Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 828 Morning in East District 8

Chapter 828 Morning in East Eighth District
After hearing the name Xue Leshan, Horst's expression froze.

For many people who love video games, the name Xuele Mountain is certainly no stranger, and the adventure games of Xuele Mountain also accompanied Horst through an unforgettable childhood, especially "The King's Secret Envoy" and "Police Story" These two games impressed him very deeply.

These two games are still stored in the old computer at Horst's home.

After graduating, Horst hadn’t played this kind of game. For a long time, Horst hadn’t heard anything about Sierra until Deep Space announced the acquisition of Vivendi’s game department. Including Blizzard and Sierra Mountain.

In most people's opinion, the focus of Deep Space's acquisition should be on Blizzard, and the subsequent WCG also confirmed people's thinking. Deep Space tried every means to promote Blizzard's games.

As for Xuele Mountain, it seems that nothing special happened after being acquired by Deep Space. No matter how you look at it, it looks like an addition when Deep Space acquired Blizzard.

Moreover, there is a gossip that when Deep Space went to Vivendi to discuss the acquisition, it did indeed propose that as long as Blizzard was not interested in Xueleshan, it was Vivendi who forced it to Deep Space.

However, after Deep Space acquired Sierra, Horst also specifically learned that Deep Space invited back Ken Williams who had left before.

Ken Williams is the founder of Sierra, but he left Sierra not long after Sierra was sold to CUC as a whole in 1994.

After welcoming Ken Williams back, Xuele Mountain has been silent, and Horst has not paid much attention to it. He is naturally very surprised when he hears that Sterling said that Xuele Mountain asked them to plan a promotional plan.

"Did Ken Williams contact you?" Horst asked.

"It's his wife. The two of them seem to be doing the bargaining." Sterling said with a smile, "Ms. Williams is a good bargainer. I didn't get anything from her." Get a good price."

Horst frowned, and said with a puzzled expression, "Xue Le Mountain is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Deep Space, if they need some publicity, why don't they rely on the strong publicity capabilities of the parent company, but come to us... …Sterling, I don’t mean to offend, but for Deep Space, we are indeed a small company. Our publicity ability is not even one percent of Deep Space’s.”

"I also asked Mrs. Williams this question, and she explained to me that the publicity costs of deep space are too expensive, and they can't afford it." Sterling said.

Horst asked unexpectedly, "Will Deep Space Corporation charge high prices for its subsidiaries? In addition, after acquiring Xuele Mountain, Deep Space did not give Xuele Mountain any financial support? Everyone knows that Deep Space now has a lot of Money. They spend money everywhere, tens of millions of dollars to make a movie, and hundreds of millions of dollars to acquire a company, so don’t they want to spend some money on Sierra, even if it’s just a few million dollars?”

Sterling shrugged, "It's hard to say. Although Deep Space has a lot of money, it also has a lot of places to spend it. Like Sierra Mountain, Deep Space Corporation may not be willing to invest too much energy in them. We don't need to use these things. No matter what Mrs. Williams said is true or not, we just need to do our business well. If you have time in the afternoon, go to Sierra Mountain. Their company is not far from us. You can go and see their What is the situation of the game sales platform, is there any point that is conducive to publicity, and we will come up with a plan for them as soon as possible."

Horst curled his lips, "No matter how fast it is, don't wait until the afternoon, I'll go there now, and I can buy a little more time."

Sterling gave Horst a thumbs up: "Very good work attitude, then I will call Mrs. Williams, or, are you here to make this call?"

"Come on, give me her phone number."


Horst was not very embarrassed when he saw the somewhat empty office of Xueleshan Company. He heard that since being acquired by Vivendi, Xueleshan has fired hundreds of employees one after another.

However, the company's CEO Ken Williams seems to be in a good state, and he did not appear depressed because of the company's loss of a large number of employees.

Seeing the state of Ken Williams, Horst was very curious. What made Ken Williams willing to "enter the palace for the second time" and return to Sierra Mountain, and what made Ken Williams look like Looks very confident.

However, when Horst saw the game sales platform Sierra showed him, he knew the answer to the question.

Horst didn't have much research on this kind of game mall, and naturally he didn't know the advantages of Space's graphics compared to other game malls, but he knew all those well-known games.

Games such as "Resident Evil", "Escape" and "Fifa" on the space made Horst feel the richness of this game sales platform.

In addition, these games also illustrate a problem, that is, Deep Space Corporation may not take the company of Xuele Mountain as seriously as they guessed before.

Wanting to understand this problem, Horst became more motivated, because he knew that if this matter was done well, he might be able to get on line with Deep Space Company. , the benefits are immeasurable.

After getting the space information from Xueleshan, Horst returned to the company and formed a four-member team to take charge of the Xueleshan case.

Because the platform will be launched tomorrow, Horst did not bother to make a complete publicity plan, and started publicity on the same day.

One of their company's several accounts is dedicated to the sports section, and games are also included in the sports section. When Deep Space Company held WCG before, their account did a special topic for a period of time and gained many fans.

Horst first asked his colleagues who are familiar with the game to come up with an evaluation draft, which was released on "Whirlwind Athletic" that afternoon.

But this is of course not enough, after all, "Tornado Athletic" has less than 30 fans, and its influence is far from enough.

Fortunately, Horst and his company have also cooperated with many well-known tribe pigs, so they contacted two game tribe pigs with more than 50 fans to release this tribe together.

After the three accounts posted to the tribe, the popularity of the space finally picked up a bit.

But this is not over yet, Horst asked another tribal pig to publish a long article, raising two questions about space, first, whether space has the copyright of the game mentioned in the review, and second, whether the name of space plagiarized Deep Space intention of.

