.

Shi Tiesheng only talks about life in his articles, but he never talks about the impermanence of life in his life.

There are two topics he talks about the most, one is food and the other is sports.

Both like food, but there are many differences between Shi Tiesheng and Mr. Wang Zengqi. Mr. Wang Zengqi treats food more like he treats articles, meticulous, warm and full of flavor, while Shi Tiesheng is straightforward, giving people a feeling of feasting.

But when it comes to food, Wang Xiaobo is also excited, "You have spent most of your time at Jinyi these days. You have no chance to taste the food in Jinling. If you have time, I will take you to try the roast duck in Jinling. It is very different from the nature of Yanjing." It’s different, it has a different flavor. Besides, I don’t know where the duck blood vermicelli in Jinling is authentic, but Yuanwai took us to a family in Gulou before, and the taste was really good. Mrs. Yuanwai, Mrs. Cheng’s doorstep, there used to be people carrying burdens... "

Seeing Wang Xiaobo talking endlessly about Jinling's delicacies, Yu Dong felt admiration from the bottom of his heart. They had just returned from eating and drinking, and they were able to talk about delicacies.

Shi Tiesheng is also amazing, listening to Wang Xiaobo talking about those delicacies, he felt like drooling.


The next morning, Yu Dong sent someone to take Shi Tiesheng home. Before leaving, Yu Dong said to Shi Tiesheng, "Go back and talk to Sister Ximi."

Shi Tiesheng smiled and said, "Okay."

After the car left, Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu looked confused, and Yu Hua asked, "What did you tell him to tell Ximi?"

"Naturally, it means that you guys take him to play football every day and let him keep the goal."

Shi Tiesheng stayed at Jinyi for six days and played four games with Yu Hua and the others, in which he was the goalkeeper for three games and he was the referee for the other game.

Bi Feiyu retorted, "We can't blame this, it was Tie Sheng's request."

Yu Hua pursed her lips and said, "That's right, I even suggested to him that he should play forward, but he himself disagreed."

Yu Dong pointed at the two of them, "Shameless, really shameless."


On June [-], Amazon's stock recovered slightly, up three points from the [-]th.

The reason is simple, because the pre-sale of "Wall-E" on Amazon has exploded.

The pre-sale was actually opened more than a month ago, but the pre-sale data at the beginning was mediocre. Until two days ago, the pre-sale suddenly exploded, directly soaring to 120 million copies.

This is definitely a magic number. You must know that users need to pay for books in advance when ordering books on Amazon. These 120 million books alone will bring more than 500 million US dollars in cash to Amazon.

Of course, more than $500 million in cash is not the key. The key is that Amazon has gained a higher popularity, which makes some people feel that Amazon is doing it again.

In fact, not only the pre-sale of "Wall-E" is good, but also the sales data of Rowling's "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" is also particularly good.

"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" was released on May 28. In the past ten days, more than 160 million copies have been sold on Amazon.

However, even if Amazon's stock rises slightly, smart investors know that this wave of rising is just a dying struggle, and it is impossible to turn too big a wave.

YU and Rowling are well-known, but if they want to rely on their books to turn the tide and save a company of Amazon's size, it is simply a dream.

Of course, for readers, YU's name may not save Amazon, but it can definitely save them.


Early in the morning on the [-]th, as soon as Horst arrived at the company and turned on his computer, he clicked on the Deep Space Tribal Network.

His desk is facing the boss's office, and the boss can see his computer screen at a glance, but for an advertising company like them, it is normal to go to the deep space tribe to touch fish in the morning.

In other words, for them, going to the Deep Space Tribal Network is considered a job.

Their boss is a very thoughtful young man. As soon as the Deep Space Tribe was launched, he aimed at this website and opened several accounts on it one after another.

After this period of operation, several accounts of their company on Deep Space Tribe have begun to take shape, and the combined number of fans of these accounts has reached more than 100 million.

Horst is in charge of their company's official account, which is usually used to receive business.

The content usually published by this account is very simple, that is, to post the success stories of the company, and customers who need it will naturally contact them when they see it.

Horst still didn't forget about his work. He first read a circle of private messages, and after confirming that there was no business, he browsed on the website.

You don't need to search deliberately, as long as you open the Deep Space Tribe these days, you can easily see news related to "Wall-E".

The content is similar, either the readers express how excited and looking forward to they are, or they are discussing the direction of the new book.

Because the Deep Space Tribe released a short video of "WALL-E" when the video function was launched, everyone thinks that this novel has something to do with robots, but no one knows what kind of story it is.

Horst is not keen on these discussions. He doesn't want to guess what the novel is about. He just hopes to read the novel quickly and see the real content of the novel.

Moreover, during this period of time, there are quite a lot of rumors on the Internet, and there are various versions.

For example, yesterday, Horst saw a version. He saw that the title of the tribe was "Wall-E novel leaked in advance" before he clicked on it.

There is a long article in it, which is like the outline of a novel. The story probably says that there is a robot named Wall-E in the robot kingdom. It is very ugly and weak. It is not eye-catching among many robots. Some chores that no one wants to do.

But later, Wall-E awakened his consciousness and kept looking for parts to arm himself. In the end, Wall-E built himself into a robot with very powerful combat effectiveness but an inconspicuous appearance.

It happened that a robot fighting competition was going to be organized in the robot kingdom, and Wally signed up for a high bonus.

There are tens of thousands of robots participating in the battle competition. If Wali wants to get the bonus, he must first go through a lot of auditions.

The rules of the game are very simple and rude, and it is a one-round system from the beginning to the end. Winners advance, losers go home.

At the beginning of the game, Wally won easily, but no one paid attention.

It wasn't until nine rounds later that the audience discovered the inconspicuous little Wali, and he became a dark horse that people talked about.

It's just that in the finals, because the shady WALL-E didn't win the championship, it left with anger, and when it left, it even shouted the classic line: I will come back.

The standard cool novel, although everyone knows that this thing is definitely not YU's novel, but there are still many people who like to read it.

Horst browsed the website again, and when he was about to start working today, his boss Sterling called out to him, "Horst, come in."

"What's the matter..." As he said, Horst got up and walked towards Sterling's office.

Sterling said with a smile, "The company has received a small case, so you can come up with a plan."

"What kind of case?" Horst asked.

"A game company, they have created a game sales platform, and it will be officially launched tomorrow. I hope we can make a promotional plan for them."

"Tomorrow?" Horst asked in surprise, "It will be on the shelves tomorrow, so it's too late to plan the publicity plan today."

"They have limited funds, and they did all the pre-publicity work by themselves, and the effect was not satisfactory, so they thought of asking us to help."

Horst shrugged, "So, the remuneration is not much?"

"Very few indeed."

"Then why did you pick it up? It's not like your style?"

Sterling said with a smile, "Because this company is Sierra."

 I have been having a fever for the past two days, recurring fever

(End of this chapter)

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