The first point of doubt is actually unreasonable. After all, no one dares to release a game sales platform so openly to sell games that they have not authorized. But netizens don’t care about these, they just love to watch this kind of drama.

As for the second question, it is easier to attract the attention of netizens. After all, this is a deep space tribe, and everyone knows about deep space.This platform is called space, let’s not talk about plagiarism or not, the possibility of getting popular is very high.

In fact, as long as you think about it carefully, you can know that this space should be related to deep space.

It is basically impossible for this platform to sell games of Deep Space Corporation without authorization. In this case, they must have cooperated with Deep Space Corporation, and Deep Space Corporation must know about this platform.

Since Deep Space Corporation doesn't mind that the platform is called space, and authorized the game to them, the answer is self-evident.

But netizens don’t have time to think so much, or in other words, most netizens are unwilling to spend time thinking about these things, and they see too much information in a short period of time, which is not conducive for them to filter out useful and real information.

Therefore, Horst's set has really aroused discussions among some netizens, and it can even be said to be scolding.

"Whirlwind Technology" was the most scolded, but it also gained fans the fastest.

Normally, their account would gain hundreds of thousands of followers a day, but after the long review post was sent out, the account gained more than 3 followers that night.

As for the attributes of these fans, Horst doesn't care, anyway, there will be a big reversal later.

The more these netizens scold now, the more sympathy and support they will receive in the future.

Horst knew that if he told people that the space platform was produced by Xueleshan, and Xueleshan was owned by Deep Space Corporation, the publicity effect might not be very good, because the incident was too simple and lacked emotional collision.

Human beings always have a deep impression on a thing when their emotions collide violently.Moreover, the drama of being wronged and finally being wronged can easily resonate with netizens.

In fact, doing marketing is similar to making TV dramas, it mainly depends on how well the script is written.

As for script writing, no matter how old-fashioned the routine is, it is still very useful.


In fact, Horst's operation was really useful, and even Jimmy saw the publicity about the space.

When Jimmy was inspecting the official deep space tribe, he saw several comments that mentioned space. These comments all accused space of being a poor plagiarist, and hoped that the deep space company would take it seriously.

After seeing these comments, Jimmy also took some time to check, and probably figured out what was going on.

Jimmy is a veteran in publicity. He knew at a glance that Xue Leshan had found a marketing company. Not only the accounts of Whirlwind Technology that posted long reviews, but also the accounts that raised doubts should be cooperated with this marketing company. of.

Although the method is relatively simple, Jimmy still affirmed this operation.

"The effect is not bad."

In fact, the main reason why Jimmy didn't take responsibility for the promotion of the space this time is that he wanted Sierra Mountain to really resume operation through the promotion work.

Xueleshan didn't stay in Vivendi's hands for too long, but in such a short time, Vivendi destroyed Xueleshan to the point where it was almost unable to operate.

Although Jimmy invited the Williams couple back again, it was not easy to get Sierra up and running again.

In addition, this time the SPCE platform was planned by Yu Dongdai, and the production was handed over to Deep Space Computer. Xue Leshan was only responsible for talking about the agency of a few games, and there are many other games that Deep Space helped to discuss. Yes, the whole process did not reflect the value of the Williams couple at all.

Jimmy thought, if the parent company can help solve everything, why spend a lot of money to bring Williams and his wife back to Sierra Mountain?Wouldn't it be better to send a cheap and obedient employee directly from the head office.

Therefore, Jimmy wanted to use this publicity work to let the Williams and his wife do more things, to prove their worth, and at the same time drive the entire Sierra Mountain to run.

As for Sierra outsourcing the publicity work to a marketing company, Jimmy doesn't mind, because handing the right job to the right person is an important job in itself.

Jimmy also told Ken Williams before that if you want the parent company to help promote it, it’s not impossible, just pay the money, and give them a [-]% discount on any other company’s price.

But even if there is a discount, it is not something that Xueleshan can afford now.

Now Xueleshan has found a company willing to do marketing for them, which is also their skill.

Jimmy believes that under the leadership of Williams and his wife, Sierra will recover step by step.

There will be more and more companies under Shenkong Holdings. What Jimmy needs is a subsidiary that can solve problems independently. Only such a subsidiary can bring benefits to the group. tired.

After watching Xueleshan's publicity routine this time, Jimmy looked at the time again. It was already past nine o'clock in the evening. If there is no accident, there should be spoilers for "Wall-E" on the Internet in a while, because of this At that time in China, "Wall-E" was already on sale.

Although this book is released simultaneously in more than 20 countries, due to the time difference, it is impossible to achieve complete synchronization, so China is used as the starting point. The novel is first released in China, and then it goes west. on sale.

The information released by Deep Space is based on the time zone. China’s time zone is relatively early, so it ranks first.

But everyone knows that China is the East Eighth District, and there are East Nine to East Twelve Districts in front of China. If it is early or late according to the time zone, countries like New Zealand are the first.

Now China is the earliest, which means that the East Ninth District is the latest. Countries such as Neon and Korea will not be able to see "Wall-E" until June NO.11.

This time, for the convenience of Yu Dong, the signing event for the new book release was also held in the Deep Space Park.

The signing session didn't start until nine o'clock, but at eight o'clock, there was already a long queue at the Literature Museum.

Because the official has notified in advance that this signing will arrange a half-hour media question and answer meeting, so many reporters came today. It's a team of reporters.

The media that came this time were not only domestic, but also many well-known foreign media, such as ABC and Entertainment Weekly.

 Throat swallowed the blade. Before, I thought swallowing the blade was a bit exaggerated. Now it seems that it is even a bit conservative. How can it hurt so much.Thanks for the 1500 reward from 【Hell Demon King】
(End of this chapter)

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